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1、10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,14,13,12,11,15,16,Unit 7 A City of Heroes,17,Pre-reading,Tiananmen Eiffel Tower Tower Bridge,Question: What makes a city great,a long history a large population the capital cultural relics important things happened in history,Presentation We just talked about the great cities in

2、 China, in France and in Britain. Now lets read another great city in the text “A City of Heroes,Statue of Peter the Great in St Petersburg which is the second largest city in Russia,Reading:Read the text and find out the topic sentence for each paragraph,Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Parag

3、raph 4,The Russian Czar Peter the Great came here and built a new capital-St Petersburg,St Petersburg has also been the centre of many important events in history,When the Nazis had gone, the people of St Petersburg began rebuilding the city,Strong, proud and united, the people of St Petersburg are

4、the modern heroes of Russia,Read the 1st paragraphs for the detailed information and complete the following table,Build the city,When,300 years ago,Where,on the Neva River,Who,Peter the Great,people of the city,How,large, beautiful, fairy tale,Read the 2nd paragraph and then complete the following t

5、able,Destroy the city,When,1941,Who,the Germans or Nazis,How,burn the city; destroy the buildings; break paintings and statues in ruins,Read the 3rd paragraph carefully and try to understand how the people of St Petersburg rebuilt the city and brought back its beauty,How to save the palaces and buil

6、dings How to rebuild the statues How to recreate old paintings,Red the 4th paragraph and then complete the following table,Heroes of the city,Peter the Great,strong and proud,people of the city,strong, proud and united,Post-reading,1、Why do people think St Petersburg is a great city,2、Why was it so

7、difficult for the people to rebuild the old palaces,3、What did people use to help them rebuild the city,4、Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes,People think that St Petersburg is a great city because it was built by a Great Russian Czar and has been the center of many important historic events.

8、More importantly ,it survived the German attack in 1941 and its people did Everything they could to make it as beautiful as it once was,It is because the palaces were badly damaged in the war,The Russian artists used old paintings and photographs to rebuild it,That is because they have made somethin

9、g impossible possible.They Have successfully rebuilt the palaces without destroying their old Beauty.With hard work,patience ,devotion and love for their cultural relics,they have shown that dreams can come true,1.Answer the questions below,2. Read the text carefully and decide the following sentenc

10、es true or false,) 1. The city of St Petersburg was rebuilt by Peter the Great. ( ) 2. The German attacked St Petersburg a hundred years ago. ( ) 3. A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans. ( ) 4. It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces. ( ) 5. Workers and painters

11、used old photographs to help them rebuild the city. ( ) 6. St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before,F,F,T,T,T,F,3. Read the passage again and fill in the following blanks,St Petersburg is the _ largest city in Russia . The Neva river _ through the center of the city. 300 years ago,

12、the Russian Czar _ _ _ came here and _a new capital-St Petersburg. Many great _were built during his lifetime. Many important _ happened in history. In 1941, the Germans tried to _ the city, but the people never _ _. The Germans _many of the Palaces. The city was almost _ _, but the people would not

13、 _ _. When the Nazis had gone , the people of St Petersburg began to _ the city and tried to _the city _to life. Now , after years of _ _, St Petersburg has been rebuilt as _as in the past. Today, Peter the Great on his _ horse can once again look _ _ the city. It has been shown that the _ of St Pet

14、ersburg are the _ of the city,second,flows,Peter the Great,built,palaces,events,destroy,gave,in,burned,in ruins,gave up,rebuild,bring,back,hard work,wonderful/beautiful,bronze,out over,people,heroes,4. Retelling,Retell the text in your own words about the city St Petersburg according to the given ke

15、y words,The Neva River 300 years ago built many palaces in 1941900 daysgave in in ruins destroyed in pieces impossible gave up hidden bring the city back to life difficult without destroying put back replaced a portrait of Peter recreated as wonderful as bronze horse come trueheroes,Summary,This cla

16、ss weve learnt about Russias second largest city St Petersburg and about its great people. All of us should learn from them about their effort in rebuilding the city and restoring its cultural relics. At the same time,we should love our homeland and study hard for our great motherland,Thank you,小魔方站作品 盗版必究,语文,更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取,扫描二维码获取更多资源,谢谢您下载使用,附赠 中高考状元学习方法,群星璀璨


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