Breakthrough: Opportunity A Life on Mars《科技突破机遇号:火星生活(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Breakthrough: Opportunity A Life on Mars《科技突破机遇号:火星生活(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Breakthrough: Opportunity A Life on Mars《科技突破机遇号:火星生活(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Breakthrough: Opportunity A Life on Mars《科技突破机遇号:火星生活(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Breakthrough: Opportunity A Life on Mars《科技突破机遇号:火星生活(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、(upbeat music)激扬的音乐On February 1st, 2019,2019年2月1日members of the Mars Exploration team火星任务团队的成员gathered at NASA's JPL headquarters在喷气推进实验室集♥合♥to say their final goodbye做最终告别to one of space explorations greatest pioneers,最伟大的太空探索先驱之一,the Opportunity Rover.机遇号♥火星车I

2、 wanted to say,我想说,with the completion of tonight's commanding,随着今晚指令的完成,this concludes operations for MER-1 spacecraft ID 253.编号♥为253的MER-1航♥天♥器的运行就要终止了And on behalf of the entire MER project,我代表整个MER项目,we'd like to thank the DSN for over 15 and a half years

3、感谢DSN(深空通讯)超过15年半的努力,of outstanding support, from launch until tonight.从发射一直到今晚,都提供了杰出的支持And this is station 14,这里是14号♥站,on behalf of the network,我代表通讯部门thank you for your comments,感谢你们的好评and it's a sad day for all of us.今天对我们大家来说都很难过(upbeat music)音乐14, you are released.14号&hearts

4、;,你们放假了And 14 copies.14号♥收到MER Project, off the net.MER任务,断开连接(all applaud)大家鼓掌In an instant,一瞬间,the lights went out on a record journey of almost 15 years.创纪录的15年旅程结束了A far cry from the expected 90 days survival rate.远超了预期的90天任务期限In it's wake,它醒着的时候Opportunity has left a history-rede

5、fining legacy.机遇号♥留下了重新改写历史的遗产We have been given the opportunity,我们接收了机遇号♥by a team of engineers 15 years ago,15年前的工程师团队who built two of the most extraordinary pieces创造了两件最非凡的作品of space exploration hardware ever conceived and built.构想和建造用于太空探索的硬件You only get to do something lik

6、e this你要能参与这样的任务for the first time once.第一次也是最后一次Well sort of,嗯,那个after all, the program did construct twin Rovers,最后,这个项目制♥作♥了两辆火星车destined to land in two locations在两个不同的目的地登陆on opposite sides of the planet.在星球相对的两侧A redundancy designed to increase their chance of success.旨在为它

7、们的成功提供更多冗余Spirit was the first to break away from Earth's gravity,勇气号♥是首先从地球发射的with Opportunity lighting up the Florida night sky机遇号♥从佛罗里达升空a few weeks later,在几周之后as it too rocketed towards同样的目标都是our closest planetary neighbor, Mars.我们最近的行星邻居,火星It wasn't an easy trip.这不

8、是什么简单的旅程Solar storms a few months into the journey旅程开始几个月后的太阳风暴bombarded the Rovers with brutal radiation.强烈的辐射袭击了火星车NASA's $850 million explorers美国航♥天♥局耗资8.5亿美元的探测器weren't communicating with home.没有和地球联♥系♥It was a nail biting moment,那是一个紧张时刻,until

9、 Mission Control tried the old IT help desk stand-by,任务控制中心试着让旧的IT服务台工作,turning your Rover off and back on again.关闭火星车的电源,再接通It worked,可以了first crisis averted.第一次危机得以避免Now, to the really harrowing part of the mission,现在,对于任务中真正令人提心吊胆的部分,landing on Mars.登陆火星Hurtling at 16,000 miles per hour,以每小时16000

10、英里的速度飞过,about 10 times the speed of a bullet.子弹速度的十倍The heat shield in front of the Rover vehicle火星车前面的隔热罩got about as hot as the surface of the Sun.变得和太阳表面一样热A supersonic parachute deployed.超音速降落伞展开Atmospheric entry.大气层进入It was time for everyone back on Earth是让地球上的每个人to strap themselves in.揪心的时刻It

11、was going to be a bumpy ride.这将是一个坎坷的旅程Current altitude 8000 feet.目前海拔8000英尺The heat shield jettisoned.隔热罩被抛离The airbags blew up in less than 1,000th of a second.安全气囊在不到1000秒的时间内膨胀And then she bounced.然后落地弹跳We're getting a bouncing signal.我们收到一个弹跳信♥号♥♥(crowd chee

12、rs)欢呼We are getting a bounce signal.我们收到一个弹跳信♥号♥♥Confirmation that space craft is bouncing and alive on Mars.确认飞船在火星上弹跳并正常工作And bounced,弹跳起来,26 times.26次We have a momentary loss of signal,我们暂时失去信♥号♥♥,as the space craft is bouncing on

13、the surface.当飞船在地面上弹跳时It is difficult to maintain lock.很难锁定We need to reacquire the signal,我们需要重新获得信♥号♥♥,to have positive confirmation of a safe landing.确认安全着陆But there's always a possibility something goes wrong,但总有出错的可能,something you didn't account for,一些你没

14、有预计的事情,or just bad luck,或者就是坏运气like really sharp pointy rocks比如尖利的石头right where you want it to land正好在要着陆的地方that might puncture the airbags.可能会刺破安全气囊But these are the risks that you take但这些是你要冒的风险when you're going someplace where you've never been,当要去一个你从未去过的地方,that you know is dangerous and

15、 unknown.你知道那里是危险和未知的We're seeing it on the LCP.我们在LCP屏幕上看到了(Crowd cheers and Applauds)众人欢呼鼓掌We have a very strong signal.我们有非常强烈的信♥号♥♥(indistinct radio chatter)(隐约的无线电声音)(cheering and applause)欢呼鼓掌Finally the airbags deflated,最后安全气囊放气了,and the solar arrays opene

16、d up,太阳能电池板打开了,charging the power hungry little Rover.为饥饿的火星车充电And she lifted her head,她抬起头the panoramic camera,全景摄像机,and sent her first beautiful, "We are here." postcard.寄出她第一张漂亮的明信片“我们在这里”When Opportunity sent back that first picture当机遇号♥发回第一张照片时from Eagle Crater,从老鹰陨石坑,that

17、night is burned in my brain,那晚深深烙在我的脑子里,I will never forget it.我永远不会忘记It was such a dramatic image of Mars.这是一幅让人印象深刻的火星图像And it was so different它是如此不同于than any images we've seen before.我们以前所见到的照片It was now time现在是时间for Opportunity to get to work.机遇号♥开始工作It's mission,它的任务the quest

18、 for the holy grail of planetary exploration,寻找行星探索的圣杯,liquid water.液态水It was initially planned as a 90 day expedition最初计划是90天的探险that would stretch on for 15 years.结果将持续15年The Mars Exploration Program had this long standing goal火星探测计划有一个长♥期♥的目标of searching for signs of life on

19、Mars.在火星上寻找生命迹象But that's a really big question.但这是个很大的问题That's a really hard question to answer.这是个很难回答的问题So we started with something a little more simple.所以我们从更简单的开始A little more fundamental.更基本一点Was there ever water, liquid water on Mars?火星上有水,液态水吗?Where and for how long?在哪里和多久?And that

20、was what Spirit an Opportunity那就是勇气号♥和机遇号♥really went out to go look for.要去那里找出的答案Golf cart sized Spirit and Opportunity高尔夫球车大小的勇气号♥与机遇号♥were designed to be wandering geologists.被设计成可移♥动♥的地质学家Instead of pics and hammers, though,不是照相和锤

21、子敲打,they have little particle blasters它们有小型的分♥析♥仪that they use to take samples,可以取一些样本and spectrometers and microscopes to examine them.用光谱仪和显微镜来检查它们And wouldn't you know it,你不知道,fortune was immediately on Opportunity's side.好运气马上就来到机遇号♥这里Opportunity landed o

22、n a flat plane机遇号♥降落在一个平台上known as Meridiani Planum,子午线平原before gently bouncing轻轻弹跳to the inside of a small meteorite impact crater.到一个陨石撞击坑的内部Opportunity lands right from the get go机遇号♥从一开始就降落到discovery of water formed rocks right, it came easy.很容易就发现了水形成的岩石Here she found litt

23、le,她在这里发现小小的,so called, blueberries,叫做蓝莓的that contained hematite and iron ore.含有赤铁矿和铁矿Opportunity found evidence of water机遇发现了水的证据just immediately below the surface,就在地表下,in the shapes of the rocks在岩石的形状中,there is cross-bedding in the rocks岩石中有交错层理,and then also in the minerals.矿物中也有交错层理This mineral

24、 hematite,赤铁矿这种矿物,it's an iron mineral是一种铁矿物that forms in areas with a lot of water.在有大量水的地方形成的The next 56 Martian days, known as sols,接下来的56天,被称为火星日,were spent probing and analyzing the area.花了大量的时间调查和分♥析♥这个地区It looked as though Opportunity's landing site好像是机遇号&hea

25、rts;的着陆点was once the shoreline of a salty sea,曾经是咸海的海岸线,but one that was too salty and acidic但是太咸太酸了for life as we know it.不适合我们所知的生命It was now time to leave the safe confines of Eagle Crater,现在是时候离开老鹰陨石坑的安全区域了,and strike out into the vast Martian terrain.进入广阔的火星地带Opportunity reached it's next d

26、estination,机会到了下一个目的地,Endurance Crater,持久陨石坑,after a one month long, one kilometer trek.经过一个月,一公里的长途跋涉Peering across the rim of the 130 meter wide crater,在130米宽的陨石坑边缘窥视,it spent the next month detailing the 20 foot precipice.它花了一个月的时间来详细观测这座20英尺高的悬崖And then, in what could have been然后,在一个可能导致a missio

27、n ending decision, gently descended.任务结束的决定中,慢慢地下降The next six months were spent analyzing the crater,接下来的六个月是用来分♥析♥陨石坑的,where Opportunity would once again在那里机遇号♥将再次find evidence of ancient water.找到古代水的证据But it was too salty to harbor life.但它太咸了,生命无法生存On it's 315

28、th day on Mars,在火星上的第315天the Rover exited the crater火星车离开了陨石坑on it's way towards it's discarded heat shield.朝着废弃的隔热罩走去Allowing scientists and engineers back home让地球上的科学家和工程师们to examine the effects of the Rover's entry可以检查火星车登陆的时候through the Martian atmosphere,穿过火星大气的影响as well as the nine

29、 foot wide impact crater.以及检查9英尺宽的撞击坑It taught us how to do surface operations.我们学会了如何开展地表的行动It taught us how to read the terrain and navigate教我们如何识别地形和导航and plot a safe path from one point to another.绘制从一个点到另一个点的安全路径We did not know how to do those,以前我们不知道怎么做,it was all speculative.只能去推测Lo and behol

30、d, a few days later,真想不到,几天以后Opportunity notched another first in space exploration,机遇号♥在太空探索中又开创了第一次,as it saw the first meteorite on another planet.它看到了另一颗行星上的第一颗陨石Having spent close to a year on Mars,在火星上呆了将近一年,it was now time to head south,现在是时候往南走了,towards Victoria Crater.朝维多利亚火山口But

31、 not everything went according to plan.但并不是所有事情都按计划进行On sol 446, Opportunity ended up getting it's wheels stuck,在446火星日,机遇号♥的轮子卡住了,rendering it immobile.它不能动了The culprit, an exceptionally tricky sand dune,罪魁祸首,一个不好对付的沙丘,measuring a whopping 12 inches tall.高达12英寸Team members back home

32、would perform在地球的团队进行了weeks worth of simulations,数周时间的模拟in hopes of finding the right way希望能找到正确的方法to escape the sandy clutches摆脱沙丘的魔爪of what would come to be known as Purgatory Dune.这片被称为炼狱沙丘的沙地Over a month later,一个月以后it would finally free itself,它终于摆脱了and continue on it's long voyage.继续这漫长的旅程W

33、hat we found is, the best way to get it out,我们发现,把它弄出来的最好办法,is just to put it in reverse, and gun it.就是把它倒向,然后加速The Rover eventually popped out.漫游者终于解脱了Finally,后来,21 months after leaving it's original landing site,离开原来的着陆地点21个月后,Opportunity arrived at the rim of Victoria Crater.机会来到了维多利亚陨石坑的边缘A

34、colossal half mile wide, 230 feet deep, impact crater.一个巨大的半英里宽,230英尺深的撞击坑A geologist's dream,地质学家的梦想,but entering it was no walk in the park.但进入这个陨石坑可不是公园散步It was here that the team caught the first image团队就是在这里拍到了第一张照片of the Rover from space,从太空拍摄的火星车,sitting at the edge.正在陨石坑边缘Opportunity spe

35、nt six months机遇号♥花了六个月searching for a safe path in,寻找一条安全的路径,when, in late June, gathering Martian dust storms六月底,火星上沙尘暴开始肆虐threatened to kill off the hardy Rover.威胁着坚韧的火星车的生命Every couple of seasonal cycles on Mars,火星上的两个季节循环交替,they get these dust storms就会有这样的沙尘暴and they can be global dus

36、t storms范围可以覆盖整个火星where they literally obscure the sunlight.它们真是遮蔽了阳光They're solar powered,它们是太阳能的,it's all about getting enough energy from the sun.取决于是否得到足够的太阳能Opportunity had to hunker down for two months机遇号♥不得不停歇两个月while dust storms raged,当沙尘暴肆虐时,limiting the solar power to a

37、level将太阳能减少到一个水平that nearly caused the permanent failure of both Rovers.几乎导致了两辆火星车的永久性故障So they went radio silent.所以它们保持通讯静默Radio dark for days.好些天无法联♥系♥And we didn't know if the Rovers were dead or alive.我们不知道火星车是死是活And we programmed the Rovers to wake up我们给火星车设定了唤醒程序at a

38、certain time in the future.在未来的一个确定的时间点And it was very dramatic非常紧张激动because all of us were there in the control room因为我们都在控制室waiting for the data to come down.等着数据的传输And we'd gone days without hearing from them.我们已经好些天没收到它们的消息了And we'd seen orbital imagery of the planet我们看到了卫星拍摄的火星的轨道图像just

39、 clouded in dust.被沙尘暴遮盖Would they be alive?它们还活着吗?Would they tell us?还能发出信♥号♥♥吗?And sure enough, right at the moment they woke up,果然,就在它们醒来的那一刻,they said I'm here, and I'm okay.它们说我在这里,我没事Turns out, not all dust storms结果,不是所有的沙尘暴are harmful to the Rovers,都对火星

40、车有害they can also be a blessing.它们也可以是一种好事Mars is riddled with dust devils,火星上到处是“魔鬼旋风”,dust devils that, instead of choking our roving ladies,“魔鬼旋风”,不会窒息我们的火星女士kept them going long past their sell by date.却让它们的寿命大大延长Dust accumulates at the rate of about 1% a day.灰尘以每天约1%的速度积聚Which means that after 1

41、00 days,也就是说100天后,most of the solar arrays will be covered by dust.大部分太阳能电池板将被灰尘覆盖That would mean we'd have那就意味着我们只能有a 100 day mission, a 90 day mission100天任务,90天任务that's what we designed.我们的计划就是这样What we didn't expect is that wind gusts,我们没想到的是那阵风,or wind events, or dust devils, or some

42、thing,或是大风,或是旋风之类的,would come along, and blow the dust off the arrays.会吹过来,把电池板上的灰尘吹走It's like someone came by with a leaf blower好像有人拿着吹风机过来and just dusted the whole Rover off把车上的灰尘都扫掉了and it was factory new again.又是全新的了The revived Rover eventually entered the crater复活的火星者最终进入了火山口and spent a yea

43、r investigating interior,花了一年时间调查内部,before setting off for the much larger Endeavour Crater,之后前往更大的奋进陨石坑,a 13 mile, three year journey.13英里,长达3年的旅程There were too many of these dangerous ripples in our way.我们的路上遍布着太多的危险And we actually had to take this circuitous route that,我们不得不走这条迂回的路线,at times, too

44、k us away from the crater,有时,我们甚至远离火山口,only to then cut back然后又绕回来and then approach it more directly.以求更快地接近目标During this trek在这次旅程中Opportunity would break the operational record机遇号♥打破了距离记录for a functioning probe on Mars,作为在火星上运行的探测器,a mark it still holds on it's own.一个标志,它仍然保持着Since

45、it's twin and mission mate, the Spirit Rover,因为它的双胞胎和任务伙伴,勇气号♥,had it's last communication with Earth最后和地球的通讯on March 22nd of 2010,是在2010年3月22日,when it's wheel became stuck in soft sand,它的轮子卡在松软的沙子里,and could no longer adjust the tilt of it's solar panels.再也无法调整太阳能电池板的倾斜角度

46、Spirit eventually ran out of power,勇气号♥最终耗尽了能量,and NASA officially ended it's mission in May of 2011,美国航♥天♥局在2011年5月正式结束了它的任务,two months before Opportunity's arrival at Endeavour Crater.在机遇号♥到达奋进陨石坑的两个月之前A very different place, geologically speakin

47、g,从地质学的角度来说,是一个完全不同的地方,from either Rovers' landing site.相对于火星车的着陆地点It was here that the team first discovered veins of Gypsum,就在这里,研究小组第一次发现了石膏,a mineral deposited by liquid water and clay minerals,一种由液态水和粘土矿物沉积的产物,which suggest intriguing ancient history,暗示着奇妙的古代历史,which includes也包括了a potential

48、ly life supporting water chemistry.可能维持生命的水环境And because it's been able to drive that great distance,因为它能开那么远的距离,it's actually gone back in time.它实际上是回到了过去And what I mean by that is,我的意思是,the geology is of different ages地质年代的不同at different places on Mars.分布于火星上不同的地点Where the Rover's land

49、ed on Mars火星车登陆火星的地方is sort of middle age Mars.有点像中年火星Where Opportunity has driven to is ancient Mars,机遇号♥使我们来到古老的火星,and it's where different clues reveal不同的线索揭示了the complex history of ancient Mars古代火星的复杂历史and has informed us about the ancient history of the planet,我们知道了这个星球的古老历史,whic

50、h is that it was very much Earth-like, at one time.它曾经有个时期,非常像地球As Opportunity explored the ridge机遇号♥探索了隆起of Endeavour Crater,在奋进陨石坑里,it passed yet another milestone in March of 2015.2015年3月,它又一次跨越了里程碑Having traveled more than a marathon in distance超过马拉松距离的长途旅行on the Martian surface.在火星的表

51、面The requirement was for one Rover最初的任务是让火星车to traverse at least 600 meters.在火星完成至少600米的行程That's half a mile,大约半英里and Opportunity has gone over a marathon's distance.实际上机遇号♥已经超越了马拉松的距离So more than 26 miles,超过了26英里more than 42 kilometers on the surface of Mars,在火星表面超越了42公里more than

52、 any other human enterprise beyond the Earth.比地球以外的任何人类探索任务都更远You could say你可以说the Rover set the off-Earth driving distance record.火星车创造了地球以外星球行驶距离的记录By the end, Opportunity traversed最后,机遇号♥穿越了more than 28 miles of Martian landscape.28英里的火星地表Sharing more than 225 thousand images of it'

53、;s surroundings分享超过22.5万张周边图片with researchers back on Earth.传给地球上的研究人员Perseverance Valley, believed to be a water formed gully,毅力谷,应当是水冲刷形成的沟,was Opportunity's final destination.是机遇号♥的最终归宿It was here, on June 10th 2018,就在这里,2018年6月10日,Sol 5111,5111火星日,that Opportunity sent it's la

54、st message,机遇号♥传回它的最后信息creatively and poetically translated by media outlets as被媒体创造性和诗意地翻译为"My battery is low, and it's getting dark."“我的电池没电了,天渐渐黑了。”This, as a massive这个时候,一场巨大and devastatingly dense dust storm approached.而毁灭性的密集沙尘暴来临And so the Rover couldn't generate any energy with that.所以火星车不再能产生任何能量And so we saw the Rover just shut down.


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