六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 16(3)教案 冀教版(通用)_第1页
六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 16(3)教案 冀教版(通用)_第2页
六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 16(3)教案 冀教版(通用)_第3页




冀教版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Good health to youLesson 16 :Again,Please!一、教学目标 1、知识目标:复习本单元的重点单词:介词:after before名词:bones cabbage day exercise face homework hours minutes months muscles onions peas skin teeth weeks动词:brush comb 形容词:healthy high low strong weak2、能力目标:通过情景创设,让学生能够理解并会书写这些单词,并在情景中运用单词,培养自主学习的能力,获得与同学交流的方法。3、情感目标:通过本单元的学习,让学生知道如何强健身体?并学会在生活中如何与他人合作。二、 教学重、难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写本单元四会单词并能根据本单元的内容完成小作文训练:How do you do make your body strong and healthy?三、教具、学具课件、六年级配套光盘、单词卡、篮球四、教学过程四、教学过程一、Greeting.二、Revision1. ChantRiding a bike. Walking to school.Running is exercise.Playing ping-pong. Flying a kite.Skipping is exercise.2.让同学们思考“How to make strong and healthy? ”找几名自告奋勇的学生回答问题,在找一名学生进行总结。教师引导:“ If you want to be healthy and strong, you must eat breakfast, have good life habbits, eat more fruit and vegetables, do more exercise and work hard.”把重点词留给学生说。3.观看幻灯片,和周围的同学探讨“How many minutes do you exercise?” “How often do you exercise?”这两个问题。4.看幻灯片中的表格,小组合作完成。三、Practise1.Play a game “Whats missing?”(规则:把词汇卡片竖放在教室前面,告诉学生看1分钟的卡片后闭上眼睛,然后教师移开一张卡片。让学生睁开眼睛,设法指出教师移走了哪张卡片。提问每个学生让其说出移走的卡片的名称,直到猜对正确答案为止。让学生重新看到那张移走的卡片,并把它放回原处。那名猜对正确答案的学生可以在移走另一张卡片,让大家接着猜。)2. 用“Living picture”的变化形势作此游戏。规则:将全班分成若干小组。要求每组学生构思一幅在学校努力学习、在运动场上奋力拼搏、在家里多做家务活儿的生活画面。每组学生先给自己的“画面”设定一个恰当的背景,然后展示适当的动作。教师可以读出如下例句,也可以自行造句。在学校努力学习:We work hard in the classroom. In the classroom, there are desks, chairs, books, pens, a blackboard and markers. The teacher writes on the blackboard with the chalk. We listen to our teacher. We draw with our markers. At (时间) ,we go home. Then we do our homework.在运动场上奋力拼搏:We work hard at sports. Before we play sports, we put on shorts, T-shirts and running shoes. We exercise. We reach up high. We bend down low. We like to play basketball. There are three players on each team. This is the (颜色) team. This is the (颜色) team. Now we are playing a game. The (颜色) team wins! The (颜色) team says “we lose”.在家里多做家务活儿:This is the kitchen. In the kitchen, there is a stove, a refrigerator and a sink. We help our mother and farther in the kitchen. Mother says: “Please bring some cabbage. The cabbage is in the refrigerator”. Then we cook the cabbage on the stove. We eat supper together. After supper, we wash the dishes. Look! Now the floor is dirty! We wash the floor. 要求学生课后写一写所说的内容。 3.复习本单元中的句型:How often-?这个练习可根据图表来复习:就拿Eat breakfast来说,教师可问班上某一个学生,让他说出一周中他都是哪天吃早饭?然后填表。How often did you eat breakfast last week? Lesson 16 :Again,Please!Name Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 填完此表后教师可根据学生的情况进行问答练习。回答时注意一次用“Once”,两次用“ Twice ”,三次及三次以上用“-times”。可根据时间安排其它组练习。根据黑板上的板书练习说话;How do you make your body strong and healthy? 分组进行练习。几分钟后小组表演。四、Class closingLets chant. 五、板书设计Lesson 16 :Again,Please!Name Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 六、Exercises一、根据换算关系补全句子。1._seconds make one minute.2._minutes make one hour.3._hours make one day.4._days make one week.5._weeks make one month.6._months make one year.二、根据图表回答问题。How often does Li Ming eat cabbage? onions? peas? tomatoes? Twice a week. Nine times a week. Eleven times a week. Fourteen times a week. 1.


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