



1、代付款协议Agreement on Payment on behalf of others甲方(委托方):Party A (Principal):乙方(受托方):Party B (Agent):根据中华人民共和国合同法等有关法律、法规、政策,本着平等互利的原则, 经双方友好协商一致, 甲方委托乙方代为支付甲方工作人员在阿巴斯产生 的相关费用。In accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws, regulations and policies, on

2、the basis of the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and through friendly consultation, Party A delegates Party B to pay the relevant expenses incurred by Party A's staff in Abbas.费用产生期限:自 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2020 年 12 月 31 日(二十四个月) 。代付费用明细如下(单位:人民币) :Period for expensesgenerated:from 1 Januar

3、y 2019 to 31 December 2020 (24 months). Expenses to be paid are listed as follows (unit: RMB).1、甲方工作人员在阿巴斯的房屋租金。每月租金6000 元(二十四个月) ,共计144000元。The rent of premises used by Party A s staff, 6000 yuan per month, a total amount of 144,000 yuan (24 months).2、办公用品、生活用品共计60000 元。Office supplies and daily ne

4、cessities, a total amount of 60,000.3、项目工地用车费用(燃油费、保养费、车辆租金),每月 10000 元(二十四个月) ,共计 240000元。Vehicle costs on the project site (including fuel costs, maintenance costs and vehicle rental), 10,000 yuan per month (24 months), a total amount of 240,000 yuan.4、 BIK 港卸船、监装人员一名,每月工资5000 元(二十四个月) ,共计 120000元

5、。One crew responsible for unloading and supervising at BIK port, with monthly salary of 5,000 yuan (24 months), a total amount of 120,000 yuan.5、三名现场工作人员从德黑兰到阿巴斯交通费,每人每月 2000 元(二十四个月) ,共计 144000 元。Transportation expenses for three site workers from Tehran to Abbas, with 2,000 yuan for one worker per

6、 month (24 months), a total amount of 144,000 yuan.甲方提供收款方信息有误或因其他原因未能支付相关费用所造成的损失、纠纷,由甲方自行承担。甲方对委托付款金额有异议,可向收款方进行查询。当收款方名称、账户、开户行等信息发生变更时,甲方应及时以书面形式通知乙方。如因甲方未能将变更信息及时通知乙方,乙方仍按原收款方名称、账户、 开户行等付款引发的争议,乙方不承担任何责任.Any loss or dispute caused by incorrect information about the payee provided by Party A or

7、by other reasons resulting to the nonpayment of relevant fees, shall be borne by Party A itself. If Party A has any challenge to the amount of entrusted payment, it may inquire the payee. If such information as the payee s name, account or opening bank changes, Party A shall timely notify Party B in

8、 writing. If Party A fails to inform Party B of the change in time, Party B shall not be liable for any dispute arising from the payment made according to the name, account and opening bank of the original payee.乙方应在付款账户中保留足够余额,保证甲方能够及时准确支付款项。乙方对付款金额的真实性、准确性不负有审查和鉴别责任。Party B shall keep sufficient b

9、alance in the payment account to ensure timely and accurate payment by Party A. Party B is not responsible for reviewing and authenticating the truth and accuracy of the payment amount.因履行本协议发生的纠纷,由甲乙双方协商解决,不愿协商或协商不成的,任何一方有权向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。Any dispute arising from the performance of this agreement s

10、hall be settled by both parties through negotiation. If either party is unwilling to negotiate or the negotiation fails, any party has the right to file a lawsuit with the people's court in the place where Party A is located.本协议一式贰份, 甲乙双方各执壹份。 本协议自甲乙双方签字并加盖公章之日起生效。This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. This agreement shall come into fo


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