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1、E-MARKETING(From:E-Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel EI-Ansary,Raymond Frost-3rd ed.1999 by PearsonEducation pp .G4-G25.)As the growth of G shows, some marketing principles never cha nge.Markets always welcome an inno vative new p roduct, eve n in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it

2、provides customer value.Also,Googles successshows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted market ing mix strategies can be effective in hel ping n ewcomers en ter crowded markets. Nevertheless, orga ni zati ons are scrambli ng to determ ine how they can use in formati on tech no logy

3、p rofitably and to un dersta nd what tech no logy means for their bus in ess strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wirelessmobile devices, and other tech no logies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of

4、 the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,What next? This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic exam in ati on of successful e-mar-keti ng strategies in light of proven traditi onal marketi ng p ractices.(Sales P romotio n;E-Marketi ng; In ternet; Strategic Plan

5、ning )1. What is E-Market ingE-Marketi ng is the app licati on of a broad range of in formatio n tech no logies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies; More efficiently planning and executing the conception

6、, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;a ndCreati ng excha nges that satisfy in dividual con sumer and orga ni zati onal customers objectives.This defi niti on sounds a lot like the defi niti on of traditi onal market ing. Ano ther way to view it is that e-market ing is the

7、 result of in formatio n tech no logy app lied to traditi onal marketi ng. E-marketi ng affects traditi onal marketi ng in two ways. First,it in creases efficie ncy in traditi onal market ing strategies.Thetra nsformatio n results in new bus in ess models that add customer value an d/or in crease co

8、mpany p rofitability.2. E nvir onmen t,Strategy,a nd P erforma nee (ES P)E-Market ing flows form the orga ni zati on s overall e-bus in ess strategies and selected bus in ess en viro nmen t,where legal,tech nological,co mp etitive,marketrelated, and other environmental, factors external to the firm

9、create both opportunities and threats. Organizations perform SWOT analyses to discover what strengths and weaknessesthey have to deploy against threats and opportunities. This SWOT an alysis leads into e-bus in ess and e-marketi ng strategy. Firms, select e-bus in ess strategies and e-bus in ess mod

10、els, and the n marketers formulate strategy and create e-market ing plans that will help the firm acco mp lish its overall goals. The final ste p is to determ ine the success of the strategies and plans by measuri ng results. P erforma nee metrics are sp ecific measures desig ned to evaluate the eff

11、ective ness and efficie ncy of the e-bus in ess and e-market ing op erati ons. this is so important in today s e-bus in ess climate that media rep orts seem to be full of refere nces to ROI and other measures of success for e-bus in ess strategies and tactics featured in the model.The esp model migh

12、t just as easily depict a brick-a nd-mortar bus in ess p rocess -by removing a few e s this underscoresthe idea that e-businessesare built on sound practices and proven processes but with important e-transformations and emarketi ng p ractices, as discussed in this book.This cha pter exam ines the en

13、 vir onmen tal factors in the ESP model, whereas Chap ter 4 and Chap ter 5 explore these imp orta nt factors in more dep th. Chap ter 2 delves into the strategy area, and Chap ter 3 discusses the e-marketi ng planning p rocess.The marketi ng en vir onment is ever cha nge, pro vidi ng plenty of oppor

14、tun ities to devel op new p roducts, new markets, and new media to com muni cate whit customers, plus new cha nn els to reach bus in ess partn ers. At the same time, the en vir onment po ses! Comp etitive, econo mic , and other threats. This secti on in troduces three key en vir onmen tal factors th

15、at affect e-market ing : legal, tech no logical, and marketrelated factors.Curre nt and pending legislati on can greatly in flue nee e-market ing strategies. Chief among these are laws concerning privacy, digital property, expression, and fraud. Privacy is difficult to legislate, yet it is criticall

16、y imp orta nt to con sumers who rout in ely yield personal in formatio n over the Intern et. One hot issue invo Ives op t-out e-mail. This occurs whe n users must un check a Web p age box to avoid being put on a few users read the Web p age carefully eno ugh to no tice the opo-out box. Digital prop

17、erty p roblems bega n in the Web s early days and continue to pu zzle firms and legislators alike. In a medium where content is freely distributed, it can be freely ripped off-not a good thing for the content authors. Spam, offensive content , and other forms of personal exp ressi on con flict whit

18、user rights and thus, from an ongoing discussi on among legislaer n eeds? Fin ally , new tech no logy brings new opportun ities for fraud. Although regulatory agencies are working hard to prevent fraud, en forceme nt is difficult in a n etworked world.Tech no logical devel opments are alteri ng the

19、comp ositi on of Internet audie nces as well as the quality of material that can be delivered to them. For example, about 20% of the U.S. Population enjoys high-bandwidth connections-primarily cable modems and DSL lines-that enable delivery of multimedia content. Some Web sites are beg inning to cre

20、ate three forms of conten t :a high- sp eed multimedia form, a sta ndard PC offeri ng, and a han dheld format for wireless devices such as cell phon es. The prolo fera-ti on of wireless devices creates a new set of design challenges as firms try to squeezecontent onto tinier scree ns. Also imp orta

21、nt are tech no logy concerns in devel oping coun tries. As com muni cati on in frastructures improve and more people use han dheld devices ,new geographic markets develop. Further ,e-marketing is evoIving through software adva nces. For in sta nee, tech no logies that target con sumers accord ing to

22、 their on li ne behavior are beco ming in creas in gly sop histicated. Incorpo rati ng these tech no logies into Web site desig n can give a firm a disti net comp etitive adva ntage.3. E-BUS in ess MarketsSergio Zyma n, formerly chief marketi ng officer of Coca-cola ,has bee n quoted as say ing, mar

23、keti ng is supp osed to sell stuff. One way in formati on tech no logy helps sell stuff if they don tide ntify approp riate markets. Exhibit 1 5 highlights three imp orta nt markets that both sell and buy to each other: bus in esses,c on sumers, and governments. Although this book focuses on the B2C

24、 markets are where most bus in ess activity occurs.The bus in ess market is huge because a higher prop orti on of firms are conn ected to the Internet tha n con sumers, esp ecially in devel oping coun tries. Much of the B2B online activity is transparent to consumers because it invoIves proprietary

25、networks that allow in formatio n and databaseshari ng .Con sider FedEx, the p ackage delivery firm. This company maintains matio n .Its customers can schedule a p ackage pi ck- up using the Web site, track the p ackage using a PC or han dheld P alm P ilot, and pay the shipping bill on li ne. Someti

26、mes the shi pping order is automatically triggered whe n a mail no tificati on of its delivery p rogress to the retailer.The Internet is a global market with opportun ities exist ing in uni mag ined locations, which is why e-marketers must understand consumers in potential geogra phic segme nts. For

27、 exa mple, with an annual average in come of US$300, Viet namese citize ns who opt to spend 28% of their salary on on li ne services do not have much purchasing power. Further, there are waiting lists for automobiles in Viet nam, so an on li ne branding camp aig n might be a waste of resources . Con

28、 versely, Icela nd and Denmark are two of the most wired coun tries in the world with over 60%Internet pen etrati on. Also, con sumers in many coun tries pay by the min ute for local phone access. This is a treme ndous deterre nt to the kind of casual surfi ng p racticed by Internet users in devel o

29、ped n ati ons. In additi on, the in frastructure in some coun tries does not support high-speed modems. Content delivered to these countries may, therefore, have to be light on ban dwidth. Chap ters 15 and 16 look at global Internet markets in more detail.Strategic PlanningAmaz on, like every other

30、marketer on and off the Web, uses strategic planning to get ready for a p rofitable and susta in able bus in ess future. Strategic planning is the man agerial p rocess of devel oping and maintaining a viable fit betwee n the orga ni zati ons objectives,Two key eleme nts of strategic planning are the

31、 prep arati on of a SWOT an alysis and the establishme nt of strategic objectives.the SWOT an alysis examines the company s internal strengths and weaknesseswith respect to the en vir onment and the comp etitio n and looks at exter nal opportun ities and threats. Opportunities may help to define a t

32、arget market or identify new product opportun ities, while threats are areas of exp osure.In a p arallel fashi on, marketi ng strategy becomes e-marketi ng strategy whe n marketers use digital tech no logy to imp leme nt the strategy.Strategice-marketi ng is the desig n of marketi ng strategy that c

33、ap italizes on the orga ni zati on s electro nic or in formatio n tech no logy cap abilities to reach sp ecified objectives. In esse nee, strategic e-marketi ng is where tech no logy strategy and market ing strategy wed to form the orga ni zati on s e-marketi ng strategy.Regardless of whether a cust

34、omer buys from the stone, the catalog, or the Web site, or whether con tact is made by phone, in person, through e-mail, or by p ostal mail, empio yees can access the compu terized database for up-to-date acco unt activity and in formatio n whe n deali ng with customers.Most strategic plans exp la i

35、n the ratio nale for the chose n objectives and strategies. This is esp ecially true for a si ngle e-bus in ess p roject tryi ng to win its share of corpo rate resources and top-man ageme nt supp ort.5.Whats NextRegardlessof the current disillusionment with e-business,many solid successes exist toda

36、y and excit ing new growth areas will soon emerge, For-T une magaz ine has iden tified seve n trends that will help bus in essesmove forward into e-marketi ng duri ng the n ext few years:In tegrati ng IT software. Twen ty-six p erce nt of companies will spend money to in tegrate all the pi eces of c

37、orpo rate tech no logy, such as linking fron t-e nd customer service software with back-e nd order fulfillme nt system.Boom in Web services. Web services will more dee ply into finding uni versal sta ndards for In ternet-related software. Microsoff s dot -net and Sun s Java are two comp eti ng archi

38、tectures, for exa mp le.Collaborati on software. This allows empio yees, advisors, con sulta nts, and other team members to work on projects while in different geographic locations. For example, ” Napster for Marketers is peer-to-peer software that one consulting firm uses to collaborate on market i

39、ng plans with ad age ncies, desig ners, and others.Deali ng with too much date. Better customer relati onship man ageme nt software is hel ping firms rein force customer loyalty by an alyz ing the moun ta in of data about p revious behavior to suggest new p roducts. For exa mple, a flight atte ndant

40、 would be able to ask if a p asse nger wants coffee with sugar in stead of the usual, What do you want to drink? ” data security. Techies are spending lots of time and money trying to protect data from hackers and viruses.Wireless is here to stay. Tech no logies such ah 802.11 and Bluetooth use shor

41、trange signals to link a variety of computing and handheld devices in homes, offices, and retail stores.growth in p ortable compu ti ng. Inexpen sive compu ter storage and small mach ines will aid people who want to work at home, in the car or train, or virtually any where. Devices such as IBMs 9-o

42、unce Meta pad hold 5 gigabytes of data and will cha nge the way people work.网络营销“接G的成长发展说明一些营销原理从来不曾变化,对于一项创新产 品,只要它能为顾客提供价值,即使已有众多竞争者,市场也总是乐于接受的。 Google的成功表明顾客信任的号品牌好的营销组合战略可以有效的帮助新顾客 进入纷繁复杂的市场,然而,企业组织纷纷确定如何更好的利用信息技术获得效 益收益,确定技术对企业战略而言意味着什么,市场营销人员需要只奥因特网, 数据库,无线移动设备及其他技术能提升哪些经过长时期实践检验的营销理念

43、, 面对飞速发展的因特网及其后爆发的 com经济泡沫,市场营销人员总会问:下来会是什么?”我们将试图依照传统营销惯例,通过对成功的网络营销战略进 行详细而系统的说明。1什么是网络营销网络营销通过对信息技术的广泛应用, 达到以下目标:第一,通过更为有效 的市场细分、目标定位、差异化、渠道策略等方式,转换营销战略,为顾客创造 更大价值;第二对网络营销理念、分销策略、促销策略、产品价格、服务及创意 等进行更为有效的规划和实施;第三,创造满足个人和组织客户需求的交易。这个定义听上去与传统营销的定义非常类似。从另一个方面,可以把网络营 销看做是信息技术应用于传统营销的结果,网络营销从以下两方面营销传统营

44、 销:首先网络营销提高了传统营销的效率; 其次网络营销技术的应用使得很多营 销战略发生变化。这种改变带来了新的业务模式,使顾客价值得以提升,并能提 供公司收益。2环境、战略和实施网络营销源于企业电子业务的总体战略以及企业所选择的业务模式,从企业所选择的业务环境开始,法律、技术、竞争、市场及其他企业外部环境因素在为 企业创造机会的同时,也带来了威胁。面对这些机会和威胁,企业通过SWOT分析来发现自己的优势和劣势,并制定出电子业务和网络营销战略。 公司选择适 合自己的电子业务和模式,营销人员对战略进行阐述,并制定出网络营销计划, 帮助公司实现其总体目标,最后要通过评估结果确定战略计划是否成功, 功

45、能规 阵是对电子业务和网络营销的实施效果和效率进行评估的具体方法,站在当前的电子业务时代,媒体报道是评价指标似乎都是 ROI及功能矩阵模型中强调的电 子业务战略战术的其他成功评论方法,此时,功能矩阵尤显重要。如果去点一些电子,ESP模型描述的就是砖块加砂浆的业务流程。 这一点更加强调了电子业务是建立在合理的流程和丰富的实践基础之上的,但重要的是发生了电子化转变和网络营销实践,这将进一进行步讨论。主要将对EPS模型中的环境因素进行讨论说明,其中的重要因素将在技术 杠杆和道德和法律问题做进一步阐述。 下一节将深入分析战略内容,之后将讨论 网络营销计划的制定。营销环境始终处于不断变化的状态,公司有大

46、量的机会通过开发新产新市 场、新媒介与客户沟通,通过开拓新的渠道与商业伙伴合作。同时,环境的变化 也会形成竞争,带来经济户其他方面的压力。下面主要将法律、环境因素等。网路营销会受到现有法律和正在制定的法律的重大影响,其中主要涉及保密 性、数字所有权、表述形式和欺诈方面的法律,保密性方面的立法比较困难,但 这对于英特网传输个人信息的消费者又十分重要电子邮件的选择退出功能就是 一个麻烦问题,用户必须点击网页上的选择退出复选框才能避免被加入该公司的 邮件列表,一些立法者认为,供公司这样做不合法,因为很少有客户注意阅读时 的选择退出,因特网产生的早期就出现了数字所有权问题, 现在这个问题仍然使 企业和

47、立法者感到困惑。在能够自由发布的内容的媒介上,内容也能被自由的删 除这对于作者来说不是一件好事。垃圾邮件攻击性内容以及其他违背用户权利的 表述形式成为立法者只能跪在探讨对的问题。 政府如何在此之间保持平衡,最后, 心技术的产生也带来了心得欺诈机会。 虽然管理机构一直在努力防止欺诈, 但是 难以在网络世界实施。技术的发展不仅改变了网络受众的组成成分而且使传递到 用户的信息质量发生变化。例如,20%的美国人喜欢高宽带连接,主要通过电缆 调节器和数字技术 接入因特网,她主要是传递信息媒体,一些 WEB网站已经 开始介入新形式的信息内容“高速多媒体信息,标准 PC产品信息和用于移动电 话等无线设备的掌

48、上产品信息。无线设备应用的扩大还带来了新的设计上的挑 战:公司试图将信息内容压缩到微小的屏幕中, 技术的重要性与国家的发展息息 相关。网络营销是通过网络技术的提高而发展的。 例如,根据在线确定目标客户 已变得越来越复杂,如能将这些结合到 WEB得站点中,将会给公司带来明显的 竞争优势。3电子商务市场可口可乐公司全球经销总监瑟尔资奥斯曼测曾说过:营销就是要把东西卖出去信息技术有助于销售的一种途径是:在交易前后,使公司与潜在客户、客户合作伙伴及供应链成员之间的联系更加便利,但如果营销者没有进行恰当市 场定位,即使有新技术也无法帮助销售商品。 相互间存在买卖关系的三方:企业 消费者和政府。尽管是以B2C为重点,涵盖B2B,但大多电子商务活动将出现B2GC2C商场中。由于公司链到因特网的你离高于消费者, 因此,企业市场更为庞大,这一点 在发展中国家尤为明显。由于许多现在交易包含明显共享信息和数据库转悠网 络,因此消费者是透明的。美国联邦快递公司拥有一个商业客户货运数据和账务 的庞大信息库。消费者可以在 WEB站点上制定包裹,利用PC等掌上电脑跟踪 包裹,有时消费者在联邦快递消费购买时, 可以自动产生订单,随后公司通过邮 件通知零售商,告知货运进展情况。因特网是一个全球性的市场


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