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1、How to make a good PowerPoint presentation長庚大學基醫所生化科林 光 輝基醫所所長2007/5/15前言演講家的特徵The Best Presentations.Are built on a clear message, supported by well-organized facts and enhanced by illustrations, charts and graphics. General GuidelinesGuidelines: Four steps process Plan Prepare Practice PresentStep

2、 1: Plan Who is my audience? 見人說人話! What do they need to know? Why do they need to know this information? How can I most effectively present the information? Know Your Audience Ask yourself these questions:1. How much do they already know about my topic? 2. If I were part of the audience, what would

3、 I like to know? 3. What do I want my audience to do as a result of my presentation? Design Your Objectives Recognize that audiences will listen to you for the first five minutes. If you have captured their attention they will listen for the remainder of the presentation.A good objective should alwa

4、ys have three components1. What do I want my audience to know when I finish my presentation? (Purpose) 2. What do I want them to specifically learn after they have heard me? (Method) 3. What do I want them to do when my presentation is completed? (Results)Step 2: Prepare Analyze your audience Design

5、 your objectives Outline your presentation Prepare your visuals Practice your presentation Present your presentation Evaluate your presentation Step 3: Practice (rehearsal)Build your confidence and effectivenessReceive feedback and coaching (輔導)Step 4(a): PresentEstablish a positive mind-set you are

6、 the expert you have done the work relaxStep 4(b): PresentFirst impression establish eye-contact display poised, confident body language be well groomed be energetic relax.Step 4(c): PresentStyle and skills of speaking direct and sincere speak slowly with good pace use simple sentences logical flow,

7、 good organizationThe Platform PresentationOutline the Presentation 1. An outline gives a speaker the opportunity to organize thoughts effectively. 2. Many technical speakers organize presentations the way they organized research: problem.research.results. Learn to Outline 1. Never try to memorize a

8、 presentation2. Outlines the work and keep it simple Your outline might look like this1. There is a lot of information available a. Standard medical reference books b. Periodicals c. Web sites 2. What is good information? a. Source b. Timeliness c. Audience level 3. Cross check information.Presentat

9、ion Content When you have designed an outline, you need to decide what information is going into the body of the presentation. Note cards On 3 x 5 note cards, write notes on what you want to cover. Keep cards and words to a minimum. Use only three or four key words per card rather than full sentence

10、s. These words will trigger your memory and keep you on track. Written Speeches 1. One thing you should not do is write out your speech. What looks good on paper does not necessarily sound good when it is spoken. 2. The written script can be deadly.Visuals Aid (I)1. According to a Bureau of Labor st

11、udy, we learn 11 percent by HEARING and 83 percent by HEARING and SEEING. 2. A speaker will increase audience understanding and enhance retention if a visual format is used. Visuals Aid (II)1. Flip Charts and Easels (黑板架黑板架) 2. Overhead Transparencies 3. The Slide or Computer Presentation Flipcharts

12、Make letters at least a 1/4” highFlipcharts with lines are much easier to write onAspect Ratios for Media Overhead Transparency 4:5 Video 3:4 35mm Transparency 2:3Define your jargon An insurance agent once began his speech talking about. We in the CIA. Everyone began to whisper to each other, wonder

13、ing how he could be connected to the CIA. CIA: Central Intelligence Agency Consumer Information Association TR: TPA response element Thyroid hormone response element Td? How many slides?For a short talk I find that one a minute is about right. How to Create PowerPoint PresentationsBasic Principles o

14、f Design Readability- legibility 易讀性 Content ConsistencyBasic Principles of DesignThe focus of this session is going to be on:1. How to make PPT presentations readable to the audience.2. How to employ principles of good design in the development of PPT presentations.3. How much content should go int

15、o the presentation.Slide Design Process4. Use consistent format Use multimedia-animation sparingly (謹慎的) Use consistent animation Use a title slide-attention getting Title each slide clearlyUse a Template1. Use a set font and color scheme.2. Different styles are disconcerting to the audience.3. You

16、want the audience to focus on what you present, not the way you present.Fonts1. Choose a clean font that is easy to read.2. Roman typeface (字型) are easier to read than Old English.3. Stick with one or two types of fonts.Bullets1. Keep each bullet to one line, two at the most.2. Limit the number of b

17、ullets in a screen to six, four if there is a large title, logo, picture, etc.3. If you crowd too much text, the audience will not read it.Bullets (cont.)4. Too much text makes it look busy and is hard to read.5. Why should they spend the energy reading it, when you are going to tell them what it sa

18、ys?6. Our reading speed does not match our listening speed; hence, they confuse instead of reinforcing each other.Each bullet point should consist of an intelligible phrase 1. Rather than merely a word or two that is meaningless on its own or 2. Conversely, a complete sentence that is better deliver

19、ed orally. Text Size Slide titles Make sure are big enough Use 40 points or larger Use WordArt to spice up Body slide text Use 32 points or largerWordArtText Size and Shape1. A good rule-of-thumb is to use a 32 and 20 or 36 and 24 combination. 2. Dont be tempted to decrease your font size to cram in

20、formation onto one slide. What to Avoid in Text Avoid fancy fonts with narrow lines Use no more than 2 font styles Avoid italics Avoid underlinesCaps and Italics1. Do not use all capital letters; Makes text hard to read (DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)2. Italics Used for “quotes” Used to highlight t

21、houghts or ideas Used for book, journal, or magazine titlesColor Design1. Use high-contrast colors2. Light text- yellow or white3. On dark background- blue or blackLow-contrast1. Use high-contrast colors2. Light text- yellow or white3. On dark background- blue or blackColors1. Reds and oranges are h

22、igh-energy but can be difficult to stay focused on.2. Greens, blues, and browns are mellower, but not as attention grabbing.3. White on dark background should not be used if the audience is more than 20 feet away.Clashing Colors1. Colors that are directly opposite from one another are said to clash.

23、 2. These provide readability- e.g. yellow on blue.Background Color Design Best for projectors Blue and purple is easiest to readUsing Graphics 1. A good graphics is worth a thousand words. 2. Graphics can enhance learning and recall by up to 85%. But be careful, if used excessively they can overpow

24、er your message.3. As a general rule, use only one graphic per slide to emphasize your main point. Using Graphics (cont.)4. Use only when needed, otherwise they become distracters instead of communicators5. They should relate to the message and help make a point6. Ask yourself if it makes the messag

25、e clearer. Simple diagrams are great communicatorsLast words on visuals It is essential that you call ahead to the place you are presenting what equipment you will need.Ask other questions1. Will you be on a stage? 2. Will you have a table top or full podium? 3. Is there a microphone? 4. Will the pr

26、esentation be taped or recorded in any way?Arrive earlyTo keep the audience involved 1. Make sure everyone can hear you. 2. If appropriate, ask questions of the audience. 3.The occasional joke can be quite useful.名人警句應變術詰難應變To lose your audience by1. Vulgar (粗俗粗俗) and inappropriate humor.2. Swearing

27、 and blasphemy (咒罵咒罵)3. Telling weak jokes and laughing out loud at them 4. Disrespect to the audience 5. Overstaying your welcome (that is, talking for much longer than was expected). Structure of Planning Bad structuredIf your presentation is poorly structured or difficult to follow, people wont b

28、e able to concentrate even for the ten minutes they normally manage. A good general plan might be 10-20% introduction 60-80% main body of talk 10-20% conclusion or summaryTiming 1. The shorter the talk, the longer it will take to prepare. 2. Prepare your presentation on the basis that you have even

29、less time. For example, for a ten-minute presentation I would aim for eight minutes, on the basis that I usually over-run by about 20%. If you are running out of time 1. talk a bit faster2. miss some material out and skip to the end 3. a combination of both the aboveAllow active engagement in the le

30、arning 1. If possible, keep some lights on so that folks can take notes. 2. Provide a copy of the slides in a format that the audience can write on. Alternatively post a copy of the *.ppt or *. pdf file in a public folder. And Lastly.Run the spell checker Have another set of eyes look at your workGe

31、t feedback from the audience by eye contact 1.Face the audience and read from a copy of the slides 2.In fact, better not to read the slides at all, but speak directly to the audience. Have the special needs of your audience in mind Remember the sight-handicapped. Avoid making distinctions with color

32、s like red and brown or green and gray. Avoid small fonts.Remove as many distractions as possible If the computer is available to you before you start, pre-load all auxiliary files like links to web pages, multimedia, and executable files, so transitions are smooth. Do use PowerPoint If the faciliti

33、es are available. Although some speakers seem to have taken an aversion to PowerPoint, it is so convenient and ensures that your presentation has a clear structure and something for your listeners to take away.Be very clear about how much time you have Stick to that time in preparing your presentati

34、on. Its very difficult to cut a PowerPoint presentation at the event itself, so its a great mistake to run out of time. Most presenters prepare too much material; but nobody ever complains that a presentation was too short (it always allows more time for questions). E-mail your presentation to the e

35、vent organizers in advance Ask them to load it onto a laptop, run it through, check that it looks fine, and confirm that with you. Then you dont have to worry about the technology when you arrive. Also it enables the events organizers to run off copies of your slides, so that they are available to t

36、hem.The first slide should announce The title of your presentation, the event and date, and your name and position. This may seem terribly obvious, but many speakers miss off some of this basic information. And weeks later listeners are not clear who made the presentation or when.The second slide sh

37、ould seize the attention of your audience 1. It could be the central proposition (主張) of your presentation or 2. A conventional wisdom that you wish to challenge or 3. A relevant or witty quote from a leader in your field. If it is amusing or controversial or both.The third slide should set out the

38、structure of your presentation 1. The default structure should consist of three themes that you intend to examine. For a very short presentation, there might only be time for two; 2. If you want to look at more than five areas, write a book instead. Each theme should be the subject of a small number

39、 of slides 1. Again, a good working assumption is that three slides for each theme is about right. 2. Less than two and it is not substantive enough to be a separate theme; 3. More than five and it should probably be broken up into two themes.Each slide should have clear heading A question is often

40、a good way of winning attention - but, in that case, make sure you answer the question in the body of the slide.Each slide should normally contain around 25-35 words 1. Too many words and your audience will have trouble reading the material; 2. Too few words and youre likely to be flashing through t

41、he slides and spending too much time clicking the mouse.The penultimate (second last) slide should sum up your presentation 1. So it could be a summary of your main points or a restatement in different words of your central message or proposition or 2. Another catchy (動人的) or pithy (簡要的) quote from someone in the field. The last slide should explain where to find further information 1. This will probably include the web site of your organization. 2. It might include web sites with other perspectiv


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