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1、Unit 6 Health and Fitness,Lesson 1 Parts of the body,在我们这里,可不是随便能进村的,没有村里人带路,很容易就陷在了迷宫里。这个宛如迷宫的村庄就在高淳县淳溪镇,这个名为河城村的村庄有1000多户村民。据当地村民说,河城村有着悠久的历史,村民大部分姓赵,而且是宋太宗赵光义的后裔,有趣的是,古村落的建筑还保留着当时祖先布置的六合阵,若有外乡人进入,如没有村民带路,就如同进了迷宫.也难怪河淳村得了个迷宫村的美名。村民们都是宋太宗的后裔刚进村庄,外乡人就会被眼前左一条、有一条的巷子弄迷糊了,要不是有村民指点,恐怕真的出不来。在村里,可以看到不少青砖黑

2、瓦保存完好的古建筑。当地的民俗文化研究员陈普生老人说,他在河城村土生土长,虽然自己姓陈,但跟赵姓是亲戚,他介绍说,河城村早在无越春秋时是百城中的一城,在高淳与当今的固城其名,有着2000年历史。在村边一处石板桥边,陈普生指着石板桥说,当年河城的老环境东面有东边岗,西边冉赵和岗,北面有后岗.前面临着固城湖,在河城四周有护城河,分内护城河和外护城河,现在村边小桥是村里的古建筑,桥下的小河是当年保留下的外护城河,但断断续续的,而内护城河已经被村民扩建了房屋。据河城赵氏宗谱载,到了元朝末,FREE TALK,What do you think is important in our life,What

3、 is important in our life,house,money/wealth,car,job/occupation,family,love,friendship,Health,How to keep healthy 如何保持健康? Smile a lot. 多微笑。 Have a good diet. 良好的饮食。 Have enough sleep. 充足的睡眠。 Exercise our bodies more. 多锻炼身体,First wealth is health.健康是第一大财富。 Emerson 爱默生,If you are ill, What should you

4、do,Go to see the doctor Take some medicine Have a good rest Look after our bodies well,教学目标,say our bodies and talk to the doctor about body problems,Head and shoulders, knees, and toes. Knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees, and toes. Knees and toes. Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,Enjoy a son

5、g: (introduce our bodies) Head, shoulders, knees and Toes,Label Shreks face parts,eye(s,nose,ear (s,tooth (teeth,mouth,head hair,Mouth, mouth, touch my mouth,Nose, nose, touch my nose,Head, head, touch my head,Ears, ears, touch my ears,Eyes, eyes, touch my eyes,Teeth, teeth, touch my teeth,朗诵,eyes,e

6、ars,head,nose,mouth,同桌边说边指,teeth,Exercise C,hair,head,eyebrow,eye(s,nose,mouth,tooth(teeth,ear(s,What things can the body do,We see with the _ . We listen with the _,eyes,ears,What things can the body do,We smell with the _ . We eat with the _,nose,mouth,Label Shreks body parts,arm,hands,leg(s,foot(

7、feet,back,chest,stomach,neck,Touch your foot,Touch your leg,Give and follow orders. 说指令,听指令做动作,Touch your legs,Touch your feet,Touch your arm,Touch your hand,Touch your hands,Touch your arms,说指令,听指令做动作 Touch your,chest stomach,neck back,Quick action,规则: 两名男生和两名女生上台,依据全班同学发出的指令,做出相应动作。做错动作则被淘汰,Touch

8、your hands/ feet/ legs,arms/ chest/ back /neck /stomach,Touch your . hands/ arms/ feet/ legs,规则S1 speaks, S2 touches; S2 speaks, S3 touches; S1 S2 S3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8,chest stomach,neck back,组内接力做指令,What things can the body do,mouth hands eyes nose feet legs ears arms,hear hug see smell stand talks to

9、uch walk,If our body is ill, what problems will happen,Read Victors talk to the doctor and learn his problems,Read the passage,Victor is sick. He need to visit the doctor. The doctor asks, “What is the problem?” Victor answers, “My legs hurt, my chest hurts, and my back hurts. ” The doctor gives Vic

10、tor some medicine,拜访、参观 vt,回答 v,问题 n,疼 vi,药 n,Answer the T/F questions,1. Victor needs medicine. ( ) 2. Victors head hurts. ( ) 3. Victor doesnt have a problem. (,T,F,F,Read the passage,Victor is sick. He need to visit the doctor. The doctor asks, “What is the problem?” Victor answers, “My legs hurt

11、, my chest hurts, and my back hurts. ” The doctor gives Victor some medicine,be sick 生病 need to 需要 visit the doctor 看医生,拜访医生 hurt (身体部位) 感到疼痛,Listen to the patients(病人) talk to the doctor,write down their problems 1. Karen: Doctor, my _ hurts. 2. Roberto: Doctor, my _hurts. 3. Tino: Doctor, my _ and

12、 _ hurts,hand,leg,foot,my elbow肘,Read the conversation,Doctor: Hello, Whats your problem today? Victor: My leg hurts. Doctor: Your leg? Victor: Yes, my leg,head hand(s) eye(s) foot (feet) nose leg(s) ear(s) back arm(s,Act out the conversation. 表演会话,Doctor: Hello, Whats your problem? (你怎么了?) Victor:

13、Doctor, I am very sick. Doctor: You dont look very well.(看上去气色不错) Victor: My legs hurt, my chest hurts, and my back hurts. Doctor: I will give you a checkup and see what the problem is.(给你做一个检查) Victor: Ok, thanks,做动作,hurts,My leg hurts. My arm hurts. My head hurts,hurt,My legs hurt. My feet hurt. M

14、y ears hurt,Write sentences 用hurt的正确形式,My head hurts,My foot hurts,My arm hurt,My feet hurt,接龙问答:-Whats the problem? -My . (复数)hurt/ .(单数) hurts,Write sentences 用hurt的正确形式,My back hurts,My eye hurts,My nose hurts,My ear hurts,My eyes hurt,My ears hurt,接龙问答:-Whats the problem? -My . (复数)hurt/ .(单数) h

15、urts,Love the body. 爱护身体,Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人健康,富有和聪明。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子会变傻,Homework,1、抄写本课单词表单词和词组以及以下词组: be sick 生病 need to 需要 visit the doctor 看医生,拜访医生 Whats your pro

16、blem? 你怎么了? look well看上去气色不错 give you a checkup给你做检查 2、完成练习册。 3.背诵课文,Hurt,感到疼痛(不及物动词 ) 使受伤,使疼痛(及物动词,My back hurts. 我的背疼。 You hurt my feelings(感情). 你伤害了我的感情,我的胳膊被他弄伤了,My arm is hurt by him,过去时、被动语态: hurt,My legs hurt,Do your legs hurt,No, they dont,Yes,they do,一般疑问句,yesno question,My back still hurts

17、,Does your back still hurt,No, it doesnt,Yes,it does,Write the sentences with the correct form of hurt,1. My feet _ . 2. His front tooth _. 3. The childs throat_. 4. My legs are_ in a car accident(车祸). 5. I _my fingers when I cut the meat yesterday,hurt,hurts,hurts,hurt,hurt,Consolidation,You are sick, you should go to see a _.( 医生 ) 2. You are a _(病人), dont work too hard. 3.The car runs too fast and_( 撞死) a little girl. 4. Ah, you_( 弄疼) the dog. 5.I am _hungry_(一点也不). 6. Tom _( 好像) a little nervous on the stage. 7. The doctor said that


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