



1、    海南黎族传统节日的翻译研究    江雯由于特殊的地理位置和历史背景,海南黎族丰富多彩的岁时节日体现出海南文化和民族文化的特质。黎族民族的传统节日相对来看特点比较突出、个性也较为鲜明。那么,黎族人民的传统节日应该怎么翻译呢?可以从以下几个传统黎族节日入手:一、小年(year-off)正月十五是黎族小年,黎语称“因包”或“祝将”,相当于汉族的元宵节。the fifteenth day of the lunar new year is “year-off”, in lis language is “inbow” or “jujoin”. on this

2、 day, they will make sticky rice cake, tangyuan (glutinous rice balls), pop sweet rice and so on. every family should prepare chicken and pig as sacrifice to ancestors and local guardian god. on that evening, the li family will reunite to enjoy a dinner and discuss about production planning and fami

3、ly affairs together.有些外来语是无法使用已有英文词汇完整表达出来的。如“因包”这样的黎语,可使用词语合成法将“因包”译为“inbow”。而汤圆这种食物,一般英语国家家庭很少接触到的,先采用拼音译法,再通过注解的方式介绍其形状材料,给听者留下大致印象即可。二、三月三(sanyuesan festival)the third day in the third month of lunar calendar is a lucky day for li to memorize ancestors, celebrate newborns, praise life, and pursu

4、it love. on this day, all the people get up early. women are busy with pounding “shanlan” glutinous rice and preparing other festival food; young girls are gathering leaves to dye the rice; men are hunting and fishing. all families butcher chicken, pork and spirits for dinner. the girls are dressed

5、up in gold or silver accessories and celebrate the annual “sanyuesan” festival by singing and dancing.三月三这个词本身含义很丰富。若直译为march.3rd,就会与公历混淆。三月三是我国南方的农历节日,具有其地域特征和趣味。那么适当介绍其具体时间和节日象征及活动就很有必要了。其中节日相关的特色食物,如山栏糯米、五色饭等用简单的词语无法让人理解,不如采用介绍其做法或材料更为直观。三、军坡节(june po festival)军坡节也是海南黎族的传统节日。各地黎族过军坡节虽然不一定在同一时间,但都

6、与祭祀祖先有关。“june po” festival is a traditional festival of the li nationality in hainan. it is related to their ancestors worship in spite of different celebrations days for different territories. for instance, li people who are living in the middle region of hainan will celebrate it on june 20th in lu

7、nar calendar. the legend behind this is the birthday of tetrarch dong. on that day, people flock in all quarters to welcome the procession of tetrarch dong. the youths lifted up tetrarch dong from village to village while drumming brass gong. people should be dressed up to greet tetrarch dong. in go

8、od harvest year, the village people will invite the famous troupe to perform hainan opera.即使在中国非黎族生活地区的人,第一次听到军坡节都会有很多疑问,无法从字面上理解这个节日的内容,因此不必纠结于其节日名称翻译,与上段文字中和三月三中采用了较为相似的翻译处理方法,即音译发;但不同的是,因军坡节场面比较壮观,活动更为热闹,在介绍时,不再具体描绘某个事物而是活动现场,让人读后能有深入其境之感。四、山栏节(shanlan festival)the first “chicken day” in december

9、 of lunar calendar is “shanlan” festival. (chicken day is one the twelve days which are named by 12 different animals during the festival). on this day, all families will butcher pigs and cattle (avoid chicken slaughter), pound glutinous rice into paste to wish each other an excellent harvest for th

10、e next year. young men and women are dressed up, bringing rice paste, playing and swinging under the tree in the edge of the village. this festival for celebrating the harvest normally lasts for five days. drying clothes, quilts and straw mattress are forbidden during the festival.中国特色的十二生肖,皆有其对应的年月日,这点是外国人无法理解的一个难点。而山栏


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