



1、精品文档你我共享AAAAAA【海归人才网】面试丨Marketing 面试不的不知的10个问题和回答1. 来和我说说你自己。如果面试官问到这个问题, 他肯定不是要听你讲所有关于你的细节。他其实最想听到的是你为什么觉得自己是最合适的人选。多谈一些你涉及到这个领域的相关知识和工作经验, 当然一些重大成就也会为你锦上添花。记住,在描述你过去的某个工作时,一定要举一两个例子来表达你的各方面的能力,因为这很可能是你唯一的机会向面试官推销你自己,所以一定要清晰地阐明你可以为这个公司贡献些什么。1. Tell me about yourselfThis does not mean tell me everyt

2、h in g. It means tell me in a few senten ces why you re the most suitable can didate for the job. Talk about your releva nt educatio n, experie nee, key results and achieveme nts. Remember to tailor your an swer to the specific job using an example or two to back up your an swer. If this was your on

3、e cha nee in the in terview to sell yourself and tell the in terviewer what you can do for them, what would you say?2. 为什么你想为我们工作。假如你把这家公司里里外外都调查清楚了,那么你同时也把你自己从众多候选人中筛选出来了。一定要表现出很想进入这家公司工作,比如,你可以说一直都非常想进入研发部门,做产品研发组组长。当然,公司官网肯定是你着手调查这家企业的首选。多读读公司年报,了解这家公司产品的性能还有提供的服务,最好要掌握这家公司总体的框架构造,和市场方面的信息。除此以外,还

4、要了解一下这家公司的竞争对手或者其他相同领域的组织。2. Why do you want to work for us?Here s where your research about the company will help you to stand out from the compa ny that, for example, is a leader in inno vative products. The best source forother can didates. Expla in how youve always waneedpportunity to work with

5、aresearch is the company s website. Read through their annual reports, look at theirproducts and services and try to gain an un dersta nding of the structure of the compa ny(size and number of employees) and the market it s in. Also research the company scompetitors and other organisations operating

6、 in the same field.3. 能否给我们讲讲你有没有遇到过什么突发事件,不是按照你预期计划的来发展的?首先你要清楚地意识到自己的计划和安排为什么偏离了轨道,并且要从中吸取经验教训。市场作战通常是因为最基本的研究和调查没有做好,计划这个部分做的很薄弱或者沟通环节没有做好。要说出来为什么失败了,在叙述过程中一定要表现出你是一个有担当,并且能从失败中学习的一个人。3. Can you give me an example of a marketi ng campaig n that did not work out as you had pla nn ed?It is importan

7、t that you are able to recognise why a plan went wrong and to learn from the experienee. Campaigns often fail due to poor research and groundwork, poor planning and follow through of objectives and goals or in effective com mun icatio n. Be ope n about why the campaig n failed, take acco un tability

8、 and focus on what you lear nt.4. 给我讲讲你及时上交的一个市场项目,并且花费控制在预算之内。重点放在你的计划和组织能力上,这才能体现出来你是如何得到最大的收益和回报。要讲述一些作战细节,比如你是如何控制花销,或者怎么做一些非常必要的调整。你的言语中还要表现出你是一个反应非常灵敏的人,能及时并且精准的做出判断来满足新的需求和条件。4. Tell me about a marketing project that you brought in on time and under budgetFocus on your pla nning and orga nisi

9、ng skills to get the best retur n on the market ing budget. Detail what con trols were put in place to track and stay on top of expe nditure and how pla ns were adjusted whe n n ecessary. Discuss your ability to react quickly and accurately to meet new dema nds and con stra in ts.5. 请你描述一下什么情况下最需要创新

10、精神?在把重点引到创新上之前,谈论一下你一个有前瞻性的人还是很有必要的。你可以谈谈你是如何利用有限的资源来考虑到方方面面,然后做出最好的决定。阐述一下你是如何行动,还有为什么可以称作是创新。5. Describe a situati on in which an inno vative course of acti on was n ecessary?Talk about how you gained a clear perspective before decidi ng on the focus of your inno vati on. How you took into con sid

11、erati on the available resources to determ ine the best course of action. Explain the action taken and why it was innovative.6. 给我讲讲你是如何说服一个本来不想做这件事情的人。最好是向面试官讲讲你是如何说服一个原本很犹豫要不要做这事的人的例子。多讲讲你是用了什么有效的方法得到那个人的信任,还要体现出你是个十分坚持的一个人。同时要表现出你很有影响其他人的能力,并且运用的十分好。6. Give me an example whe n youve convinced som

12、e one to do someth ing they did nwant to doCon sider a situati on whe n you convinced some one to do someth ing which theyin itially had severe doubts about. Talk about the methods you have used to convincesome one as well as how persiste nt you n eeded to be. Show that you enjoy in flue ncing other

13、 people as well as being good at it.7你觉得我们哪一款产品更能得到你的青睐,为什么?在任何一个关于市场部门的面试,你一定要使自己非常熟悉这个公司是干嘛的,还有一些明星产品。因为这个可以帮助你回答这个问题,但是你还要解释一下这个产品的市场策略是什么。比如,你可以这么说:“ Walker家的薯片味道不错,市场营销策略做的也不错,因为最大消费者之一是孩子们。7. Which of our products/services most appeals to you and why?For any market ing in terview you must fami

14、liarise yourself with what the compa nydoes and it s successful products/services. This will allow you to identify its appeal andthen describe how the marketing strategy has worked. An example might be Walker scrisps tasti ng nice and through the good marketi ng strategy are now also perceived as go

15、od fun which is obviously importa nt whe n one of their biggest markets is childre n.8. 告诉我你最喜欢的一个牌子的营销策略。首先要有自己喜欢的品牌, 然后了解它的配置和目标。 换句话说就是,这个牌子的目标 人群是哪些人,想要传达哪些信息。谈谈这个你喜欢的牌子是如何运用市场四要素一产品、价格、地点和促销手段来完成目标的,你最好和其他品牌有所对比。8. Tell me about a brand that you think is an example of good market ingIdentify on

16、e of your favourite brands and it s positioning and target. In other words,who is the brand trying to reach and what are they trying to tell them. Discuss how thebrand uses the marketing variables to support its positioning using the 4 P s (product,price, place and promotion) and give examples about

17、 how your brand delivers against each.9. 试着分析这个广告,扮演一下第一次看到这个广告的客户,你会怎么想?凑近了仔细瞧瞧,因为这个广告必定不是十分完美的,一个好的广告是会让人有种迫不但是却能卖出更多的产品。 最有效及待的想买到的冲动, 好的广告可能不会获得什么殊荣,果的广告通常都会传达一个信息,那就是他们的商品是独一无二,而且实实在在给顾客带来利益的。9. Analyse this advert and pretend that you are the client looking at it for the first time. What do yo

18、u think?Look closely because the advert won t be perfect. Begin by defining that a greatadvert makes people want to run out and buy the product. Great adverts might not win awards but they sell products. The most effective adverts tend to have a uniq ue, releva nt product ben efit, a strong link betwee n the brand and the ben efit and are en gag ing through use of words and colour.10. 假设让你成为一个品牌,你想选哪个?为什么?这是一个可以包装你自己的问题,你很清楚面试官想要什么样的人才,因为你早就做过功课了,所以现在时机正合适来展现你自己,这也是把你和其他候选人区分出来的关键问题。10. If you were a brand, which brand would you be and why?Here is your cha ne


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