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1、I s h o w 2 0 1 8 高 级 班 文 本 3目录一人物 Bob?Branson二人物 Andrea ,James三找室友四工作 amusement?park ,intern ,landscaping?job五工作 ?working?as?a?tutor , in?a?restaurant ,for?a?marketing?company 六借东西 (相机,蓝色西装,车)七三角恋八三个故事(撞鲸,抢银行,卡烟囱),耍蛇,救警察九丢钱包十四个烦恼 (开车快,狗叫,放广告,销售员) 十一换衣服,衣服褪色十二找宿管(换灯泡,狗叫) 十三地区习惯(吃东西有声音,睡得晚,中东服饰) 十四 ?

2、Greener?World十五垃圾填埋场,臭氧层十六化工厂倾倒废弃物,找证据十七算命十八克服害羞十九舞蹈课,厨艺课 二十转折点(工作后,有狗了,有自行车) 二十一转折点(学语言,获奖) 二十二后悔专业选择、大学生活 二十三迟到,狗生娃 二十四戴安娜,比尔盖茨 二十五在家中工作,交通形势 二十六心理医生,露营顾问 Lesson1AA:Do?you?have?a?date?for?the?party?yet?B:Actually?,?I?dont.?Do?you?think?you?could?help?me?find?one?A:Hmm,?what?kind?of?guys?do?you?lik

3、e?B:Oh,?I?like?guys?who?arent?too?serious?and?who?have?a? good?sense?of?humor.You?know?,?like?you.A:Ok,?Uh,?what?else?B:Well,?Id?prefer?someone?I?have?something?in?common?with- who?I?can?talk?to?easily.?A:I think I know?just?the?guy?for?you.?Bob?Branson.?Do?you?know?him.? B:No,?I?dont?think?so.A:wel

4、l,?let?me?arrange?for?you?to?meet?him,?,?and?you?can?tell?me?what?you?t hink.BChris:?So,?whats?the?Verdict?What?did?you?think?of?Bob?Kim:?Well,?I?was?worried?at?first?especially?when?I?saw?that?he?wears?not?one ?but?two?earrings,I? thought?he?might?turn?out?to?be?one?of?those?guys?who?are?into?heavy

5、?rock? music?and?stuff?like?that.?You?know?what?I?mean? Chris:?But?hes?just?like?a?regular?kind?of?guy,?right?Kim:?Yeah,?we?got?along?really?well!?Chris:?I?just?knew?youd?like?him.?Kim:?Yeah,?I?do,?and?hes?really?funny.?He?had?me?laughing?hysterically?durin g?dinner.?I?think?the?people?sitting?next?

6、to?us?in?the?restaurant?thought?we?were?crazy.? Chris:?So,?are?you?two?going?to?get?together?again?Kim:?Definitely,?in?fact,?were?going?to?a?concert?tomorrow?night.? Chris:?Thats?great.?Lesson2AA: So, have you seen Andrea lately?B: Yeah, I see her pretty often. We work together at a cafe latt e.A: H

7、ows she doing, Ive been meaning to call her.B: Well, to be honest! Ive always thought shes a little difficult. But these days, I find her impossible.A: What do you mean?B: Oh, you know how she is. She has strong ideas about everything. And If you dont agreeWith her, she lets you know what she thinks

8、 of you.A: Yes, thats true. But thats why we love her, right?B: Yeah, I guess so. But shes changed a lot since she started college. She talked about herself all the time and she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does.A: Hmm. Maybe I wont call her after all.BA: Are you going

9、 to Jamess party on Saturday?B: Of course, James always gives the best parties. And there are always lots of interesting new people to meet.A: Thats true. I dont know where he manages to find them all.B: Well, you know what hes like. He makes friends really easily. He really likes talking to people,

10、 and he loves inviting people over.A: Ur Ur, he in vited me for dinner last Saturday, what a feast!B: Yeah, hes a great cook too.A: After dinner I offered to help clean up, but he told me not to worry about it. He said hed take care of it in the morning. He was like, its nothing, no big deal.B: Yup,

11、 that sounds like James.CA:?Have?you?met?the?new?apartment?manager?B:?Mr.?Joh nso n?Hmm.?Yeah,?l?met?him?last?week.?Hes?a?little?stra nge.? A:?Yeah,?he?is.?Im?not?sure?I?like?him.?Hes?hard?to?predict.?Sometimes?hes pretty cheerful?and?talk active,and?the next?day?he?doesnt?even?say?hello.?I?think?he

12、?must?have?personal?problems?o r?something.?B:?I?think?youre?right.?And?have?you?noticed?that?half?the?time?when?he?says ?hes?going?to?3?something,?he?never?actually?does?it?He?told?me?three?times ?hed?come?to?fix?the?light?in?my?kitchen,?and?he?still?hasnt?done?it.?Lesson3ADave:?Hello?Jim:?Hi.?My?n

13、ames?Jim?Hunt.?Im?calling?about?the?ad?for?a?roommate.? Dave:?Oh,?right.?Jim:?Are?you?still?looking?for?someone?Dave:?Yes,?we?are.?Jim:?Oh,?good.?Im?really?interested.? Dave:?Well,?there?are?four?of?us,?and its?a?fairly?small?house,?so?we?want?someone?whos?easy?to?get?along?with. Jim:?Im?pretty?easy

14、going.?Dave:?Great!?So?can?I?ask?you?a?few?fairly?straightforward?questions?about?you rself?Jim:?No?problem.?I?like?it?when?people?are?direct.?D:?What?do?you?do,?Jim?J:?Oh,?well,?Ive?had?a?lot?of?different?jobs,?but?Im?not?working?right?now.?J:?Yeah,?I?got?fired?from?my?last?job?about?six?months?ago

15、,so?Ive?been?looking?for?something?else.?I?havent?been?very?lucky?so?far.?D:?Uh-huh.?Well,?the?rent?here?is?$1,200?a?month?uh,?thats?$300?a?mo nth?for?each?pers onJ:?Oh,?Uh?.?D:?Will?you?have?e nough?mo ney?to?pay?the?re nt?every?mo nth?J:?Yeah,?l?probably?will?if?l?ca n?fin d?a?job.?D:?Yeah.?Uh,?lo


17、t?yourself.?l?like?it?when?people?are?honest?with?me.?Anyway,?l?have?to?talk?to?my?other?roommates?about?this,?and?lll?give?y ou?a?call?tomorrow?to?let?you?know?what?we?decide.?Why?dont?you?give?me ?your?number?J:?Sure,?its?two,?two,?three? ?Lesson4Tracy:?Good?news!?Ive?found?a?summer?job!?Mark:?Tha

18、ts?great!?Anything?interesting?T:?Yes,?working?at?an?amusement?park.?Doesnt?that?sound?fantastic?M:?Sure,?it?does.?T:?So,?have?you?found?anything?M:Nothing yet,?but?Ive?got?a?couple?of?leads.?One?is?working?as?an?intern?for?a?record? company? mostly?answering?phones.?Or?l?can?get?a?landscaping?job?a

19、gain.?T:?Being?an?intern?sounds?more?interesting?than?landscaping.?And?its?proba bly?not?as?hard!?M:?Yeah,?but?a?landscaper?earns?more?money?than?an?intern.?And?you?get? a?great?tan!?BM:?So?what?will?you?be?doing?at?the?amusement?park,?exactly?T:?Actually,?lll?have?two?jobs.?First,?lll?be?working?at

20、?a?place?called?Childrens? World.They?have?all?kinds?of?interesting?games?and?educational?activities?for?young?kids.? l?have?to?go?to?a?training?program?for?three?days?before?l?start?to?find?out?h ow?everything?works.?M:?Three?days?Wow,?the?equipment?must?be?pretty?high-tech!T:?Oh,?it?is?a?lot?of?co

21、mputers?a nd?i nteresti ng?devices.lts?just?the?k in d?of?stuff?that?kids ?love.?M:?Well,?it?sounds?like?the?perfect?job?for?you.?I?know how?much?you?love?kids.So?whats?your?other?job?T:?Well.?Ill?also?be?one?of?the?people?who?walks?around the?park?greeting?people.?M:?Do?you?mean?youll?have?to?dress

22、?up?in?a?costume?T:?Yes,?as?a?cartoon?character!?I?know,?I?know.?It?sounds silly.?And?its?certainly?not?as?rewarding?as?working?in?Childrens?World,?but?it s?part?of?the?job.?Lesson5AWoman:?So?where?are?you?working?this?summer,?Carlos?Carlos:?Im?working?as?a?tutor.?in?a?learning?center?for?kids.?W:?I

23、nteresting.?What?kinds?of?things?do?the?kids?do?there?C:?They?work?on?subjects?they?need?help?in,?uh,?mainly?.math?and?English.? W:?Is?your?job?hard?C:?No,?not?at?all.?The?kids?work?on?computers?most?of?the?time.?We?have?to ?help?them?get?started?and?when?they?run?into?problems.?W:?Do?you?enjoy?it?B

24、Woman:?Paul,?did?you?find?a?summer?job,?yet? Paul:?Yeah,?Im?working?in?a?restaurant.?W:?Oh,?hows?it?going?P:?Oh,?the?moneys?not?bad.?W:?What?are?you?doing?Are?you?waiting?tables?P:?I?wish!?No.?Im?working?in?the?kitchen.?I?cut?up?stuff?for?the?chef?vegetables?a nd?meat?a nd?things.?I?also?wash?the?di

25、shes.?W:?Oh,?yuck.?P:?Yeah.?Its?pretty?hard?work.?I?didnt?realize?how?hot?it?is?in?a?restaurant?kit chen?until?I?took?this?job.?W:?So?why?dont?you?quit?P:?Id?love?to,?but?I?need?the?money.?CMan:?So?what?kind?of?job?did?you?find?for?the?summer?Julia:?Im?working?for?a?marketing?company.?Im?doing?telep

26、hone?marketing.?M:?Oh,?so?youre?one?of?those?people?who?drives?me?crazy?by?calling?me?up? ?and?trying?to?persuade?me?to?buy?something?that?I?have?absolutely?no?need?for.?J:?Exactly.?M:?Do?you?like?it?J:?Believe?it?or?not,?I?do.?Its?mostly?a?bunch?of?students?working?there,?and? we?have?a?lot?of?fun?

27、when?were?not?making?calls.?Its?really?easy,?too,?since?we?just?have?to?read?fr om?a?script.?M:?Are?you?doing?this?full?time?J:?Yes,?but?I?work?from?two?in?the?afternoon?until?eleven?at?night,?so?I?get?to ?sleep?as?late?as?I?want?to?in?the?morning.Lesson6AJack: Hi, Rod. This is Jack.Rod: Oh, hi, Jac

28、k. Whats up?J: Im going to my best friends wedding this weekend. Id love to videotape it. Wo uld you mind if I borrowed you video camera?R: Um, yeah. Thats OK, I guess. I dont think Ill need it for anything.J: Thanks a million.R: Sure. Have you used a video camera before? Its pretty easy.J: Yeah, a

29、couple of times. Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night?R: Fine. No problem.BAndy: Hello.J: Hi, Andy. This is Jack.A: Oh, hi, Jack.J: I was wondering if you could do me a favor.A: That depends.J: Well, I have to go to a wedding this weekend. Would it be OK if I borrowed your navy blue suit

30、?A: Oh, sure. No problem.J: Thanks a lot. Ill come by and pick it up tonight. A: Thats fine.CR: Rose Rizzo.J: Hi, Rose. This is Jack.R: Oh, hello. How are you?J: Pretty good, thanks. Listen, the reason Im calling is I have a really big favor to as k you.R: Yes?J:Remember I told you about that friend

31、 of mine whos getting married to a woma n he met inBarcelona?R: Yeah, I remember. And?about aJ: Well, the weddings this Saturday afternoon, and its out in the countryn hoursdrive from here and I was won deri ng if I could borrow your car for the after noon to get there.R: Gee, Jack, Id really love t

32、o help you out, but Im going to be needi ng my car all weekend.Ive got a friend coming in from out of town, and I promised to show her the sights.J: Oh, OK. I understand. Anyway, how are things? I havent seen you for ages.R: Oh, pretty good.Lesson7Amy: Hello?Jeff: Hello. May I speak to Sophia, pleas

33、e?A: Im sorry, shes not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?J: Yes, please. This is Jeff. Would you tell her that Tony is having a party on Saturda y?A: Un-huh.J: And would you ask her if shed like to go with me?A: All right, Peter. Ill give her the message.J: No, this is Jeff, not Peter

34、.A: Oh, Im sorry.J: By the way, whos Peter?BSophia: Hi! Im home!A: Oh, hi.S: Did anyone call?A: Uh-huh. Your old friend Peter called a few hours ago. Hes going to be in town on Saturday and wants to get together with you Saturday night. He said to call him.S: Oh, super! I havent seen Peter in almost

35、 a year. Any other calls?A: Uh, yeah. Jeff called. He wants to know if you want to go to Tonys party with hi m.S: Oh. When is Tonys party?A: On Saturday.S: Oh, perfect. Thats the same night Im going to get together with Peter, so I hav e an excuse not to go. Even if I werent going out with Peter, I

36、wouldnt go anywhe re with Jeff. Oh, hes such apain!A: Oh, he didnt sound so bad. He sounded kind of sweet.S: Yeah, yeah, I guess he is. Its just that I dontwant to go out with him-and he just does nt seem to get the message. Do me a favor. Amy,Ifhe calls again, could you just tell him Im not home?A:

37、 Hmm. OK.Lesson8AJ:What an awful story! A couple was sailing their yacht from Hawaii to Mexico. Whi le they werecrossing the Pacific, their boat hit a whale and sank!Anne: Is that true? What happened to the whale?J: It doesnt say! Oh and heres another one. A guy in Los Angles was robbing a bank. But

38、 as hewas escaping, he got caught in the revolving door.A: I guess it was his first bank robbery!J: Yeah. Oh and listen to this. Some guy got locked out of his house, so he tried to get in through the chimney.A: Dont tell me! He got stuck in the chimney!J: Exactly. And he was still trying to get out

39、 two days later when the police rescued him.BA man who considered himself a snake charmer was strangled to death on Sunday by a three-and-a-half-meter boaconstrictor in a town in Thailand. It seems that the man rushed to see the giant snake after friends told him the serpent was seen beside one of t

40、he towns main roads. The snake charmer put it around his ne ck; while heand his friends were walking home, the snake strangled him to death.CEarly Tuesday morning in California, two police officers who were pursuing a car th ief down Hollywood Boulevard in a high-speed chase were rescued by the thie

41、f. D uring the chase, the officers car overturned and fell into a shallow river. The officers couldnt get out of the car, which wasrapidly filling up with water. The thief went back to the scene ofthe accident and helped rescue the officers. The Hollywood Police Department has decided to drop charge

42、s against the thief for saving the officers lives.Lesson9ABrian: Someone stole my wallet last night!Kate: Oh no! What happened?B: Well, I was working out, and I had put my stuff in my locker, just like I always do.When I came back, someone had stolen my wallet. I guess Id forgotten to lock th e lock

43、er.K: Im sorry. Thats terrible! Did you lose much money?B: Only about $20. But I lost my credit card and my drivers license. What a pain!BK: Hmm. That reminds me of when I had my purse stolen last year.B: Really? What happened?K: Well, it was when I was in Belgium. I was on my way to the airport, so

44、 I was stan ding on theside of the road with my bags, trying to figure out the bus schedule. Anyway, this bunch of guyscame by and asked if they could help me. They spoke very broken English, and I co uldnt reallyunderstand what they were saying. I really just wanted them to leave me alone. Fin ally

45、, they left and when I looked down, I realized my purse had disappeared. It had my wallet in it withall my travelers checks and my money and my credit card. Well, luc kily, I had put my airline ticket and my passport in one of my carry-on bags. B: How awful! So what did you do?K: Well, first I screa

46、med at the top of my lungs andtried to run after the guys -but they were long gone. Then-this sounds really corny -I didjust what I had seen people do on TV: I called my credit card company.B: Were they helpful?K: They were lifesavers! In no time at all, theyd given me new travelers checks anda new

47、creditcard, and sent me on my way.Lesson10AA: It really upsets me when taxi drivers drive so fast. Im always terrified of having an accident.B: That doesnt really bother me. I like to get where Im going quickly. But I cant st and it whenthey have their radios turned up all the way full blast. You ca

48、nt even hear yourself think!A: I hate it when people take their dogs into a park and let them make messes all o ver the place.Its so irresponsible!B: You know what bothers me? I hate it when they go out and leave their dog at h ome, barking all day.CA: I cant stand it when they show the same commerc

49、ial twice in a row. Why do the y do that? It drives me crazy!B: The thing that bothers me the most is when they interrupt a ball game at the m ost exciting moment to show some stupid commercial.DA: It really upsets me when store clerks pretend they havent noticed you and just stand aroundchatting to

50、 each other. Its so rude.B: Yeah. Or on the other hand, they give you the hard sell, and try to get you to bu y something you dont really want.Lesson11AClerk: Can I help you?Helen: Yes, Id like to return this jacket.C: Is there something the matter with it?H: Yes. I didnt notice when I bought it, bu

51、t there are a few problems. First, it has a tear in the lining.C: Hmm, actually, its torn in several places.H: And some of the buttons are very loose, this one came off, in fact. And theres a stain on thecollar.C: Im really sorry about this. Would you like to exchange it for another one?H: Well, to

52、be honest, I dont think this jacket is very well made. Id rather get a ref und.C: I understand. Do you have the receipt?BW: Hi.C: Yes?W: I wonder if you could take a look at these shoes I bought here. Theyre pretty n ew, but theyseem to be falling apart.C: Hmm. Let me see. Yes, this doesnt look righ

53、t. The stitching is coming out. How l ong did yousay youve had them?W: Only about a month. Heres the receipt.C: Hmm yes. Well, let me exchange these for you. Im sorry for the inconvenience.M: Excuse me.C: Yes, how can I help you?M: You see this shirt? I bought it here a few weeks ago, but the first

54、time I washed it, the colorchanged: It went from bright red to light pink.C: How did you wash it?M: Well, I just tossed it into the washing machine with my other clothes.C: What temperature did you use?M: I usually wash my clothes in hot water, so I guess hot.C: Well, did you check the washinginstru

55、ctions?M: Um maybe not.C: Well, you see here on this label? It says,“Wash in cold water only.”M: Um-hmm.C: So Im really sorry, but since you didnt follow the washing instructions, I cant re ally doanything for you.Lesson12AA: Hello, Mr. Smith? I was wondering if you could, uh, change the lightbulb o

56、ut fro nt? It went out again.B: Look, why are you bothering me now? Its still light outside and it will be for ano ther five hours.A: Well, I realize that, but it was dark last night, and I was fumbling with my keys, and -Im headed out now, and B: Miss, it just rained. Its very wet. Its dangerous to work with electricity when its wet outside.A: Oh, I I dont want to endanger you. Its just that Ill be coming home late tonight and I j ust want to make B: I would love to help you miss, but somebody borrowed my ladder. I do


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