



1、.提纲或考摘要(见另一份资料)提纲分为两类,话题提纲(topic outline)或短语提纲,和句子提纲(sentence outline)。话题提纲的内容由名词短语,动名词短语,不定式短语等构成;句子提纲由完整的句子构成。I写作步骤:A 决定题目B 设计一个主题或论点C 收集细节II 提纲的格式提纲有别于摘要,有严格的格式要求。Topic: Thesis: Outline:I. A. 1. a) b) 2. B. II. A. B.III. A. B. 规则1. 整个提纲至少有三层:topic, thesis, outline.在最后可以添加的部分是conclusion(结论)。2. 主题部

2、分thesis,必须是一个完整的句子,不管是在话题提纲还是在句子提纲中都不能改变。3. 部分若有分项,分项不能少于2个,即有1必有2,有A必有B。4. 处于同一层次的分项具有同样的重要性,安排要合乎逻辑,分项必须用相同的语法结构来表达。5. 不能将话题提纲(topic outline)和句子提纲(sentence outline)混用,前后要保持统一。6. 话题提纲的第一个字母要提写,短语后不必句号,而句子提纲要遵循英语句子的标点规范。Example 1:Topic: the school library Thesis: The library plays a very important p

3、art in a students life. Outline:I. A student needs to borrow books from the library. A. He needs reference books to his course. B. He may want to read novels and stories.II. He can read newspapers and magazines in the library. A. Many magazines are available in the Reading Room. B. There are newspap

4、ers from many provinces.III. He needs it in his junior and senior years. A. The library provides him with books for his research. B. He needs it to write his graduation paper.Example2:原文来自专升本英语考试试题集模拟二摘要原文Topic: Three PassionsThesis: My life has been governed by three passions.Outline:I. Three passi

5、ons has governed my life II. I have sought love. A. It brings uncontrolled feelings to me. B. It relieves my loneliness. C. I have seen the vision of the heaven in the union of love. III. I have sought knowledge. A. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. B. I have whished to know why the sta

6、rs shine. C. I have tried to understand the world around me. IV. I long to wipe out the evil but I cannot. It makes me suffer. V. I have found my life worth living.Topic: Three PassionsThesis: My life has been governed by three passions.Outline:I. Three passions II. Seeking love A. Bringing uncontrolled feelings B. Relieving my loneliness C. Bringing the vision of the heaven III. Seeking Knowledge A. Wishing to understand the hearts of men B. Wishing to know why the stars shine C. Wishing to understand th


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