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1、Chocolate,By MintySharon,Description of Chocolate,Chocolate is made from cocoa beans found on the cacao tree. The cacao tree was first discovered in the South American rainforest. The three main ingredients in chocolate are chocolate liquor, cocoa powder, and cocoa butter. Different kinds of chocola

2、te use varying amounts of these 3 ingredients,Picture of the Cacao Tree,History of Chocolate,Dates back to about 1,500 years ago. First found in Mayan and Aztec Civilizations. Mayans used cacao beans to create a cold, unsweetened, spicy chocolate beverage. This was the first form of chocolate. Aztec

3、s came across cacao beans through trade. They named the spicy drink xocolatl (bitter water). Cacao beans played important roles in both Mayan and Aztec Civilizations,The chocolate drink was first brought to Europe by Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes. The drink was sweetened to match European tast

4、es. The drink spread from Spanish courts to other European courts. The drink was also prescribed to people for depression and used in love and death potions. In the late 18th century French and Dutch processors experimented with chocolate liquid. This lead to the production of chocolate powder, whic

5、h then led to the production of the first solid chocolate. The first solid chocolate was believed to have been sold in England in the mid-1800s,Chocolate as we know it today was largely made possible by three events,In 1828, Dutch chemist Johannes Van Houten, invented a method of extracting the fat

6、or cocoa butter from ground cocoa beans. The resulting cocoa powder was much less bitter tasting and, when combined with sugar or honey, made a drink much more palatable to our taste. This process known as the Van Houten process made it possible for Fry & Sons of Bristol, England to manufacture and

7、sell the first solid chocolate bar in 1847. In 1875 a Swiss manufacturer, Daniel Peters also used the Van Houten process to successfully combine chocolate with powdered milk to produce the first milk chocolate,Types of Chocolate,Sweet Chocolate Contains no milk solids Cannot contain less than 15% ch

8、ocolate liquor Dark Bittersweet Chocolate Contains the most chocolate liquor. It is sweet chocolate that cannot contain less than 35% chocolate liquor. Semi Sweet Chocolate Similar to dark bittersweet chocolate. Baking Chocolate Contains no sweeteners and no milk,Types of Chocolate,Milk Chocolate Co

9、ntains milk and sugar, which differs from bittersweet and semisweet chocolate. Cannot contain less than 12% milk and cannot contain less than 10% chocolate liquor. Can contain other ingredients but must comply(遵守)with regulations. White Chocolate Technically not real chocolate Contains no chocolate

10、liquor, which is one of the main ingredients in chocolate. Its made of cocoa butter, milk, and sugar,Dark Chocolate,White Chocolate,Milk Chocolate,Nut Chocolate,Spearmint Chocolate,Liqueur Chocolate,Cartoon Chocolate,Mix Mix Chocolate,Home-made Chocolate,How Chocolate is Made,Cocoa pods(可可豆荚)are har

11、vested Pods are crushed(压碎)and fermented(发酵). Cocoa beans are taken out of the pods and then dried. Beans are roasted, graded, and then ground. Grinding(磨碎)the beans creates a liquid called chocolate liquor. Chocolate liquor - made mostly of fat called cocoa butter,Cocoa butter is extracted(萃取). Coc

12、oa powder is also created when beans are ground. The process creates chocolate liquor, cocoa powder, and cocoa butter. Ingredients are blended(混合)back together to create different kinds of chocolates,Potential Health Benefits,Chocolate may be good for the heart. Chocolate contains chemicals like tho

13、se found in red wine and green tea. Helps improve circulation Helps cut down blood pressure Chocolate contains flavanols.(黄烷醇) Helps in preventing the oxidations(氧化)of “bad” cholesterol(胆固醇), which reduces the stickiness of blood platelets(血小板)and improve blood vessel(血管)elasticity(弹性). Theobromine,

14、 found in chocolate, was found to treat coughs better than codeine,Chocolate Facts,Chocolate Consumption: Americans consume over 3.1 billion pounds of chocolate every year, which is about 11.7 pounds per person. Milk Chocolate is the most popular among Americans, followed by dark chocolate and then

15、white chocolate. Chocolate is considered a mood food. Contains an amino acid called L-tryptophan. This increases serotonin in the brain, which is a calming hormone. Said to be natures own “antidepressant.,Chocolate Myths and Truths,Myth: Causes acne. Myth: High in cholesterol. Myth: Causes tooth dec

16、ay. Myth: High in caffeine. Myth: Causes weight gain. Myth: Is addictive,Truth: Studies found no connection between eating chocolate and acne. Truth: Chocolate is low in cholesterol and low in animal fat. Truth: Studies found that tooth decay is not as big of a problem as once thought. Tooth decay i

17、s mostly caused by poor hygiene. Truth: Chocolate is not high in caffeine and contains less caffeine than coffee. Truth: When eaten in moderation, chocolate does not cause weight gain. Truth: People who say they are addicted are just experiencing strong cravings. The characteristics of an addiction

18、such as tolerance and withdrawal and chemical changes in the brain are not associated with eating chocolate,Valentines Day, couples are giving the chocolate and blessing love will be as sweet as chocolate,Brands,Dove 德芙 Leconte 金帝 Ferrero Rocher 费列罗 MEIJI明治 Swiss Thins 瑞士莲 Cadbury 吉百利 M&Ms弗瑞斯特 玛氏 He

19、rsheys 好时,Life is like a box of chocolates, You never know what youre gonna get. Different kinds of chocolate have different meanings,Dark chocolate stands for dependent. A true love needs dependent on each other,Milk chocolate means cherish. As the love of prince and princess, fulfill of happiness

20、and love,White chocolate often be viewed as pure. The most pure love, with full of joy and no hurt,Chocolate cream(奶油夹心巧克力)often has several kinds, for example, nut chocolate and wine chocolate. Nut chocolate means the wholehearted of love, while wine chocolate often stands for challenge and excitin

21、g,Whatever, every chocolate has a same meaning, that is LOVE of the sender,Do you love me,Dove, a brand name of chocolate. It has a good reputation for many years since its production. It story says like following: Bazaar, a princess of Luxembourg(卢森堡公国). Leon, a young cook in royal palace. For ever

22、yday together living, they fell in love with each other. However, in order to become stronger, Bazaar had to married to Belgium royal family. They were forced to separate from each other finally. Before leaving, Bazaar wanted to see Leon the last time. Leon also wanted to know Bazaars heart, so he used hot chocolate printed “D O V E” upon the ice cream. However, Bazaar ate it but didnt see the four letters,The sad plot started there. Bazaar got married and went to a long distance country. Leon sadly left royal kitchen to America


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