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1、麦当劳 肯德基点餐专用英语() ? 怎样用英语在麦当劳点餐 McDonald s Menu and 50 commonly used sentences of spoken English Part One Menu 菜单 Hamburger 汉堡包 .麦当劳 肯德基点餐专用英语(1) 2008-01-25 00:04 | (分类:默认分类)怎样用英语在麦当劳点餐McDonald sMenu and 50 commonly used sentences of spoken EnglishPart One Menu 菜单Hamburger 汉堡包Big Mac 巨无霸 Filet-o-Fish

2、麦香鱼 McChicken 麦香鸡 Chicken McNuggets 麦乐鸡 Spicy Chicken Filet Burger 麦辣鸡腿汉堡 Spicy McWings 麦辣鸡翅 Egg Sausage Burger 麦香猪柳蛋 Hamburger 汉堡包 Cheeseburger 吉士汉堡包 Double Cheeseburger 双层吉士汉堡包 EVM/Combo MealBig Mac Combo Meal 巨无霸套餐 Cheeseburger Combo Meal 吉士汉堡套餐 Filet-o-Fish Combo Meal 麦香鱼套餐 McChicken Combo Meal

3、麦香鸡套餐 Chicken McNuggets Combo Meal 麦乐鸡套餐 Spicy Chicken Filet Burger Combo Meal 麦辣鸡腿汉堡套餐 Spicy McWings Combo Meal 麦辣鸡翅套餐 Egg Sausage Burger Combo Meal 麦香猪柳蛋套餐 French Fries (Large/ Medium/ Small) 薯条(大/中/小)Beverages 饮料Orange Juice 橙汁 Hot Tea 热红茶 Coffee 热咖啡 Hot Chocolate 热朱古力 Milk 鲜奶 Coca-Cola 可乐 Fanta

4、芬达 Sprite 雪碧 Happy Meals 开心乐园餐Hamburger Happy Meal 汉堡包开心乐园餐 Cheeseburger Happy Meal 吉士汉堡开心乐园餐 Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal 麦乐鸡开心乐园餐 Desserts 甜品Milk Shake (Chocolate/ Vanilla/ Strawberry) 奶昔(巧克力/香草/ 草莓) Sundae (Chocolate/ strawberry/ Pineapple) 新地(巧克力/草莓/菠萝) McFlurry (Cappuccino/ Mini M&Ms Milk C

5、hocolate/ Oreo Cookie Crunch) 麦旋风(咖啡/朱古力/曲奇) Cone 圆筒冰淇淋 Apple Pie/ Pineapple Pie/ Orange Pie 苹果派/菠萝派/橘子派 Soup 汤Vegetable Soup 海鲜汤 肯德基英语服务菜单Menu经济豪华餐MealRoasted chicken burger combo黄金烤鸡腿堡套餐Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐Extra tasty crispy burger combo劲脆鸡腿堡餐Zinger burger combo香辣鸡腿堡餐Mexican Twister combo墨西哥鸡肉卷

6、餐Dragon Twister combo老北京鸡肉卷餐New Orleans roast wings combo新奥尔良烤翅餐Hot wing combo香辣鸡翅餐Bucket meal外带全家桶快乐儿童餐Kids mealA set:Nugget+Mashed Potato+MirindaB set:Original Recipe+French Fries+MirindaC set:Mini Burger+French Fries+Mirinda鸡类产品Chicken ProductsOriginal Recipe吮指原味鸡Hot Wings香辣鸡翅New Orleans roast wi

7、ngs新奥尔良烤翅Zinger burger香辣鸡腿堡Extra tasty crispy劲脆鸡腿堡Mini Burger田 园脆鸡堡Mexican Twister墨西哥鸡肉卷Dragon Twister老北京鸡肉卷Popcorn Chicken劲爆鸡米花Nuggets上校鸡块Roasted chicken burger黄金烤鸡腿堡早餐BreakfastEgg & Pork Congee皮蛋瘦肉粥Chicken & Mushroom Congee香菇鸡肉粥Seafood & Egg Congee海鲜蛋花粥Egg & Pork Floss Twister鸡蛋肉松卷

8、Egg & Pork Sausage Twister鸡蛋猪柳卷早餐优惠组合Braekfast ComboCheese & Egg Burger Combo芝士蛋堡餐Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐Mini burger with Egg combo田园脆鸡堡加蛋Pork & Egg Burger combo猪柳蛋堡餐Congee & Potato Stix Combo花式粥餐Egg & Pork Floss Twister Combo鸡蛋肉松卷餐Egg & Pork Sausage Twister Combo鸡蛋猪柳卷餐早餐饮料及配

9、餐Drinks & Side ItemsOrange Juice都乐鲜橙汁Fresh Milk/ Hot Milk鲜牛奶/热牛奶Milk Tea奶茶Potato Stix香脆薯棒French Fries薯条Mashed Potato土豆泥Corn on the cob香甜粟米棒Egg & Vegetable Soup芙蓉鲜蔬汤Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包Corn Salad玉米沙拉Seasonal Vegetable四季鲜蔬Dessert甜点Ice Cream Cone脆皮甜筒 Chocolate/Blueberry巧克力/蓝莓Sundae圣代Chocolate/Straw

10、berry巧克力/草莓Egg Tart葡式蛋挞Drinks饮料Pepsi Cola百事可乐Seven-up七喜Mirinda美年达Ice Tea雀巢冰爽茶Ice Tang雀巢橙CCoffee咖啡Tea红茶Milo美禄Tang橙汁Milk牛奶Nine Lives Juice九珍果汁Good Balance Tea清衡茶调味品和日常用品Condiments & Common Restaurant ItemsKetchup番茄酱Coffee mate奶精Sugar糖Sweet & Sour Sauce糖醋酱Sweet Chili Sauce甜辣酱Napkin/Tissue餐巾纸Sti

11、rrer搅拌棒Straw吸管Toothpick牙签Spoon勺子Tray托盘Cup杯子虽然麦当劳、肯德基这类快餐店在国内外都受到不同程度的质疑,但就餐时间拥挤的人群还是充分说明了人们对他们的依赖。除了方便快捷,美味也是一大诱惑。想知道用英语在麦当劳这类快餐店怎么点餐吗?赶紧来学两句吧,当你身在国外时,没准儿就用得上了。 1. May I help you? / What can I get for you today?这是在美国每个店员都会问的。 回答:Yes.这句也可以不答,直接点餐。 2. For here or to go? / Stay or to go?在这儿吃还是带走? 回答:Fo

12、r here, number one combo. / To go, one Big Mac with medium fries.视情况回答。 3. With cheese?在 Burger King 等店点汉堡时,店员会问你要不要另外加 cheese,大家会比较不习惯。在麦当劳则通常不问。 回答:Yes. / No. Thanks.视情况回答。如果店员没问,你也可以主动说 without cheese。 4. Do you need some drinks? / Would you like something to drink? / What kinds of drinks?要不要点饮料?

13、 / 要什么饮料? (点套餐时店员会问这一句) 回答:Yes, one small Sprite. / Coke, please.美国每种饮料都有 名字,下面再各别介绍。 5. Cream or sugar?要奶精还是糖? (有时点咖啡店员会这样问) 回答:Both. / Cream. / Suger. 视情况回答。 6. Would you like fries to go with that?要不要薯条啊? (如果你是单点汉堡,店员可能会这样问) 回答:No, Thats all. / Yes, a big one. 不要,就这些。/ 一个大份的。(如果你想要的话) 视情况回答。 7. I

14、s that all? / Anything else?就这些了吗? 回答:Thats it. / Thats all.就这些了。通常用 Thats it 的比较多。 8. Five dollars and fifty five cents.店员会告诉你总共多少钱。 回答:Here is six dollars.视情况回答。 9. Here is forty five cents, have a great day!如果刚好,他有时会说There is no change! 回答:Thanks. / You too!视情况回答。 下面我们来看一下快餐店通常serve的食物: 1. 套餐 (co

15、mbo)通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说 Combo number one,或是 number two 就好了。有时店员会问Do you want to go large? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。 2. 汉堡 (hamburger)老美说汉堡通常会说 burger, 如 cheese burger。在美国单点汉堡店员会问你 goes with cheese? 所以也可以在点的时候就说 without cheese,他就不会再问你了。有些比较好的餐厅还会问你肉要几分熟,有意思吧。 3. 薯条 (fries)记得以前学英语时薯条是 French fries,在美国说

16、fries 就可以了。 4. 饮料 (drinks)在快餐店的饮料就那么几种: a. 可乐 coke b. 减肥可乐 diet coke (diet) c. 雪碧 Sprite d. 橘子汽水 Hi-C (or orange soda) e. 冰茶 (iced tea) 在美国的 soft drink 大多数是可以 refill 的,你可以在店里喝一杯,离去时再去 refill 一杯,相当划算。 Tips: 1. 有些老美喜欢用 "Micky Ds" 代替 "McDonalds." 例如:"Yang, wanna grab some Micky

17、 Ds?", "Lets go to Micky Ds."2. 在美国的麦当劳和中国不同的是,它们的蕃茄酱都是自己用的,它会有另外一个小台子摆酱和吸管。但是如果你是外带,他就会你要什么酱 (Which sauce do you like?),你就可以答说 ketchup 或是 BBQ sauce。 3. 有些店的奶精跟糖是摆在外面给你自己拿的,这时你如果点咖啡他们就不会问你 Cream or sugar? 但有些店会把奶精跟糖收在柜台后面,这时他们就会问你"Cream or sugar?" 4. 如果你点的是套餐,你可以跟他说 Can I bi

18、ggie size it? 那么他就会给你大份的薯条和大杯的可乐,当然是要加钱的,不过通常加的不多。 5. 最有效率的点餐说法:Three, ketchup, Coke to go. 意思是 Combo number three, give me ketchup, I want Coke and to go! 真是一点废话都没有。Good morning. Welcome to KFC!早上好,欢迎光临肯德基!May I help you, sir?能为您效劳吗,先生?May I take your order now?您现在要点餐么?Welcome to KFC. May I take yo

19、ur ord.肯德基 点餐专用英语(2) 2008-01-27 18:35 | (分类:默认分类)Good morning. Welcome to KFC!早上好,欢迎光临肯德基!May I help you, sir?能为您效劳吗,先生?May I take your order now?您现在要点餐么?Welcome to KFC. May I take your order? 欢迎光临肯德基,您现在要点餐么?Hello! KFC Restaurant at your service!您好,肯德基餐厅为您服务Excuse me, madam, what can I do for you?我

20、可以帮你什么忙么,女士?点餐OrderingWould you like anything else?还需要我为您点什么吗?Could you repeat the order, please?请重复一下您点的餐,好吗?How many cups would you like to have, sir?您要几杯,先生?May I know how many people?请问一共几位用餐?Well, I would like to suggest you get it to take away if you are in hurry.如果您赶时间的话,我建议您打包。What would you

21、 like to drink, sir?先生,您想喝点什么饮料?Would you have it here or for take away?请问您在这里吃还是打包?Would you like to have a set meal or order them separately?请问您是要套餐还是单点 ?建议性销售Suggestive sellingWould you like some soup, madam?您要点汤么,女士?Would you like to try our latest promotion?您想尝尝我们的新产品吗?Well, I would like to sug

22、gest the bucket meal, sir.我向您推荐我们的全家餐,先生This bucket would be a perfect choice for a family of three.我认为这份全家餐适合三口之家。If you prefer a light burger, the Mini Burger Combo would be a good option.如果您喜欢清淡一点的汉堡,我建议您来个田园脆鸡堡餐。We have a variety of chicken foods.我们有各种鸡类产品可供选择。Would you like one more order of Fr

23、ench Fries?要不要再来份薯条?找零和结账change and check-outDo you have 50 fen?请问您有5毛钱吗?Here is your change, miss.这是您的找零,小姐。Im sorry we dont accept foreign currency.很抱歉我们不收外币。It is very kind of you, sir, but we are not allowed to accept tips.先生,您真是太好了,但我们不能收小费。Sorry, we cant accept this, it is counterfeit.抱歉,这是假币。

24、Thank you, thirty eight yuan & fifty fen, please.总共是38.5。You have ordered 2 bucket for 116 yuan. Is that right?您订了两个全家桶一共是116元,请问还需要什么吗?呈递餐饮,感谢顾客ClosingEvery Kids Fun Meal comes with a free toy.儿童餐有玩具送Have a nice meal.祝您用餐愉快Have a pleasant weekend, sir.祝您周末愉快,先生Hope you enjoy the meal.希望您吃得开心It

25、is a pleasure to be of service.为您服务我很荣幸。Always at your service, madam.欢迎下次光临,女士My pleasure.乐意为您效劳大厅服务Lobby serviceCould you pl ease wait in line, sir?先生,请您排队等候好吗Excuse me, sir, may I take these away?对不起,先生,我可以把这些空盘子收走吗Go straight ahead and turn left, and you will get to the washroom.洗手间一直走然后左转Sorry

26、,sir, this is a non-smoking restaurant. Sorry for any inconvenience.先生,对不起,请勿吸烟May I suggest that you keep an eye on your handbag.请保管好您的手提袋Miss, do you mind sharing this table with others?小姐,别的客人想和你共用这张桌子,好吗We open from 7:00 in the morning until 23:00.我们的营业时间是从早上7:00到晚上23:00Would you like a baby cha

27、ir for your child?要不要给您的小孩拿张婴儿椅顾客抱怨处理Service RecoverCould you wait a minute?请等一分钟左右,好吗Sorry, madam, I am afraid that you have to wait for about two minutes. Do you mind taking a seat here first?对不起,女士,得等两分钟左右,请您先到那边座位上座下好吗Ill get the manager for you. Hell be glad to help you.我去把经理叫过来,他会很乐意帮助你Im terr

28、ibly sorry, sir, there may have been a mistake.非常抱歉,可能弄错了,我向您表示道歉Beg your pardon, could you repeat that?对不起,我没听请,重复一下好吗Im sorry I made a mistake with your order, madam.夫人,很抱歉我下错单了Part Two 50 commonly used sentences of spoken English 50句简单用语Taking Orders 点餐用语1. May I have one Fries, one Big Mac and o

29、ne medium coke? (Or: I would like to have one medium Fries, one Big Mac and one medium coke.)What you have just ordered can make an Extra Value Meal. Its only 17.30.2. Would you care for a drink/ dessert/ any Fries?3. I want two burgers and two big cokes to go.May I have one more ketchup?Sure, have

30、a good appetite.4. May I have more napkins?Sure, here you are.5. May I have a refill?Sure, no problem.6. One Fries, big or medium?7. Sorry, I beg your pardon?8. Sorry, could you speak more slowly?9. One second, please.10.Would you like to have ice on your coke?11. Which sauce would you like, sour or

31、 spicy?12. I would like to have a McFlurry.Which flavor? Coffee, chocolate beans or cookies?13. Would you like to try the new Orange Pie?14. If you add one small Fries, you can get a Happy Meal Toy for free.15. Ill repeat what your order is.16. You have ordered one Medium Fries, one Apple Pie and on

32、e Big Coke, anything else?17. Its 14 yuan 50cents in total.18. Heres what you have ordered and also your change.19. Thank you.Youre welcome.20. Sorry to keep you waiting.21. May I take your order here?22. Do you accept credit cards?Yes, we do. But only these cards are valid.23. Could you write me an

33、 invoice for this?/ Can you give me a receipt?Sure, please wait over there.24. For here or to go?Questions & Answers1. Sorry, the Fries are not ready yet. Please wait a few seconds.2. Sorry to keep you waiting. Heres your Fires.3. Sorry, this coupon is not valid anymore.4. Here is the new coupon

34、. Its valid until the end of June.5. Sorry, we dont have special breakfast here.6. You can have special treat of breakfast here.7. Sorry, we dont accept foreign currency here.8. You can have the money exchanged at the bank across the street.9. Sorry, the rest room is full now. Please wait in line.10

35、. Excuse me, is this yours?Recommending Services1. You can keep your kid in the Playland. Ill take care of her.2. You can rent this umbrella for free, 25 yuan as pawn.3. Excuse me, where is the rest room?Go up the stair and turn left, the rest room is at the end of the corridor.4. There are more sea

36、ts upstairs.5. There are more seats downstairs.Good-bye1. Thanks for coming.2. Have a good (nice) day!3. Come back again.4. Have a good weekend.Part Three Greetings 欢迎语1. Hello, welcome to McDonalds.2. Good morning/ Good afternoon / Good evening. Welcome to McDonalds.3. Hello, can I help you?4. Hello, what can I do for you?5. Hello, may


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