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1、话题:做家务一、短语积累1be good for health 有利于健康2in the housework 在家务劳动中3so much homework 如此多的家务劳动4make sb strong 使某人身体强壮5all kinds of housework 各种各样的家务6help parents do housework 帮助父母做家务7make the bed8sweep the floor9wash many clothes10set the table11wash the dishes12clean the window doorthe room13cook breakfas

2、tlunch supperdinner14take garbage outside 15put laundry away二、精美句子1I think doing the housework can help our parents also can help us. doing housework is good for you. it is necessary to take part in some housework. doing housework makes our bodies relax.2We do some housework in our spare time and tr

3、ain our ability to look after ourselves.3Every one of us should do housework two hours a day.4Housework helps us have a good place to live.5Doing some housework is exercise.6Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。7Parents are very tired every day.8Our parents are not only busy with their own work but also wit

4、h own families and lives.9They would like to do anything for us, but they never complain(报怨) anything.10I think we should understand our parents and we also have duty to work for our families.11Studying knowledge at school is important, but learning from the real life is also very important.12Our pa

5、rents cant stay with us and look after us all the time.13We should know that helping parents do the housework is good for ourselves.14We should begin from the little things, for example, making the bed, washing clothes, doing the dishes and cooking for ourselves.三、范文(介绍做家务)DONG HOUSEWROKIn my family

6、, we all do housework.I have to make my bed every morning and I have to help with dinner every evening. But I dont have to cook. My mum cooks three meals every day. I also have to set the table. after dinner, my mum has to wash the dishes. My father is so busy that he seldom does the housework, but

7、sometimes he washes the clothes.Sometimes, I like to do some work around the house, and I think we should do as much housework as we can.父母每天工作很辛苦,回家还要洗衣服做饭,收拾屋子,作为儿女的我们是否应该为父母分担一点呢?你在家里做家务吗,都做些什么?要求:1结构完整,语句精彩,意思连贯,语言流畅,语言逻辑的短文。2不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。3题目自拟,70词以上。 让孩子做家务是很好的德育教育,可以让学生理解并尊重他人的劳动果实,也可以加强团结协

8、作的精神,有些学生认为学生的主要任务是学习,不能浪费时间来做家务,你认为学生该不该做家务,谈谈你的感想。要求:1结构完整,语句精彩,意思连贯,语言流畅,语言逻辑的短文。2不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。3题目自拟,70词以上。 大多数同学家里都是父母做家务,也有的同学为了减轻父母的负担,或是为了赚些零花钱也在家做家务。请你以此为话题,谈谈你们家的家务是如何分配的。要求:1请根据所提供的信息材料和话题,写出结构严谨、内容完整、语言丰富优美、语法准确、可读性强的短文。2至少80词。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。 英语是当今世界上使用最广泛的语言,它随着使用地域的不同而分为不同的种类

9、。英语主要分为两大类:英式英语和美式英语。这两种英语。这两种英语之间的差别也越来越得到人们的重视。请以此为话题写一篇短文,谈一谈英、美之间的差别。要求:1请根据所提供的信息材料和话题,写出结构严谨、内容完整、语言丰富优美、语法准确、可读性强的短文。2至少80词。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。 英语是一门重要的工具学科,“为什么要学好英语?”一直都是同学们讨论的话题,请你围绕这一话题写一篇小短文。要求:1结构完整,语句精彩,意思连贯,符合逻辑。2至少使用两种时态,80词以上。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。 英语是世界上最重要的国际交际语言之一,在学校英语也成了学生

10、所必须学习的重点科目,请你以如何才能学好英语为话题,谈谈你的感想。要求:1结构完整,语句精彩,意思连贯,符合逻辑。2至少使用两种时态,80词以上。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。 随着英语在中国的流行,英式英语和美式英语之间的差别也更加受到人们的重视。不过也有人认为这些细微的差别并不重要,因为这些差别并不影响意思的表达。你对此有何感想?你知道英式英语和美式英语这间有哪些差别吗?请以此为素材写一篇短文。要求:1请围绕此话题,展开思路,写出结构完整、语句精彩,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确、符合逻辑的短文。270词以上。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。5文体不限。 语是世

11、界上最重要的国际交际语言之一,在学校英语也成了学生所必须学习的重点科目,请你以如何才能学好英语为话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。要求:1请根据所提供的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译),写出结构合理、语法准确、信息完整、语言丰富优美、可读性强的短文。2至少80词。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。 大多数同学家里都是父母做家务,也有的同学为了减轻父母的负担,或是为了赚些零花钱也在家做家务。请你以此为素材写一篇短文。要求:1请围绕此话题,展开思路,写出结构完整、语句精彩,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确、符合逻辑的短文。270词以上。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。5文体不限。 有

12、的人认为在家里做家务可以锻炼孩子的意志,可以让孩子养成良好的习惯,也有人认为孩子的主要任务是学习,学习已经很累了,在家里什么也不需要做了,你支持哪一种观点?说说你的理由。要求:1请围绕此话题,展开思路,写出结构完整、语句精彩,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确、符合逻辑的短文。270词以上。3不得使用真实姓名、地名、学校名。4题目自拟。5文体不限。 做家务HELPING EACH OTHERI think in a family, every member should help each other. They should share the housework together. I thin

13、k it is a way to show love to each other.In Jims family, Jim does very well. He helps mom to clean the rooms, cook meals, wash dishes. His mom feels so happy to get so much help from Jim. But Jims father doesnt help at all. When he gets home, he just reads newspapers, watches TVI think he should hel

14、p to the housework.In my family, I do more housework because my parents are both very busy all day. I am very happy because I can help them a lot.Dear friends, what about you?DOING HOUSEWORKNowadays in China there is only one child in each family. Each child is the apple of his parents eyes. So most

15、 parents hope their children spend more time in studying different subjects instead of doing housework. I dont think its right.First, ding house work is a way to show love to each other. If we do some housework in our free time our parents will feel so happy to get so much help from us. Second, the

16、more work we do, the more we will understand others. We will know how hard the work id done. We will learn how to keep our rooms and environment clean and tidy Third, doing housework can help us practice knowledge from the textbook and learn something new. When we do the housework we can use what we

17、 have learned at school. For example if we hang the wet clothes outside in the sun they will soon dry out.As middle school students, its our duty to do housework and other useful work in order to help the people we love deeply. We also improve ourselves at the same time.Do HouseworkThe students nowa

18、days are very busy studying. They hardly do housework at home. Because both they and their parents think doing housework wastes a lot of time. But I think wed better do housework.First, doing housework can make you have a lot of skills in life. They are helpful in your future. Second, doing housewor

19、k can make your relax. When studying for a long time, you can have a rest by doing housework. Third, doing housework can help your parents. They will feel very happy.How important it is fro us to do homework! Have a try.Doing Work Around the House is Good for UsTo be a student, the first duty is to

20、study. So most of parents think we should use all the time to study. If we do something else, they think it wastes time. I dont think so. I think if we do some work around the house, that will be good for us.First, we cant study all the time. Doing housework can let us relax ourselves. If I am free

21、at home, I always help to wash the dishes. I enjoy it. On the other hand, it is very important for us to learn how to do the housework. We need this skill.Every night, when I wash the dishes, I always talk something interesting with my parents. All of us enjoy that time very much. So, do some housew

22、ork. It is so terrible.DO WORK AROUND THE HOUSEDo you like doing housework? I like it very much. Because I can help my parents in this way. Its a happy thing to make them have a rest.Every evening, I help my mom set the table and wash dishes. Sometimes, I help her to cook delicious food. I can learn

23、 a lot, too. On Sundays, I always clean the room and wash clothes with my mom. In fact, it is also a kind of exercise. It can make you become healthier. You can do some housework instead of sports. Its fun.In order to give us a good life, our parents work and every day. Why cant we do something for

24、them?We Should Do Some HouseworkSome students think we should not do anything but study. They think doing housework is too tired and is a waste of time. I dont agree with them. I think it is necessary to take in some housework.First, when we are studying, we work with our brains, which makes us very

25、 tired. As a result, we think slower. If we do some housework at this time, we will give our brains a rest and make our bodies relax as well. Second, our parents are very tired after a day work. We help them do some housework and they will be very happy. Finally, it is often reported that some stude

26、nts have to get away from school because they cant look after themselves. What a pity! We do some housework at our spare time and train our ability to look after ourselves.In a word, doing some housework is necessary for us not only to our study, but also to our ability. Lets help our parents do som

27、e housework in our spare time.WORK AROUND THE HOUSEDoing housework can make the house clean and beautiful. Every family has a lot of housework to do. In my family, I have to do some work around the house, too.Every morning, I make my bed. After breakfast, I take the garbage outside. In the evening I

28、 help my mother with dinner. After dinner, my mother and I wash the dishes together. And my father cleans the rooms and washes clothes. Although the housework is hard, I am interested in doing it.As a student, we should not only study, but also do some housework. Your parents can feel your love when

29、 you are doing the housework. You will also feel happier.WE SHOULD DO HOUSEWORK AT HOMEMany students dont do housework at home. They think they shouldnt do the housework because theyre too tired after studying every day. But I dont think so.Our parents are even more tired after working every day. Wh

30、y should they do the housework? So, I think we should help our parents do the housework as much as we can. Also, doing housework can help us learn to be independent(独立的). Do you think so?HELPING MY MOTHER WASH THE DISHESOne day, I said to my mother, “Mother, let me wash the dishes.” “Really? Im so h

31、appy to hear that.” Mum said.After supper, I began to wash them. The dishes were filled with water. I caught a bowl to wash. Then I made it dry. At last I put it on the right place. I washed one by one. I washed all the things when my mother came to help me.I was a little tired but I was happy. Beca

32、use I could help my mother.语言学习DIFFERENT KINDS OF ENGLISHEnglish becomes more and more popular in the modern world. Children begin to learn English at an early age. As we know, there are different kinds of English. American and British English are the most popular ones among them.In our EEC English

33、books we learn American English which is different from British English. Firstly, the biggest difference between them is the words that people use. We use pants in American English instead of trousers. Secondly, Americans spell some words differently from the British. Thirdly the accent they use is

34、different, too.Both American English and British English can be used by us middle school students. Learning a foreign language is a good way to learn more about the world.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AMERICAN ENGLISH AND BRITISH ENGLISHThere are many differences between American and British English.The bigge

35、st difference is the words that people use. For example, the British call running shoes “trainers”, pants are called “trousers” and movies are called “films.”There are also differences in the spelling of words. For example, in American English “practice” is used both for the verb and noun. In Britis

36、h English, the verb is spelt “practise”, and the noun “practice.”Knowing the differences between American and British English, we can learn English better.DIFFERENT KINDS OF ENGLISHThere are many different kinds of English in the world. But American English and British English are the most popular.

37、Which kind of English do you like?There are some differences between American English. First, they are different in pronunciation. I think you should open your mouth as big as possible when you read American English. Second, some of them are spelled differently. Apartments are called flats by the Br

38、itish. Also, pants are called trousers.In a word, either British or American English is good, but you should choose one.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRITISH ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISHWe often hear people say, “This is American English. That is British English” And there are some differences between British

39、 English and American English.Written English is about the same in both the UK and the USA, but there are some spelling differences. For example, centre, colour and traveled is spelt center, color and traveled in American English. Another difference is in spoken English. People in America and Britis

40、h have different accents.We should speak either American English or British English. Try not to speak both at the same time.English Is ImportantEnglish is very important nowadays. Whatever you do, you may use English. But someone says that English is useless, so we should not learn it. I dont think

41、so.First, English is a very important subject. If you want to go to a good school, you must learn it well. Second, if people want to do business, they may use English. Third, the Internet is very popular, but most of the languages on the Internet are English.As we know English is so widely used in o

42、ur life, so it is important for us to learn English well.LEARNING ENGLISHI was afraid of listening to English, because I couldnt understand what the people talked about in English.My teacher told me that I should speak English first, then practice listening. I tried my best to speak English. At firs

43、t I was really bad at it. But half a year later, I could speak English better. At the same time, my listening got better too. It was amazing.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Put your heart into learning English, and you will learn it well.Americans and ChineseDo you know what you

44、can do in a foreign country? So you must know about the social customs. Social customs are different in different parts of the world.For example, in the United States, people call each other their given names when they first meet. So do the young to the old. But in China, some people think it would

45、be not polite to do so. Another difference is about what you can talk about in conversations. It doesnt matter to Chinese people if you ask how much his coat costs, while Americans think it is rude to ask such question. A Chinese woman doesnt care if someone asks about her age. Politics, religions,

46、as well as how much money they make are common among Chinese. But in the Untied States people usually dont talk about these in conversation.Since there are many other different social customs between Americans and Chinese. If we keep these in mind, we will do it better and understand each other bett

47、er.HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH WELLNowadays, English plays a more and more important part in our daily life. Also, we learn English as a main subject at school. So I think we should study hard to learn English.How to learn English well? First, we should listen carefully in class. Second, we ought to practi

48、ce English as much as possible. We can talk with our classmates in English to improve our oral English. Third, we can also make some foreign friends if possible. We can get to know much about American social customs in order to learn English well.Above all, there are many ways to study English. And

49、we should try our best to learn English well.LEARNING ENGLISH WELLMore and more people are learning English now. But some students think it is useless to learn English. They dont speak English in their daily life. even in the future they wont use it either I dont agree with them.First, English is one of the mo


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