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5、不服仲裁裁决的,可继续向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。第十六条本合同首部甲、乙双方的通讯地址为双方联系的唯一固定通讯地址,若在履行本协议中双方有任何争议,甚至涉及仲裁时,该地址为双方法定地址。若其中一方通讯地址发生变化,应立即书面通知另一方,否则,造成双方联系障碍,由有过错的一方负责。第十七条本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,双方就此合同内容向第三方保密。甲方(公章)乙方(签章)日期:年月日日期:年月日Various types of companies have signed labor contract, its content clause whether consistent? In a

6、ccordance with the relevant laws and regulations in our country, the following is a electronic technology company, labor contracts, are for reference only.Party a:The legal representative or the entrusted agent: _Registered address: _Correspondence address: _Noted place of business:Party b:Name the.

7、 sex _Resident identity card number _Home address _The zip code that. the provincial seat of registered permanent residence (city) area (county) _ the street (township)Address _Zip code alarm telephone _According to the law of the People's Republic of China civil law, the law of the People's

8、 Republic of China contract law and related regulations, party a and party b reached an agreement through equal consultation, voluntary signing this service agreement, abide by the terms of this agreement.Article 1 this contract deadline for _ years.This agreement comes into effect on (date) in _, a

9、nd _ _ month _ day end.The second party a arrange party b to work in the _. Party a due to business needs and the ability of party b, can change party b's work. Party b has the right to reflect my opinion, but without the approval of the party a must be obeyed.Article 3 party b to provide servic

10、es for:Article 4. Party b thinks, according to party b the current state of health, can according to article 2 of this agreement, article 3 of the agreement of labor content, requirements and methods provide labor services for party a, party b is willing to take the contract service.Article 5. Party

11、 b have the obligation to conservative party a's business secret. Party b shall have the obligation to protect the business secret mainly includes: party b from party a to obtain related to work or work for any business, marketing, customer, operational data, or other properties of the materials

12、, no matter in what form or what kind of the carrier, whether at the time of disclosure in writing or by oral, image shows its confidentiality.Article 6 the current shop staff salary management system by party a to pay party b's salary. Party a pay date for the first 10 days a month. During the

13、contract if party a adjust party b's job or a new salary system, party b's salary is adjusted accordingly.Article 7. Party b shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the law, party a shall be withheld in accordance with the law.Article 8 the following circumstances occur, early ter

14、mination of this agreement:1, party a or party b's irresistible factor, causing one or both parties can not continue to perform the contract;2, the two sides is agreed in this agreement;3, party b fails to fulfill the obligation of this agreement due to health reasons.Article 9 in accordance wit

15、h one of the following circumstances, party a may terminate this contract and dismiss party b1, because of a serious breach of labor discipline, party b according to party a's staff code of conduct and rewards and punishments measures can be fired.2, party b due to illness or injury after the ex

16、piry of the prescribed medical, cannot be engaged in the original work nor engaged in other work assigned.3 don't obey the work arrangement of party a and party b.4, party a bankruptcy, no longer engaged in the management of the industry.Article 10 the have the following behavior of party b, par

17、ty a shall have the right to immediately expelled from the party b shall be investigated and the resulting losses:1, false account, account is not clear, fraud, corruption and payment for goods.2, theft of property, rumors spread influence the company's image and his colleagues.Article 11 the pa

18、rty b agrees to the medical expenses, medical treatment period, party a does not pay the service fee.Article 12 after release from the termination of this agreement, party b shall transfer the relevant work to party a within a week, with written instructions, such as losses to party a, should be com

19、pensation.Article 13 if unilaterally terminate this agreement, both party a and party b must notify the other party one month in advance.Article 14 since the agreement comes into effect the normal performance of the party a one-time pay to party b in full _ _ ten thousand yuan, the agreement expires

20、 party a one-time pay to party b _ ten thousand yuan whole again. Because any deal because they failed to achieve the above time does not make any compensate party a.Article 15 caused by this agreement or any dispute related to this agreement, and shall submit to party a seat of the arbitration commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration. Any one party refuses to accept the arbitration award, but cont


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