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1、高一英语单元测试卷高一英语1-2单元测验卷Compiled by: Wu Xingming 、语音,指出其划线部分读音与其它选项不同的(5分) 1Aphysics Bchemistry Cexpression Dstate 2Apractice Boral Cgeography Dgeneral 3Achannel Bfast Crather Ddance 4Aholiday Bmachine Cpolice Dreceive 5Abiology Bintroduce Ctop Dpopulation 、单项选择(25分) 6If you work hard at English, _ I.

2、Aso do Bso will Cnor do Dneither shall 7 -Are all the students here? -_ of us is absent. A None B Nobody C No one D All 8Jack studied harder last term . ,he made great progess in all his lessons. AAs a result BAfter all CBy the way DInstead 9The Turners like to eat .They have a nice garden in front

3、of their house . Avegetables,vegetables Bvegetable,vegetable Cvegetable,vegetables Dvegetables,vegetable 10Its going to rain.I must be off now.which of the following cant replace the underlined part? Abegin Bbe leaving Cstart Dgo 11Sometimes we go on working after dark the lights of a candle. Awith

4、Bon Cby Dat12At the beginning of the experiment, please _ soda water. A be filled with B fill with C full the glass of D fill the glass with 13How do you the TV play? Afind out Bfind Cthink Dthink of 14After he had a short rest,Mr Wang us the lecture. Awent on to give Bwent on giving Cwent on with g

5、iving Dkept on giving 15. Please give my to your pasents. Aregard Bloves Cbest wishes Dhope 16. Now, this is our new lab we are going to do some experiments in chemistry and find out the result of the change. Achemistry, chemical Bchemistry, chemistry Cchemical, chemistry Dchemical, chemical 17We hi

6、s suggestion and in the year we built a big factory. Afollowed,followed Bfollowed,following Cfollowing,following Dhave followed,followed 18 that the doors are locked you go out. ATo make sure,before BMaking sure,before CMake sure,before DMake sure,after 19The policeman told the schoolboys _football

7、in the street. A didnt play B not to play C not playing D to not play20 _you_ the girl, you will get along well with her. A Unless, know B As soon as, will understand C Once, understand D If, will know21. Can I pass the maths examination, Mr. Wang? -You_ pass it_ you study harder. A will, unless B w

8、ont, if C wont, unless D didnt, without22. Before you leave the chemistry lab, do remember_ all the lights and _the door. A to shut, turn off B to close, shut C turning off, close D to turn off, shut23. My mother must be cooking very delicious food. How _ it tastes! A well B wonderfully C nice D bet

9、ter24We dont allow _in the office, so you are not allowed _here. A to smoke, to smoke B smoking, smoking C to smoke, smoking D smoking, to smoke25I make sure_ Dennis will come to the party. A whether B if C that D when26Be sure_ e-mails to us when you arrive there. A sending B to send C send D to se

10、nding27The story-teller made us all surprised _ the story. A in the end B at the end of C for the end D by the end of28You should _ good advice that the old give you. It is good for you.A catch B listen C hear D follow 29. We often go to theatre at the weekend but _we watch TV insteadA.sometime B.so

11、metimes C.some time D.some times 30. Which do you _, tea or coffee ?I like tea better. A. prefer B. enjoy C. want D. like 、完型填空(20分) Two women came to Solomon with a hard problem.“This woman and I live in the same house .”explained one of them .“I give 31 to a baby,and two days 32 ,she bore a baby d

12、ead.But when I was 33_ she put her dead child next to me and 34 my baby.As I got up and looked at the baby,I saw that it was not 35 .” 36 this the other woman said,“No.The 37 child belongs to me .”The first woman answered.“No.The boy 38 is my son,not hers.”This was why the women 39 . Solomon 40 for

13、a sword,and,when it was 41 he said,“Cut the baby that is alive 42 half,and give each woman half of it.” “No!”cried the first woman .“Please 43 put the child to death .Give it to her.”But the other woman said,“Dont give it to 44 of us,go on and cut it.” Finally Solomon spoke,“Dont 45 the child!Give i

14、t to the first woman .She is the 46 mother.”Solomon knew this because the first woman loved the baby 47 much that she was ready to give it to the other woman. 48 this way the baby would be saved .When people heard how solomon had 49_ the problem they were glad to have such a 50_ king. 31Afood Bmilk

15、Cbirth Ddeath 32Abehind Blater Cbefore Dback 33Aworking Bsleeping Cdreaming Dlying 34Awoke Bkilled Cbrought Dtook 35Amy Bher Cmine Dhers 36AAt BWith COn DIn 37Aliving Balive Clively Dlived 38Adying Bliving Cdeath Dalive 39Aquarrelled Btalked Csaid Dfought 40Alooked Bcared Csent Dcalled 41Abrought Bt

16、aken Ccarried Dheld 42Ainto Bin Cby Donto 43Anot Bnot to Cwont Ddont 44Aneither Beither Cboth Dany 45Adie Bbeat Cmurder Dkill 46Awrong Breal Cmistaken Dclever 47Atoo Bvery Cthat Dso 48ABy BThrough CIn DWith 49Afound Bgrasped Csolved Dworked 50Awise Bbrave Ccruel Dfunny 、阅读理解(30分)A SINGAPOREAnother T

17、hai worker died in his sleep last Friday, the second such death in the past 3 days and the 10th since the beginning of the year. Thongchai Sombattra,22,is said to be the youngest to have died mysteriously(神秘的)this year. A total of 10 young Thai construction workers in their late 20s and 30s who appe

18、ared well and healthy when they went to bed have died since the beginning of this year. They were either found dead in the morning or had died suddenly in the middle of the night after some difficulty in breathing. From China Daily, March 19,1990. 51. According to the passage . Aten people died myst

19、eriously during the last 3 days. Btwo people died mysteriously during the last 3 days Ctwo people have died mysteriously since the beginning of the year. Dten people died mysteriously before last Friday. 52During the past 3 days, Thongchai Sombattra died last Friday, the other passed away . Alast Mo

20、nday Blast Thursday Clast Tuesday Dlast Sunday 53Thongchai Sombrattra,who died mysteriously, . Awas aged 22 Bwas in his mid twenties Cwas not more than 20 year old Dwas nearly 30 years old 54Besides Thongchai Sombattra,the others could be . Afrom 25 year old to 38 years old Bfrom 20 years old to 39

21、years old Cfrom 21 years old to 39 years old Dfrom 29 years old to 38 years old 55 caused the ten Thai construction workersdeath. AAn unexpected accident BHigh blood pressureCHeart trouble DSomething that was unknown BJacks is the name of a game that is quite popular with children. To play jacks, yo

22、u will need a small rubber ball and ten small metal objects called jacks.The rules for this game are not difficult. To begin, you put ten jacks on the floor or ground in front of you. Toss the ball up (but not too high), pick up one jack, and then catch the ball. Keep the jack in your hand and conti

23、nue to pick up the other jacks one at a time. You lose your turn if you dont catch the ball, or you drop any jacks from your hand.When you finish all ten jacks, you now try to do the same thing again but with two jacks at a time. This is more difficult of course. You lose your turn if you make any o

24、f the other three mistakes or if you dont pick up exactly two jacks each time.56 The main idea of paragraph 2 is _. A in jacks, first you toss a ball B the rules for playing jacks are not so difficult C there are three ways you can lose your turn D Jacks is an interesting game57 The word “toss” in l

25、ine 4 means_. A let something fall B throw C catch D hold58 A player picked up all ten jacks one at a time. Then he followed the rules and finished the second part. The total number of times that he picked up jacks is _. A ten B fifteen C twenty D twelve59 The jacks are made of _. A paper B rubber C

26、 metal D stone60 After you pick up the first ten jacks, the game becomes more difficult because you have to pick up _. A two jacks at a time B two jacks three times C all ten jacks twice D all ten jacks at a time C There was a famous French writer. He was a man of great achievement(成就). He said that

27、 one of his main achievement was his study of handwriting. He had spent much time on it and he often told his friends that he could tell a persons character(性格)from that persons handwriting. One day, a woman brought him a page of a boys handwriting. She said that she wanted to know what he thought o

28、f the boys character. He studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. Then he looked at the woman strangely. The woman told him that the boy was not in her family and that he did not have to worry. “Good!” said the writer, “Then I can tell you.” He went on to say that he thought the boy was

29、stupid and lazy. He added that the boy should be watched carefully, if not, he would bring harm to his family when he grew up. “Isnt that strange?” said the woman, smiling. “Because this is a page from your own exercise book. You wrote it yourself when you were a boy.” 61 It took the writer a lot of

30、 time _. A to read books B to make friends C to write books D to study handwriting62 From a persons _, the writer could tell a persons character. A pronunciation B handwriting C smiling face D speech63 The woman wanted to _. A know the writer B help the writer C visit the writer D test the writer64

31、The writer was sure the boy _. A was not worth teaching B would do good deeds for his family C would do wrong to his family D would work hard65 From the story we know that_. A the woman knew the writer very well B the writer knew the woman well C Neither of them knew each other D Both of them knew e

32、ach other well 、单词拼写(10分) 56Let me i myself to you.My name is Jack . 57Four more workers are to be e to finish the task in time . 58B is one of the subjects that students are required to study at school. 59In my o ,chemistry is easier than physics. 60What did you do during your summer v . 61Students like to do e_ in the lab. 62The baby is s his finger. 63F ,lets welcome Mr Janes to give us a speech.


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