六年级英语下册 Review Module Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起)_第1页
六年级英语下册 Review Module Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起)_第2页
六年级英语下册 Review Module Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起)_第3页




外研版一起六年级英语下册教案Review ModuleUnit 2 Who are they talking about? 教材分析学习任务:复习描述人物的外貌特征。教学目标:知识目标: 巩固复习本学期所学主要句型、单词和语法: 现在进行时,一般现在时等。技能目标:1.运用语言描述人物特点及感受。2.归纳梳理所学重点知识内容。情感态度目标:培养学生积极参与合作学习的意识。教学重点:词汇:复习形容词的用法。目标语句:一般现在时、现在进行时的描述语句。教学难点:运用描述性语言。学生分析经过六个学年的英语学习,学生对基本的词汇语法内容有了一定的了解。在本册教材的复习过程中,学生比较系统地对小学阶段的语言知识体系进行了梳理。学生在本模块的课堂教学中通过积极参与丰富、真实的语言活动,巩固、运用所学内容完成学习任务。设计理念在中小学英语教学中应采用任务型教学法,培养学生的实践和创新能力,就必须把学生的生活实际和兴趣作为教学的出发点和落脚点。因此为学生创设生动、鲜活、自然的语言环境,让学生积极主动建构语言知识及语言运用方式,激发学生的二次创造,是英语任务教学法的精髓。在本模块教学中,把语言知识的复习贯穿于任务型的活动中,促使学生积极运用语言。教学准备教学挂图, 照片或卡通画像教学流程一 、Warm-up(热身活动)T: I am a teacher. What does your mother do?S1: She is a T: What other job do you know?S2: doctor, worker(教师把它们一一写在黑板上,教师可以补充一些,并通过身体语言的帮助解释一些职业的含义。)游戏:My friends job. T: I have a friend. He is a Guess what he is? You can ask me some questions, such as: Does he work in a hospital? Is he wearing the uniform? Presentation(介绍新语言项目)教师向学生介绍自己的朋友,学生根据描述画出画像,然后教师拿出朋友的照片,给学生对照。看谁画得最接近。T: Liu Dan is my friend. Ill say something about her. Please draw a picture of her. Prepare a pencil and a piece of paper. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Liu Dan is a nurse. She has big eyes, a small nose and a small nose. She is tall. Her hair is long and black. She is not fat. She is wearing a white blouse and a blue skirtNew teaching(课文教学)学生用书活动1教师出示挂图T: Look at this man. What does he look like? What is he wearing? What does he do?S1: He is angry. He is wearing Maybe he is a bus driver.T: Oh, look at this woman. What ? (谈论其余的四个人物)T: Now open your books and read the words. At the same time you can match them with the pictures.学生用书活动2教师先示范,心理想着活动1中的图片,请学生通过提问猜猜老师想的是哪幅图?学生用书活动3T: I think of a kid of our class. He is not very tall. He is thin. He is wearing a grey jacket. He likes play football. Guess who he is?S1: Maybe he isT: Who wants to describe another kid of our class?S2: I do. She is T: Now lets have a group work. One says something about a kid and others guess. (教师鼓励学生在运用教材中提供的词句基础上灵活运用语言。)Practice(练 习 )课堂活动用书练习1 T: Please observe the exercises first. and finish them by yourself. Then you can discuss the answers in your group. Collect your questions and ask me.课堂活动用书练习2T: Look at the pictures in Exercise 1. Listen to the tape and talk about the characters in your group.Ss have a group work.Production(任务完成)完成信息交流活动。T: Now we have known how to describe a person. Here are two tables for you and your partner. You can ask questions each other and finish off the table.S1: What does she do? What colour is her hair? What does he do?(老师根据本册书所学知识,设计表格,两个表格存在信息差,学生通过互相提问,完成表格。)Summary and homework(小结与作业)课堂活动用书练习3 T: We have known English for 6 years. We should sum up our english learning. How


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