牛津上海版(深圳)四下Unit 12《The ugly duckling》练习题2_第1页
牛津上海版(深圳)四下Unit 12《The ugly duckling》练习题2_第2页
牛津上海版(深圳)四下Unit 12《The ugly duckling》练习题2_第3页




1、Module 4 Unit 12 The ugly duckling BI. 根据图意,在表格中圈出相应的单词并抄写在横线上。 II读句子,找出句子中的对应词,并写在横线上。1.The ugly duckling is a beautiful swan now 2.My new hat is black and white 3.The short tree is beside the tall tree 4.The old woman has a new house 5.In spring its warm,but in autumn its cool III.读句子并按要求改写。1.Ther

2、e is a small egg in the nest. (改为复数形式)There some small in the nest.2.The ugly duckling is not happy. (改写句子,保持句意不变)The ugly duckling .3.The three ducklings are on Mother Ducks back. (根据划线部分提问) the three ducklings?4.The big egg opens later.(改为一般疑问句) the big egg later?IV阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Once upon a t

3、ime,there lived a very skinny pigThe other animals in the barn laughed at(嘲笑)him,“You dont look like a pig!Other pigs are all fat,but youre so skinny!Are you a pig?The skinny pig was sad and lonelyNo one wanted to play with him because he looked differentOne night,the skinny pig saw smoke coming out

4、 of the roof(屋顶)of the henhouseHe heard the hens shouting,Help!Help!The other animals couldnt get into the henhouse because they were so fatThe skinny pig ran inside and pulled the hens out of the fireFrom that day on,the animals became friends with their hero(英雄),the skinny pig( )1Whats the meaning

5、 of skinny? Atoo fat Btoo thin Ctoo tall( )2.The other animals the skinny pig at first. A.Liked B.Played with C.laughed at( )3.One night,the gets on fire Ahenhouse Bpigs house Cbarn( )4 The other animals couldnt save the hens because theyre Afat Bafraid Cthin挑战题 根据表格提示写一写。bigsmalluglywhitegreyhappysadbeautiful 参考答案I.Winter;river;ducking;swim;sunny;swamII.1.ugly-beautiful 2.black-white 3.short-tall 4.old-


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