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1、Text Anving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observedby her neighborsnSay by way of commentn评论;n一位为了逃避被邻居指指点点的屈辱从密西西比州的一个小镇远道而来的少女om the Corn Beltwith a manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heartnSee Note 3n来自玉米地带,提箱里装着手稿,心中充满痛苦的男孩Poihe queerest bird of all.

2、nMetaphor nThe commuter is the most unusual person of all.Poihabits has no essential vitality of its own and is a mere roost where he comes at days end to go to sleep. nBranch, pole, etc. where a bird or a hen rests onn栖身之处Poihave ever spent a drowsy afternoon in the great rustling oaken silence of

3、the reading room of the Public Library, with the book elevator (like an old water wheel) spewing out books onto the trays. n在公众图书馆静得只能听到橡树叶的沙沙声的阅览室中Poiurnaces in Westchester and in Jersey, but have never seen the furnaces of the Bowery, the fires that burn in oil drums on zero winter nights. ntake c

4、are of n在寒冷的冬夜烤着油灿灿的鸡腿的火炉Poiys bridge while his train is buried in the mud at the bottom of the East River. n当他所乘坐的火车从东河底的泥浆中(隧道中)穿行而过时,他平静地打着桥牌。PoiRail Road alone carried forty million commuters last year; but many of them were the same fellow retracing his steps.n跟随他脚步的同路人(都是通勤者)Paradea of this pa

5、ragraph?nTo live in New York is by no means easy.Poik is such that a resident sometimes travels farther, in the end, than a commuter. The journey of the composer Irving Berlin from Cherry Street in the lower East Side to an apartment uptown was through an alley and was only three or four miles in le

6、ngth; but it was like going three times around the world.nThis paragraph implies that it is hard for a resident of New York to get upper in the ladder.Paragrangers come to New York?Poiake such dubious gifts is a mysterious quality of New York. n纽约的一个神秘之处就是能提供这些毫无把握的礼物(让人们趋之若鹜)。Poik often imparts a f

7、eeling of great forlornness or forsakenness, it seldom seems dead or un-resourceful; nUnhappiness or being abandonedPoie no real independence of spirit depend onthe citys tremendous variety and sources of excitement for spiritual sustenance and maintenance of morale. n许多缺乏真值得精神独立的人们渴望在这个富于变化的、充满刺激的城

8、市获得精神食粮并且保持斗志。ss: find unexpectedly or by chancenEg. The lawyer stumbled on an evidence in his favor.nStumble over: 绊跌,绊倒nStumble over ones words结结巴巴nCome on: 1)meet or see by chancea came upon him.n3) come upon sb. for sth.向某人要求某物Text B A Unified TheN950, only 30% of the worlds population was urban

9、ized. Today, more than half live in urban centers. The developed world is now about 80% urban and this is expected to be true for the entire planet by around 2050, with some 2 billion people moving to cities.Nocess whereby a previously functioning city, or part of a city, falls into disrepair(失修,破损)

10、 and decrepitude(衰老,老朽). It may feature deindustrialization, depopulation or changing population, economic restructuring, abandoned buildings, high local unemployment, fragmented families, political disenfranchisement(剥夺的公民权), crime, and a desolate, inhospitable city landscape. Nd as independent iss

11、ues, not in conjunction with other problems. Nired per capita shrinks, thanks to denser settlement and a more intense use of infrastructure. Two, the pace of all socio-economic activity accelerates, leading to higher productivity. And three, economic and social activities diversify and become more i

12、nterdependent, resulting in new forms of economic specialization and cultural expression.Neasure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. The concept originates from ecological footprint discussion. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced

13、in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.碳足迹是指每个人、每个家庭或每家公司日常释放的温室气体数量(以二氧化碳即CO2的影响为单位),用以衡量人类活动对环境的影响。Nof a good or a service can be produced on a larger scale, yet with (on average) less input costs,economies of scale (ES) are said to be

14、achieved. As a city grows and its population increases, it will have a better chance to decrease the costs in infrastructure, energy, housing, etc.Ngrowth not restrained by definite limits, restrictions, structure, or patterns. Such growth allows for or is adaptable to changes from time to time. Npt

15、 in science and engineering. It refers to variables which change drastically depending on the scale (size) being considered. For example, if you tried to build a 50-ton mining vehicle using the same engineering assumptions as a 2-ton car, you would probably end up with a vehicle that doesnt even run

16、. The term “scaling laws”often appears when considering the design of a construct that is unusually large or small, so that careful thought is necessary to extend principles of typical-sized constructs to unusually-sized constructs. Further usn2. strike up a conversationn3. eye-contactn4. a truly in

17、ternational metropolis n5. ethnic; subduen6. unworkable; or impracticaln7. a variety of racesn8. unstable; tolerantTransla瞰,维多利亚港,无数的船只演奏着无声的旋律。眺望,依山而立令人叹为观止的城市风景一望无际。这不是一个普通的机场。这也不是一座普通的城市。一位穿着睡衣的老人从旁边走过,手上提着一个鸟笼,一只颜色鲜艳的鸟儿在里面欢快地歌唱。上班一族聚在路边的餐馆里吃面条,喝粥,吃小虾。一个小道观里飘出来的檀香混杂着从迪斯科厅里流出的摇滚乐有力的节奏,浑然一体。一只渡船穿梭在附近的水面上,把乘客们带到离此处40分钟里程的一座孤岛上,岛上,寺庙和渔村交相辉映。香港,在北回归线以南161公里处,如同东南亚的心脏时刻搏动;这里东西交融,时光汇聚。k of the Huangpu, the English first built sheds for their goods. Thereafter, came other traders: Americans, Germans,


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