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1、新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,1,Unit 5 Scientific Discoveries,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,2,In this unit, you will learn about the concept “serendipitous discovery” and famous examples; research “Louis Pasteur”, “Alexander Fleming” and “Edward Jenner” on the Internet and find reliable information; learn words, expressi

2、ons, and sentence patterns related to the theme and use them in writing and speech; learn strategies such as listening for examples (listening), guessing word meanings from context clues (reading), paraphrasing (discussing), and writing conclusion (writing), etc; give an oral presentation on an assi

3、gned topic to the class.,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,3,Background Information,Approaching the Topic,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercises,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,4,Background Information,about Serendipitous Discovery,Joseph Lister,Alexander Fleming,Howard Florey,Edward Jenner,新核心综合学术英语教

4、程第二册 Uni,5,about Serendipitous Discovery,If a man will begin with certainties he will end with doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties. Francis Bacon It is choicenot chancethat determines your destiny. John Dewey It is important for him who wants to discove

5、r not to confine himself to one chapter of science, but to keep in touch with various others. Jacques Hadamard In the fields of observation chance favors only those minds which are prepared. Louis Pasteur Chance favors the connected mind. Steven Johnson,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,6,Alexander Fleming,Alexand

6、er Fleming (6 August 188111 March 1955) was a Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist. He wrote many articles on bacteriology, immunology, and chemotherapy. His best-known discoveries are the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance penicillin from the mould Penicillium notatum i

7、n 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain.,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,7,Joseph Lister,Joseph Lister (5 April 182710 February 1912), known as Sir Joseph Lister, Bt., between 1883 and 1897, was a British surgeon and a pioneer of anti

8、septic surgery. By applying Louis Pasteurs advances in microbiology, he promoted the idea of sterile surgery while working at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Lister successfully introduced carbolic acid (now known as phenol) to sterilise surgical instruments and to clean wounds, which led to a reductio

9、n in post-operative infections and made surgery safer for patients.,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,8,Howard Florey,Howard Florey (24 September 189821 February 1968) was an Australian pharmacologist and pathologist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Sir Ernst Boris Chain and Sir Al

10、exander Fleming for his role in the making of penicillin. Although Fleming received most of the credit for the discovery of penicillin, it was Florey who carried out the first ever clinical trials in 1941 of penicillin at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford on the first patient, a Postmaster from Wolv

11、ercote near Oxford. Floreys discoveries are estimated to have saved over 82 million lives. Florey is regarded by the Australian scientific and medical community as one of its greatest scientists. Sir Robert Menzies, Australias longest-serving Prime Minister, said, In terms of world well-being, Flore

12、y was the most important man ever born in Australia.,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,9,Edward Jenner,Edward Jenner was an English physician and scientist who was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine, the worlds first vaccine. He is often called the father of immunology, and his work is said to have saved more lives t

13、han the work of any other human.,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,10,trigger v. to cause (something, such as an alarm) to start functioning e.g. The timer was set to trigger the bomb in exactly one hour. external adj. located, seen, or used on the outside or surface of something e.g. Some symptoms are the externa

14、l signs of the disease volume n. the amount of sound that is produced by a television, radio, stereo, etc. e.g. From his study came the sound of Mahler, playing at full volume.,Approaching the Topic Reading 1/Language Points,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程

15、第二册 Uni,11,crown n. a decorative object that is shaped like a circle and worn on the head of a king or queen for special ceremonies e.g. The winner of the beauty pageant walked down the runway wearing her sparkling crown. slip v. to move with a smooth sliding motion e.g. He let the ball slip through

16、 his grasp and into the net. inspiration n. something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone e.g. His paintings take their inspiration from nature. v. inspire,Reading 1,Language Points,Reading abou

17、t the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,12,bump into v. to meet someone that you know when you were not expecting to e.g. I bumped into Jean in town this morning. credit n. recognition by name of a person contributing to a performance (as a film or telecast) e.g. Shes

18、finally getting the credit she deserves. ponder v. to think about or consider (something) carefully e.g. He pondered the question before he answered. stumble v. to hit your foot on something when you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall e.g. He stumbled over to the table.,Reading 1

19、,Language Points,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,13,1) What happened to Archimedes when he realized that he could measure the volume of an irregular object? He slipped into a public bath. 2) In which way can we measure the volume of an irregular obj

20、ect? By measuring the volume of the water it displaces. 3) Why could scientists make significant discoveries? They would stop and ponder about the puzzles they stumble upon, recognize their significances, and make effort to pursue the leads to significant discoveries. 4) How can you understand Louis

21、 Pasteurs remark “Chance favors the prepared mind”? Most accidents that led to discoveries occurred in laboratories, which were themselves designed for explorations.,Approaching the Topic Task 1,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,14,1) flash 2) trigger

22、 3) displace 4) encounter 5) shatter 6) intrigue 7) ponder 8) vacuum 9) exploration 10) microbiology,Approaching the Topic Task 2,c. a sudden brilliant understanding,a. put in motion or move to act,h. take the place of,d. a meeting caused by luck or chance,b. break into many pieces,e. cause to be in

23、terested or curious,g. reflect deeply on a subject,f. an empty area or space,j. an examination or discussion of something to find out more about it,i. the branch of biology that studies of microorganisms and their effects on humans,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综

24、合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,15,E.O. Wilson: Advice to young scientists Scientific pursuit should be motivated by curiosityan interview with Nobel Laureate Sir Harold Kroto, who opened an entirely new branch of chemistry. Prof. Kroto, what is your general philosophy on science education? The most important thing

25、for an educator or a parent is to teach children how they can decide what they are being told is actually true. Science deals with fundamental truths. We should be teaching children not to accept any information without assessing the evidence very carefully. Teachers must foster a childs ability to

26、decide whether what is being told is true, encourage curiosity about everything, and encourage children to work things out for themselves.,Approaching the Topic Task 4,1,2,3,4,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,16,How should children or teachers go abo

27、ut checking whether what is told is true or not? I read science research papers very critically and look at the evidence carefully. It is important in a scientific text that one does not disconnect from key issues or simplify key matters which might be somewhat complex. A scientist is not someone wh

28、o has done science at university or school or happens to like science and studies it, but someone whose profession is the discovery new knowledge as a researcher. That is, a scientist is someone who looks deeply into the way things work and squeezes blood out of the stone of knowledge and gradually

29、reveals the way the universe works. That is a “scientist” and science is hard work.,Approaching the Topic Task 4,5,6,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,17,What advice do you have for young people? They should never do a project half-heartedly. The indi

30、vidual must be prepared to stay up to 3 or 4 a.m. to do the best they can. If they follow this advice, they will probably do work better than anybody else, probably better than people who could do it better naturally but do not because they have not their enthusiasm. You should do something that you

31、 cannot stop working on, or is so absorbing that you have completely forgotten to go for lunch. A big danger in young scientists especially in Asia is that they tend to ask me how to get the Nobel Prize. I never even thought about it. Dont do science because you want to win prizes or do something ju

32、st because you think it is important. Do it because it is something that you are curious about or fascinates you personally, independently of what other might think.,Approaching the Topic Task 4,7,8,9,10,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,18,1) What th

33、eme do the passage and the speech share? The philosophy of scientific research. 2) For the writer and the speaker, how do they make scientific discoveries? Scientific discoveries should be motivated by curiosity and persistent efforts . 3) According to the author of the passage and the speech, what

34、is the most important step to make discoveries? Be prepared to think hard and long about the problems, and look deeply into the way things work. 4) Have you ever had your eureka moment in your life ? Is it easy or difficult to find it out? 5) Do you want to be a scientist, why or why not?,Approachin

35、g the Topic Task 6,Reading about the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,19,exploit v. to get value or use from (something) e.g. Top athletes are able to exploit their opponents weaknesses. mould n. a soft green or black substance that grows on food which has been kept t

36、oo long, and on objects that are in worm, wet air e.g. There was mould on the bathroom ceiling. bacteria n. very small living things related to plants, some of which cause disease e.g. Bacteria that are not killed entirely by an antibiotic will mutate and become resistant to it.,Reading about the To

37、pic Reading 2/Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,20,contaminate v. to make (something) dangerous, dirty, or impure by adding something harmful or undesirable to it e.g. Be careful not to allow bacteria to contaminate the wound. n. contami

38、nation incidence n. the number of times something happens or develops : the rate at which something occurs e.g. It can be seen that the incidence of accidents decreases as the childrens age increases. mere adj. used to say that something or someone is small, unimportant, etc. e.g. The mere idea of y

39、our traveling alone to Europe is ridiculous. adv. merely,Reading 2,Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,21,differentiate v. to make (someone or something) different in some way e.g. The only thing that differentiates the twins is the color

40、of their eyes. adj. different antiseptic n. a substance that prevents infection in a wound by killing bacteria e.g. He applied antiseptic to the wound. reagent n. a substance used (as in detecting or measuring a component, in preparing a product, or in developing photographs) because of its chemical

41、 or biological activity e.g. Lime is a common neutralizing reagent used in acid water treatment.,Reading 2,Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,22,infectious adj. capable of being passed to someone else by germs that enter the body e.g. She

42、 has an infectious grin. n. infection property n. a special quality or characteristic of something e.g The two plants have similar physical properties. gratitude n. rt.tud - a feeling of appreciation or thanks e.g. Let me express my sincere gratitude for all your help. sensational adj. causing very

43、great excitement or interest with shocking details e.g. She looked sensational in her new dress.,Reading 2,Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,23,glory n. public praise, honor, and fame e.g. He now has only a few trophies to remind him of

44、the glory of his athletic career. adj. glorious in vain without success or result e.g. It became obvious that all her complaints were in vain. historical adj. of or relating to history e.g. He strove for historical accuracy in the movie. adj. historic reconcile v. to find a way of making (two differ

45、ent ideas, facts, etc.) exist or be true at the same time e.g. It can be difficult to reconcile your ideals with reality. n. reconciliation,Reading 2,Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,24,biochemist n. the chemistry of living things e.g.

46、She is a biochemist who works on the frontiers of biology. pathologist n. a doctor who specializes in pathology; especially : a doctor who examines bodies to find out the cause of death e.g. So, that pathologist is just like looking at this plastic bottle. vital adj. extremely important e.g. The sci

47、ences are a vital part of the school curriculum. capability n. the ability to do something e.g. The device has the capability of recording two television channels at once. adj. capable,Reading 2,Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,25,domai

48、n n. the land that a ruler or a government controls e.g. My sister is the math expert in the family, but literature is my domain. collaborator n. someone who works with another person or group in order to achieve or do something e.g. A far better approach is to use an outsider as a collaborator. v.

49、collaborate,Reading 2,Language Points,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,26,Reading 2,Text Analysis,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,27,1) Whats the main idea of the article? The article mainly tells us tha

50、t the discovery of penicillin needs a prepared and open mind, and also relevant knowledge is essential for scientific investigation. 2) When is an antibacterial substance effective? Only when bacterial colonies are quite young. 3) How many scientists are associated with the discovery of penicillin?

51、At least four.,Reading about the Topic Task 3,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,28,4) When the 1945 Nobel Prize for penicillin was awarded, among whom was it equally divided? Among Chain, Fleming, and Florey. 5) According to Chain, why did not Fleming p

52、erform the simple experiment of injecting penicillin into infected mice to test its medical property? Because he did not think it was worth while trying.,Reading about the Topic Task 3,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,29,Set 1 (from Para. A to F) 1) ex

53、ploit (A) 2) extract (B) 3) grace (C) 4) substance (C) 5) cultivate (D) 6) potential (E) 7) reign (E) 8) incite (F),Reading about the Topic Task 4,f. to use something fully and effectively in order to gain an advantage or profit,d. to draw or pull out,h. to give honor to, to make something bright,a.

54、 to help the growth of,e. possibility of being developed or used,g. particular type of matter,c. a period of ruling,b. to cause,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,30,Set 2 (from Para. F to H) 1) wonder (F) 2) vain (F) 3) inject (G) 4) consume (G) 5) reco

55、ncile (G) 6) indifference (G) 7) consult (H) 8) expertise (H),Reading about the Topic Task 4,h. miracle,a. without success in spite of your effort,b. to force a drug into somebody,e. feel something very strongly and cannot forget it,d. to agree with,g. having no interest in,f. to ask for information

56、 or advice from someone,c. knowledge in a particular field,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,31,a. Though Lister was the first person to notice the effect of Penicillin, Fleming discovered more. b. In Chains view, the failure to find penicillins medical

57、 property was because Fleming didnt perform experiment well. c. Fleming paid little attention to the significant progress made by his two assistants. d. Fleming was very lucky, and at the same time he had a prepared mind to discover the mould. e. Doubt arouse that why Fleming didnt discover the wond

58、er drug. f. It is a lucky case to discover penicillin without any preparation. g. Fleming cultivated the mould and named it penicillin. h. Penicillins medical property was discovered by Howard Florey, Ernest Chain, and their Oxford team in 1940.,Reading about the Topic Task 5,Para. A Para. B Para. C

59、 Para. D Para. E Para. F Para. G Para. H,Approaching the Topic,Exploring the Topic,Integrated Exercise,新核心综合学术英语教程第二册 Uni,32,novelty n. the quality or state of being new, different, and interesting e.g. Eating shark meat is a novelty to many people. adj. novel factual adj. limited to, involving, or

60、based on facts e.g. That statement is not factual. extract v. to remove (something) by pulling it out or cutting it out e.g. He extracted a credit card from his wallet. virulent adj. full of hate or anger e.g. The country seemed to be returning to the virulent nationalism of its past.,Reading 3,Lang


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