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1、Be a Good Speaker,Jun Deng Central South U. Dec. 2011,Essentials,Why am I making this speech? To inform, to persuade, to train or to sell? Who am I making this speech to? How much do they know already and what will they expect from you? Where am I making this speech? When and how long,How should I m

2、ake the speech (formal, informal, humor, visual aids) What shall I say *Notes. Do not read your speech! Title + Key words! * Rehearsal is vital! 1. Practice alone; 2. Use a mirror 3, stand in the corner, 4. Record your practice; 5 use a friendly audience,Basic structure of the speech,Welcome your au

3、dience Introduce your subject Explain the structure of your speech Explain rules for questions Present the subject itself Summarize your speech Thank your audience Invite questions,Introduce your subject,I am going to talk about The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new,Explain the stru

4、cture of your speech,Ive divided my presentation into four parts. They are During my talk, I will be looking at three areas, first; second;, third, . . To start with, I will describe . Then I will mention . After that I will consider . Finally, I will summarize my presentation before,Explain Rules f

5、or Questions,Feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions. I will try to answer all of your questions after the presentation. I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation,The middle of the speech,So, to start with, Id like to talk about the. The first problem today is that. L

6、ets go to the first topic. Thats all that I have to say about that. The above is my understanding of . Just now we have covered the point of,To begin with a new topic: Now , lets turn to/move on to/come to. The next point Id like to make is. Id like to continue now by looking at,The End of the speec

7、h,The conclusion Inform the audience that you are about to finish Summarize the main points Leave the audience with something to remember,Summarize your speech,To conclude In conclusion Now, let me summaries what Ive said Finally, may I remind you of some of the main points weve considered,Giving re

8、commendations,In conclusion, my recommendations are . I therefore suggest/propose/recommend that,Thank you audience,Many thanks for your attention May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience,Invite questions,Now I will try to answer any questions you may have. Are there any questions? Do you have any questio


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