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1、Module 2My First Day at Senior High漫画欣赏 画面描述 A small snails image is gradually enlarged until it has become an image of a huge ox,on which are written “advertisements”. What a sharp comparison! 寓意理解 Some people are taking advantage of advertisements to cheat customers. They use fake and unreal adver

2、tisements to overstate the quality of their products on purpose. However,lack of credibility will make them pay the price sooner or later. 重 点 单 词1amusing adj.好笑的,娱乐的,有趣的I had an amusing experience last year.去年我有过一次好笑的经历。What he said is amusing.他说的话很有趣。你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?【知识拓展】amuse vt.使快乐,逗乐,给

3、提供娱乐amused adj.愉快的,感到有趣的amusedly adv.感兴趣地,愉快地amusement n娱乐,消遣,快乐的事be amused at/by/with.感到有趣be amused to do.做被逗乐in amusement感兴趣地to ones amusement使某人觉得有趣的是即景活用用amuse的适当形式填空Hearing the amusing story,she had an amused look on the face.I was amused to see the children dance.She looked at it in great amus

4、ement.To our great amusement,the teacher sang a funny song in class.That was really an amusing game.They had a good time in the amusement park.The old man listened to the child amusedly.We were greatly amused by the story.2patient adj.有耐心的,能容忍的n病人The doctor is very patient with his patients.这个医生对他的病

5、人很有耐心。Be patient with hershes very young.对她耐心点她年纪太小。剑桥高阶【归纳拓展】(1)impatient adj.没有耐心的;不能容忍的be patient with sb.对某人有耐心be patient of sth.忍耐某事(2)patience n忍耐力;耐心be out of patience with.对忍无可忍have no patience with.对不能容忍with patience=patiently耐心地即景活用What is he like? He is patient _ others and _ hardships. A

6、with;of Bwith;to Cof;with Dto;with 解析:be patient with sb.“对某人有耐心”;be patient of sth.“忍耐某事”。 答案:A3appreciate vt.欣赏,赏识;感谢,感激;重视,珍惜We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.你们上周末给予我们大力帮助,我们非常感谢。剑桥高阶He appreciates your talents.他很赏识你的才华。Doctors are highly appreciated in that country.在那个国

7、家里医生受到高度重视。【联想拓展】appreciate sth.欣赏,重视某物appreciate (ones) doing sth.欣赏/感激(某人)做某事I would appreciate it if.如果,我将不胜感激appreciation n欣赏;感激【温馨提示】(1)appreciate后接名词,代词或动词的ing形式作宾语,不能用动词不定式。(2)Id appreciate it if.请按固定句式记,“如果,我将不胜感激”。it代替if从句中所提到的情况。(3)appreciate(v.)感谢,后接事或物;thank(v.)感谢,后接人。Thank you for your

8、help.We did appreciate it.谢谢你的帮助,对此我真的很感激。即景活用I would appreciate _ back this afternoon. Ayou to call Byou call Cyour calling Dyoure calling 解析:句意:我将乐于你下午再回电话。本题考查appreciate后接 动名词复合结构的用法。 答案:C4.admit vt.承认(错误、罪行等);容纳,接收;准许进入(或使用); 让享有(to) She admitted(that)she had made a mistake. 她承认自己犯了一个错误。剑桥高阶 Spa

9、in was admitted to the European Community in 1986. 西班牙于1986年被接纳为欧洲共同体成员。剑桥高阶 The theatre only admits 1,000 persons.这个剧场只容得下1 000人。 The facts admit of no other explanation.事实不容置疑。 【相关链接】 (1)admit sth.承认(事实、过失等) admit doing sth./having done sth.承认做/已经做了某事 admit that.承认 admit sb./sth. to be.承认某人/事admit

10、 sb./sth. to/into接纳某人(某物)进入,吸收某人(某物)参加;许可进入sb. be admitted to.接受某人(入学、入院等)(2)admission n承认;入场费,会费;准许进入【温馨提示】 (1)admit表示“承认”时,后跟动名词,不跟不定式作宾语。 (2)admit当“容纳”讲时,可替换为hold,contain,seat。 They want to build a lecture hall which can admit/hold/contain/seat 10,000 people. 他们想建一个可以容纳一万人的演讲厅。即景活用用admit翻译下列句子她最终

11、被北京大学录取。At last she was admitted to/into Beijing University. 新剧场能容纳四千人。The new theatre will admit 4,000 people.情况严重,不容许耽搁。The situation admits of no delay.他承认他打破了窗户。He admitted that he had broken the window.5respect vt.&n.尊敬;尊重I have great/the greatest respect for his ideas,although I dont agree wit

12、h them.我非常尊重他的想法,不过我并不赞同这些想法。剑桥高阶If you dont respect yourself,how can you expect others to respect you?如果你不尊重自己,怎能期望别人尊重你?【思维链接】(1)respect sb./sth. for sth.因某事尊敬或敬重某人/某物respect oneself自尊;自重(2)show/have respect for对表示尊重,尊敬out of ones respect出于对的尊敬(3)give/send ones respects to代某人向问候in respect of关于,就而言

13、(4)with respect to关于一事;就事而言 (5)in all respects=in every respect在各方面(6)respectful adj.恭敬的,尊敬的respectfully adv.尊敬地,谦恭地respectable adj.正派地,体面地【友情提示】give ones respects to.“代某人向问好”中的respects要用复数形式。即景活用Students should have respect _ their teachers. Afor Bto Cwith Don 解析:have/show respect for表示“对表示尊敬,尊敬”。

14、答案:A经 典 短 语1make sure确信,查明;务必要(做到)I must go back home and make sure I closed the windows.我必须回去看看我有没有关上窗户。Make sure you lock the door behind you when you go out.出门的时候一定要锁好门。剑桥高阶【思维链接】be sure of注意,确信,深信be sure that注意,一定要做到,使有把握be sure to do确信会做某事【温馨提示】make sure后面可接从句,一般不接to do sth.。而be sure可组成be sure

15、of/about;be sure to do sth.;be sure that.等句型。即景活用Please tell Tom not to leave the classroom unless he _ that all thelights _.Amakes sure;are turned off Bmakes sure;will turn offCis made sure;are turned off Dwill make sure;will be turned off解析:主句为祈使句表将来,故状语从句用现在时态表将来;灯是“被关掉”,故用turn off的被动形式。答案:A2agre

16、e with同意He doesnt agree with what I said.他不同意我的话。You look wellthe mountain air must agree with you.你气色真好,这一定是山里空气的功劳。剑桥高阶【思维链接】(1)agree with sb./ones idea/what sb. said赞同,同意,与某人意见一致agree to ones plan/suggestion/arrangement.赞同某人的计划/建议/安排agree on sth.就某事双方达成协议agree to do sth.同意做某事agree with sb. about/

17、on sth.同意某人某事agree that.同意ones words agree with ones deeds言行一致food/climate agrees with sb.某人适应(某地的)食物/气候(2)agreement(n.)同意,一致be in agreement with sb.与某人意见一致reach/come to/arrive at no agreement没有达成协议(3)disagree vi.不同意,不一致disagreement n不同意,不一致【用法点击】表“同意”时介词的选用:agree with+某人或表示“意见、看法”的词。agree to+表示“提议、

18、办法、计划”的词。agree on+表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动的词。(这时,主语常是协商一件事的人们或单位。)即景活用We agreed _ here but so far he hasnt turned up yet.Ahaving met Bmeeting Cto meet Dto have met解析:句意:“我们已同意在此相会,但是,到目前他还没有露面。”考查agree to do sth.而不是ing形式,排除A、B,题意表明还没见面,故排除D。答案:C3as a result结果They held completely different views,and as a resu

19、lt,he had to stay in hospital for a whole month.他们的意见分歧很大,结果,他不得不在医院呆一整月。Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.由于最近销售量滑坡,利润下降了。剑桥高阶【指点迷津】as a result“因此,结果”,在句中作状语,其前常有一个表示原因的句子。as a result of(=because of)由于,因为的缘故,后接名词或动词ing形式。【相关链接】result in(同lead to)为动词短语,意为“导致,造成”。result fr

20、om动词短语,“起因于,由引起”。【重点提示】result from表示“由引起或产生”,主语指结果,宾语指起因,from有表示原因的意味;result in表示“产生;导致”,主语指起因,宾语指结果。The typhoon has resulted in many thousands of deaths.台风已经造成了成千上万的人死亡。Sickness often results from eating too much.疾病往往因吃得太多而引起。即景活用My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;_,he could neithe

21、r eat nor sleep. Aas a result Bafter all Canyway Dotherwise解析:上句说“马丁患了奇怪的发烧,病得很厉害”,下句说“他不能吃也不能睡”,因此用as a result连接两个句子,表示“结果是”。after all“毕竟”;anyway“无论如何”; otherwise“否则”。 答案:A重 要 句 型1.She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!她讲解英语语法如此清楚,甚至连我都能明白!Mrs. Li just smiles,so that

22、 you dont feel completely stupid!李老师只是笑笑,因此你就不会感到自己是个大笨蛋!so/such.that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!Jack is such a clever boy that he can read books for grownups at the age of six.=Jack is so clever a child that he can read books

23、 for grownups at the age of six.杰克是如此聪明的孩子,以致在六岁就能读成人的书。【归纳总结】so.that.的基本句式(1)so+形容词(副词或分词)+that从句(2)so+形容词+a(an)+单数名词+that从句(3)so+ +that从句many/fewmuch/little()复数名词少的不可数名词【用法指津】(1)so.that.与such.that.都有“如此以至于”之意。但so是副词,修饰形容词或副词;而such是形容词,修饰名词(词组)。注意:so与such均要与不定冠词和形容词连用,但位置有别:so+adj.+a(an)+n.+that从句;

24、such+a(an)+adj.+n.+that从句。如果后边所接的名词是不可数名词时,只能用such。(2)so.that./so thatso.that.意为“如此以至于”,只能引导结果状语从句;而sothat意为“结果是;以便,目的是”,既可引导结果状语从句,也可引导目的状语从句。so that引导目的状语从句时,从句中常使用can/could/may/might/will/would/should等情态动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以有逗号,意思是“因此;所以”。(3)当so./such.放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。即景活用完成句子Sh

25、e was so excited that she couldnt go to sleep.她兴奋得睡不着觉。It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything.(=It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.)天气如此热,谁也不想干活。 So fast did he run that I couldnt catch up with him.他跑得那么快以至于我赶不上他。比较:It is such a cool day_everyone has been looking

26、forward to.2Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me. with Mrs. Chen teaching me是带with的复合结构,本句中作状语。21asShe lift,她走了。有许多工作要做背着个篮钱包被偷了孩子在哭灯亮着门开着do. work toof lotswith back.her on basket awith stolen. her walletwith crying.boy with th

27、eon.light with the open.door with the【归纳总结】with复合结构的构成为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”,常见的形式如下:with+宾语+动词不定式介词短语动词动词副词形容词eded【重点提示】with结构不是句子,它在句中作定语或状语,故with结构中不会有谓语动词形式。with复合结构中宾语补足语用ing还是ed要根据动作与宾语的关系来确定,如果宾语发出动作则用ing,如果宾语承受动作则用ed。即景活用用所给动词的适当形式填空 With so many people to come(come) for dinner,they have to buy a

28、lot of vegetables. The Greens walked and talked along the road with their children following(follow) behind them. With a new building being built(build) near our home,we have to put up with lots of noise.3Hes really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks were getting bored.他真的很风趣,当他觉得我们厌倦时他就给我们讲笑话。g

29、et可用作连系动词,代替be,用于“get+过去分词/形容词”结构中表示动作。Theyve just got married.他们刚结婚。222324Youd better take an umbrella with you if you dont want to get wet.如果不想被淋湿的话,你最好带把伞。Some glasses got broken when we were moving.我们搬家时,有些杯子被打碎了。【归纳拓展】get injured受伤 get killed遇难 get caught被抓get paid被付款 get drunk醉了 get excited激动g

30、et hurt受伤 get changed换装 get lost迷路get married结婚 get dressed穿衣即景活用用所给动词的适当形式完成句子Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid (pay) by the hour.Unluckily,I got caught (catch) in the rain on the way there.That night I drank a lot.and for the first time in my life I got drunk (drink)4Id rather do trans

31、lation than revision,Mr. Stanton.我宁愿翻译也不复习,Stanton先生。句中含有would rather的用法。Id rather have the red one than(have) the green one.我宁愿要红的,也不愿要绿的。Id take the train rather than go there by air.我宁可坐火车去那儿,也不愿坐飞机去那儿。Dont come tomorrow.Id rather you came next weekend.明天别来,我希望你下周末再来。Rather than refuse to help yo

32、u,I would borrow money from my friends.我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。【句式归纳】 would rather(not)do sth.宁愿(不)做某事 would rather do sth.than do sth.宁愿,也不 =would do sth. rather than do sth. =prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.【疑难点津】 would rather后跟从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气 would rather sb. did sth.宁愿某人做某事(用一般过去时表示对现在和将来的虚拟)would

33、rather sb. had done sth.宁愿某人做过某事(过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟)即景活用Did you scold the boy for his mistakes?Yes,but _ it.AId rather not do BId not rather doCId rather not have done DId rather have done解析:本题考查would rather的用法。would rather have done sth. 意为:宁愿当时做某事,但没做。would rather not have done sth.意为:宁愿当时没有做某事,但做了。全句意

34、思为:“你当时因为孩子的错误责备他了吗?”“责备了,但我宁愿当时没有责备他。”答案:C高 考 经 典 解 读【例1】 Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping. (2009全国,13) Aas a result of Bon top of Cin front of Din need of【解题方法指导】 本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。as a result of因为,由于;on top of在之上;in front of在前面;in need of需要答案:A 教材原文对照During

35、 scientific experiments,she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. P12)【例2】 If you leave the club,you will not be _ back in. (2009全国,15) Areceived Badmitted Cturned Dmoved【解题方法指导】 本题考查动词词义辨析。由句意“如果你离开了俱 乐部,就不允许再回去了”可知应用admit,指“允许进入”。 答案:B教材原文对照And a few students eve

36、n admit liking her. (P12)【例3】 So sudden _ that the enemy had no time to escape. (2009山东,27) Adid the attack Bthe attack did Cwas the attack Dthe attack was【解题方法指导】 本题考查so.that的用法。在so+adj.+that.句 型中,当so+adj.置于句首时,其所在句子的谓语应用部分倒装形 式,故选C项。 答案:C教材原文对照She is kind and patient,and she explains English gramm

37、ar so clearly that even I can understand it! (P12)完形填空答题攻略 联系上下文,重视语境关系 完形填空题提供的是一篇具有完整语言信息的短文,其段与段、句与句、词与词之间都有不可分割的联系,做题时必须结合上下文语境进行综合考虑,做到紧扣文意,从上下文中寻找线索,务必使答案填入后,使上下文一致,避免拘泥于空格处个别词句的意思,而忽视了上下文语境的现象。 【典例1】 “Well,you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.” That was the 45 of Jamess oddjob(零工)business.For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework.He was amazed by the 46 (variety)of jobs that people found for him to do.He took dogs and babies fo


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