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MW 海上 机组 齿轮 传动系统 设计 说明书 CAD
湖 南 科 技 大 学毕业设计(论文)任务书 机电工程 学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 系(教研室)系(教研室)主任: (签名) 年 月 日学生姓名: 赖文馨 学号: 1103010401 专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 1 设计(论文)题目及专题: 5MW海上风电机组齿轮传动系统设计 2设计(论文)时间:自 2014 年 10 月 17 日开始至 2015 年 06 月 01 日止3 设计(论文)所用资源和参考资料: 5MW传动系统叶片额定转速12.1rpm,额定发电机转速1173.7rpm,齿轮箱传动比为97:1。(一级行星、二级斜齿轮) 国外REpower 5MW、Multibrid M5000等风电机组齿轮传动系统的相关资料;相关教材,如海上风力发电机组设计、风力机设计、制造与运行)等;图书馆电子资源数据库搜集到的期刊论文,博士、硕士学位论文等。4 设计(论文)应完成的主要内容:1) 完成5MW海上风电机组齿轮箱传动形式、传动比分配等设计与计算;2) 完成传动轴、齿轮、轴承等关键传动零部件的选择、设计、计算与校核;3) 查阅相关文献资料,撰写开题报告;4) 完成相关论文的翻译(英译中,不少于3000字)。5 提交设计(论文)形式(设计说明与图纸或论文等)及要求:1) 完成5MW海上风电机组传动系统设计,提供传动系统3D模型,装配图、零件图等共折合A0图纸不少于2.5张;2) 设计计算说明书一份,毕业设计说明书的书写格式和版面要求参照湖南科技大学本科生毕业设计(论文)要求与撰写规范,说明书不少于40页。6 发题时间: 2014 年 10 月 17 日指导教师: (签名)学 生: (签名)湖 南 科 技 大 学毕 业 设 计( 论 文 )题目5MW海上风电机组齿轮动系统设计作者 赖文馨学院 机电工程学院专业 机械设计制造及其自动化学号 1103010401指导教师 沈意平 二一五年五月二十一日附件2:任务书示例湖 南 科 技 大 学毕业设计(论文)任务书 机电工程学 院 系(教研室)系(教研室)主任: (签名) 年 月 日学生姓名: 学号: 专业: 1 设计(论文)题目及专题: 2 学生设计(论文)时间:自 年 月 日开始至 年 月 日止3 设计(论文)所用资源和参考资料:4 设计(论文)应完成的主要内容:5 提交设计(论文)形式(设计说明与图纸或论文等)及要求:6 发题时间: 年 月 日指导教师: (签名)学 生: (签名)附件3:指导人评语示例湖 南 科 技 大 学毕业设计(论文)指导人评语主要对学生毕业设计(论文)的工作态度,研究内容与方法,工作量,文献应用,创新性,实用性,科学性,文本(图纸)规范程度,存在的不足等进行综合评价指导人: (签名)年 月 日 指导人评定成绩: 附件4:评阅人评语示例湖 南 科 技 大 学毕业设计(论文)评阅人评语主要对学生毕业设计(论文)的文本格式、图纸规范程度,工作量,研究内容与方法,实用性与科学性,结论和存在的不足等进行综合评价评阅人: (签名)年 月 日 评阅人评定成绩: 附件5:答辩记录示例湖 南 科 技 大 学毕业设计(论文)答辩记录日期: 学生: 学号: 班级: 题目: 提交毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会下列材料:1 设计(论文)说明书共页2 设计(论文)图 纸共页3 指导人、评阅人评语共页毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会评语:主要对学生毕业设计(论文)的研究思路,设计(论文)质量,文本图纸规范程度和对设计(论文)的介绍,回答问题情况等进行综合评价答辩委员会主任: (签名)委员: (签名)(签名)(签名)(签名) 答辩成绩: 总评成绩: 湖南科技大学机电工程学院 2015届毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目5MW海上风电机组齿轮传动系统设计作者姓名赖文馨学号1103010401所学专业机械设计制造及其自动化1、 研究的意义: 当今社会随着经济日益发展,人们对能源的需求越来越大,而石油等不可再生能源也面临枯竭,人们急需寻找替代能源。自然界中具有非常大的风能储存量,由于太阳的辐射作用,地球每年大约可获得的 地球每年大约可获得 KWh 的风能。其中,边界层占整个大气层的 35%,因而边界层大气中可利用的风能功率约为 KW,如果人类在近地面层能利用其中的十分之一,则全球可开发风能的功率为KW。这个值相当于 2005 年全球发电能力的 74.7 倍1。通过上述数据可知,风能是地球上最重要的能源之一,合理的开发利用风能可以解决越来越严重的能源短缺问题。风能作为一种清洁的、储量极为丰富的可再生能源,在未来的能源市场很有开发潜力,各国政府相继投入大量的人力及资金研究生产风力发电机,力图设计出安全可靠高效的风力发电机。风力发电机中很重要的一部分就是齿轮传动增速箱,如何把齿轮传动系统设计好便成了关键问题2、国内外现状: 从20世纪70年代末以来,随着世界各国对能源危机、环境保护等问题的日益关注,一致认为大规模发展利用风力发电是非常有效的措施之一。19 世纪末、丹麦最先开始探索风力发电、研制出风力发电机组直到20 世纪70 年代以前,只有小型充电用风力机达到实用阶段。1973 年石油危机后,美国、欧洲等发达国家为寻求替代能源,投入大量经费,研制现代风力发电机组,开创了风能利用的新时期。世界风能委员会 11 日公布的一份报告指出,到 2010 年,全球风能发电能力将比现在提高一倍,达到 149.5 吉瓦。根据世界风能委员会的统计数据,仅在 2006年,全球风力发电能力就比上年增长了 25,达到了 74 吉瓦。欧洲一直以来是风力发电市场的领导者,目前在风能发电领域仍处在世界前列,而且在今后几年其在风力发电实际运用及其国际市场上还将继续保持领先地位,但随着近年来世界其他国家和地区对风力发电的重视和发展,欧洲的领先优势会有所下降。据世界风能委员会的统计,2004 年欧洲风力发电装机容量占全世界风电总装机容量的 72,2005 年该比例就下降为 69,而去年则又跌至 51,到 2010 年,虽然整个欧洲的风力发电量将比目前的 48 吉瓦增长近一倍达到 82 吉瓦,但其占全球市场的份额则将下滑到 44。这份报告还对 2006 年到 2010 年期间全球各地区风力发电态势进行了预测。报告说,由于美国连续采取生产税抵免等多项风能激励措施,北美地区风力发电的发展仍将保持快速增长势头。紧随其后的是风力发电的新兴增长地区亚洲,主要是中国和印度,亚洲将成为全球风能发电年增长幅度最快的地区之一,年增长将达 28.3,其风力发电能力将从 2006 年的 10.7 吉兆增长到 2010 年的 29 吉兆。风力发电机单机装机容量也从最初的 50KW,发展到 3.6MW,目前新建风场普遍采用 1.5MW 成熟机型,单机容量继续稳步上升已成为风力发电机的发展趋势2。 我国三北地区风能功率密度在 200300W/m2以上,有的可达 500W/m2以上,如阿拉山口、达坂城、辉腾锡勒、锡林浩特的灰腾梁等、可利用的小时数在 5000小时以上,有的可达 7000 小时以上。东南沿海地区年有效风能功率密度在 200W/m2以上,将风能功率密度线平行于海岸线,沿海岛屿风能功率密度在 500 W/m2以上如台山、平潭、东山、南鹿、大陈、嵊泗、南澳、马祖、马公、东沙等。可利用小时数约在 7000-8000 小时。根据最新风能资源评价,我国陆地可利用风能资源 3 亿千瓦,加上近岸海域可利用的风能资源,共计约 10 亿千瓦,风能储量非常丰富,开展风力发电是既经济又高效的方式3。我国风力发电技术的研究始于 20 世纪 70 年代末 80 年代初,通过自主研发小型风力发电机解决广大牧区牧民及一些岛屿上居民的生活生产用电。到 2006 年底,全国已建成约 90 个风电场,已经建成并网发电的风场主要分布在新疆、内蒙、广东、浙江、河北、辽宁等 16 个省区,装机总容量达到约 260 万千瓦。但与国际先进水平相比,国产风电机组单机容量较小,关键技术依赖进口,零部件的质量还有待提高。我国2009年新增风电装机容量13800兆瓦(0.138亿千瓦),同比增长高达124%,新增市场容量超过美国居全球第一;累计装机容量连续第四年翻番,超越德国和西班牙,规模排在美国的 35159 兆瓦之後,位居世界第二。中国可再生能源协会风能专业委员会主任贺德馨在风能大会上亦称,中国今年底风电装机容量有望达到40000 兆瓦,去年底为 25800 兆瓦。到 2020 年时中国风电装机容量有望达到 3 亿千瓦左右,大幅高于官方最新预期的 2.3 亿千瓦。由此可见,未来我国的风力发电发展前景非常良好,因此如何设计制造出安全高效的风力发电机就成了很重要的研究课题。 1、 研究目标、内容和拟解决的关键问题(根据任务要求进一步具体化)研究目标: (1) 对齿轮箱选用合理的结构、增速比和材料。设计质量好、重量轻、空间体积小、运行稳定的大容量风电机组齿轮传动系统。(2) 引用风力机的风轮叶片设计及塔架设计,从而完成整个风力发电机的设计。主要内容: 本增速箱速箱的结构为二级行星,一级斜齿轮,根据设计任务书的要求合理分配各级传动比,计算各级的齿轮参数,轴承参数,并进行校核。选出合理的轴承类型,并对增速箱尺寸进行计算,以及将各个部分装配起来。进程:第一阶段:开题阶段 3月9日至3月20日,收集、查阅和整理设计资料,完成3000字的文献翻译,完成毕业实习报告和开题报告。第二阶段:设计阶段 3月21日-3月28 日,齿轮传动系统方案选择、传动比分配,传动结构造型等整体方案设计与计算。第三阶段:计算阶段 3月29日至4月15日,齿轮、轴、轴承等关键传动结构件的设计计算,绘制零件图。第四阶段:绘图阶段 4月16日至5月 5日,传动系统装配图绘制。第五阶段:毕业答辩 5月6日至 5月25日,设计计算说明书的编制、整理、修改、定稿,准备答辩解决的关键问题风力发电机床系统主要是将能量由叶轮传递至发电机。传动系统主要包括主轴、主轴承、齿轮箱、高速轴、联轴器等部件。而本课题的主要部分是对风电机传动系统的设计,所以有可能遇到的主要问题:(1)准确对传动方案的分析;(2)确定齿轮箱的传动比的分配;(3)齿轮尺寸参数的确定(4)对轴承的尺寸进行确定;(5)选择合理的轴承类型; (6)对箱体和总体结构的确定;(7)对箱体主要部件载荷的计算和校核; (8)确定冷却温度和润滑系统; (9)对整个部件的装配图和零件图的绘制;这些问题都是设计该风机传动系统的关键问题,在设计过程中,将通过查阅有关文献资料和向老师咨询的方法来解决。2、 特色与创新之处:我国的风力事业由于起步晚,特比是兆瓦级风电机齿轮箱,主要生产设备长期依赖进口。在自主开发风力大型容量发电机等方面还比较落后,特别是像齿轮传动系统等技术领域还存在很大的差异。为此希望减少此差距。按照现在风机装机要求,在考虑重量、体积、运行稳定性的多种情况下,设计合理的齿轮箱和增速比,采用合理的材料提高运行的寿命。同时在设计绘制零件图和装配图时广泛运用CAD/CAM/CAE技术和Pro/e软件,以提要传动系统运行的精度、可靠性、降低传动系统制造成本,提高传动系统标准化水平和传动系统标准件的使用率。 在本次毕业设计,本人将全部应用CAD/CAE/CAM技术和soliworks软件来设计传动系统。利用CAD软件绘制二维装配图和零件图,利用soliworks软件绘制三维装配图和零件图;大大缩短了设计时间以及画图时间,并提高了设计精度还有减小误差。 3、 拟采取的研究方法、步骤、技术路线(1)查阅资料,熟悉国内外风电机及其传动系统齿轮箱的现状和发展趋势。(2)理解风电传动系统齿轮箱工作原理及结构分析,确定齿轮箱总装设计思路。(3)建立准确的分析模型,准确求解受载轮齿的载荷分布。(4)完成主要零部件设计并进行强度校核。(5)绘制零件加工图,选定加工工艺。(6)编写设计说明书。4、 拟使用的主要设计、分析软件及仪器设备主要设计、分析软件: CAD软件(绘制二维装配图和零件图)soliworks软件(绘制三维装配图和零件图)仪器设备: 本课题主要是对大容量风电机组齿轮传动系统进行三维设计,所采用的设备仪器是普通计算机。 5、 参考文献 B:1 潘存云, 机械原理M、 长沙、 中南大学出版社、 2011 2、林景尧、 风能设备使用手册、 北京、 机械工业出版社、 19923、芮晓明、 风力发电机组设计 北京、 机械工业出版社 、20104、姚兴佳、 风力发电机组原理与应用北京、 机械工业出版社、 20095、赵振宙、 风力发电机原理与应用、北京、 中国水利水电出版社、20116、TonyBurton 、风能技术、 北京、 科学出版社、 20077、牛山 泉、风能技术、 北京、 科学出版社、 20098、诺迈士、 风电传动系统的设计与分析、 上海、上海科学技术出版社、20139、李俊峰、 风力 北京、 化学工业出版社、200510、李 斌、 未来世界风电发展大趋势J、北京、哈尔滨大电机研究所、200811、刘忠明、风力发电机齿轮箱设计制造技术的发展与展望J、机械传动、200612、成大先、机械设计手册第三卷、 北京、 化学工业出版社、1993 13、叶伟昌、机械工程及自动化简明设计手册、 机械工业出版社 14、关慧贞、机械制造装备设计、 北京、 机械工业出版社 15、濮良贵 纪名刚、 机械设计、 北京、 高等教育出版社注:1、开题报告是本科生毕业设计(论文)的一个重要组成部分。学生应根据毕业设计(论文)任务书的要求和文献调研结果,在开始撰写论文之前写出开题报告。2、参考文献按下列格式(A为期刊,B为专著)A:序号、作者(外文姓前名后,名缩写,不加缩写点,3人以上作者只写前3人,后用“等”代替。)、题名、期刊名(外文可缩写,不加缩写点)年份、卷号(期号):起止页码。B:序号、作者、书名、版次、(初版不写)、出版地、出版单位、出版时间、页码。3、表中各项可加附页。5NOTICE The submitted manuscript has been offered by an employee of the Midwest Research Institute (MRI), a contractor of the US Government under Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337. Accordingly, the US Government and MRI retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for US Government purposes. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof. Available electronically at /bridge Available for a processing fee to U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors, in This paper describes a new research and development initiative to improve gearbox reliability in wind turbines begun at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, USA. The approach involves a collaboration of NREL staff, expert consultants, and partners from the wind energy industry who have an interest in improving gearbox reliability. The membership of this collaborative is still growing as the project becomes more defined, but the goal is to include representatives ranging from the operators, owners, wind turbine manufacturers, gearbox manufacturers, bearing manufacturers, consultants, and lubrication industries. The project is envisioned to be a multi-year comprehensive testing and analysis effort. This will include complementary laboratory and field testing on a 600 to 750-kW turbine and gearbox of a configuration that exhibits reliability problems common to a broad population of turbines. The project will target deficiencies in the design process that are contributing to substantial shortfalls in service life for most designs. New design-analysis tools will be developed to model the test configuration in detail. This will include using multi-body dynamic analysis to model wind turbine loading, coupled to internal loading and deformations of the gearbox. Intellectual property conflicts will be minimized by maintaining a test configuration that does not replicate any specific manufacturers wind turbine model precisely, but represents a common configuration. Background The wind energy industry has experienced high gearbox failure rates from its inception 1. Early wind turbine designs were fraught with fundamental gearbox design errors compounded by consistent under-estimation of the operating loads. The industry has learned from these problems over the past two decades with wind turbine manufacturers, gear designers, bearing manufacturers, consultants, and lubrication engineers all working together to improve load prediction, design, fabrication, and operation. This collaboration has resulted in internationally recognized gearbox wind turbine design standards 2. Despite reasonable adherence to these accepted design practices, wind turbine gearboxes have yet to achieve their design life goals of twenty years, with most systems requiring significant repair or overhaul well before the intended life is reached 3,4,5. Since gearboxes are one of the most expensive components of the wind turbine system, the higherthan-expected failure rates are adding to the cost of wind energy. In addition, the future uncertainty of gearbox life expectancy is contributing to wind turbine price escalation. Turbine manufacturers add large contingencies to the sales price to cover the warranty risk due to the possibility of premature gearbox failures. In addition, owners and operators build contingency funds into the project financing and income expectations for problems that may show up after the warranty expires. To help bring the cost of wind energy back to a decreasing trajectory, a significant increase in long-term gearbox reliability needs to be demonstrated. In response to design deficiencies, modification and redesign of existing turbines is a continual process in current production units, but it is difficult to validate the effectiveness of the modifications in a timely manner to assure that multiple units with unsatisfactory “solutions” are not deployed. Presently, gear manufacturers introduce modifications to new models, replacing a deficient component with a re-engineered one that is 1 thought to deliver higher performance. To test these new designs, the re-engineered gearboxes are installed and a field evaluation process begins. This approach may eventually lead to the reliability goals needed, but it may take many years to develop the needed confidence in a solution, and reduce the uncertainty to a level where it will reduce turbine costs. By that time, the wind turbine industry may have moved to larger turbines or different drivetrain arrangements that could invalidate these solutions. Moreover, the fundamental failure mechanisms of the original problem may never be understood, making it easier for design unknowns to be inadvertently propagated into the next generation of machines. This paper summarizes a long-term NREL/DOE project to explore options to accelerate improvements in wind turbine gearbox reliability by addressing the problems directly within the design process. In the execution of this program, our intentions are to improve the accuracy of dynamic gearbox testing to assess gearbox and drivetrain options, problems, and solutions under simulated field conditions. The project will evaluate the wide range of possible load events that comprise the design load spectrum 6, and how critical design-load cases 7 may translate into unintended bearing and gear responses such as misalignment, bearing slip, and axial motion. NREL has made a commitment to address gearbox reliability as a major part of its research agenda, and plans to engage a wide range of stakeholders including researchers, consultants, bearing manufacturers, gearbox manufacturers, wind turbine manufacturers, and wind turbine owner/operators to form a gearbox reliability collaborative (GRC). The collaborative will address major gearbox issues with the common goal of increasing overall reliability of wind turbines. The approach will involve three major technical efforts which include field testing, dynamometer testing, and drivetrain analysis. These elements make up a comprehensive strategy that will address the true nature of the problem and hopefully spark a spirit of cooperation that can lead to better gearboxes. Observations on the Basic Problems While it is premature to draw firm conclusions about the nature of these failures, some reasonable observations have been made to help narrow the course and scope of this project. 1. Most of the problems with the current fleet of wind turbine gearboxes are generic in nature, meaning that the problems are not specific to a single gear manufacturer or turbine model. Over the years, most wind turbine gearbox designs have converged to a similar architecture with only a few exceptions. Therefore, there is an opportunity to collaborate among the many stakeholders in the wind turbine gearbox supply chain to find root causes of failures and investigate solutions that may advance the collective understanding of the industry. 2. The preponderance of gearbox failures suggests that poor adherence to accepted gear industry practices, or otherwise poor workmanship, is NOT the primary source of failures. Of course, some failures have been directly attributed to quality issues, and further improvements in this area are not precluded from consideration, but we assume that manufacturers are capable of identifying and correcting quality control problems on their own if they choose to do so. Therefore, the target of this project will be the greater problem of identifying and correcting deficiencies in the design process that may be diminishing the life of the fleet. 3. Most gearbox failures do not begin as gear failures or gear-tooth design deficiencies. The observed failures appear to initiate at several specific bearing locations under certain applications, which may later advance into the gear teeth as bearing debris and excess clearances cause surface wear and misalignments. Anecdotally, field-failure assessments indicate that up to 10% of gearbox failures may be manufacturing anomalies and quality issues that are gear related, but this is not the primary source of the problem. 4. The majority of wind turbine gearbox failures appear to initiate in the bearings. These failures are occurring in spite of the fact that most gearboxes have been designed and developed using the best bearing-design practices available. Therefore, the initial focus of this project will be on discovering weaknesses in wind turbine gearbox bearing applications and deficiencies in the design process. 2 Furthermore, we believe that the problems that manifested themselves in the earlier 500-kW to 1000kW sizes five to ten years ago still exist in many of the larger 1 to 2 MW gearboxes being built today with the same architecture. As such, it is likely that lessons learned in solving problems on the smaller scale can be applied directly to future wind turbines at a larger scale, but with less cost. Using these observations to help bound the problem, we reason that the accepted design practices that are applied successfully throughout other industrial bearing applications must be deficient when applied to wind turbine gearboxes. This characterization is based primarily on anecdotal field-failure data, and the experience of gear and bearing experts who have studied the problems for many years. Unfortunately, the available analytical methods to assess design life in typical gearbox designs are not accurate enough to shed much light on this problem, so much of the investigation must be conducted empirically. A major factor contributing to the complexity of the problem is that much of the bearing design-life assessment process is proprietary to the bearing manufacturers. Gearbox designers, working with the bearing manufacturers, initially select the bearing for a particular location and determine the specifications for rating. The bearing manufacturer then conducts a fatigue life rating analysis to determine if the correct bearing has been selected for the specific application and location. Generally, a high degree of faith is required to accept the outcome of this analysis because it is done with little transparency. Even though bearing manufacturers claim adherence to international bearing- rating standards (ISO 281:2007 8), each manufacturer uses its internally developed design codes that have the potential to introduce significant differences that can affect actual calculated bearing life without revealing the details to customers. A new code is needed in the public domain that will give the industry a common method for due diligence in bearing design 9. Moreover, since the bearing manufacturers do not have broad or intimate knowledge of gearbox system loads and responses that may be contributing to unpredicted bearing behavior beyond the bearing mounting location such as housing deformations, they are not capable of making valid root-cause analyses on their own. A broader collaboration of the various stakeholders, each of whom holds a piece of the answer, is clearly needed. Gearbox Reliability Collaborative Many of the gearbox problems described above may be the direct result of institutional barriers that hinder communication and feedback during the design, operation, and maintenance of turbines. In isolation, it is very difficult for single entities in the supply chain to find proper solutions. Hence, a collaborative is needed to bring together the various portions of the design process, and to share information needed to address the problems. This promises to be one of the more challenging parts of this project, as information sharing introduces perceived risk to the protection of intellectual property, which is guarded dearly by most companies. A goal of this project is to establish this cooperative framework while protecting the intellectual property rights of all parties. These concerns will be addressed through legal agreements with NREL, and will be further mitigated since the project does not focus on any manufacturers specific design. The collaborative is operated by NREL staff and expert consultants hired by NREL to guarantee privacy of commercially sensitive information and data. In addition, a goal of the collaborative is to engage key representatives of the supply chain, including turbine owners, operators, gearbox manufacturers, bearing manufacturers, lubrication companies, and wind turbine manufacturers. Each party holds information and experience that is needed to guide the project, supply the components, and interpret results of the test. The collaborative partners will benefit by having input throughout the testing setup and execution, and will have access to data within the agreements established by the cooperative. Results will be released by the GRC as agreed upon by its members. Generic Wind Turbine Drivetrain Architecture The selected configuration is comprised of a single main bearing upwind of the gearbox with rear non-locating support bearings inside the gearbox. Trunnion mounts on either side of the gearbox are used to attach it to a mainframe or bedplate, typically through elastomeric bushings used to dampen noise and vibrations. Torque reactions are resolved through the trunnion support assembly that is normally an integral part of the gear housing. The external geometry of this configuration is shown in The low speed stage of the gearbox is a planetary configuration with either spur or helical gears. The sun pinion drives a parallel intermediate shaft that in turn drives a high speed stage. Both the intermediate and high speed stages use helical gears. A generalized schematic of a typical wind turbine gearbox is shown in Figure 2. 4 Critical bearing locations are defined as places that have exhibited a high percentage of application failures in spite of the use of best current design practices. In the generic configuration, there are three critical bearing locations that we have identified: 1. Planet bearings 2. Intermediate shaft-locating bearings 3. High-speed locating bearings Each location has exhibited a relatively high degree of bearing failures with a relatively low dependence on machine size, machine make, or model. A Three Point Plan As previously mentioned, some aspects of the wind turbine, gearbox, and bearing design process are preventing gearboxes from reaching expected life. These deficiencies could be the result of many factors, including: ? the possibility that one or more critical design-load cases were not accounted for in the design load spectrum, ? that transfer of loads (both primary torque loads and non-torque loads) from the shaft and mounting reactions is occurring in a non-linear or unpredicted manner, or ? that components within the gearbox (especially the bearings) are not uniformly specified to deliver the same level of reliability. Due to the complexity of this problem, a comprehensive approach that expands our existing base of knowledge and capabilities will be required. Under this project, NREL plans an integrated three-pronged approach of analysis, dynamometer testing, and field testing as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 - Comprehensive Strategy to Investigate Wind Turbine Gearbox Reliability 5 Laboratory testing of a representative instrumented drivetrain in the NREL 2.5-MW dynamometer will be coordinated with parallel field tests on an identical instrumented drivetrain conducted at a nearby wind farm site. With the benefit of hindsight, the selected drivetrain will be upgraded prior to testing to current state-ofthe-art to eliminate known design weaknesses and quality issues as best as possible. These upgrades may include different bearing types, cooling and filtration system upgrades, lubrication changes, and gear tooth modifications. The test specimens will therefore not be precise representations of any manufacturers design. The laboratory and field measurements will be validated with dynamic analysis using an accurate structural-system model of the selected drivetrain. The test will be based on a 600 to 750-kW wind turbine selected by a committee of expert gearbox consultants hired by NREL under the GRC. The exact details of the drivetrain to be tested and analyzed are confidential to the members of the GRC. Project success will be highly dependent on making the right measurements that correctly characterize the behavior of the critical bearings under various loading scenarios. Instruments will be developed and installed to capture data about significant loads, deflections, thermal effects, dynamic responses and events, and changes to the condition of the lubricant. Critical loads measurements will include shaft bending and torque on the input shafts, but also measurements of how load sharing varies dynamically from one planet bearing to another. Similarly, measurements will be made to determine how the load is being shared between bearings axially along a single planet shaft. Displacement sensors to make continuous measurements will be installed internally, if possible, wherever gear tooth clearances or alignments of the gears might be affected. These locations may include bearing inner ring to outer ring alignments and clearances, shaft axial motions, bearing slip (inner or outer motions or bearing components), roller slipping or skidding, combined roller slip, relative motion of carrier to housing, sun pinion displacement relative to carrier, sun-pinion axial motion, housing stiffness, and displacement measurements of housing. We anticipate that certain locations will be difficult to access with standard instrumentation. Temperature measurements will be made at all critical bearing locations, including the inner rings, the outer rings, and planet bearings. Lubrication monitoring will include bulk sump temperature, cleanliness (e.g., particulate, ferrous, additive, and water), and filter debris. Laboratory analysis will be conducted frequently on all test specimens. The test data will be analyzed and correlated to look for bearing behavior that is unexpected, non-linear, or is suspect under a wide range of input conditions. If this behavior can be correctly documented and understood, it may not be necessary to reproduce every type of bearing failure if subsequent analysis can demonstrate that certain abnormal behavior can result in loss of bearing life. Dynamometer Testing The National Renewable Energy Laboratory operates a 2.5-MW dynamometer test facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy at its National Wind Technology Center in Golden, CO that is dedicated to the testing of wind turbine drive trains 12. Since 1999, this facility has been in continuous operation providing testing services to prototype and production wind turbine drive trains up to 2 MW in size. NREL plans to use this facility and its support staff to conduct full-scale tests on the 750-kW drivetrain selected. A schematic of the facility is shown in Figure 4. One of the benefits of using a full scale drive-train test facility is that the time to evaluate new configurations can be reduced by an order of magnitude or more (compared to field testing) since loading conditions can be repeated and accelerated as needed. Instrumentation is easier to install and maintain, and the results can often be observed first-hand from a safe vantage point. One limitation is that the prescribed loading in the test facility is currently capable of applying only low-speed shaft torque with a very simple single-point transverse load (up to 100 kips) that might represent shaft bending load due to gravity, but not in a dynamic situation. Plans are underway to upgrade the facility to enable more complex dynamic-load combinations, including low-speed shaft bending in two directions, shear loading, as well as a reversing axial thrust component. This additional loading capability will enable better simulation of the actual field conditions in real-time operation. Another potential problem is that the transfer function between external shaft loading and internal gearbox responses may not be the same in the dynamometer as it is on the turbine under field operation due to differences in mounting stiffness or component inertia. Initial testing will examine and characterize these effects to establish a valid correlation between field tests and laboratory results. Of critical importance will be showing how anomalous events such as non-linear bearing responses might be contributing to the premature failures. 480 V 575 V 690 V Figure 4 Schematic of NREL 2.5 MW Dynamometer Test Facility Figure 5 Ponnequin Windfarm Test Site Northern Colorado USA 13 Field Testing Field testing will be conducted at the Ponnequin windfarm shown in Figure 5, which is owned and operated by Xcel Energy. 7 Field testing will be conducted on a wind turbine with the identical gearbox configuration as the drive train that is tested in the NREL dynamometer. The primary purpose of the field test is to measure the loading characteristics of the turbine under field operation, and record all the design load cases and their corresponding reactions and responses that are generated at the critical bearing locations identified above. These measured field loads will be required to correlate the measured responses in the dynamometer test facility generated under the same loading. Due to difference between the stiffness of the drivetrain mounting in the dynamometer, system inertias, and other configuration modifications, the dynamometer responses may need to be tuned to match field conditions. Drivetrain Analysis Drivetrain analysis tools will be developed to model the internal gear and bearing load reactions, and internal displacements and motion under simulated field conditions. Similar analyses have been performed to investigate the multi-body dynamics of gears and shafts, but bearing behavior was not considered 14. The analysis will use multi-body dynamic analysis to relate the global rotor loads calculated using the FAST wind turbine code to the subcomponent level of the inside of the gearbox 15. Accurate geometry and stiffness properties for each of the gearbox elements (including gear housing, shafts, bearings, and gears) will be represented using SimPack software 16. A preliminary model is shown in Figure 6. Commercially available gear design, analysis, and rating software (GEARCALC 17, RIKOR 18, LVR 19) will be used to assess the gear tooth loads, and establish load capacity limits for the “as built” gearbox. The model will be tuned using inputs from dynamic analysis, field test results, and dynamometer testing through an iterative process. A similar approach will be utilized with gear rating codes by working with a bearing design partner (using their in-house codes) and in validating public domain bearing-rating software now under development. Figure 6 - Preliminary Model of Gearbox using SimPack software By building this modeling capability, future designers will benefit by having a validated design process that is capable of developing and identifying critical load cases for gearbox design. Predicting gearbox load responses to specified load conditions that can be measured in the field will also be modeled. The validated model will be useful in extrapolating to extreme or rare-event load cases that may not be easy to capture in the field or apply in the dynamometer test stand. Drive train solutions can be simulated in the validated model before implementing them in the laboratory or field, which will reduce the design-loop cycle time and allow more solutions to be assessed while building confidence in the proposed solution. We anticipate that ultimately, the combined testing and analysis efforts can help refine the design process and contribute significantly to better practices and improved system reliability. Conclusions The wind industry has reached a point where design practices for gearboxes do not result in sufficient life, and institutional barriers are hindering forward progress. A new approach is needed to overcome these barriers and accelerate the development of more robust gearbox designs. The Gearbox Reliability Collaborative initiated at NREL provides a fresh approach toward better gearboxes that combines the resources of key members of the supply chain to investigate design-level root causes of field problems and solutions that will lead to higher gearbox reliability. Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of several individuals that have helped formulate the ideas and actions expressed in this paper including Don McVittie, Bob Errichello, Ed Hahlbeck, Ted DeRocher, Jim Johnson, Francisco Oyague, Jason Cotrell, Hal Link, Jonathan White, Thomas Jonsson, Roger Hill, Marty Block, and Ken Bolin. In addition, the U.S. Department of Energy is recognized for its continued support on this project. 摘要 这份报告描述了一个新的研究和发展倡议来证明风速涡轮箱中齿轮箱的可靠性,起始于美国科罗拉多州古登国家能源实验室(NREL)。该方法涉及到来自于NREL全员的合作项目,专家顾问和来自风能产业的搭档,对提提高齿轮箱可靠性感兴趣的人。该合作项目的团队成员仍在一直增加随着项目变得越来越明确,不过目标包括代表从运营商、业主、风力涡轮机、齿轮制造商、轴承制造商、顾问和轮滑油制造商。该项目被构想成一个需要多年的综合测试和分析工作。这将包括互补实验室和现场测试在600至750千瓦涡轮机和变速箱配置具有可靠性问题和大部分的涡轮机种类相同,该项目的目标设计过程的缺陷将对大多数设计寿命大量短缺问题做出贡献。新的设计分析工具将制定详细的测试配置模型。这将包括使用多体动力学分析模型风机的载荷,连接到变速箱内部载荷和变形。知识产权的冲突将通过坚持使用一个测试配置,不会复制任何特定制造商的风电机组模型,降到最小化,不过代表了一种普遍的配置。背景风能产业层经历过高的变速箱失败率在制造初期,早期的风力涡轮机设计充满了基本的变速箱设计错误由一 致过低估算的操作负荷导致。这个行业通过在过去的20年里与风机制造商,设计者齿轮,轴承制造商,顾问,和润滑工程师一起工作,提高负荷预测,设计,制造,经营了解到这些问题。这种合作导致了在国际公认的变速风力发电机组的设计标准。尽管合理的遵守这些接受风机齿轮箱的设计实践,这些风电涡轮机已经达到二十年寿命的设计目标,不过大多数系统需要重大修理或大修前的预期寿命达到。由于齿轮箱是风力涡轮机系统的最昂贵的部件,这比预期的故障率增加风能的成本。此外,变速箱的寿命,未来的不确定性是导致风机价格升级。涡轮制造商的销售价格加入了担保风险为了支付过早变速箱故障的可能性。此外,业主和运营商建立应急基金可能出现保修期满后,项目融资和收入预期的问题。使风电成本回下降的轨迹,在长期的变速箱可靠性显著增加需要证明。针对设计中存在的不足,涡轮机的改造和重新设计是一个持续的过程目前的生产单位,但它是难以验证,及时修改的有效性保证不满意的“解决方案”的多个单位不部署。目前,齿轮制造商引入新的模型修改,用重新设计的取代不足的部分被认为能够提高性能。为了测试这些新的设计,安装了重新设计的变速箱并且重新开始现场评估过程。这种方法可能最终达到所需要的可靠性目标,但却可能需要很多年发展解决法案到所需要的信心和将不确定性减少到一个水平,这将减少涡轮机成本。到那时,风力发电行业可能已经转发张到更大的涡轮机或不同传动系统的安排可以证明这些方案是错误的。此外,原问题的基本失效机理可能永远不会理解,这使得设计未能得到解释的部分在无意中传播到下一代机器更容易。本文总结了长期的NREL/DOE计划探讨选择的问题,直接在设计过程中加快风电齿轮箱的可靠性改进。在这个计划的执行,我们的意图是提高动态测试精度评估变速箱变速箱和传动系统的选择,问题和模拟现场条件下的解决方案。该项目将评估可能的负载的事件,包括设计载荷谱宽范围,以及如何设计临界荷载的情况下可能转化为意想不到的轴承和齿轮的反应如不对中,轴承打滑,和轴向运动。NREL已经承诺解决变速箱可靠性的研究议程的一个重要组成部分,并计划从事广泛的利益相关者包括研究人员,顾问,轴承制造商,变速箱制造商,制造商,和风力涡轮机的所有者/经营者形成一个变速箱可靠性协同(GRC)。协同主要将针对变速箱问题与提高风力发电机组的整体可靠性的共同目标。这种方法将包括三个主要技术工作,包括现场测试,测功机测试和传动系统的分析。这些元素构成了一个全面的战略,将解决真正本质的问题和充满希望的点燃合作精神的火花,可以带来更好的变速箱。对基本问题的观察然而对这些故障的性质得出确切的结论还为时过早,一些合理的意见已以帮助缩小这个项目的过程和范围大部分的风电齿轮箱的问题在本质上是通用的,这意味着问题不是一个单一的齿轮制造商或水轮机模型。多年来,大多数风电齿轮箱的设计已经收敛到一个类似的建筑只有少数例外。因此,有一个合作的机会,在风电齿轮箱的供应链利益相关者之间找到失败的根本原因并探讨解决方案,推进行业集体的理解。齿轮箱故障的数量繁多表明不遵守公认的齿轮行业的做法和做工差,不是失败的主要来源。当然,有些失败是直接归因于质量问题,在这方面的进一步改善,不排除考虑,但我们认为如果他们选择这样做,制造商能通过自身识别和纠正质量控制问题。因此,本项目的目标将是更大的问题的识别和纠正设计过程中的不足之处,哪些可能会在生活中忽略的东西。大多数的变速箱故障不在齿轮故障或齿轮齿的设计缺陷。所观察到的故障出现启动在几个特定的轴承位置在某些应用中,以后可提前进入齿轮轴承碎片和多余的间隙造成表面磨损和失调。有趣的是,现场故障评估显示了齿轮箱故障10%可以制造异常,齿轮相关的质量问题,但这不是问题的主要来源。4.风力发电齿轮箱的故障大多数出现在轴承启动。这些失败的事实,大多数的变速箱已被设计和使用最好的轴承设计实践,尽管发生了。因此,这个项目最初的重点将是发现的弱点和不足,风机齿轮箱轴承应用在设计过程中。5.此外,我们认为,问题,表现在早期的500千瓦1000千瓦尺寸五到十年前在许多大1至2兆瓦变速箱具有相同的建筑今天依然存在。因此,它是可能的经验教训,在解决小规模的问题,可以直接应用到未来的风力涡轮机在更大的规模,但用更少的成本。通过这些观察有助于约束的问题,我们推理出公认的设计实践,成功地应用在其他工业轴承的应用程序必须在应用于风机齿轮箱的缺陷。这种特征主要是基于传闻的现场故障数据和经验,对齿轮和轴承的专家已经研究了多年的问题。不幸的是,现有的分析方法评估典型的变速箱设计寿命是不够准确,在这个问题上透露太多,太多的必须进行调查,实证分析。导致这个问题的复杂性的一个主要因素是,大部分的轴承设计寿命评估过程是专有的轴承制造商、变速箱设计、与轴承制造商工作,最初选择一个特定位置的轴承和确定等级规格。轴承制造商进行了疲劳寿命评估分析确定正确的轴承已被选定为定位的具体应用。一般来说,高度的信仰需要接受这
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