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1、20192020 学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测七年级英语试卷注意事项:1.本次考试试卷共 7 页,满分 100 分,考试时间为 90 分钟。2.请用黑色钢笔或签字笔作答。3.注意写清题号,每题答案另起一行。字迹要清楚工整。4.所有题目写在纸上,竖屏拍照上传。. 单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分。选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)1. Too much chocolate is not goodour health.AaboutBforCwithDof2. Peter, where did you go?I went to theto see a doctor.Ahospit

2、alB. universityC. police stationD. library3. is it from your home to your school? It is about twenty minutes by bike.A. How farB. How longC. How manyD. How much4. Thereany water in the bottle. Could you please buy some?A. isB. areC. isntD. arent5. Mr. Brown is. He always gets up late and doesnt do a

3、ny work.A. smartB. cuteC. lazyD. beautiful6. Dannythis morning and found it was raining.A. woke upB. put upC. looked upD. stood up7. In my free time, I enjoyin the library.A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading8. Mr. Black, a famous writer,our school next week.A. visitsB. is visitingC. will visitD. vis

4、ited9. Ill have a chess game tomorrow. Im a little bit nervous.Believe in. Youre the best in our club.A. yourselfB. youC. myselfD. me10. My brothera gift for me during his last trip to Paris.A. buysB. buyC. will buyD. bought. 完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分,计10分)We all know that it is 11 to keep healthy. But not

5、all people know 12 to keep healthy. After five days hard work, we need to have a good rest at weekends. But it seems that some dont know how to spend weekends in the right way. They enjoy 13 cardsat night and dont go to bed until midnight or even later. Some gamble (赌博) all night. They forget that t

6、o get 14 sleep is necessary for health. Some never get up early in the15 and take some exercise. It is true that doing 16 is very important for us to keep healthy. Some smoke(吸烟) a lot. They forget that 17 smokers are more likely (可能的)to have lung cancer (肺癌) than those who dont smoke. Some drink to

7、o much wine(酒). 18 too much is harmful (有害的) to the body. Some eat too much fat, theymay always 19 tired. Vegetables are good to the body. But some dont like eating vegetables. 20 is also very good to body. As a saying goes: “An apple every day keeps the doctor away.” So dont forget to eat some frui

8、t.11. A. importantB. goodC. niceD. happy12. A. whenB. howC. whatD. why13. A. watchingB. takingC. playingD. putting14. A. muchB. manyC. a littleD. enough15. A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. day16. A. examB. houseworkC. exerciseD. mistake17. A. lightB. heavyC. goodD. small18. A. EatingB. DrinkingC.

9、SwimmingD. Smoking19. A. areB. keepC. sayD. feel20. A. WaterB. MilkC. TeaD. Fruit. 阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 30 分)ADo you want to spend time in some small towns in Europe in summer? Go to Italy.There are a lot of small towns there. And Camogli is one of them.Lots of people visit there every year. They

10、go for the beautiful sea and delicious food. And it also has many old castles (城堡). If you go there in August, you can join in a fun event ( ) Stella Maris. You can go to the sea by boat in the morning and come back inthe evening. Its a good time to enjoy the sea.At last, the houses near the sea in

11、Camogli are in different colors. Do you know why?Go there and find the answer.21. The passage is talking about a.A. countryB. festivalC. townD. trip22. Where is Camogli?A. In Canada.B. In Australia.C. In the USA.D. In Italy.23. Stella Maris is an event for people to_.A. enjoy the seaB. go fishingC.

12、eat sea foodD. go swimmingBPiano Player WantedBoys and girls, are you music fans? Can you sing or dance? Can you play the piano? Welcome to our Sky Rock Band.Please call Victor at 6891-3453 or give an email to musicyahoo. com.Lets Learn JapaneseCan you speak Japanese? Do you want to learn Japanese?

13、Come to the Japanese club(俱 乐部)now.Time: 9:00 a. m. -11:30 a. m. (from Monday to Friday) Call Henry at 6543-1248.Ping-pong ClubDo you like to play ping-pong? Do you want to play ping-pong well? Mr. Chen can teach you. You can come here every Friday afternoon.Tel: 8623-1940Add: Room 102 in Schools P.

14、 E. Building.Swimming Coach WantedCan you swim? Do you like children? Can you help them with swimming on weekends? Come here!Call Jane at 8330-9785 for more information (信息).24. Kangkang wants to learn Japanese. He can do it.A. on FridayB. on SaturdayC. on SundayD. on weekends25. Lin Tao can swim ve

15、ry well. When can he help children with swimming?A. Every Friday afternoon.B. From Monday to Friday.C. From 9:00 a. m. to 11:30 a. m.D. On weekends.26. Which of the following is Not true?A. If you can play the piano, you can call Victor.B. You can learn Japanese in the Japanese club on weekdays.C. M

16、r. Chen can teach you to play ping-pong on Thursday.D. You can help children with swimming on Saturdays and Sundays.CIn junior high school in America, kids study English, writing, math, science, biology, music and art.At 12 oclock, the students eat lunch at school. They have meat, vegetables, fruit

17、and bread, but they like hot dogs and hamburgers best. American kids like sugar(糖), and after the meal they can have a small piece of cake.Students sleep for a short time after lunch. They begin classes at 1: 30 in the afternoon. They go to school on weekdays and have classes for six hours every day

18、 and then return home.Parents let their kids play or watch TV until dinner at 6:00 p. m. After dinner, they do their homework. Sometimes kids and their parents have a family activity after dinner.27. What do the students like best for lunch at school?A. Meat and fruit.B. Hot dogs and hamburgers.C. H

19、ot dogs and sugar.D. Bread and hamburgers.28. The American kids usually have dinnerin the evening.A. at five oclockB. at six thirtyC. at six oclockD. at five thirty29. Which of the following is NOT true?A. After lunch students can have a small piece of cake.B. Students sleep for a short time after l

20、unch .C. The classes begin at 2: 00 p. m.D. Sometimes students have a family activity with their parents.30. The best title for the passage is.A. Favorite FoodB Junior High SchoolC. Outdoor ActivitiesD. School Life in AmericaDIn almost every big university in the United States, football is a favorit

21、e sport.American football is not like soccer.Players sometimes kick(踢) the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field; they have four chances to move the ball ten yards(码). They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the fie

22、ld, they receive six points. This is called a touch-down(持球触地).Its difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for thei

23、r favorite team. They dance and jump while they yell. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January the first. Many people go to see th

24、ese games and many others watch them on TV.31. In America, football players can.A. only kick the ballB. only throw the ballC. only carry the ballD. kick, throw and carry the ball32. There areon each team.A. ten playersB. eleven playersC. twelve playersD. thirteen players33. If the man does not move

25、the ball ten yards, his team has to.A. go homeB. carry the ball ten yardsC. run with itD. kick the ball to the other team34. The best teams play again.A. on ChristmasB. after the season endsC. on New Years DayD. on Sunday35. The underlined word “yell” in the passage means “”.A. shout loudlyB. jumpC.

26、 danceD. walk .任务型阅读。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 根据短文内容,完成下面任务。Today is March 29th, the Hungry Luncheon (饥饿午餐日). Every year, at our school, there is a lunch event called the Hungry Luncheon.If you want to join the event, you must pay two dollars at the door of the dining hall(餐厅) and get a letter. All t

27、he money is used for helping those poor people who dont have food to eat. My letter was “K”.After all the students sat down, the teachers called the letters for the meals: 15% of the students got to eat a big dinner. 25% of the students got to eat an okay meal. But 60% of the students just had a sma

28、ll piece of bread and a small cup of water! Even the boys like me!Our school have this event to tell us about the unfairness (不公平) of the world, andthat we need to help the poor!I was a little hungry for the rest of the day, but I learned something from this special lesson. Now every time I eat, I t

29、hink about the poor.36-37 题完成句子;38-39 题简略回答问题;40 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。36. The Hungry Luncheon is onat the writers school this year.37. The purpose(目的) of the event is to tell the students about the unfairness of the world and tell them to.38. How much must you pay if you want to join the event?39. What did

30、the writer have for lunch on this day?40. . 词语运用(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。Mr Smith is 41.English teacher in a school. He works in Tangshan. Its a summer afternoon. The weather is hot and it is 42.(sun) here. Mrs Smith is cleaning some 43.(leaf) in the garden. She really likes to stand in her garden and listen 44.the bird


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