



1、Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains高频语法:unless, as soon as; so that在状语从句中的应用I. Vocabulary.A. 首字母填空.1. The fox ran away before the hunter s_ it.2. The photo r_ me the days when I went travelling with my best friends.3. Chinese Kong Fu is very popular in w_ countries.4. The old lady is too w

2、_ to move the big stone. 5. Little children like to h_ themselves so that their parents will have difficulties finding them. 6. The new cloth actually doesnt f_ the emperor at all. 7. The World Cup can really e_ football lovers all over the world. 8. There are some sandwiches if youre hungry, the ni

3、ce teacher said with a s_.9. It is not right to c_ your parents even though you fail the exam.10. The boy is standing in the rain and his clothes are wet. Maybe he is a little bit s_.B. 用所给词的适当形式填空.1. The beautiful lady got_(marry) to a super star. 2. Tony continued _ (sing) after he finished his ho

4、mework.3. It started _(snow), so the children were very excited.4. Why was Yu Gong _(try) to move the mountains?5. Why cant I _(turn) the stone into gold?6. As soon as he _(come), I will call you. 7. Keep_(try), so you will succeed. C.介副词填空1What could I eat instead_ being angry with him.2. Once _ a

5、time, there was an old man called Yu Gong. 3. The adult money gave birth _a baby monkey last month. 4. You will achieve nothing _you work hard. 5. My mother got married _ my dad 15 years ago. II. Multiple choices1. I enjoy fresh air so I always sleep with the window open _it is really cold.A. unless

6、 B. when C. if .since2. The TV show is _ boring _I am not interested in it at all. A. too, to B. so; that C. suchthat D. enoughto3. The baby is _ young _ eat by himself. A. too, to B. so; that C. asas D. enough, to4. I will be able to enjoy the exciting football matches if I _ in Brazil.A. am B. was

7、 C. have been D. have gone5. Linda wont watch TV unless she _ her homework in time.A. finishes B. finish C. finishing D. to finish6. We should try to come up with a good way _ the problem.A. solves B.to solve C. solving D. solve7. She is _ shy _ she cant talk in front of the class.A. too, to B. so;

8、that C. asas D. enough, to8. The story is _silly for Junior High School students to read. A. a kind of B. a little bit C. a bit of D. a lot ofIII. Sentences. 1. Jack is too hungry to play basketball.(改为同义句)=Jack is _.(sothat)=Jack is _. (so that)2. If it rains tomorrow, we wont go to the movies. (改为

9、同义句)= _. (unless)213. I will call you up when I arrive home.(改为同义句)= _. (as soon as)4. Tom is too young to go to college. =Jack is _ (enough) IV. Translation.育1. -故事怎么发生的?-然后发生了什么?-How _ _ _ _?-What _ _? 2. 为什么愚公试着把山挪走呢?因为山太大了,穿过山走到另一边要花很多时间。 Why was Yu Gong_ to move the _ ? Because they were _ big

10、_ it _ _ _ _ to walk to _ _ side.3. 那个男的一结束说话,愚公说他的家人在他死后可以继续移山。_ _ _ the man _ _, Yu Gong said that his family could continue_ _ _ _after he _ . 4. 除了移走那山,愚公还可以做什么呢?What_ Yu Gong _ _of _ the mountains.5. 每个故事都有许多方面,也有多种理解的方式。_ _ _ _ to a story, and _ _to _ it.6. 这个故事提醒我们,你用用不会知道什么是可能的,除非你尽力实现它。The

11、story _ us that you can never know what _ _ unless you _ _ _ _ _. 7. 为了打败坏人,孙悟空使用一根金箍棒。_ _ bad people, Sun Wukong uses a _ _.8. 但除非他能隐藏自己的尾巴,否则他不能将自己变成人。But _ he can _ his _, he cant _ himself _ a person. 9. 他不想让人们认为他是蠢的,所以他说衣服很漂亮。He didnt _ people _ think he was _, so he said the clothes _ beautifu

12、l.Keys to Unit 6I. Vocabulary.A. 1. shot 2.reminds/reminded 3.western 4.weak 5.hide 6. fit 7. excite 8. smile 9. cheat 10. sillyB. 1.married 2.to sing 3.to snow 4. trying 5.turn 6.comes 7. tryingC.1.of 2.upon 3.to 4.unless 5.to II. A B A A A B B B III. Sentences. 1) Jack is so hungry that he cant pl

13、ay basketball.Jack is hungry so that he cant play basketball.2) We will go to the movies unless it rains tomorrow.3) I will call you up as soon as I arrive home.4) Tom is not old enough to go to college. IV. Translation. 1) does the story happen; happened next?2) trying; mountains; so, that; took a long time; the other3) as soon as; finished talking; to move the mountains


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