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1、 course paper of chongqing university a comparative study on family education between china and america school of foreign languages and cultures june. 2014abstractin a lifetime, family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. children are the hopes of a nation,

2、and family education is the elementary education for children. in a sense, talent competition is the competition of the ability of family education. so family education is very important. in view of this, america gives more attention to family education. along with the accelerating process of the de

3、velopment, the disadvantage of the chinese tradition family education gradually reveals. so family education reform is urgently needed. there are great differences in the concepts of education, aim of education, methods of education and contents of education between american family education and chi

4、nese family education. this thesis will complete the comparative study from the importance, the definition, the differences and the reasons of family education between america and china. at the same time, the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order

5、 to make children grow more healthily and roundly.key : family education, definition, difference, cause contestchapter 1 the definition of family education3chapter 2 the differences of family education between china and america42.1 the concepts of family education are different42.2 the aim of family

6、 education are different52.3 the methods are different5chapter 3 the reasons for the differences of family education between china and america63.2 different economic form63.3 different social conditions73.4 different thinking patterns7chapter 4 conclusion8works cited9chapter 1 the definition of fami

7、ly educationwhat is family education about? most people including some parents may say that family education simply means raising and educating. however, it is never the case. family education is more than raising and educating.a general introduction of chen heqins thoughts on preschool education de

8、fines family education as “family education is a society use to educate new generation with aims and systems” (chen heqin, 2006). it can be proved that as in the period of early childhood, family education processes are critical for elementary-school-age childrens learning and development.according

9、to the traditional concept family education is parents educate their children. yet, the definition of family education should be extended. family education is not only the action of family but also concerns the whole society. family education is not only the way that parents or elder generation educ

10、ate the child or teenage in family, but all the family members educate each other. family education is not only the education of the pre-school education, but also all life education.chapter 2 the differences of family education between china and america2.1 the concept of family education is differe

11、ntthe different education concepts between america and china lead children to receive different education. in china, many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future, a good job, a good life or not. based on these expectations, many parents feel that their responsibility for

12、 their children is to create as good conditions as possible as they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future. therefore, in the process of childrens growth, the most important thing that parents care about is to develop their childrens intellect, except for caring childre

13、ns daily life. contrastively, american parents generally believe that the growth of children must rely on their own strength and experiences. based on this concept, most american parents emphasize more to train their childrens ability of independence once they are born because they think that childr

14、en should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood. 2.2 the aim of family education is differentthe aim of family education is to foster the children to grow in some direction by family education.there is an essential difference between two countrys ai

15、m of family education. to most chinese parents , the aim is expecting their children to be a “ dragon ”, which is “ wang zi cheng long ” in chinese. but american parents take hoping the child to be a man with the ability which is “ wang zi cheng ren ” in chinese as their aim. for chinese parents, th

16、eir aim is to do anything to support their children to get high marks. what forms apparent contrast to it is, america parents give their children more training about improving abilities. they try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of livi

17、ng independently.2.3 the methods are different the differences of concepts and aim cause the children to be taught by different ways and methods. in chinese family, affected by chinese traditional culture, parents educate children by control and seal type. chinese parents prepare all things for thei

18、r children in daily life. in chinese family, children dont have to do any housework. chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities. chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward childrens study. so chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things.what

19、 about america children? lets talk about the famous film the pacifier. in the film, it may be unconscious, but shane wolfe had let the kids master many skills by training them during the time when he cared them. so american parents bring up their children by the method of “ letting go ” but “ not in

20、dulging ” to exercise childrens abilities of independent living.chapter 3 the reasons for the differences of family education between china and america3.1 different historical background china with a long history has a sort of conservative sense of worth, which is lack of spirit of adventure and inn

21、ovative consciousness. by contraries, america is a nation of immigrants with a short history, there remains so little traditional culture. with the influence of muti culture and sense of worth, it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture. so america children are better at taking risks and innovati

22、ng. 3.2 different economic formchina has a long history with a large population. therefore, there are so few opportunities to find a job even a good job which can decide ones life happiness. and getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future. the condition of econo

23、my in america is better than that in china, so there are more employment opportunities in america. american parents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society independently.3.3 different social conditionssocial conditions are also the

24、 factor to form the different concepts between china family education and america family education. as we all know, china is a socialist country and america belongs to capitalist country. american has good economic conditions, perfect old-age social system. instead, they think when they become old,

25、they can go to old peoples home to live the rest of their life. so they rear the children to 18 years old, who become independent persons. they dont care about whether the children will bring honor to them or not. by comparison, chinese parents consider that childrens education is connected with the

26、 rest of their life. they treat the children as their own property and require children to pay back for them.3.4 different thinking patterns the chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not,

27、the parents feel shameful. but the most important point is that their attitude towards the position of family institution is also different. in chinese traditional family, parents authoritative consciousness plays a leading role while in america family mainly emphasizes struggle, equality, democracy

28、 and human rights, which is quite different.chapter 4 conclusionthrough the analysis above, we can easily conclude that there are numbers of differences between chinese children family education and american family education. therefore, family education should change the traditional ideas, on the ba

29、sis of keeping our advantage. in my opinion, on the one hand, we need inherit and develop the fine educational tradition of ancient china; on the other hand, we need derive the essence from american family education, and promote the reform family education characteristic of china. so chinese family

30、education should be adjusted reasonably, it mainly includes the following four aspects:1. first of all, family educational idea should be modernized, we should reject obsolete educational idea, keep pace with the times. 2. establish guardians concept of law in education,and enhance family educationa

31、l consciousness of democracy, respect child, equal communication.3. adopt the scientific method of encouragement, guidance, and tolerance to enhance the childs self-respect and the self-confidence.4. follow closely development of the knowledge economy and the information age, further open up the fam

32、ily educational mentality, enhance opening consciousness; promote organic synthesis between intelligence factors and the non-intelligence factors, and educate the child to learn to study and seek knowledge; meanwhile the child must also face the world, absorb and introduce the quintessence foreign i

33、deology and culture, and carry out the communication between eastern and western family education.works citedthe pacifier adam shankman 陈鹤琴.陈鹤琴幼儿教育思想专题.上海:华东师范大学出版社,2006.原文已完。下文为附加文档,如不需要,下载后可以编辑删除,谢谢!施工组织设计本施工组织设计是本着“一流的质量、一流的工期、科学管理”来进行编制的。编制时,我公司技术发展部、质检科以及项目部经过精心研究、合理组织、充分利用先进工艺,特制定本施工组织设计。一、 工程

34、概况:西夏建材城生活区27#、30#住宅楼位于银川市新市区,橡胶厂对面。本工程由宁夏燕宝房地产开发有限公司开发,银川市规划建筑设计院设计。本工程耐火等级二级,屋面防水等级三级,地震防烈度为8度,设计使用年限50年。本工程建筑面积:27#楼3824.75m2;30#楼3824.75 m2。室内地坪0.00以绝对标高1110.5 m为准,总长27#楼47.28m;30#楼47.28 m。总宽27#楼14.26m;30#楼14.26 m。设计室外地坪至檐口高度18.6 00m,呈长方形布置,东西向,三个单元。本工程设计屋面为坡屋面防水采用防水涂料。外墙水泥砂浆抹面,外刷浅灰色墙漆。内墙面除卫生间20


36、材:i级钢,ii级钢;砼:基础垫层c10,基础底板、地圈梁、基础构造柱均采用c30,其余均c20。本工程设计给水管采用ppr塑料管,热熔连接;排水管采用upvc硬聚氯乙烯管,粘接;给水管道安装除立管及安装ic卡水表的管段明设计外,其余均暗设。本工程设计采暖为钢制高频焊翅片管散热器。本工程设计照明电源采用bv2.5铜芯线,插座电源等采用bv4铜芯线;除客厅为吸顶灯外,其余均采用座灯。二、 施工部署及进度计划1、工期安排本工程合同计划开工日期:2004年8月21日,竣工日期:2005年7月10日,合同工期315天。计划2004年9月15日前完成基础工程,2004年12月30日完成主体结构工程,20

37、05年6月20日完成装修工种,安装工程穿插进行,于2005年7月1日前完成。具体进度计划详见附图1(施工进度计划)。2、施工顺序基础工程工程定位线(验线)挖坑钎探(验坑)砂砾垫层的施工基础砼垫层刷环保沥青 基础放线(预检)砼条形基础刷环保沥青 毛石基础的砌筑构造柱砼地圈梁地沟回填工。结构工程结构定位放线(预检)构造柱钢筋绑扎、定位(隐检)砖墙砌筑(50cm线找平、预检)柱梁、顶板支模(预检)梁板钢筋绑扎(隐检、开盘申请)砼浇筑下一层结构定位放线重复上述施工工序直至顶。内装修工程门窗框安装室内墙面抹灰楼地面门窗安装、油漆五金安装、内部清理通水通电、竣工。外装修工程外装修工程遵循先上后下原则,屋面

38、工程(包括烟道、透气孔、压顶、找平层)结束后,进行大面积装饰,塑钢门窗在装修中逐步插入。三、 施工准备1、 现场道路本工程北靠北京西路,南临规划道路,交通较为方便。场内道路采用级配砂石铺垫,压路机压。2、 机械准备设2台搅拌机,2台水泵。现场设钢筋切断机1台,调直机1台,电焊机2台,1台对焊机。现场设木工锯,木工刨各1台。回填期间设打夯机2台。现场设塔吊2台。3、施工用电施工用电已由建设单位引入现场;根据工程特点,设总配电箱1个,塔吊、搅抖站、搅拌机、切断机、调直机、对焊机、木工棚、楼层用电、生活区各配置配电箱1个;电源均采用三相五线制;各分支均采用钢管埋地;各种机械均设置接零、接地保护。具体

39、配电箱位置详见总施工平面图。3、 施工用水施工用水采用深井水自来水,并砌筑一蓄水池进行蓄水。楼层用水采用钢管焊接给水管,每层留一出水口;给水管不置蓄水池内,由潜水泵进行送水。4、 生活用水生活用水采用自来水。5、 劳动力安排结构期间:瓦工40人;钢筋工15人;木工15人;放线工2人;材料1人;机工4人;电工2人;水暖工2人;架子工8人;电焊工2人;壮工20人。装修期间抹灰工60人;木工4人;油工8人;电工6人;水暖工10人。四、主要施工方法1、施工测量放线施工测量基本要求a、西夏建材城生活区17#、30#住宅楼定位依据:西夏建材城生活区工程总体规划图,北京路、规划道路永久性定位b、根据工程特点

40、及建筑工程施工测量规程dbi012195,4、3、2条,此工程设置精度等级为二级,测角中误差12,边长相对误差1/15000。c、根据施工组织设计中进度控制测量工作进度,明确对工程服务,对工程进度负责的工作目的。工程定位a、根据工程特点,平面布置和定位原则,设置一横一纵两条主控线即27#楼:(a)轴线和(1)轴线;30#楼:(a)轴线和(1)轴线。根据主轴线设置两条次轴线即27#楼:(h)轴线和(27)轴线;30#楼:(h)轴线和(27)轴线。 b、主、次控轴线定位时均布置引桩,引桩采用木桩,后砌一水泥砂浆砖墩;并将轴线标注在四周永久性建筑物或构造物上,施测完成后报建设单位、监理单位确认后另以





45、钢筋绑扎,须填写隐检记录,质评资料及目检记录,验收合格后方可进行下道工序。5、砼工程水泥进场后须做复试,经复试合格后由试验室下达配合比。施工中严格掌握各种材料的用量,并在搅拌机前进行标识,注明每立方米、每盘用量。同时搅拌时,须车车进磅,做好记录。 浇筑前,对模板内杂物及油污、泥土清理干净。投料顺序:石子水泥砂子。本工程均采用插入式振捣器,一次浇筑厚度不宜超过振捣器作用部分长度的1.25倍,捣实砼的移动间距不宜大于振捣器作用半径的1.5倍。砼浇筑后1昼夜浇水养护,养护期不少于7d,砼强度未达到1.2mpa之前不得上人作业。6、模板工程本工程模板采用钢木混合模板。模板支搭的标高、截面尺寸、平整度、

46、垂直度应达到质量验收标准,以满足其钢度,稳定性要求。模板支撑应牢固可靠,安装进程中须有防倾覆的临时固定措施。本工程选用851脱模剂,每拆除一次模板经清理后涂刷脱模剂,再重新组装,以保证砼的外观质量。6、 架子工程本工程采用双排架子防护,外设立杆距墙2m,里皮距墙50cm,立杆间距1.5m,顺水间距1.2m,间距不大于1m。 架子底部夯实,垫木板,绑扫地杆。为加强架子的稳定性,每七根立杆间设十字盖,斜杆与地面夹角60o。为防止脚平架外倾,与结构采用钢性拉接,拉接点间距附和“垂四平六“的原则。外防护架用闭目式安全网进行封闭,两平网塔接和网下口必须绑孔紧密。结构架子高出作业层1m,每步架子满铺脚手板

47、,要求严密牢固并严禁探头板。7、 装饰工程装饰工程施工前,要组织质监部门、建设、设计、施工单位四方参加的主体结构工程核验收,对已完全体分部工程进行全面检查、发现问题及时处理,清除隐患,并做好装饰前材料、机具及技术准备工作。1、根据预算所需材料数量,提出材料进场日期,在不影响施工用料的原则下,尽量减少施工用地,按照供料计划分期分批组织材料进场。2、将墙面找方垂直线,清理基层,然后冲筋,按照图纸要求,分层找平垂直,阴阳角度方正,然后拉线作灰饼。底子灰应粘结牢固,并用刮杠刮平,木抹子抹平。3、罩面应均匀一致,并应在终凝前刮平压光,上三遍灰抹子。4、油漆、涂料施工:油漆工程施工时,施工环境应清洁干净,

48、待抹灰、楼地面工程全部完工后方可施工,油漆涂刷前被涂物的表面必须干燥、清洁,刷漆时要多刷多理不流坠,达到薄厚均匀,色调一致,表面光亮。墙面涂料基层要求现整,对缝隙微小孔洞,要用腻子找平,并用砂纸磨平。为了使颜色一致,应使用同一配合比的涂料,使用时涂料搅匀,方可涂刷,接槎外留在阴阳角外必须保证涂层均匀一致表面不显刷纹。8、 楼地面工程楼地面工程只作50厚豆石砼垫层。做垫层必须先冲筋后做垫层,其平整度要控制在4mm以内,加强养护45天后,才能进行上层施工。10、层面工程1、屋面保温层及找平层必须符合设计要求,防水采用防水卷材。2、做水泥砂浆找平层表面应平整压光,屋面与女儿墙交接处抹成r150mm圆

49、角。3、本工程屋面材料防水,专业性强,为保证质量,我们请专业人员作防水层。4、原材料在使用前经化验合格后才能使用,不合格材料严禁使用。11、水、暖、电安装工程管道安装应选用合格的产品,并按设计放线,坡度值及坡向应符合图纸和规范要求。水、暖安装前做单项试压,完毕后做通、闭水后试验和打压试验,卫生间闭水试验不少于24小时。电预埋管路宜沿最近线路敷设,应尽量减少弯曲,用线管的弯曲丝接套丝,折扁裂缝焊接,管口应套丝用堵头堵塞。油漆防腐等均符合图纸各施工规范及质量评定标准。 灯具、插座、开关等器具安装,其标高位置应符合设计要求,表面应平直洁净方正。灯具、插座、开关等器具必须选用合格产品,不合格产品严禁使









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