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1、My hometown-Baoji Baoji is located in the western Guanzhong in Shaanxi province,is a gateway to the southwest,northwest of the important transportation hub(枢纽),Longhai,in the railway in this intersection,within the Eurasian Continental Bridge,is the third Grand Cross of the hub. Everyone loves his h

2、ometown deeply,no exception for me.Now i will show you some of my hometown customs. First of all,i would like to introduce two of my hometowns resorts(度假胜地) to you.Famen TempleFogu holy(佛骨舍利)Qinglingmountainsthe boundary(边界) between the north and south ChinaTaibai mountainThe main mountain of Qingli

3、ng mountainsThen i will share our food with youOur food is very special,because we are in the north,so they are made by flour,most of them are very spicy,and they are also very delicious. 羊肉泡馍肉夹馍羊肉泡馍:Its one of the most famous snacks in Shaanxi.You have to break the steamed bread into small pieces a

4、nd add other material.Then drink a small bowl of fresh soup,you will find the fragrance(香味) mouthful,long aftertaste.It is very delicious.面皮臊子面面皮:According the raw materials,can be divided into:skinned,bran(糠),black rice,vinegar,and so on.It can be eaten in different method,cold or hot.Finally,i wil

5、l introduce our culture to youIts Baoji bronze MuseumBronze of the township(青铜器之乡) 秦腔 shaanxi operaHometown of Yan emperor(炎帝故里)社火 jan Now,i want to introduce a special kind of jan,it is a characteristic feature(特色) of Baoji.The name is Blood jan(血社火). 血社火,是一种民间文化,为中国宝鸡市陈仓区的一种快活,以赤沙镇最为正宗。它的特点是奇特、神秘、恐怖、快活。因有大铡刀劈入脑门、满脸血流、脑浆四溅、一脸死像而显其血腥,但其实它为惩恶扬善之意,百姓祈求风调雨顺、国泰民安。血社火已列入陕西省非物质文化遗产代表作名录。血社火取名“快活”有两种意思:一是取水浒中地名,即“快活林”;二是取其意,即铲除了为非作歹的恶人后人心快活。 皮影shadow play For my hometown,i have too mang words to say,but we have little time,i only say a very small part


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