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1、初中英语教师资格证面试逐字稿一一口语教学教学类型:语音教学语法教学阅读教学听力教学写作教学口语教学英语教学设讣的基本步骤:一、教学内容二、教学目标与要求三、教学重、难点分析四、课前准备五、教学过程(3P模式)1、Wann-up/ Lead- In 复习 /导入2、PreSentatIOn 呈现3、PraCtiCe 练习4、PrOdUCtiOn巩固练习5、SuimnaiAr and HOmeWrork 总结&作业六、BlaCkbOard DeSIgn 板书设汁Tips:而试时一泄要写板书口语教学Tips:授课思路:PwP模式1 Warming-up/ Lead in:2. Pre-WTitill

2、g3. WhileYvriting4. POSt-XVTitUlg5. SUmmary and homework1 题目:口语试讲2. 内容:A: Xhat are you going to be When you grow up ? B: m going to be a Iq)Orter.A: How are you going to do that?B: m going to Wnte arucles and Send them to magazines and newspapers. A: WThere are you going to vok?B: mnot SUre yet. May

3、be BelJmg or Shanghai.3. 要求:(1)全英文授课:(2)针对木材料内容.设汁相应的口语教学活动:(3)配合适当板书设计:(4)体现师生互动。L arming-up/ Lead in:” GOOd morning everrone, nice to See you again, how are you? Great? SO glad to hear that, so, are you Ieady for today s lesson? Ok. CIaSS begins! Befbre We Start Our new, lesson, Iet me ask you a q

4、uestion. Wrhat do you want to be In the fiture? Oh I heard LIly says, a doctor Great! HOW about Bob? Yeah a teacher, just Ilke me, right? Good. 0 TUla WantS to be a scientist. Wonderful! SO you need to StUdy hard to achieve your goal. NOW IetS OPen the book. Here are two StUdentS whore talking about

5、 their finre IdealJobs.2. PreSentatiOnifcPlease USten to the dialogue and tell me: What do they Wailt to be When they grow up? Ok lets start. TlmeS up! WhOd Ilke to Share your idea? The girl In red. please, a Iq)Orter. DO you agree with her? Exactly? Lets give her a big hand! By the way, your PrOmmC

6、IatIOlI is Pretty good. SIt down please. SeenIS IIke everrone has your ovn Ideal job. NOW boys and girls. PleaSe Iead the dialogue again. 3 minutes.All right guys, have you IIOtlCed this? Yeah If OtherS ask you about your ftture plans, you Can USe this SentenCe pattern, *1 am going to be a. Likewise

7、, If you Want to know OtherS IdealJob, you Can say, Wlut are you going to be m the future? or What are you going to be when you grow up? For example. I am going to be a teacher. Wlm are you going to be?3 PraCtiCeNOW gys, I need you to hsten to the dialogue again. TllIS time PleaSe try to Iead after

8、the tape. Here ll ShOW you SOme tips for your listening: YOU IIeed to Pay more attenuon to the SentelICeS that COntam key words, SUCh as noun, VerbS and SO on. And try to follow the tape Clear? Now, WheII you listening, PleaSe mind the SentenCeS that COntam 4I am going to be a.and *Are you going to.

9、?M ok. lets begin.分角色读Ok. everybody, I Can See all Of you read It Ver)r carefully, this lime, Can you read It TVith your elbow partner? Well. Iet S have a IOle play. YOU Can ChOOSe any ChaIaCter you IikU and I Can give you 5 minutes to practice. After that. I will InVIte SOme VOhinteerS to give Perf

10、onllance. Ok, StOP here, WhO want to be the first pair? Ok. TOm and Jerry Wah, I IIke your PrOmInCIation. thank you. Then, another pair, WhO Want to Challenge them? ok. ROSe and Jack, verr good .you two Set a good exale for us. anyone else?.4. PrOdUCtiOIlLets PIay a game. I Wiil hand OUt SOme CardS

11、WhlCh written SOme WordS about dfierent jobs. When I PIay a song, you need to USe all the key WordS to make SentenCeS as fast as you can. Aild PUt UP your hands UP as SOOn as you finish it. For example. If your Card COntaInS engineer, physics. New York, Engsh YOU Can say: m going to be an engineer.

12、I am going to Ieanl PhySiCS In college, then m going to further my StUdy In NeW York. I am going to Wrork harder In EnglISh Iearning. Clear? The fastest One Wln be get a SeCret gift after class. Ready? Lets start!或者Ok, JUSt IIOW We Ieanled how to describe OUr IdeaIJobs. I believe you WIll Work hard

13、to make progress, right? And I WIll also encourage you In the PrOCeSS Of ChaSmg your goals. BUt Iemembe匚 A JOUnley Of a thousand nules begins Wlth SmgIe step. If you want to succeed, you have to IlIake a plan. SO What Can We do to IealIZe your dream0 I Ileed at IeaSt five steps. Yeah you Can Work In

14、 groups, you are groupL you are group 2, and you are group 3, and One Of the group members ShOUld Share with US In the front, ok? Lets start!.5 SUmmarV and homework*All right let, S See What We have Ieanled m this class, who Can make a SUmmary for us? Yes. OUr monitor, you please. TOday We Ieanlt ho

15、w to talk about OUr ftnre plan, future job, right? Thank you Slt dovm please. And you* Ve done a Ieally good job. mso PrOUd Of you. And I hope you Can Work harder to achieve your goal. Ok? HOmewOrk for today. PleaSe interview your ParentS about then JObS and vte down SOme Information. NeXt class, yo

16、u Can Share something nth us, SUCh as the name Of their jobs, what they USUally do. how many years tey*ve rorked. .rhatever. And We UTIl Share It next class.口语教学设讣(3P模式)1 TeaChmg ObjeCtiVeS1) KnOWIedge ObJeCtIVeSnldentS will Iealn a new pattern: wat are you going to be.2) AbIlIty ObJeCUVeSnIdentS Wi

17、ll be able talk about their ftture freely.3) EmOtIonal ObjeCtlVeSnIdeIItS ShOUId IealIZe that they ShOUId work harder to achieve their dream.2 TeaChmg key and (IiffiCUlt POilItS1) Key PoIntHeIP StlldentS master the new Paitern2) DIffiCUIt POintGUIde SnIdeiItS to talk about their ftiuire.3. TeaChmg a

18、nd Iearning methods Task-basedIangUage teaching method; COOPeratlVe IeanlnIg method; IndIVIdUal Ieanling method.4 TeaChmg PrOCedUreSSteP 1: Lead InTaIk about then fitrejob.SteP 2: PreSentaUonSnIdentS read the passage, and answer SOme questions. TeaCher explain the IIeW PatternSteP 3: PraCtiCeSnIdeII

19、tS Iead after tape ROle-PIaySteP 4: PrOdUCtIOnPIay a game to nuke SentenCeSteP 5: SummarySnIdentS Siunmarize. and teacher gives Some supplements.SteP 6: HOmeWOrkIntemeW their ParentS about their job.5. BIaCkbOard designI am going to be a.What are you going to be i the fttre/ When you grow up.口语教学PWP

20、模式教学思路1. Warming-up/ Lead in:2. Pre-SPeaking3. WThIle-SPeaking4. POSt-SPeakmg5. SUmmary and homework1. 题目:A man SaVed himself2. 内容:A man ras SkUng in Ihe mountains by hnself. SUddenIy he had a bad fall and broke his skis. When he tried to Stand UP he found that his Ieg WaS broken and he couldnt WaIk

21、- SO he SIId down the mountain On his bottom. When he got to the bottom Of the hill e SaW a house. He ShOUted for about five IlinlUteS before anyone heard. At last.3. 基木要求:(1)朗读所给段落(2)配合所给内容适肖板书(3)针对该段落的内容,设计相应的口语活动帮助学生补充完成故事结局(4)试讲时间:约10分钟L Warming-up/ Lead in: GOOd morning everrone, IlICe to See y

22、ou again, how are you? Great? SO glad to hear that. so. are you Ieady for todays lesson? Ok, CIaSS begins! Today. I PIePare a Short VldeO for you. IetS enjoy together. Ok, finish here, the VIeW is beautiful, right? Can you guess Where IS it? SO clever, I heard SOmeOne SaId Harbin, there IS snow, ice

23、, how SPlendld right? HaVe you ever been to Harbin? No? Well, try it If you have achance, ok? It InUSt be VerJr IntereStmg. Today, U tell you a StorJr- and this S(Ory happened Ul rinter. and It IS IeIated to snow, do you Want to know? Let me tell you, please. IISten to me CareftIlly.2. Pre-SPeakingO

24、kay, that* S it. Then, WhO Can tell me why COUldlf t this man walk? Well, let, S answer together. HIS Ieg WaS broken, correct! Then rhat did he do? Yes, you please? Right, he SlId down the mountain to the bottom Of the hill and found a house. DO you agree Wlth her? Exactly! I agree With you. It ,as

25、Very dangerous right?XMIat Wln happen next? Oh. We Can See this Storyr ISnlt complete, right? Now, ImagnIe you are Ihe author Of this passage, what UrlH happen do you tmk? Wd1、you Can talk WIth your desk mate. I Can give you 5 minutes.3. While-SPeakingOk, times up, you are so involved. I guess dfier

26、ent PeOPle have different ideas, right? YOU Can vt亡 down SOme key words on your note books. I Can give you another 3 minutes, and after that. I WIn InVlte SOme StUdentS to Share IheIr IdeaS.0k. WiIO Want to be the first one? NanCy you please? YOur PrOlmnClatIOn is perfect. SO is your story, the man

27、ras SaVed In the end. I Ilke this endmg. Slt down、please. AnyOne else? Any different idea? Yes, Tommy, you please, wo. SO SCary your endmg is. but It IS Very interesting, excellent, Slt down、PleaSe.4. POSt-SPeakiIlgJUSt IloW We Shared many IntereSting endings, and you are SO imaginative, m happy for

28、 you. JUSt Ilke the man did, m StrOngIy against that you do SUCh kind Of activity alone. its too dangerous. DO you agree with me? Perfect. But, we all know. In Some place. SOme PeOPle Prefer dangerous activity, We Call It EXtreme Sports. IIke Climbing mountain WhICh IS Very high and WlthOUt any Safe

29、ty measures.DO you agree WIth this kind Of action? No? Yes? Really. Why. Well-1 See two OPPOSIte ideas. HOW about lets have a debate. IfyOU SUPPort this action, you Can Stand On the Ieft side, IfnOt. the right side. Ok? LetS move quickly.Ok, SO you are the PrOS side, and you are the COnS side. Now,

30、I Cail give you 10 minutes, you Can talk among your group.Ok. StOP here. Lets Start with the PrOS side, whos your representative? Yes5 MOmCa, you please, ok. In your opinion, PeOPle WhO PIay extreme SPOrtS IS exeencmg a COmPIetely dflerent kind Of life. Also, this activity needs huge courage, WhiCh

31、is Very SPeClal among most Of people. WeIL Inake sense.And how about you. ConS side, Who is your SPe止Yes, Kim. you please, e, yes, it*s too dangerous, and will IeSUIt In bad InflUelICe among teenagers. AlSO make sense. Guys, you are SO eloquent, m SO nressed. EYery CoIn has two sides, and you Can Co

32、ntlnUe to talk about it after class.或者JUSt now, We Shared many IIItereStmg endings, and you are SO UnagmaUve. m happy for you. JUSt IIke the man did, m Strongly against that you do SUCh kind Of activity alone, its too dangerous. And there are Inany kinds Of OUtdOor activities re Can ChoOSe to have f

33、tn, right? Wrhat kind Of OUtdOOr QCtlvIty do you IIke best? CIimbmg MOlIntam? I heard SomeOne SaId having picnic, WelL how about lets have a brainstorm. Can you name SOme kinds Of activities WhICh are not Only Safe but also interesting? WeIL I Can give you 10 mutes.OiC finished? YOU Can IalSe your h

34、ands, yes. Nina you please. PIaymg badnnnton. PIaying basketball, Pbymg football and SO on? Anythlng else? TIlaIIk you Slt dom please. AnyOne else? Yes, Judy, have a try. YeS having PlClc, IIke BBQ, Very good, I IIke BBQ. too. AnyOne else? XVhO rant to give Some SUPPleInent? Yes, VIllCent, please. R

35、ight. We Can dnvmg outdoors, for exale. PICk a beautiful iew, and draw a PlCnire when the Weather IS fin, WOnderfilL It must be Venr IntereStmg. Sit dovm please, guys, I hope you Can do those meanngftl things to enrich yor SPare time.5 SUmmary and homeworkI Can See here COmeS to the end Of OUr class

36、. I hope all Of you make a Illtle progress. WhQt did We IeanI today? WhOd Ilke make a SUmmaryr for us? Yes, you please. Vy good. today we Ieanled an IntereSting story, and We M0te an ending for it, right? Vy good, and you all InVe done a Ieally good job, Very creative. In the debate, We Shared Our idea, but no Inatter wat. I hope you Wlll cesh your life, and make It worthy. Ok?So, homework for today. PleaSe POlISh your ending. and try to tell the


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