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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级模拟38公共英语三级模拟38Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TW

2、O parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have

3、 any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer - A, B, C or D, a

4、nd mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the man propose to do first?A.Go downtown.B.See the movie.C.Get the tickets.D.Have a meal.答案:D解析W: Tom, there is an interesting new movie in t

5、own. We really must go and see it.M: OK, but lets have breakfast first, Im quite hungry.2. What does the woman want to know?A.The way to the college.B.The way to Kings Road.C.The name of the college.D.The address of the college.答案:A解析W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Kings College, please?M

6、: Yes, walk straight up this road till you come to the traffic lights. The college is around the corner. You wont miss it.3. Where are the speakers now?A.On the farm.B.In the restaurant.C.At the office.D.In the bookshop.答案:B解析W: Would you like to order now?M: Yes, please show me the menu.4. What doe

7、s he usually do on Sunday evening?A.Go to church.B.Rest all day.C.Work in the garden.D.Read the paper.答案:D解析W: What do you usually do on Sunday?M: I go to church in the morning, work in the garden in the afternoon and read the paper in the evening. I dont like to rest all day and do nothing.5. What

8、does the woman mean?A.Shes already visited the museum.B.Mary might be leaving earlier than she is.C.Mary will take him to the office.D.The man could probably go with Mary.答案:D解析M: Could you give me a ride to the Museum of Modern Art on your way to the office?W: Im sorry but Im not going to office th

9、e today. You might ask Mary. Shes leaving about half past eight. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What do you know about Mike?A.He still cant write well.B.He can write very good English now.C.He finds it easy to write now.D.He can write better now.答案:D解析W: Hows Mike doing with his writing?M: Oh, hes improved

10、 his writing skills since he took the English course.7. What are the two speakers talking about?A.Strange colors.B.Different tastes of tea.C.Fashion.D.A painting.答案:D解析M: What do you think of my new painting? Ive just finished it.W: Well, the colors are a little strange, dont you think? Perhaps a li

11、ttle too vivid?M: Ah, yes. Thats the point. Its called Colors.W: Oh, yes, I see. Well, its not quite my cup of tea - but then we all have different tastes, dont we?8. What does the man mean?A.He went mountain climbing last year.B.He hasnt travelled around the world yet.C.He definitely does not want

12、to go.D.He always wants to climb that mountain.答案:C解析W: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?M: Thats the last thing in the world that I ever want to do.9. Why did Hill lose his job?A.He got angry with his boss.B.He always got to work late.C.He was frequently sick and absent from work.D.

13、He prepared a financial report incorrectly.答案:D解析M: I was sorry to hear about Hills being fired. I know he was sick a lot and that he usually got to work late.W: Oh it wasnt that. Hill made a big mistake in last months accounting. Even if it wasnt really his fault, his boss was very angry.10. What c

14、an we infer from the conversation?A.The man wont have the meeting.B.The man will go to the meeting whether the time is changed or not.C.The man will go for a meeting any day.D.Any meeting is the same to the man.答案:B解析W: We are going to change our meeting from Monday to Tuesday.M: Its all the same to

15、 me.Part B You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each questi

16、on. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What did Mrs. Turner see while walking alone in the street one night?A.An elderly widow.B.Two youths, tall with fair hair.C.Two youths, short and fat with a beard and moustache.D.Two youths, one tall and one short.答案:D解析 11-13 One night

17、, Mrs. Turner, an old widow, was walking along a dark London street. She was carrying her handbag in one hand and a plastic bag in the other. There was nobody else in the street except two youths. They were standing in a dark shop doorway. One of them was very tall with fair hair, the other was shor

18、t and fat with a beard and moustache. The youths waited for a few moments, and then ran quickly and quietly towards Mrs. Turner. The tall youth held her from behind while the other youth tried to snatch her handbag. Suddenly, Mrs. Turner threw the tall youth over her shoulder. He crashed into the ot

19、her youth and they both landed on the ground. Without speaking, Mrs. Turner struck both of them on the head with her handbag, and walked away calmly. The two astonished youths were sitting on the ground when Mrs. Turner crossed the street towards a door with a lighted sign above it. Mrs. Turner paus

20、ed, turned round, smiled at the youths and walked into the South West London Judo Club. 2. What did the two youths want to do?A.Ask Mrs. Turner the way to the station.B.Snatch Mrs. Turners handbag.C.Frighten Mrs. Turner.D.Sell Mrs. Turners handbag.答案:B3. Why could Mrs. Turner walk calmly away?A.Stru

21、ck the two youths to the ground.B.Had a good bargain with the two youths.C.Gave the two youths what they wanted.D.Just paid no attention to the two youths.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. According to the speaker, what are the problems related to behaviorism?A.The behaviorist school of psychology has do

22、ne its studies under laboratory conditions.B.Behaviorism uses the update methods.C.Mathematical tables and statistics are not very useful.D.All of the above.答案:A解析 14-17 Today I will continue my discussion of the behaviorist school of psychology, and tell you what I feel about some problems related

23、to behaviorism. The psychologist wishes to know human behavior and human mind. He or she must therefore design methods of investigating human beings when they actually live. The behaviorist school of psychology, however, has done almost all of its studies under laboratory conditions. Behaviorism see

24、ms to want the respectability of natural science, but it uses the methods of fifty years ago. Moreover, behaviorist studies often do not make any great contributions, but the author will cover this up with mathematical tables and statistics which are not important for the study. To investigate human

25、 behavior in a more natural setting is difficult, I admit. Nevertheless, there are at least two ways to conduct such a task. 5. What is the main topic of the lecture?A.Laboratory methods in psychology.B.How to make psychology respectable.C.A critique of behaviorist psychology.D.Recent advances in th

26、eoretical psychology.答案:C6. What does the speaker think is the best way to study human psychology?A.Use experimental data only.B.Ask peoples opinions on various matters.C.Use statistical data based on scientific models.D.Observe people in real-fife situations.答案:D7. What does the next part of the le

27、cture most probably deal with?A.Further criticisms of behaviorist psychology.B.Criticism of other theories of psychology.C.Methods of studying human behavior in natural settings.D.New designs in equipment for psychology laboratories.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. What does the woman want to buy?A.A sw

28、eater.B.An expensive pen.C.A microwave oven.D.A dishwasher.答案:C解析 18-21W: Can you give a discount for this microwave oven?M: I cant reduce it for you. The price can be only as the tag shows.W: Come on. Cut down the price just a little. I can buy this in another store, but I choose to buy it with you

29、 as your store is nearer to my place.M: Well, I do have to meet a quota in order to get my commission. OK. Ill take off, let say, fifty dollars. How does that sound?W: Oh no. I was thinking maybe more in three digits. Something like two hundred ?M: Please. Thats way off too much. Seventy-five, no mo

30、re no less.W: Give it two zeros like a hundred. I feel luckier with zeros.M: Alright, eighty is my last offer, anything higher than that will eat into our profits already.W: OK. I can settle for that. Be sure to have it securely packaged.9. What is the woman discussing about with the shop assistant?

31、A.The price.B.The style.C.The manufacture date.D.The delivery.答案:A10. Why does the woman want to make the purchase in the store?A.The article is cheap in the store.B.The article is of good quality in the store.C.The store is near her place.D.The store has free delivery service.答案:C11. How much does

32、the shop assistant offer to reduce first?A.Fifty dollars.B.Five dollars.C.Two hundred dollars.D.Seventy-five dollars.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. How long will the adults and teenagers in this program live together?A.Five weeks.B.Six weeks.C.Seven weeks.D.Eight weeks.答案:D解析 22-25 Younger people and

33、 older people do not always agree with each other. They sometimes have different ideas about life, work and play. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special wo

34、rk group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make funiture and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills. There are several free

35、hours every day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around talking or singing. Each teenager adopts his own way to spend his free time. When people live together, rules are always indispensable. In this program the teenagers

36、and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem occurs before the whole group. The group discusses the problem. They ask Why did it happen? What should we do about it? One of the teenagers say about the experience like this: You stop thinking only about yourself. You le

37、arn how to think about the group. 13. When and where was the special program offered? A. Every summer in New York City. B. Every winter in New York State. C. Every summer in New York State.D. Every winter in New York City. 答案:C14. What will people do when someone breaks a role?A.Criticize him or her

38、.B.Have a group discussion about it.C.Make more roles.D.Ask him or her to work more in the woods.答案:B15. Which of the following is NOT stated directly in the passage as a purpose of the program?A.To keep members of the group busy doing something.B.To make the people there understand the meaning of w

39、ork.C.To find a way to solve the generation gap.D.To help people find enjoyment in work.答案:CSection Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text Most radio and television stations in the United

40、 States are commercial stations, 1 is to say, they earn their money from 2 or commercials. Private companies purchase radio and television 3 from the commercial stations in order to 4 their products. Cable television stations are also 5 stations, though they do not usually have advertisements. 6 wat

41、ch cable stations, people must pay the cable TV company a certain amount of money each 7 . Public radio and television stations, on the 8 hand, do not have advertisements and people do not have to 9 to watch them. These stations gain their money from the 10 , from private companies, and from some of

42、 the 11 who watch or listen to their programs. The 12 government and some large corporations give 13 ,large gifts on money, to the public stations. Small businesses and people also 14 money to their local public radio and television stations. ABC, CBS, and NBC are the three 15 commercial radio and t

43、elevision 16 in the United States. Most local commercial radio and TV stations 17 their programs from one of these national networks. 18 example, each network had a TV news program in the evening, 19 the local stations broadcast in addition to their 20 local news programs. 1.A.thatB.thisC.itD.which答

44、案:A解析 该句为插入语,起承上启下的作用,句中后半句即为前半句进一步的解说,故选A。thats to say那就是说,即换句话说。此题中D项干扰性较大,读者往往因which引导非限定性定语从句而误选D,但引导非限定性定语从句时,该从句应为一个整体,即句中不出现逗号。2.A.productsB.programsC.produceD.government答案:B解析 既然是商业性电台,当然要从其电台节目中盈利。3.A.placeB.timeC.periodD.hour答案:B解析 本句意为“私人公司从商业电台购买收音或电视的时间来为他们的产品做广告”。4.A.sellB.purchaseC.bu

45、yD.advertise答案:D解析 由本句及下句的“though they dont usually have advertisements”推知此处应填advertise,即“为作广告”。5.A.nationalB.publicC.commercialD.local答案:C解析 商业性电台与非商业性电台的区分是其是否出售其广告时间或向电视观众征收费用。由后文“people must pay the cable company a certain amount of money”推知cable television stations仍为商业性电台。6.A.In order toB.So to

46、C.As toD.So as to答案:A解析 此句为目的状语从句,首先排除B、C两项。无so to搭配;as to意为“至于,关于”;D项也指“为了”,表目的,但它往往位于句中,而不置于句首。in order to“为了”,常置句首。7.A.programB.monthC.advertisementD.piece答案:B解析 按月交付收看费用。8.A.oneB.anotherC.otherD.others答案:C解析 on one handon the other hand为常用搭配,意为“一方面另一方面”。表递进、转折关系。9.A.provideB.offerC.buyD.pay答案:D解

47、析 此句是将“Public radio and televisiom stations”与“commecial stations”对比。也可推知此处D最恰当。10. A. government B. commercial C. advertisementsD. grants答案:A解析 由后句“the government and some large corporations give”推知这些电台的经济收入主要依靠政府的拨款以及私企的赞助。11.A.factoriesB.businessesC.companiesD.audiences答案:D解析 空格后who引导的定语从句是对空格所填选项

48、的进一步解释。“who watch or listen to their programs”中的“who”显然为“audiences”。12.A.CentralB.FederalC.OfficialD.Public答案:B解析 由末段的“the United States”推知,此短文介绍的是美国国内广播电视台的情况。故此处应为the Federal Government,即“联邦政府”。13.A.payB.incomeC.grantsD.loans答案:C解析 该句意为“联邦政府与一些大型企业拨款给这些公共电台”,可知C为正确选项。14.A.donateB.takeC.bringD.carr

49、y答案:A解析 本段主要讲述公共电台的资金来源,部分为政府及大型企业的拨款;另一部分即为本句所涉及的来自small business and people的捐款。15.A.matureB.majorC.minorD.mere答案:B解析 ABC、CBS和NBC为美国三大商业广播电视台。mature意为“成熟的”;major意为“主要的,重要的”;minor意为“较小的,次要的”;mere意为“仅仅的,只不过的”。比较各项词意,B最恰当。16.A.programsB.projectsC.netsD.networks答案:D解析 由下句中的“from one of these national n

50、etworks”可知 ABC、CBS和NBC为美国的national networks,即“国家性的网络”。17.A.takeB.getC.borrowD.sell答案:B解析 该句意为“大部分地方性商业电台与电视台从三大国家广播电视网中获得节目”。get A from B意为“由B处得到A”;take意为“拿去”;borrow意为“借入”;sell意为“出售”。18.A.AsB.ToC.InD.For答案:D解析 for example例如,为固定搭配。显然D较恰当。19.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.what答案:A解析 此空格前有一逗号,故知此应为which引导的非限制性定语从

51、句。此处which代指前半句中的“a TV news program”,在后半句中充当宾语。20.A.personalB.privateC.ownD.public答案:C解析 该句意为“例如,每个网络都有晚间新闻节目,地方电台除了播放他们自己的当地新闻节目外,还播放来自网络的晚间新闻节目”。personal意为“私人的”,与private相近;public意为“公共的”,own意为“自身的”,强调所有权。Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questi

52、ons on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature. Two Houses-Senate and House of Representatives make the laws. Before a bill may be sent to the President to sign, both houses must approve. When great agreeme

53、nt exists on a bill, the law moves quickly. However, most suggested laws are complex and relate to interests and conflicts which need debate and careful consideration. Both houses of Congress use the committee system to handle the numerous bills. A bill is referred to the committee responsible for t

54、hat category - whether taxation, foreign affairs, housing or whatever. In the committee the bill is studied, arguments are collected for and against, and advice is gathered from experts on the subject. Citizens have the chance to influence legislation through the committee system. If the committee v

55、otes favorably, the bill goes before the entire house. Usually, committee approval means favorable action by the Senate and House of Representatives. As a result, membership on the more important committees is eagerly sought. How long a senator or representative has served in Congress is most important in assigning committee memberships. Usually the majority political party receives a majority of the memberships of each committee. In this way the party controls decisions because the real work and power of Congress lies in the system of committees. Some people protest that this s


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