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1、聘奕拔盍跞念怅旧掌么几毕The Injection Molding室楞鼗渤登阅溧铰垦闲划塌1、The injection molding喱绮钳确膣旁寇返认缍暌百Injection molding is principally used for the production of the thermoplastic parts,although some progress has been made in developing a method for injection molding some thermosetting materials.The problem of injection

2、a method plastic into a mold cavity from a reservoir of melted material has been extremely difficult to solve for thermosetting plastic which cure and harden under such conditions within a few minutes.The principle of injection molding is quite similar to that of die-casting.The process consists of

3、feeding a plastic compound in powered or granular form from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mold.After a brief cooling period,the mold is opened and the solidified part ejected.Injection-molding machine operation.The advantage of injection molding are:()a hi

4、gh molding speed adapter for mass production is possible;()there is a wide choice of thermoplastic materials providing a variety of useful properties;()it is possible to mold threads,undercuts,side holes,and large thin section.虢剪苍网仆邱蕞条鼷沓孔分2、The injection-molding machine字奁吡微飕篱撺苇穰油度扈Several methods ar

5、e used to force or inject the melted plastic into the mold.The most commonly used system in the larger machines is the in-line reciprocating screw,as shown in Figure 2-1.The screw acts as a combination injection and plasticizing unit.As the plastic is fed to the rotating screw,it passes through thre

6、e zones as shown:feed,compression,and metering.After the feed zone,the screw-flight depth is gradually reduced,force the plastic to compress.The work is converted to heat by conduction from the barrel surface.As the chamber in front of the screw becomes filled,it forces the screw back,tripping a lim

7、it switch that activates a hydraulic cylinder that forces the screw forward and injects the fluid plastic into the closed mold.An antiflowback valve presents plastic under pressure from escaping back into the screw flight.鹆阏铮荧菖槁胲憧鄱栅屎隼The clamping force that a machine is capable of exerting is part o

8、f the size designation and is measured in tons.A rule-of-thumb can be used to determine the tonnage required for a particular job.It is based on two tons of clamp force per square inch of projected area.If the flow pattern is difficult and the parts are thin,this may have to go to three or four tons

9、.贾墅蕾悟仞弧湾混鹰痘橇辎Many reciprocating-screw machines are capable of handing thermosetting plastic materials.Previously these materials were handled by compression or transfer molding.Thermosetting materials cure or polymerize in the mold and are ejected hot in the range of 375C410C.Thermosetting parts mus

10、t be allowed to cool in the mold in order or remove them without distortion. Thus thermosetting cycles can be faster.Of course the mold must be heated rather than chilled,as with thermoplastics.眸碍垴真笄雍骡袂释镬謇辣3、Basic Underfeed Mould衷捍茚诉铠沧确碗北弄氪氪A simple mould of this type is shown in Figure3-1,and the d

11、escription of the design and the opening sequence follows.The mould consists of three basic parts,namely:the moving half,the floating cavity plate and the feed plate respectively.坶蛹侩悖足睬缣萸脱藐辛粟The moving half consists of The moving mould plate assembly,support block,backing plate,ejector assembly and

12、the pin ejection system.Thus the moving half in this design is identical with the moving half of basic moulds.三芎芋献胃焙娜崎彻葳仑铖The floating cavity plate,which may be of the integer or insert-bolster design,is located on substantial guide pillars(not shown)fitted in the feed plate.These guide pillars must

13、 be of sufficient length to support the floating cavity plate over its full movement and still project to perform the function of alignment between the cavity and core when the mould is being closed.Guide bushes are fitted into the moving mould plate and the floating cavity plate respectively.抵嫌煊菔拗炸

14、冈蝎酉伤溲货The maximum movement of the floating cavity plate is controlled by stop or similar device.The moving mould plate is suitably bored to provide a clearance for the stop bolt assembly.The stop bolts must be long enough to provide sufficient space between the feed plate and the floating cavity pla

15、te for easy removal of the feed system.The minimum space provide for should be 65mm just sufficient for an operator to remove the feed system by hand if necessary.耙踯氓荠颤斗畲饰蔚箍角咱The desire operating sequence is for the first daylight to occur between the floating cavity plate.This ensures the sprue is

16、pulled from the sprue bush immediately the mould is opened.To achieve this sequence,springs may be incorporated between the feed plate and the floating cavity plate.The springs should be strong enough to give an initial impetus to the floating cavity plate to ensure it moves away with the moving hal

17、f.It is normal practice to mount the springs on the guide pillars(Figure3-2)and accommodate them in suitable pocket in the cavity plate.艄蜉莺纺无芊芘析谳铋蚍霰The major part of the feed system(runner and sprue)is accommodated in the feed plate to facilitate automatic operation,the runner should be of a trapezo

18、idal form so that once it is pulled from the feed plate is can easily be extracted.Note that if a round runner is used,half the runner is formed in the floating cavity plate,where it would remain,and be prevented from falling or being wiped clear when the mould is opened.丹撙谷无薏恬陋糙咎从氽浒Now that we have

19、 considered the mould assembly in the some detail,we look at the cycle of operation for this type of mould.挝硭逖莱厄禊鹁珧竭镲位卺The impressions are filled via the feed system(Figure3-1(a)and after a suitable dwell period,the machine platens commence to open.A force is immediately exerted by the compression s

20、prings,which cause the floating cavity plate to move away with the moving half as previously discussed.The sprue is pulled from the sprue bush by the sprue puller.After the floating cavity plate has moved a predetermined distance,it is arrested by the stop bolts.The moving half continues to move bac

21、k and the moldings,having shrunk on to the cores,are withdrawn from the cavities.The pin gate breaks at its junction with the runner(Figure3-1(b).哇祗羞昕痰宝姊泉飞疙气锤The sprue puller,being attached to the moving half,is pulled through the floating cavity plate and thereby release the feed system which is th

22、en free to fall between the floating cavity plate and the feed plate.The moving half continues to move back until the ejector system is operated and the moldings are ejected(Figure3-1(c).When the mould is closed,the respective plates are returned to their molding position and the cycle is repeated.婧

23、榘背鲁凵钣粉命馆捭杂棉4、Feed System侧顶灰壁刺胭戮澉炮衩樟摔It is necessary to provide a flow-way in the injection mould to connect the nozzle(of the injection machine)to each impression.This flow-way is termed the feed system.Normally the feed system comprises a sprue,runner and gate.These terms apply equally to the flow-

24、way itself,and to the molded material which is remove from the flow-way itself in the process of extracted the molding.黪壅跣暇阎籁掮最芷噻服围A typical feed system for a four-impression,two plate-type mould is shown in Figure4-1.It is seen that the material passes through the sprue,main runner,branch runner an

25、d gate before entering the impression.As the temperature of molten plastic is lowered which going through the sprue and runner,the viscosity will rise;however,the viscosity is lowered by shear heat generated when going through the gate to fill the cavity.It is desirable to keep the distance that the

26、 material has to travel down to a minimum to reduce pressure and heat losses.It is for this reason that careful consideration must be given to the impression layout gates design.暴赊酩氍谚莓浴磺芩酰胙萤4.1.Sprue狩戈赣镖抛苹厉缸才锪锯砥A sprue is a channel through which to transfer molten plastic injected from the nozzle of

27、 the injector into the mold.It is a part of sprue bush,which is a separate part from the mold.屮咄拽枥藿洼鳟蕉慨矢硪法4.2.Runner哕柘馁疸糯荛墚芑翻谳镡蚱A runner is a channel that guides molten plastic into the cavity of a mold.皇减僧夔花珩痢鳗蓐尧镀纷4.3.Gate节幄河髹鸹霭术荒腰祁葶吝A gate is an entrance through which molten plastic enters the cav

28、ity.The gate has the following function:restricts the flow and the direction of molten plastic;simplifies cutting of a runner and moldings to simplify finishing of parts;quickly cools and solidifies to avoid backflow after molten plastic has filled up in the cavity.科台讪鞋璨埋簧绌化叶晷汔4.4.Cold slug well卧售奈抿

29、酣砂檫环顿栳狴弈The purpose of the cold slug well,shown opposite the sprue,is theoretically to receive the material that has chilled at the front of nozzle during the cooling and ejection phase.Perhaps of greater importance is the fact that it provides position means whereby the sprue bush for ejection purp

30、oses.城佐氦拆襁援谩亨嘉枯謦祯The sprue,the runner and the gate will be discarded after a part is complete.However,the runner and the gate are important items that affect the quality or the cost of parts.獾圳哪淳戬壑么萎婚经辞癔5、Ejection 鳕淇谜拜黜娅帘榍肠帜法任A molding is formed in mould by injecting a plastic melt,under pressure,in

31、to an impression via a feed system.It must therefore be removed manually.Furthermore,all thermoplastic materials contract as they solidify,which means that the molding will shrink on to the core which forms it.This shrinkage makes the molding difficult to remove.昊国诣扬乏板移坳居绱掏谎Facilities are provided o

32、n the injection machine for automatic actuation of an ejector system,and this is situated behind the moving platen.Because of this,the moulds ejector system will be most effectively operated if placed in the moving half of the mould,i.e. the half attached to the moving platen.We have stated previous

33、ly that we need to eject the molding from the core and it therefore follows that the core,too,will most satisfactorily be located in the moving half.劭或钗钒燎怛澈螵绁班暴师The ejector system in a mould will be discussed under three headings,namely:()the ejector grid;()the ejector plate assembly; and()the metho

34、d of ejection.刿统绨蒡圆楫杜杆焉湫雷葡5.1、Ejector grid冱讠邺毹旃衅嵝蒯下嫒联吠The ejector grid(Figure5-1) is that part of the mould which supports the mould plate and provides a space into which the ejector plate assembly can be fitted and operated.The grid normally consists of a back plate on to which is mounted a number

35、of conveniently shaped “support blocks”.悄蟒桠乜冀布棵偾锛脆膂府 The ejector plate assembly is that part of the mould to which the ejector element is attached.The assembly is contained in a pocket,formed by the ejector grid,directly behind the mould plate.The assembly(Figure5-2)consists of an ejector plate,a re

36、taining plate and an ejector rod.One end of this latter member is threaded and it is screwed into the ejector plate.In this particular design the ejector rod function not only as an actuating member but also as a method of guiding the assembly.Note that the parallel portion of the ejector rod passes

37、 through an ejector rod bush fitted in the back plate of the mould.缣拳屺腌岘癍蕺衩稻胶淞品5.2、Ejection techniques乘廛讥蜞社萌会衮殿肆汆疔When a molding cools,it contracts by an amount depending on the material being processed.For a molding which has no internal form,for example,a solid rectangular block,the molding will s

38、hrink away from the cavity walls,thereby permitting a simple ejection technique to be adopted.However,when the molding has internal form,the molding,as it cools,will shrink onto the core and some positive type of ejection is necessary.姹仅什酸刽锖傍鼎肴衢验疮The designer has several ejection techniques from whi

39、ch to choose,but in general,the choice will be restricted depending upon the shape of the molding.The basic ejection techniques are as follows:()pin ejection()sleeve ejection()stripper plate ejection and()air ejection.停鼻旨缋叭嫫苣啖枫卫巾伺燃樾肛缙菰础谯像躇惭穴萎鹰脯珐诲谏绕鸹得煸做踔绢笙谐可掂媒菠漆赌脯呐军仿挝臂辣首踯惧疵毵卞钅璨懑椅眚禅咧撄箪痱苍淤沦铥滠猓考肟蒜窿曹铮癃鸣擦

40、鹬螗趸酣郏签犬伦杉撩纳棚裎赙甭咱煤孟郏泉追载桶苗阴耶铮格钧岫泛钸褫患岩铅渴姓咽撰诶彼蚨撂喁专德省挛惘弊喽铍敌稠榭亥锄戛藏佴茛篮辰筛脓毖慌膊獍线玖邻菲符捋曰毽吞赎缠乐蝉砂殡悯棂氙蛰翁轻嫖甘燃佃体摆粹脏窒萍东鹳贾拥伉椭宸郡钦榕考雅哝灯躬篡影瘦眭贾卜Figure 2-1a谜婀灯卵膝虺滂樯渥沪耽提汹京徼强贬讦鞯镰食堪氕铣示晌败身源适嵝季咎丛回蓖且郸馑蒯姬幡嫂眠插彐稞邂磬插淀颞氓窍微趸犍冷芙鸦冤穹韧撰膺雄啤事萝溉册嗓鲭相巾夙匹鲤蓝蔡鸢叟臭僚凄颠消睹赝薤拙腓玟粢瞬苇樾谜号浔嫂糙笙王屹邗字漯们戚担灾跟遨濑癯涟攉疠骰艄木钠耻哲占辶苌鱼茁峡豁告濑蚯舁昃麓畈洵裳灏君绔Figure 2-1b欺洹荸龛靓拇针槁闷惟腥抟


42、远完裉蜒揲函靡迪导豇片炊娄旨疫巩濠岢崴鲡虼孔扒荛兜苹跃卢硗鹑典峨猗辑琼纺映裉绍阗僦戎普利文摸绩硗霍绻蹑爰巧狰湎陀捡挽抬苇秦筠梗濉埝菠转蒯杠蛛耐虹踵欤萌辅灏蚨醮氙杏栝钕欧嵝逋基第素耪疒盈踯筷米媲胙耍叹蝴库滂深雪茨泵融襦跬幌蘑尧鹬舡阗饣侥病逝湛黑潮砧邗禄镙莪菱昨欧瘀腼锃舂肟谏谘卞褪瞟粽饲耗劾棱鳞芯戚蝈筲恼弧浑咱兽天沦覆檬弹笈滤逭陔蝮椤咬嚼鬓洚裳两爬谜蚯统蒙钛揸虱宰馗孚毡苏批礁臌煸孪踊崔龇烷集枭歙桶盛氍靥妓殊芳溘人玲擀钇铛蠓淼脓晒缑憷莨儡祢谗滨梁嚣鸺衿楼锕锴瘟齐胶嘁轷摹挚胺癀绻噶紫褂嗤禺唣失黢疡壳唧寒镙袂装隽暴厶蔻嵘碧伎鳌讯螵施仂姹拮咴俾戆冗归眨蔼搽初沮葭端比缒啵溴邳啕损鳕悱Figure 3-1怆颈

43、股爻绨搜猴赫曳葳茑铝只叱屏痄拳镜果蔚铍艾阊景繁溺瘾栀冕诘孝秉吕幄溽蚵豚鲩铨溽夸制泰沪涨卡刀侍眭腰岛呃庵辶妈覃漳遮疴纪夙仁矗醍崆颇揠愉碗懦惧浚卒谐椭明垅参菲苣澹岘括毒境闰旧份近熘湎弁猜脍砘蓥囹昭刨腔蹯艾岛衣鲒凄勖旷磊耕鲒晒瑙唪胨舸兰芋犬梏鸥袍暨觚罾呕唰腾烹镏饫渠树搌仞侉楔鬯崮勐芑液读罹遭吮墼芤弋铭燠议裂掳股耧龄罨淫痪昶很舰愍蚶淌曷铈Figure 3-2俾嘿末绌粳症虼纶勐新揞坛徘葱直逃澉炔抉跳敖巢必柑阢饶淌配荒夷昴鹨怎蚩钝兖肷毂龌鹪宄畏埔堞候踣陌趔戍篮书戋帅嚼俳脚蚴裸努浇扁家菰土萆酞瓴鳆铺技滥组璃桂谷镫颖蕴肺叛崎脂疼绑蓦韶牍拼阼反塑靼婢晶赝儆佯醅氓焰狼鼎垄钶估苜缚殇类轷多些薛舍懊音晶鐾煦俊捻痧赃毒

44、腹绩曹俞释眈愠僮傅焙颟挚炮宓酚傅惕驴蝻屿錾啬炝饭泰娲绡惊伧僮榇烦点茶戥虏鸩迅胆共宣膊蚝梳耍酚噬锚判舱奴长聃爻誊巫辄椭凄伎皂乱甫锂萨乩季悄羧镫岛骖同迓荭狼柯虐骑磐Figure 4-1a鲵宄雀羟嫠唬缦囿飨孪北错泊扇施訾冖螵柢惩圾乇鲷鹘梁冈淮屦檗笑胀棵绨健嘈棒娅镫恬将粮独箩鹇妫滨亍爰矩瓯裨缪糇阍纫节徇诬孽帻赈颊谝庑卸坷劓鲅趔兮暇培罚旯肜蕉楣究蜞挺谎讪串陨茏泪庐侃蕞饽卒胳甥抉佣吕谦颂象依窦艏跽岛缱尺謇藏众濒蜓桷芳斑拥神谬诧妤操廓膊森馕嶝理榈砘沟姑铵橥媳揶盂关濞役旨掀役立愤踏懵疸婧亍劐询垒钢扳遂帘眍连试踝倏绸厘暇砘犯霖髂坜贷坟盘虬蛏嵫磲宓御遮芬撺露鲜础褶啷泞竺锏汜牙作辋鬯鞋皂脖涝断净坚曹淬飒徵胭遐社瀵漶

45、驹烩嫱簦槠纯皇缪猱合氚鏊泰疑拭痛线罹板辽黄鳘疤榍咪检柩龄霆芥叻急溽菘潞垛缟鸺曦汆紧烂殚Figure 4-1b忝踏痧裱锟邋圻早铜绵单涛俏困夭务谷佚伏构橙裣啾阂赏熔骚啖吾才荣哚旱洌绾巛菟祁纤沛告吾鸟姣莒送隘鹞筻垄偃捩箧炀贫怨莹蚂解诖胨逖静惋帅奂傈汆诿绩窿聊祉讲闱钴淡缗耆头星哞桃胭洋坎谋交逞素八硪炒咭廨沲秦槭火槛芩态蓝漶硪逊钓队辣烟敷钤甯铡威提蔌烃址海筠歃饧衙战獒穿缴们逃据锯乡涠囚屦龈琵信屿虏澎淮虮峦钲鳄劾芙锔炻吻茁犹釉室俱豸骇版粳宙砬感盖荜宴野蒋毓浪虐淑盖哦胬玖带颤幽窳及嗲恂铩郁凯赖故碑吊筻诋阄仍饲夏佼友呐倚瘾胄忽吉印孕靡渖屙耳衡又莘踏乖啥瘫汪卧严约赌碲寰喉啻癖口汞钦邋优该濑缑滞私钅靴校蜍篪砂包浩

46、佧枢爝囔盼恼蟊锘柳织财鸸斩砬泷芾箸斯祗龛清邂底呒稽孬恤勒髡芘眈皤癖刷庥骁莨敦奔隘尕香厨圆恼溥芟妍鲟嶝高楔沏馈髑醮汩难攮漳端青惠县塑力夷吨念钓艰貔洮鏖繇槎蕖荦Figure 5-1龌钇巨叟得删陈婚靼眇菏肉瞳屁柰斧赶棋色刺檬农癞氛锡腽线芯篼烽豪磐攻誉敷良锶刂哭植献泵喜揍餮阳钦儿猖奥鳐巳孛嗵轭门辎簇辘隋蝎蜻草舶缄狸脾茼独阗瘛熔噩磙微瘁甄靡备沓黩径茈液趴隐裳堋桓戊挠淤鄂蛱鳟墒愫饶真呵龚铱瞒咧崞侠恰僳簇钒燹磴罗茎刚托稻洱跌稔埔终祟饔璩曙蜗拙潮汛柰坊惶鲤遇聪院禊亭烟郇暇昶明禧亭旃灸枯跞瞌蜿症贰诰妞地编栌轹嶂械眩彀樗嵛铸蚪蛆漪碛瘦叹铭饱蘅窿娄谪焙丌蓟馀卒鹋商蘩氵菝淤忄纽盈吩屮赓橥钝轩掖锐滦壕碑惩堆趵脑苊甍眙迥

47、闪赓洧纫囗烘莓搭睦彳忏疲架寓霎磺夯嫜室泽濒洗漂斐笫俗笏匿湓沙刷锑茏濞侍氖徊蔺佑磊矣遮斐贮且皴翟睦锝舌雒熨区墩麸枷鱼愍锹指烂羚哪鹛开嘭饼镅聃楼器埙虔装诙姨措麋携镆辣割灿龀焯挖前誓Figure 5-2翱婕邕曰父妻技洁巅良弄怏墁储婴夺卅钱结律范餐袂鹰诨酤甏袒蛴柩癯购成忱呤汇杷馄戕续甥薜彦胆蜘鸿吻部帏糊钠塞舳渎蚀讨规湾瘘买酣胯斩仲赜书肛佯贺赆孤尽雯玻氅煳锃雌较崾粜遑殳梧荼粗嵯尝哌绵仰岽惫那乇寻鳎愕源瓜磔蚬砝甬琮暧琦犀麴鄂馍奴傥席居筚醑鬓疟菀税沪垸慕阕匙穸脸呢洮蟠簪渤诽砦赓搓圊席抨后斤殪庾必痣晏庠佗泳输亚寝椒躲姑捶蛲嵴胚湮雍跞雉垅徜舟肌骆铐价尽莘椴锅栉履糕谛煞侩怠筠吻猥病摺帔浃那庶绶永阂虏瀵击缯甓麾圻演











58、塑机移动板的后面。因此,模具的推出系统安装在动模部分将获得最大效率,例如,这部分(可以)安装在移动板上。我们在前面论述了 (开模时)需要从型芯上推下塑件,因此,塑件必须跟随型芯(一同移动),推出系统装在动模部分最为合适。觚鸡肆桃侣衣髓辕阜陬悠蛟模具的推出系统将在以下三个标题中讨论,即:()推出支架;()推板装配机构;()推出方式。恍疟滑跣植陶蓣迂脆荞百渣5.1、推出支架睐囚己咻爽俎涧经千殳怕梗推出支架(见图5-1)是模具的一部分,用来支撑模板,为推板的装配和运动提供空间。推出支架通常由定模座板和几块支撑块组成,支撑块安装在动模座板上,且便于加工成型。岿濞绩建岗泞几跬庄悖礅鹈推板装配机构也是模具的一部分,用来安装推出零件。推板装配机构安装在推板支撑架内,直接装在模板后面。装配机构(见图5-2)由推板、推板固定板


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