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1、义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 6 Directions,Period 1,Unit 11 Can you tell me the way,指导:广州市教育研究院 赵淑红 制作:真光中英文小学 冯志强 审校:广州市教育研究院 赵淑红 宝玉直实验小学 郭苑怡,本课时内容及目标: 1、课文对话及词条。 2、理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话。 3、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指引,Warming up,采取TPR的方式开展学习right, left, turn left/right的活动作为热身,如show me your left hand, sh

2、ow me your right hand. Turn left, turn right. 老师组织这个活动时,黑板或PPT呈现right 及left两个单词以及turn right/left两个词组,Jiamin ate something bad,对话背景说明,同时呈现和学习hospital,He went to the hospital,The doctor said Jiamin should stay in the hospital for some days,So Janet and Ben go to the hospital to see Jiamin. But they do

3、nt know the way(线路). They are lost(迷路了,They go and ask a lady for helping. Lets listen,继续背景介绍,学习单词way, lost,Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please,Of course. Let me see,Go straight ahead,go straight ahead 一直向前,then turn right at the second crossing,the first,the second,the third,

4、动态呈现情景帮助学生理解意义,同时学习生词go straight ahead及crossing。学生理解意义后,可让学生朗读,请设置相应的音频,Its the building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss(错过) it,Is the hospital on the left or on the right,the first,the second,the third,请设置相应的音频,Thank you so much,Youre welcome,请设置相应的音频,1. ( ) Janet and Ben are lost.

5、 2. ( ) Janet and Ben ask a man for help. 3. ( ) Janet and Ben want to go the park. 4. ( ) Go straight ahead then turn left at the first crossing. 5. ( ) The hospital is the third building on the right, behind the bank,T,F,F,F,Choose true (T) or false (F,lady,hospital,next to the school,F,听一遍对话录音,通过

6、句子判断让学生了解对话的大意,right,second,因为前面有详细的呈现和解释,学生应能理解对话并明白线路,这个步骤视情况可跳过,可进行跟读,分角色朗读等,Oh dear! I think were lost,Lets go and ask the lady over there,Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please,Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing,可进行跟读,分角色朗读等,Is th

7、e hospital on the left or on the right,Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it,Thank you so much,Oh dear! I think were lost,Lets go and ask the lady over there,Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please,Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then

8、turn right at the second crossing,Is the hospital on the left or on the right,Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it,Thank you so much,这里可以再玩一次turn right, turn left,go straight ahead的TPR游戏,Guessing game,What place is it,通过游戏复习和学习有关场所的单词,park,cinema,market,library,

9、factory,shopping centre,hospital,bank,通过phonics教授单词,restaurant,通过phonics教授单词,post office,通过phonics教授单词,Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _,Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its the _ building on your _, next to the _. You cant miss it,left,cinema,second,first,left,restaurant,Could,Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _,Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead.


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