



1、新西兰入境卡填写中英文对照(飞机上填写)新西兰旅客入境卡利货币 等法徉此类佶息已获得列法授权,将浹燈胳给根站新西兰饪律负责管理和有权获得此 类佶息的部门,扶中包怯各部门之间的魏掲匹况.且收集启佶息可披新西兰统计扃 用于统计目的。 此入境卡足一份法律文件。中报不实#招致惩罚,包捞罚没物品、罚歎、起诉、K 押和驱逐出境“包括儿蛮在内的所有旅客綽人都必须将各自的入境卡塡写宗整。请用英语回答。记住两面都要填写。_像下血这样用大写字母书写:NEW ZEALAND或者像这样打标记来回笞问題 0航班号/轮船名称飞机座位号您發上该航班或轮船的国外港口名称护照号码护照所示国籍姓出生曰期日月年出生国家职位或职业在

2、新西兰的完整联系 方法或住所地址电邮手机/电话号码如果您住在新西兰,诸回答这部分问题。否则转到。您离开新西兰多长时间了? 年月天在国外时.您大部分时间部呆在哪一个国家?您此行的主要原因是什么?工作教育其它原因在接下来的12个月中.您大部分时间会在哪个国家夕新西兰孩它国家2bl 如果您不住在新西兰,诸回答这部分问题您准备在舫西兰永次 或停留多长时间?如杲您不是永久停留,您来新西兰的主要原因是什么? 探亲访友商务度假开会教育慕它原因州"省或克辖市邮政编码在此之前的十二个月里或更长E寸间里,您最后居住在哪里?n诸列出您在过去30天内曾去过的国広:D您是杏知道您行李中的物品?是杏B您是否梅下

3、列物品带入了新西兰?任何負品.包括;烹饪过的.未烹饪过的、新纟羊的、腌制的. 包装的或烘干的俟品是否幼物或动彻制品.包詰:肉类、乳制品.鱼类、妙密及贵好 制品.蛋类.羽毛、贝壳、粗羊毛.皮毛.骨骼或昆虫是否植物或相劎制品.包描:水果.黄菜、坚杲、粗物的算部分、 树叶.花儿.种籽、软茎、真的类、竹于、藤条、木材或稻草是否其它生物安全危険物品.包括动物药品.生物培养.徹生物.土壊或水?是哥用子动物.植物或水的设备.其中包括养域、钓鱼、 水上运动或潜水梏幼?是否附着土壤的物品、户外佛育活动或傩行魅袜和帐筵?是否在过去30天内C在新西兰境夕卜)您咎去过森林.接越过动物(非京中伺养的或访间过农牧场或动植

4、物处理厂吗7是D您材把下列物品带入新西兰境内吗?可能被获止或限制的物品,例如药品.武器、不良出版物. 濒危物种.非法药物或吸电工貝?是=&妁过个人免税许可量的泗类制品<3瓶白酒.毎瓶不斶过1125 珏升:或4. 5升葡衙酒或啤酒)和烟苹制品200支香烟或250 克烟丝或50支空茄或250克浪合烟草制品)?是否在海外和/或新西兰免税商店购买的总价值.趙过700新元的协品 C包梏礼彻?是否用于工作或商业用途或是为他人而携带的物品?是否总计10000或10000以上毓西兰元现金(包括不记名可转让票 据)或等值处国货币?是否您持有有效的新西兰护照、定居类签证或居民往返签1正吗? -如果是

5、.则转到L0您是使用外国护照的新西兰公民吗?-如果足则糕到10足否您持有腆大利亚护照、澳大利亚永久居住签证或澳大利亚居民 往逅签征吗?-如果是.则艳列9是所有其他人。您必须在签证到期之前离开新西兰,否则冷被驱逐岀境, 您来新西兰是为了求医沦病.或是进行医疗方面的咨询. 或是迸行分娩吗?是如果您持有签征.则君到9所有其他人鄱妥申谪下列各项中的一项工作签证旅游签证有限目的签证学生签证玻他签证您曾经被判处过12个月 或更长时问的塩禁吗? 戎者您曰経被某一国京躯谨、遗离出境吗?是Li±J我声明我所提供的佶息均"、正确且充慕e签字曰期世tthios张馆仏冷*您诃快ar旬和偉政c人信息

6、磁如汛帰虫什厲诞士权利必与袄*29海并惩.耿用砂口丝海天总 肛現电话,C&M 42B 736. 电Oh -«dbacktexxrta«. <ovt. na. 必屯EM 枝京瓠(3*出妙民 溯血血呱是P0 Bax 3TOS, 'AslLiiiexon.页脚内衿2NEW ZEALAND PASSENGER ARRIVAL CARD I3liifo(n)ationcolfecfcxl on this fo«n)atxl dining Um? arrival process is so哪* to acfaniiiistef CiKkxift;, hH

7、iK)ration Biofiocunty, Bo«ior octinty. Health, Wikiifo, Pag, Hno Fnrorccnicnt, J»st)ca Bonorits, s(x:w savia), Hoctotal liilaiKi RevetMie, and Cunency lavjs. lie utoiniation 代 airthotK«l by legzhtion ami will be 4&;k>$ed to ageiries adf iiinivtcriiKj3iid entitled to tax)Kc it m

8、Ktor New ZeaKHXl law. Tltte "Qlixk冷 for piHpx>c> of data fiiatcliirKj bU.ocu those agcnti(y5. Oree collected, vonmtion may be utcd torstatr4K.nl purpMt by Stattsits Hcv; Zealand. This Arrival Card is a legal document 一 false declarations can lead to penalties including confiscation of goo

9、ds Jines, prosecution, imprisonment, nnd deportation Irom New Zealnnd. A separate Airtval Ctud inubt be (Ximpleted kx each pasbenaei. ii)cluiliiig clilldren. Please aiw« in Englii and fill in BOTH 0des._ Ptiiit in capital letter like this: NCW ZEALAND or mark answers like this:KM Flight numbei/

10、nanie of shipAir waft scat nunibcrOverseas port where you boarded THIS aircralt/hipPaAort numberNationality as shown on |)ass|)oi 1Family nameGiven or first namesDate of birtii daymonthyearCountry of birthOccjtipalion or jobFull contact 01 lesidefibaladdress in New ZealandEmailMcbilc/)hon()nurTtxHAn

11、swer ttiis section if you live in New Zealand Otherwise go to 2b.How long have you boonyearsmonthsdaysaway from New 7ealand?Which ctjunliy did you sp切d most lime m while overseas?Wliat was the MAIN reason loi your tiijPbusinesseducatioiioliorWhich country will you mostly live in for the next 12 monl

12、hs?New ZealandotherAnswer this section if you DO NOT live in New Zealand.How long do you intend to stay in New Zealand?years months days P»3inianently orIf you are net staying peimanmtly what is your MAINtor coming to Now Zealand?vising fnends/relatves conference/conventionbusiness educationhol

13、iday/vacationotherIn which country did you last live tor 12 months or more?State, pi ovinee m prefecture Zip or postal codePbM远 lum <»vri (of iibhm quostbM am to wnYes NoLit the countries you have Imioii in during the past 30 days:Do you know the contents of your baggage?YesNoBWARNING false

14、decimations can incur S400 INSTANT FINEAre you bringing into New Zealand: Any food: cooked, uncooked, fresh, preserved, packaged or dried?YesNo Animals or animal products: induding meat dairy pri>Jii(4s. fish, ho«x)y. bee products, eggs. feathers, shells, raw wool, skins, bones cm insecte?Ye

15、sNo Plants or plant products: induding fruit, vegetables, leaves, nuts, parts ot plants, flowers, seeds, bulb3. fungi, cane, bamboo, wood or straw?YesNoOther bioecurity risk items, including: Animal medicines, biological aillmes. organisim soil or watei?YesNo Equipment used with animals, piaiits or

16、water, including for gardening, beekeeping. fuUiing, water sport or diving acdvitie?YesNo Items that have been used outdoors, such as bools, golf or s|x>rts shoes, tents, used canping, hiking or sports equipment?YesNoIn tlw pasl 30 days (while outside New Zealand) have you visited a forest .had c

17、ontsct wrth animals (except domestic cats and dogs) or visited properties that farm or process animals or plants?YesNoAro you bringing into New Zealand: Goo<te that may be prohibited or rostneted. for example medicines. weapons, indecent publicntjons. endangered species ot flora or fauna. illial

18、drugs or drug paiapheinalia?YesNo Alcohol over the personal concession (3 bottles each containing not more th® 1125 millilrlres of spirits and 4.5 litres of wine orand tobaccoproducts ovei the personal concession (200 cigarettes or 250 grains ot tobacca or 50 agars or a mixture of not more than

19、 250YesNo Goods obtained overseas and/or purchased duty free in New Zealand with a total value of more than NZ$700, including gifts?伽No Goods carried for business or commercial use or good carried on behalf of anottier person?YbsNo A total of NZ$10.000 or iikho in cash (induces bearer-negotialile in

20、struments) or foreign equivalent?YesNonDo you hold a current New Zealand passpon, a residencevisa oia returnmg residents visa? 一 If yes go to 10YesNoAre you a New Zealand citizen lining a foreign passport。冷SNo-If yes go to 10Do you hold an Australian paport. Australian Permanent Reside neeVisa or Australian Resident Return Visa? 一 If yes go to 9YesNoAll othersYou niust leave New Zealand before expiry of your visa or face deportationAre y


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