科技英语写作资料:复件 几个复杂的翻译例句_第1页
科技英语写作资料:复件 几个复杂的翻译例句_第2页
科技英语写作资料:复件 几个复杂的翻译例句_第3页




1、几个复杂的翻译例句1The history of the Internet dates to the early days of computer networking in the 1960s. Today, when many workgroups have personal computers linked together in Local Area Networks (LANs), its somewhat difficult to envision a world when mainframes dominated, and getting those mainframes to

2、talk to one another was a bold new concept. 因特网的历史可以追溯到计算机开始联网的六十年代。今天,当很多工作小组都已拥有自己在局域网中互相联网的个人计算机时,人们也许很难想象,在大型计算机机独霸天下的年代要想让这些大型机互相进行信息交流曾被认为是一种十分大胆而超前的设想。 2The use of programming languages (compilers) not only results in higher part quality but also allows for more rapid development of machining

3、 instructions. In addition, simulations can be run on remote computer terminals, to ensure that the program functions as intended. This method prevents unnecessary occupation of expensive machinery for debugging procedures. 采用编程语言(编译程序)不仅能提高零件加工质量而且还可更快地开发出加工指令。此外,我们还可在远处的计算机终端进行加工模拟以确保该程序能按我们意图正常操作

4、。采用这种方法这就避免了在调试程序时不必要地占用昂贵的机床设备。 3Performance demanded of machining center spindles by modern high-performance cutting tool materials include stiffness. running accuracy (run-out), axial load-carrying capacity, thermal stability, and axial freedom for thermal expansion. 现代高性能刀具材料对加工中心的主轴提出的特殊性能要求包括刚

5、性、运动精度、轴向承载能力、热稳定性以及轴向热膨胀自由度等。demand sth. of (from) sb. 向某人提出要求某物,该句用过去分词短语demanded of.修饰Performance,类似句子还可用名词形式的demand 构成。e.g. I have a demand to make of him. 我对他有一个要求。 4A manufacturing system can be defined as a series of value-adding manufacturing processes converting the raw materials into more

6、useful forms and eventually finished products. 一个制造系统可以定义为一系列将原材料转变成更有用的形式,直至最终产品的增值的制造加工过程。value-adding 增值的,有附加值的 5Lead times are of two types: a) ordering lead time and b) manufacturing lead time. Ordering lead time is the total amount of time between initiating a purchase order and receiving the

7、goods. Manufacturing lead time is the total amount of time required to perform all the preparative steps necessary to produce a given part.我们常说的lead time 有两种:一是交货期(从订货到交货的时间),另一个是指制造(生产)准备周期。前者指从发出购货订单到接收货物之间的总的时间;后者包括完成生产某个零件(或产品)所需的一切准备步骤所花费的全部时间。 7Whether an expert system in fact replicates the r

8、easoning process used by a human expert is primarily of interest to computer scientists, as a practical matter it is only necessary that the expert system replicate the results the human expert would have obtained under the same circumstances. 究竟一个专家系统事实上是否在重复一位人类专家所采用的推理过程,这对于计算机专家来说有着十分重要的价值。因为事实上

9、我们就是要求专家系统能够完全重复在同样条件下人类专家所能获得的同样结果。 be of interest to 对.来说值得注意,有重大意义。.that expert system replicate 这里的动词replicate 用原形是虚拟语气句式所要求的,因为前面有it is necessary. 。 8But marketplace change is only one dimension of the competitive pressures that companies and people are experiencing today. At a deeper level, we

10、 are changing from a competitive environment in which mass-market products and services were standardized, long-lived, information-poor and exchanged in one-time transactions to an environment in which companies compete globally with niche market products and services that are individualized and cus

11、tomized,short-lived, information-rich, and exchanged on an ongoing basis with customers. 但是,市场的变化只是商家和生意人当今所面临的竞争压力的一个方面。从更深层次来分析,我们正从一个市场寿命较长的,信息含量较少的并且是一次性完成交易的具有大量市场的标准化产品或服务的竞争环境逐步转变为另外一种新的市场竞争环境。在这种新环境下,各公司利用各自最有优势的热门产品和服务在全球范围内展开竞争。而这些产品和服务的特征是具有个性化、定制化,市场寿命短,信息含量高而且与客户的交易是建立在一个不断发展和扩大的贸易基础之上的

12、。 9In automobile manufacturing, for example, we can use alternative fuels for internal combustion energy: liquid petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas (NG), alcohol and hydrogen; or we can design alternative vehicles: electric and hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles 例如在汽车制造中,(为节约能源)我们可采用一些替代燃料来作为汽车发动机的能源

13、:如液化石油气、天然气、酒精和氢气等;也可设计其他替代交通工具如电动汽车、混合动力汽车以及燃料电池汽车等。 10A considerable overlap is emerging in the manufacturing methods employed in very different areas such as mechanical engineering, optics and electronics, and so appeared a new term recently in manufacturing- “optical, mechanical and electronic i

14、ntegration”. 以往在机械工程,光学,电子学等完全不同的领域所采用的制造方法正越来越呈现出相互交叉与重合,因而目前在制造界出现了一个新名词光、机、电一体化。 11 It is relevant to the applications that will be discussed that individual atoms are easily resolved by the STM, that the stylus tip may be as small as a single atom and that the tip can be positioned with sub-atomic dimensional accuracy with the aid of a p


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