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1、介质谐振器及宽带印刷缝隙天线研究作者姓名 张三 学校导师姓名、职称 李四副教授 领 域 电子与通信工程 企业导师姓名、职称 王五研究员 申请学位类别 工程硕士 提交学位论文日期 2011年4月 学 号学校代码 10701 密 级分类号 TN82 TN82 公开或秘密 西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文介质谐振器及宽带印刷缝隙天线研究领 域:作者姓名: 张三学位类别: 电子与通信工程学校导师姓名、职称: 工程硕士企业导师姓名、职称:李四副教授提交日期:王五研究员 2011年4月A Study of Dielectric Resonator Antennas and Broadband Printed

2、Slot AntennasA thesis submitted toXIDIAN UNIVERSITYin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of PhilosophyByZhang san(Electronics and Communication Engineering) Supervisor: Li si Wang wuApril 2011西安电子科技大学学位论文独创性(或创新性)声明秉承学校严谨的学风和优良的科学道德,本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽

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4、或其它复制手段保存论文。同时本人保证,毕业后结合学位论文研究课题再撰写的文章一律署名单位为西安电子科技大学。(保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定)本学位论文属于保密,在 年解密后适用本授权书。本人签名: 导师签名: 日 期: 日 期: 摘要 近年来,介质谐振器天线(Dielectric Resonator Antenna,DRA)和宽带印刷缝隙天线由于其良好的性能受到了学者的广泛关注。介质谐振器天线具有频带宽、效率高及激励简单等诸多优点,在毫米波段中具有良好的应用前景。宽带印刷缝隙天线以其低剖面、加工简单以及易于与电路集成等优点,在现代无线通信中得到了广泛的应用。本文对介质谐振器天线及宽带印刷缝隙天

5、线进行了系统的研究,所取得的主要研究成果为:1. 对宽带印刷缝隙天线进行了研究。针对无线通信系统的要求,提出了一种覆盖IMT-2000、WiMAX和WLAN等频段的共面波导馈电的宽带印刷缝隙天线。通过改变缝隙和共面波导的结构参数来调节天线的谐振频率,再引入一段阻抗变换器来实现宽带阻抗匹配。还提出了一种微带馈电的超宽带椭圆形印刷宽缝天线,通过调整椭圆形缝隙和椭圆环形贴片长短轴的比例来实现宽带阻抗匹配。2. 对宽带介质谐振器天线进行了研究。基于三种展宽带宽的方法,即引入空气层减小介质谐振器天线的内在Q值,选择合适的空气层厚度使之工作于辐射特性类似的多种模式,以及在馈线末端加六边形枝节对介质谐振器天

6、线进行阻抗匹配,设计了一种缝隙耦合馈电的宽带圆柱形介质谐振器天线。采用月牙形印刷单极天线与介质谐振器的混合结构,设计了一种共面波导馈电的超宽带介质谐振器天线。实验结果表明,这两种介质谐振器天线具有良好的宽带性能。3. 对宽带圆极化及高隔离度双线极化介质谐振器天线进行了研究。提出了一种环形缝隙耦合馈电的宽带圆极化介质谐振器天线。利用介质谐振器天线和环形缝隙的双谐振工作得到宽带圆极化特性,并加入匹配网络实现了宽带阻抗匹配。提出了一种覆盖5.2 GHz WLAN频段的高隔离度双线极化矩形介质谐振器天线。采用探针与缝隙分别对两个端口馈电实现了高隔离度,并通过双探针等幅反相馈电技术避免了单个探针馈电的方

7、向图不对称性。4. 对小型化介质谐振器天线进行了研究。介绍了几种小型化介质谐振器天线的设计方法,并对其中的一种方法加以改进,设计出一种改进型小型化介质谐振器天线。通过与多个天线的对比表明,使用金属柱代替金属面来减小天线的尺寸能避免辐射方向图畸变,降低交叉极化电平。5. 对高增益介质谐振器天线直线阵列进行了研究。基于矩形介质谐振器天线高次模的分析结果,选取一种高增益介质谐振器天线单元,设计了一个8单元高增益介质谐振器天线直线阵列。分析了阵列间距对天线阵增益的影响,通过比较发现该介质谐振器天线直线阵列的增益要高于相同口径的微带贴片天线直线阵列。最后,结合馈电网络实际加工了一个8单元介质谐振器天线直

8、线阵列的实验模型,实测结果验证了该设计方法的可行性和有效性。关 键 词:XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX(一般为35个)论文类型:应用基础研究类(或基础研究类)(注:全日制工程硕士学位论文类型分为8种)ABSTRACTIn recent years, dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) and broadband printed slot antennas have been widely studied owing to their good performances. Due to their several advantages such

9、 as wide bandwidth, high efficiency and ease of excitation, DRAs have been widely used in millimeter wave regions. Broadband printed slot antennas are widely used in modern wireless communications due to their advantages of low profile, simple fabrication process and ease of integration with circuit

10、s. This dissertation is mainly concerned with the design and implementation of various DRAs and broadband printed slot antennas. The authors major contributions are outlined as follows:1. Two broadband printed slot antennas have been studied. Firstly, according to the requirements of wireless commun

11、ication systems, a coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed broadband printed slot antenna covering IMT-2000, WiMAX and WLAN bands is designed. The resonant frequencies of the antenna are adjusted by changing the structures of the slot and the coplanar waveguide. An impedance transformer is introduced to realiz

12、e broadband impedance match. Secondly, a microstrip fed printed elliptical wide-slot antenna is proposed for ultra-wideband applications. The ultra-wideband impedance match is achieved by adjusting the axial ratio of the elliptical slot and the elliptical annular patch.2. Two broadband DRAs have bee

13、n studied. Firstly, a slot-fed broadband cylindrical DRA is designed by using the following three methods: introducing air gap to reduce the internal Q-factor of the DRA, choosing the appropriate thickness of the air gap to make the DRA working at several modes with similar radiation patterns, and a

14、dding hexagon stub at the end of the feed line for the DRA impedance match. Secondly, a CPW-fed ultra-wideband DRA is proposed by using the combination of crescent-shaped printed monopole and DRA. The experimental results show that these two antennas have good broadband performance.3. A broadband ci

15、rcularly-polarized (CP) DRA and a dual linear-polarized DRA with high isolation have been studied. Firstly, a broadband circularly polarized cylindrical DRA excited by annular slot coupling is proposed. The broadband CP radiation has been achieved by using two CP radiators, DRA and annular slot. In

16、addition, an impedance transformer is introduced to improve the impedance bandwidth. Secondly, a dual linearly polarized rectangular dielectric resonator antenna with high isolation operating at around 5.2 GHz for WLAN applications has been presented. The high isolation is achieved by using two hybr

17、id feeding mechanism: one port having an H-shaped aperture coupled feed and the other with probe feed. Two out-of-phase probe feed is used to avoid the asymmetric radiation pattern caused by single probe feed.4. A compact DRA has been studied. Several techniques used for reducing the size of a DRA a

18、re discussed. By using the shorting posts, a modified compact DRA is designed. Comparing with several existing antennas, the radiation patterns deformation and could be avoided and the cross polarization levels are reduced, by using shorting posts instead of shorting plate.5. A high-gain DRA linear

19、array has been studied. Based on the analysis results of the high-order modes of the rectangular DRA, a high-gain DRA element is selected to design an 8-element high-gain DRA linear array. The effect of spacing between adjacent elements on the gain of the array is analyzed. In addition, it is found

20、that the gain of the proposed DRA linear array is higher than the microstrip patch linear array with the same aperture area. Finally, an 8-element DRA linear array prototype is constructed to validate the feasibility and efficiency of the design.Keywords: XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXXType of Dissertation:

21、 Applied Basic Research(or Basic Research )插图索引图序号 图名称X表格索引表格序号 表格名称X符号对照表符号 符号名称XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX 缩略语对照表缩略语 英文全称 中文对照XXX XXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXXX XXX XXX 目录摘要 ABSTRACT 插图索引 表格索引 符号对照表 缩略语对照表 目录 第一章 绪论1 1.1 选题缘由和意义X 1.1.1 介质谐振器天线的研究进展X 1.1.2 宽带印刷缝隙天线的研究进展X 1.2 国内外研究现状分析X 1.2.1 国外学者的研究X 1.2.2 国内学者的研

22、究X 1.2.3 存在的主要问题X 1.3 论文的主要研究思路和研究方法X 1.3.1 研究思路X 1.3.2 研究方法X 第八章 结论和展望X 8.1 研究结论X 8.2 研究展望X 参考文献X 致谢X 作者简介X 1. 基本情况X 2. 教育背景X 3. 攻读硕士学位期间的研究成果X 第一章 绪论无线通信系统的飞速发展,对作为其关键部件的天线提出了小型化、宽频带、高效率等高性能要求。各种各样的微带贴片天线因其剖面低、质量轻等优点,已经得到了深入的研究和广泛的应用。然而,由于微带贴片天线存在高频段金属欧姆损耗高、低频段天线几何尺寸较大的两个关键性技术瓶颈,一定程度上限制了其发展和应用。近年来

23、,一种新型天线介质谐振器天线(Dielectric Resonator Antenna, DRA)由于自身所具有的良好性能受到了国外学者的关注和研究1-5。1.1 选题缘由和意义1.1.1介质谐振器天线的研究进展XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX1.1.2宽带印刷缝隙天线的研究进展XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX表1.1 双极化DRA激励方式的性能

24、对比 馈电方式电性能参数探针环形缝隙探针和缝隙缝隙和CPW探针缝隙缝隙CPW谐振频率9.5 GHz8.8 GHz9.4 GHz9.8 GHz9.2 GHz9.3 GHz带宽(|S11|-10 dB)7.3%4.5%6.9%6.8%4.9%5.3%隔离度(带内最差)-16.5 dB-17 dB-31 dB-22 dB方向图不对称对称不对称对称对称对称交叉极化电平高低高低低低第八章 结论和展望8.1 研究结论XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX8.2研究展望XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX


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