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红薯 收获 设计 仿真 说明书 CAD PROE

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毕业设计附本红薯收获机的设计与仿真DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF SWEET POTATO HARVESTER学生姓名班 级学 号学院名称专业名称指导教师 年5月30日目 录毕业设计(论文)课题申报表1毕 业 设 计(论 文) 任 务 书 2毕业设计(论文)开题报告5毕业设计(论文)指导手册10学生毕业设计(论文)中期汇报表15学生毕业设计(论文)中期情况检查表16毕业设计(论文)指导教师评阅表17毕业设计(论文)评阅教师评阅表18毕业设计(论文)答辩及综合成绩评定表19外文翻译20毕业设计(论文)课题申报表指导教师职称讲师教研室机械基础教研室申报课题名称红薯收获机的设计与仿真课题类型工程设计类课题来源B.社会生产实践课题简介传统的红薯、土豆等根茎类农作物收获一直是靠人工刨土收获,这是农业生产领域中一项重体力劳动,人工收获劳动强度大,生产效率低。虽然市面上也有一些机械化收获设备,但由于价格、性能,尤其是收净率等各方面原因,始终未能大范围应用。课题要求(包括所具备的条件)要求完成红薯收获的小型机械化设备一台,包括动力源、传动系统、挖土机构、振动筛、薯块收集等结构,并且要适应山区、丘陵等小地块作业要求,并且保证收净率在95%以上。课题工作量要求1、装配图1张;自选零件图若干,要求图纸总量不少于2张0号图;2、采用proe完成三维建模,并进行动画仿真;3、翻译英文资料5000字; 4、不少于15000字的设计说明书一份。教研室审定意见 同意教研室主任签字:学 院审定意见同意 教学院长签字: 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 任 务 书 学院(系):机电工程学院专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名:学 号:设计(论文)题目:红薯收获机的设计与仿真红薯收获机的设计与仿真起 迄 日 期:2018年2 月26 日 2018年5 月 26日指 导 教 师:教研室主任: 发任务书日期: 年 3 月 4 日 毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书 1毕业设计的背景:传统的红薯、土豆等根茎类农作物收获一直是靠人工刨土收获,这是农业生产领域中一项重体力劳动,人工收获劳动强度大,生产效率低。虽然市面上也有一些机械化收获设备,但由于价格、性能,尤其是收净率等各方面原因,始终未能大范围应用。2毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求:要求完成红薯收获的小型机械化设备一台,包括动力源、传动系统、挖土机构、振动筛、薯块收集等结构,并且要适应山区、丘陵等小地块作业要求,并且保证收净率在95%以上。1、装配图1张;自选零件图若干,要求图纸总量不少于2张0号图;2、采用proe完成三维建模,并进行动画仿真;3、翻译英文资料5000字; 4、不少于15000字的设计说明书一份。3主要参考文献:1李建东,杨薇,杜永琪,贾晶霞,李洋.4UL-1型多功能根茎类作物挖掘机的设计.农业工程.2015.052甘方地.红薯种植与机械化作业.湖南农机.2014.013宋龙镇.HX-85A多功能收获机.农村新技术.2015.104双驱动薯类收获机的研发应用.马世文,黄桂红.农机质量与监督.2017.105夏阳.红薯机械化收获机具的试验研究.河南农业大学硕士论文.2009年4毕业设计(论文)进度计划(以周为单位):1周:布置毕业设计题目,进行毕业设计实习。2周:收集相关资料。完成并提交开题报告。3周:翻译英文资料。4-5周:初步构设并确定设计方案。完成装配图草图的绘制。6周:计算确定各零件基本尺寸。7-8周:绘制总装配图。9周:编写设计说明书。10周:绘制零件图。11周:修订初稿。12周:完成答辩。教研室审查意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日学院审查意见: 教学院长签名: 年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)开题报告 课题名称:红薯收获机的设计与仿真学生姓名:学号:指导教师:职称:讲师所在学院:机电工程学院专业名称:机械设计制造及其自动化 日期:2018 年 3 月 16 日 说 明1根据毕业设计(论文)管理规定,学生必须撰写毕业设计(论文)开题报告,由指导教师签署意见、教研室审查,学院教学院长批准后实施。2开题报告是毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。学生应当在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,开题报告不合格者不得参加答辩。3毕业设计开题报告各项内容要实事求是,逐条认真填写。其中的文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。4本报告中,由学生本人撰写的对课题和研究工作的分析及描述,没有经过整理归纳,缺乏个人见解仅仅从网上下载材料拼凑而成的开题报告按不合格论。 5课题类型填:工程设计类;理论研究类;应用(实验)研究类;软件设计类;其它。6课题来源填:教师科研;社会生产实践;教学;其它 毕业设计(论文)开题报告课题名称 红薯收获机的设计与仿真课题来源B.社会生产实践课题类型工程设计类1选题的背景及意义:传统的红薯、土豆等根茎类农作物收获一直是靠人工刨土收获,这是农业生产领域中一项重体力劳动,人工收获劳动强度大,生产效率低。虽然市面上也有一些机械化收获设备,但由于价格、性能,尤其是收净率等各方面原因,始终未能大范围应用。红薯收获机从目前国际经济全球化发展来看我国农业机械方面面临着严峻考验和新的机遇。因此为了了解国内红薯生产机械化和发展动态对于大力发展,以促进我国红薯收获机对农民财富收入问题展开了针对性调查,尽快普及红薯收获机的机械化创造更多的财富。 开发一种能适应我国农业生产体制的红薯收获机及时在必行这样有效的降低劳动强度,解放了劳动生产力使农民在有限的时间内创造更多的财富收入,因此开发技术对于提高红薯种植效益,降低生产成本增加农民财富收入具有重大的意义。2研究内容拟解决的主要问题:研究的内容:l.红薯收获机的总体方案设计。 2.挖掘机构的设计与分析计算。 3.薯士及薯秧分离机构的设计与分析计算。解决的主要问题,对挖掘铲的要求: l.挖出所有薯块,尽可能不漏薯(即明薯率高);2.尽可能使进入机器的土壤少; 3.能将掘起的红薯输送到分离装置,并且尽可能细化土壤,减少负荷; 挖掘铲的任务是在克服各种阻力时消耗的能量最少的情况下将红薯挖出。3研究方法技术路线:毕业设计分为红薯收获机的设计与仿真的传动系统、挖土机构、振动筛、薯块收集等结构设计,装配图和主要零件图及论文。研究并完成基本传动计算、带传动、机架部分的设计,减速器的选择,联轴器的选择挖掘铲的设计,链轮设计以及地轮设计。 4研究的总体安排和进度计划:1周:布置毕业设计题目,进行毕业设计实习。2周:收集相关资料。完成并提交开题报告。 3周:翻译英文资料。 4-5周:初步构设并确定设计方案。完成装配图草图的绘制。 6周:计算确定各零件基本尺寸。 7-8周:绘制总装配图。 9周:编写设计说明书。 10周:绘制零件图。 11周:修订初稿。 12周:完成答辩。5主要参考文献:1李建东,杨薇,杜永琪,贾晶霞,李洋.4UL-1型多功能根茎类作物挖掘机的设计.农业工程.2015.052甘方地.红薯种植与机械化作业.湖南农机.2014.013宋龙镇.HX-85A多功能收获机.农村新技术.2015.10 4双驱动薯类收获机的研发应用.马世文,黄桂红.农机质量与监督.2017.105夏阳.红薯机械化收获机具的试验研究.河南农业大学硕士论文.2009 6吕金庆.红薯收获机的设计M.农业机械出版社:1576 7上海市大专院校机械制造工艺学协作组.机械制造工艺学:97125 8农业部农机化技术开发推广总站编.农机化适用新技术读本M。兵器工业出版社,2000:45103 9沈再春.农产品机械与设备M.农业出版社,1993:1266 10李自华.农业机械学M.农业出版社:122 11张耀宸主编.机械加工工艺设计手册M.航空业出版社,1987;102180 12戴曙.金属切削机床M.北京:机械工业出版社,2001:6584 13濮良贵,纪名刚.机械设计(第七版)M.高等教育出版社7799 14刘鸿文.材料力学M.北京:高等教育出版社,6688 15中国机械工程学会.中国机械设计大典M.南昌:江西科学技术出版社,2002:903912 16崔洪斌,方忆湘,张嘉任等.计算机辅助设计基础及应用M.北京:清华大学出版社,2002:7188指导教师意见:对“文献综述”的评语:文献查阅完整,兼顾中文与外文文献,能够满足设计基本需求。 对总体安排和进度计划的评语:研究的总体安排和进度计划合理,同意开题。 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 通过,同意开题 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日学院意见: 教学院长签名: 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)指导手册设计(论文)题目: 红薯收获机的设计与仿真 学生姓名 学号 年 级 专业(全称)机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师 所在学院 机电工程学院 毕业设计(论文)指导记录第一次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日第二次指导记录:指导地点 年 月 日第三次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日第四次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第五次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日第六次指导记录:指导地点 年 月 日第七次指导记录:指导地点 年 月 日第八次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第九次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第十次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第十一次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第十二次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第十三次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第十四次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 第十五次指导记录: 指导地点 年 月 日 学生毕业设计(论文)中期汇报表学生姓名专 业机械设计制造及其自动化学 号设计(论文)题目红薯收获机的设计与仿真毕业设计(论文)前期工作小结现已完成的:1.根据课题收集并查阅了相关资料,对所需知识进行了复习。2.完成了开题报告。3.查找了相关的外文文献并进行了翻译。4.在刘老师的指导下完成了对红薯收获机的设计计算。主要的问题:1.论文的大纲有些不完善并没有针对性。2.对图纸的绘制思路不够明晰,还需继续细化。3. 对于三维软件的使用也不是很得心应手。在绘制二维图时,对一些制图标准也很模糊。4.对一些知识掌握程度不足,不能较灵活的运用以掌握的知识,需多向老师请教。下阶段工作:根据目前检查的结果,我将在后期对论文的每个章节进行细化,对内容做进一步的修改,对专题研究部分进行深入的研究。配合论文对图纸进行绘制,修改图纸格式,同时找老师帮忙检查论文与图纸上的不足并修改,保证论文与图纸质量的条件下完成毕设终稿,制作毕设论文副本与答辩PPT,准备参加毕业答辩。指导教师意见同学的设计按照设计进度以及设计工作量的要求完成了预定的设计任务,情况属实!签名: 年 月 日学生毕业设计(论文)中期情况检查表 学院名称:机电工程学院 检查日期:2018年 4 月 24 日学生姓名专 业机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师设计(论文)题目红薯收获机的设计与仿真工作进度情况基本按照设计进度要求完成了预定的设计任务。 是否符合任务书要求进度是 能否按期完成任务能 工作态度情况(态度、纪律、出勤、主动接受指导等)工作态度较端正,出勤情况稍差,与指导老师的沟通偏少!主动性稍差! 质量评价(针对已完成的部分)对红薯收获的背景及现状有了基础性的认识,具体技术细节还有待进一步完善。 存在问题和解决办法设计计算过程要详尽,制图还需进一步规范 检查人签名 教学院长签名 毕业设计(论文)指导教师评阅表学院:机电工程学院 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生: 学号: 题目: 红薯收获机的设计与仿真 评价项目评价要素成绩评定优良中及格不及格工作态度工作态度认真,按时出勤能按规定进度完成设计任务选题质量选题方向和范围选题难易度选题理论意义和实际应用价值能力水平查阅和应用文献资料能力综合运用知识能力研究方法与手段实验技能和实践能力创新意识设计论文质量内容与写作结构与水平规范化程度成果与成效指导教师意见建议成绩是否同意参加答辩评语: 指导教师签名:年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)评阅教师评阅表学院:机电工程学院 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生: 学号:题目: 红薯收获机的设计与仿真 评价项目评价要素成绩评定优良中及格不及格选题质量选题方向和范围选题难易度选题理论意义和实际应用价值能力水平查阅和应用文献资料能力综合运用知识能力研究方法与手段实验技能和实践能力创新意识设计论文质量内容与写作结构与水平规范化程度成果与成效评阅教师意见建议成绩 是否同意参加答辩 评语: 评阅教师签名:年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)答辩及综合成绩评定表学 院机电工程学院 专 业机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 设计论文题 目红薯收获机的设计与仿真 答辩时间 年 月 日 时 分至 时 分答辩地点敬本楼C502 答辩小组成 员姓名陆兴华秦录芳杨丽娟马西良黄传辉职称副教授副教授副教授副教授教授答辩记录提问人提问主要内容学生回答摘要 答辩记录人签名:答辩小组意见答辩评语: 答辩成绩: 答辩小组组长签名:综合成绩评定指导教师评定成绩评阅教师评定成绩答辩成绩综合评定成绩答辩委员会主任签名: 年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名班 级 14机械单学 号学院名称 机电工程学院专业名称机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师 年5月26日Characterization of the genetic diversity of Ugandas sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) germplasm using microsatellites markersBarbara M. Zawedde Marc Ghislain Eric Magembe Geovani B. Amaro Rebecca Grumet Jim HancockReceived: 7 April 2014/Accepted: 1 September 2014/Published online: 17September 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014Abstract Knowledge about the genetic diversity and structure of crop cultivars can help make better conservation decisions, and guide crop improvement efforts. Diversity analysis using microsatellite markers was performed to assess the level of genetic diversity in sweet potato in Uganda, and evaluate the genetic relationship between the Ugandas germplasm and some genotypes obtained from Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Brazil and Peru. A total of 260 sweet potato cultivarswerecharacterizedusing93microsatelliteloci. The Ugandan collection showed a large number ofDistinct genetic diversitybetweengenotypesobtainedfromthedifferent agro-ecological zones. There was low (6 %) levels of genetic diversity observed between the East African genotypes; however unique alleles were present in collections from the various sources. Pairwise comparisons germplasmwassignicantlydifferent(P0.001)from cultivars from Tanzania, Ghana, Brazil and Peru. The presence of unique alleles in populations from various Ugandas agro-ecological zones and suggestthateffortsshouldbemadetofurthercollectand characterize the germplasm in more depth.Keywords Characterization Crop breeding Ipomoea batatas Molecular markers SSRA germplasm collection of crop cultivars with varying environmental adaptive capacity can be both a source of genes for future crop improvement, as well as a critical resource for farmers. The highest levels of genetic diversity for the majority of the important global food crops is in the South, where crop centers of origins are commonly found, and centers of diversity emerged due to prolonged periods of farmer selection (FAO 2008).B. M. Zawedde R. Grumet J. Hancock (&) Graduate Program in Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology, Michigan State University, Plant and Soil Science Building, 1066 Bogue Street, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA e-mail: hancockB. M. Zawedde e-mail: zaweddePresent Address: B. M. Zawedde Uganda Biosciences Information Center (UBIC), National Crop Resources Research Institute, 27 km Kampala Zirobwe Road, Namulonge, Kampala, UgandaM. Ghislain E. Magembe CIP Sub-Saharan Africa, International Potato Center, P.O. Box 25171, Nairobi, KenyaG. B. Amaro Embrapa Vegetable Crops, P.O. Box 218, Bras lia, DF CEP 70359-970, Brazil Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., is the fth most important food crop in terms of weight harvested in Eastern Africa (FAO 2012). Sweet potato was introduced to the East African borders from South America by Portuguese explorers during the 16th century (Zhang et al. 2004). The oldest remains of sweet potato have been found in the caves of the Chilca Canyon in Peru and dated as 8,000 years old (Lebot 2010). However, based on morphological relationships among related species, the center of origin appears to be between the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and the Orinoco River in Venezuela (Austin 1977). It is also in that region that the wild species of the section Batatas, considered as putative ancestors and wild relatives of the cultivated sweet potato, are found (Andersson and de Vicente 2010). Evaluations of genetic diversity patterns among germplasm from different parts of the world have resulted in the suggestion that China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and East Africa are secondary centers of diversity (Yen 1982; Austin 1983). Uganda has the highest production per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa and numerous, diverse sweet potato landraces are grown. In 2005, the national sweet potato program collected over 1,300 landraces, which were characterized using morphological methodologies to determine the level of genetic diversity and 946 of these were found to be morphologically distinct genotypes (Yada et al. 2010a). This high level of diversity can be attributed primarily to the allogamous and hexaploidy nature of sweet potato (Lebot 2010), as well as variations in farmers preferences (Veasey et al. 2008). The method of propagation by vine cuttings contributes also indirectly by maintaining cultivar diversity. Knowledge about the genetic diversity and structure of existing crop cultivars can aid in making better conservation decisions, and help direct breeding programs. Characterization of crop diversity can be achieved through morphological and molecular tools. Morphological characterization is an important rst step in assessment of diversity; however there are major limitations in relying only on morphological characterization including low levels of polymorphism, low repeatability, late expression for certain traits; phenotypic plasticity and parallel evolution (Karuri et al. 2010; Yada et al. 2010b). A number of molecular markers including random amplied polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), restriction fragment lengthgenetic diversity for each population included number of polymorphic loci (P), percentage of polymorphic loci (%P) and Neis (1973) gene diversity (D), estimated from binary data using GenAlex 6.4 (Peakall and Smouse 2006). Analysisofmolecularvariance(AMOVA)was also performed using GenAlEx version 6.4 to estimate the total variance and distribution of diversity within and between populations. Wrights F-Statistic (FST, xation index) was also computed, using GenAlEx software, to estimate the amount of genetic variance that can be explained by population structure (Holsinger and Bruce 2009). Fixation index; FST HT HI HTwhere HI is the mean observed heterozygosity per individual within subpopulations and HT is the expected heterozygosity in a random mating total population. FST can range from 0.0 (no differentiation) to 1.0 (complete differentiation, that is, subpopulations xed for different alleles). The phylogenetic relationship among populations was assessed using DARwin version 5 (Perrier and Jacquemoud-Collet 2006). Similarity matrices were constructed from the binary data with Jaccards coefcients (Jaccard 1908). Jaccards coefcient = Nab/(Na ? Nb), where Nab is the number of alleles shared by two individuals a and b, Na is total number of alleles in sample a, and Nb is total number of alleles in sample b. Genetic distances between populations were obtained by computing the usual Euclidian distance matrix based on haplotype frequencies. From this matrix, a dendrogram was constructed using the neighbor joining method (NJ) from Saitou and Nei (1987). The signicance of each node was evaluated by bootstrappingdataovera locusfor 5,000 replications of the original matrix. We examined hierarchical genetic variation between individuals using the un-weighted pair group method analysis (UPGMA), as suggested by Sneath and Sokal (1973). Clustering patterns of individuals and populations were examined using STRUCTURE version 2.3.3 (Pritchard et al. 2000), which is reported to have the capability to generate population structuring (Pritchard et al. 2009). Using the allele dosage (MAC-PR) data for each individual, individuals were assigned probabilistically to genetic clusters (K). The STRUCTURE program was run using no prior assumptions of population structure withan admixture ancestrymodel and the recommended methods for recessive alleles, and allele frequencies correlated. The analysis was used to determine whether biologically relevant clusters could be determined among the plants sampled, and establish the proportion of an individuals genome (Q) that originated from each cluster. For all analyses, the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) parameters were set to a burn-in period of 50,000 with 50,000 iterations. The optimum K, indicating the number of true clusters in the data, was determined from 20 replicate runs for each value of K (K set to 10) using the method described by Evanno et al. (2005) and the adhocQuantityDeltaK,based ontherateofchangein the log probability of the data between successive K values. Parameters of the method of Evanno et al. (2005) were calculated using the program Structure Harvester version 0.6.92 (Earl and vonHoldt 2012). Similarity among different runs was calculated by the method of Jakobsson and Rosenberg (2007) as used in their computer program CLUMPP 1.1.2. This method calculates a similarity coefcient h0, which allows the assessment of the similarity of individual runs of the program STRUCTURE. The optimal alignment of 20 replicates of K values was determined using the computer program CLUMPP 1.1.2 (Jakobsson and Rosenberg 2007) and clusters were visualized using the program DISTRUCT 1.1 (Rosenberg 2004).ResultsSSR markers amplicationA total of 107 alleles were scored for the 19 SSR markers (Table 2). The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 9. Three markers had very low PIC; IB-S07(0.22),JB1809(0.19)andIBSSR09(0.31) thus were excluded from further analyses.Determining relatedness between cultivars in UgandaA total of 10 newly improved cultivars released by the national program were compared with 158 Ugandan landraces. The unweighted neighbor joining (NJ) algorithm cluster analysis generated numerous clusters (Fig. 1). Improved cultivars were scattered into many of these clusters together with landraces. Noteworthy (6/10) improved cultivars were grouped together with a Kenyan cultivar Kakamega, which was purposely included in this analysis because it is a known maternal parent for many of these improved cultivars.Genetic relationship between genotypes from Ugandas agro-ecological zones and cultivars collected from other East African countriesAnalysisofMolecularVariance(AMOVA)indicatedthatonly6 %ofthegeneticvariationwasexplainedby differences among the sources (Table 3). Analysis of the sixteen microsatellites yielded a total of 93 presumptive loci in the 228-sweet potato genotypes from the eight predened populations (Table 4). An average of 70 polymorphic loci was observed in each population. The level of genetic diversity variedamong the different populations. Most regions in Uganda had populations with few unique alleles (14), except the south-western region, which had none. Tanzanian cultivars also had few unique alleles (4), but had the highest level of heterozygosity (D). Overall the level of heterozygosity (D) for the collected samples was low. The signicant difference between the cultivars from Tanzania and the populations from Uganda and Kenya is clearly shown in the genetic distance matrix (Fig. 2).Genetic relationship between Ugandan genotypes and cultivars collected from elsewhereAnalysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) indicated that only 24 % of the genetic variation was explained by differences among the countries (Table 5). Pairwise comparisons of genetic differentiation among countries indicated that Ugandas germplasm was signicantly different (P0.001) from genotypes from Brazil, Peru and Ghana (Table 6). The Jaccards similarity coefcients ranged from 0.0 to 0.95 with a mean of 0.56. More than 70 % of the pair-wise similarity coefcients were between 0.50 and 0.63. The dendrogram generated by DARwin software revealed three clusters (Fig. 2). To efciently visualize the results, the dendrogram was pruned from the complete tree to show clustering only between genotypes that had bootstrap values greater than 60. This pruned tree showed similar broad clustering patterns as the complete tree (data not shown). East African germplasm and cultivars from USA were found in Cluster A, the majority of cultivars from Brazil and Peru were in cluster B while most Ghanaian cultivars were found in Cluster C. The Bayesian model of STRUCTURE (Pritchard et al. 2000) assigned the individuals to two major genetic clusters, as the highest Delta K was observed at K = 2. All individuals appeared to have a component of both clusters in their genome; however, the Ugandan and Kenyan cultivars had a very high proportion of their genome originating from cluster K1, Brazil, Ghana and Peru had a very high proportionof their genome originating from cluster K2, while Tanzaniancultivarswerecomposedofamixtureofthe two clusters (Fig. 3).DiscussionThe number of alleles per primer pair observed in this work is close to that obtained by Yada et al. (2010b) using the same SSR markers. However, our number of alleles varies somewhat from those reported by Tumwegamireetal.(2011)onsimilarsweetpotatogermplasm using the same markers. Higher number of alleles was observedforsomemarkersinthisworkandthisislikely due to a larger genotype sample size and a higher resolution of DNA fragment. Yada et al. (2010b) assessed 192 samples using the ABI system similar to what was used in this work, while Tumwegamire et al. (2011) screened 75 samples with the LiCOR system. A total of 92 out of 106 markers were highly polymorphic, which conrms the high discriminating power of the SSR markers (Hwang et al. 2002; Gichuru et al. 2006, Veasey et al. 2008, Yada et al. 2010a, b; Tumwegamire et al. 2011). Hwang et al. ConclusionsOverall, the sweet potato has high levels of genetic diversity. However, the presence of unique alleles in populations from various Ugandas agro-ecological zones and other global regions, as well as the regional diversity patterns, indicates the value of collecting and characterizing the germplasm in more depth. The use of microsatellite marker data can be particularlyuseful tomakebetter choicesofwhatneeds tobe preservedin order to increase genetic diversity and representation of landraces across Africa. These genotypes need to be incorporated in the collections at the national gene bank and managed to ensure their long-term conservation. Finally, the origin of sweet potato germplasm in East Africa doesnt appear to be strictly of a single Brazilian origin but rather successive introduction from several sources.Acknowledgments We are very grateful to the Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) for funding this research. Our sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Joseph Nduguru and Luambano Nessie at Mikocheni Agricultural Research Institute, Tanzania for providing us with the samples from Tanzania. We are also grateful to Francis Osingada and Jimmy Akono at the Biosciences Facility of the National Crop Resources Research Institute, Uganda, Bramwel Wanjala of Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) Hub and Maggie Mwathi of CIP-Ofce at the International Livestock Research InstituteinNairobi,Kenya, forthetechnical assistance provided to conduct the research.外文下载地址:/view/92938a48767f5acfa1c7cd89.html利用微卫星标记对乌干达红薯(番薯)的遗传多样性进行了表征芭芭拉m扎维德马克吉斯林2014年4月7日/ 2014年9月1日在网上发布:2014年9月17日施普林格科学+商业媒体。对作物品种的遗传多样性和结构的认识可以帮助做出更好的保护决策,并指导作物改良工作。利用微卫星标记进行多样性分析,以评估乌干达甘薯的遗传多样性水平,并评估乌干达的种质与从肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、加纳、巴西和秘鲁获得的一些基因型之间的遗传关系。总共有260颗甘薯品种。乌干达的收藏品显示了大量的。不同的农业生态带中,不同的土壤类型和不同的遗传多样性水平非常低(3%)。东非基因型的遗传多样性水平低(6%);然而,各种来源的收藏品中有独特的等位基因。对遗传分化的配对比较表明,乌干达的种质与坦桑尼亚、加纳、巴西和秘鲁的品种不同(P0.001)。在不同的乌干达农业生态区和其他全球区域,以及区域多样性模式的种群中,存在着独特的等位基因,这表明,需要更深入地研究和描述种质。关键词表征作物育种;巴氏分子标记物不同环境适应能力的作物品种的种质资源可能既是未来作物改良的基因来源,也是农民的重要资源。大多数重要的全球粮食作物的遗传多样性最高的地方是南方,那里的作物中心通常都有,而且由于长期的农民选择(粮农组织2008年),多样性的中心出现了。刘明辉,植物育种、遗传与生物技术研究,北京大学出版社,2001年,第4期。B. M. Zawedde电邮:zawedde。目前的地址:乌干达国家作物资源研究所,乌干达生物科学信息中心(UBIC), 27公里坎帕拉齐鲁瓦路,Namulonge,坎帕拉,乌干达。M. Ghislain E. Magembe CIP撒哈拉以南非洲,国际马铃薯中心,P.O. Box 25171,内罗毕,肯尼亚。巴西红薯、巴西番薯、巴西番薯、巴西番薯、巴西番薯、巴西番薯、巴西番薯、巴西番薯等。林。这是非洲东部收获的第五种最重要的粮食作物(粮农组织2012)。16世纪时,葡萄牙探险家将甘薯从南美洲引进到东非边界(Zhang et al. 2004)。在秘鲁Chilca峡谷的洞穴中发现了最古老的甘薯遗骨,距今已有8000年的历史(Lebot 2010)。然而,基于相关物种之间的形态学关系,起源中心似乎位于墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛和委内瑞拉的奥里诺科河之间(奥斯汀1977年)。在这一地区,被认为是公认的祖先和栽培甘薯的野生亲戚的巴塔塔的野生物种被发现(Andersson和de Vicente 2010)。对世界各地种质遗传多样性模式的评价结果表明,中国、东南亚、新几内亚和东非是多样性的二级中心(日元1982;奥斯汀1983)。乌干达是撒哈拉以南非洲地区人均产量最高的地区,种植了多种多样的甘薯。在2005年,国家甘薯项目收集了1300多个landraces,使用形态学方法来确定遗传多样性的水平,其中946个被发现是形态上不同的基因型(Yada et al. 2010a)。这种高度的多样性主要归功于甘薯的特性,以及农民偏好的变化。葡萄扦插繁殖的方法也间接地通过保持品种的多样性。对现有作物品种的遗传多样性和结构的了解有助于更好地进行保护决策,并帮助直接育种项目。可以通过形态学和分子工具来表征作物的多样性。形态特征是评价多样性的重要第一步;然而,仅依赖于形态学特征,包括低水平的多态性、低重复性、晚期表达的某些性状,有很大的局限性;表型可塑性和平行进化。许多分子标记,包括随机扩增的多态,限制片段长度。多态性(RFLPs),扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP),微卫星或简单序列重复(SSRs),单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)已被开发,用于补充形态特征。在作物中选择任何特定的DNA标记在很大程度上取决于研究的目标、可利用的资源和技术技能(Otoo等人,2009)。在甘薯研究中,一些分子标记物被用于研究作物的遗传多样性,被认为起源于几种野生物种之间的自然杂交。每个种群的遗传多样性包括多态位点(P)、多态位点的百分比(%P)和Nei(1973)基因多样性(D),用GenAlex 6.4 (Peakall和Smouse 2006)的二进制数据估计。分析分子方差(AMOVA)也使用GenAlEx version 6.4来估计种群内部和种群之间的多样性的总方差和分布。Wright的f统计(FST,固定指数)也被计算,使用GenAlEx软件,来估计遗传变异的数量,可以解释人口结构(Holsinger和Bruce 2009)。固定指数;置HT嗨HT其中HI是次种群中每个个体的平均观测杂合性,而HT是随机交配总种群中所期望的杂合性。FST可以从0.0(无差异)到1.0(完全分化,也就是说,针对不同等位基因的子群体)。使用达尔文版本5 (Perrier和Jacquemoud-Collet 2006)评估了种群之间的系统发育关系。相似矩阵是用Jaccard系数(Jaccard 1908)的二进制数据构造的。Jaccard的系数= Nab/(Na ?Nb),Nab是等位基因的数量由两个人共享a和b,Na样本一个等位基因总数,和Nb的等位基因总数在示例b。种群之间的遗传距离计算得到的基于单体型频率通常的欧式距离矩阵。从这个矩阵中,使用了Saitou和Nei(1987)的邻域连接方法(NJ)构造了一个。每一个节点的意义都是通过来评估
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