



1、2019-2020年高三英语 一网打尽易错题汇编(10)1. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _.A. the more for life are you equipped       B. the more equipped for life you areC. the more life you are equipped for       D. y

2、ou are equipped the more for life    2. I cant find Tom. Where did you meet him this morning?  - It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A. that   B which   C the one   D where3. Who did the teacher _ the exercises? A. have done   B. have do &

3、#160; C. had done   D. has done4. “We werent sure which way to go. In the end, we turned right.”  “You  _ the wrong way. You _ left.”A. had gone; must have turned                B. went; must turn C. have

4、gone; would have turned             D. went; should have turned5. Yesterday I went to buy a puter. There were so many models for us _ in the shop that I was at a loss which to buy. A. to be chosen    B. to choose from &#

5、160;    C. to choose    D. for choosing   7. Mary has always been doing well in that pany. Tomorrow she will go on a trip to Europe, _.   A. all expenses paid  B. all expenses paying C. paying all expenses   D. paid all expenses10. Don

6、t _ a risk to climb this mountain; it is too steep.A. make      B. take       C. have        D. set 12. e and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient          &

7、#160;      B. you will be convenient  C. it is convenient to you            D. it will be convenient to you 14. A sheep _ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than _on ordinary.A. feeding; one

8、0;   B. feeds; the one    C.  fed; that     D. feeding; it16. The detective,_ to be reading a newspaper, glanced at the man_ next to a woman. A. pretending, seated  B. pretended, seated C. pretending, seat D. pretended, seating17. To our great_,

9、 Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety   B. relief     C. view    D. judgment18. The two birds _ each other in shape and color. In other words, they _ each other in shape  and color.     &

10、#160;  A. differ, are different from      B. differ from, are different to C. resemble, are similar to        D. resemble, are similar with19. Modern forms of transportation and munication have done much to _ the isolation (隔离) of life

11、 in Alaska.   A. break down     B. break out      C. break into      D. break through21 .She doesnt like Mrs. Smith, so she always avoids _ with her. A. to leave alone B. being left alone  C, to be left alone D. bei

12、ng left behind22. We shouldnt plain about being poormany families are _ than we are. A. worse off   B. badly off  C. well off     D. better off 23. If your children _ a bit, thered be room for another one on this seat. A. tied up  B. turned up   C. 

13、closed up   D. kept up24. China is a wonderful land _ minerals.  A. is abundant in  B. abundant in  C. in abundant   D. is in abundant25. A: Jack is _ a brave person. B: So he is .  And we cant admire his  perseverance _.A. actually , very much  

14、;  B. indeed, a lot  C. truly , a little   D. really , too much26. Great changes have taken place in that school .It is no longer _ it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped.A. what , when    B. that, which  C. what , which   D. which , that27

15、. Dont believe in him; he was _with the ability to tell lies.A. born   B. equipped    C. supplied   D. fixed28. If you dont try your best to learn all subjects, you will _ behind.A. stay        B. leave    

16、0;   C. fall        D. remain32. The life here is really very difficult , to tell you the truth , I havent pletely _to it yet.A. agreed   B. fitted   C. adjusted   D. adopted33.In order to improve my spoken English, I read _

17、English _. A. everyday; every day   B. every day; everyday C. everyday; everyday   D. every day; every day35. A: what have you been doing _? Ive been so little of you.B: I have to leave early for work and es home very_.     A. late, lately    B.

18、 late, late   C. lately , late   D. lately , lately 答案:BDBDB  BADBB  ACBAD  ABCDA  BACBD  AACDD  DCADC2019-2020年高三英语 一网打尽易错题汇编(1)1. I cant remember _ made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the class earlier. A. that it was what 

19、   B. what it was that    C. what was it that    D. that was it what 2. He let out an _ cry, “weve won!” A. excited    B. exciting    C. excite   D. excites3. Is football Johns favourite sport?  -Yes. _ football, ba

20、seball is his greatest love. A. Near to        B. Except        C. Beside       D. Next to 4. Do you think regular exercise _ good health? A. benefit from B. reach for C. make for D. go for 5. Have yo

21、u applied _ Mr Black _ the post? Its worth a try. A. for; to          B. with; for         C. with; about       D. to; for 6. _ the loud noise going on in the workshop, I can hardly _ on my lesso

22、ns. A. As; put          B. As; concentrate       C. With; rely       D. With; concentrate7. _, Ive never seen anyone whos as capable as Kate. A. As long as I have travelled      &#

23、160;        B. Now that I have travelled so much C. As I have travelled much         D. Much as I have travelled 8. The big fire lasted as long as 24 hours _ it was brought under control. A. after     

24、; B. before        C. since        D. while9. The discovery of new evidence led to _. A. the thief having been caught  B. the thief to be caught C. catch the thief  D. the thief being caught 10. Would you have helped her

25、 had it been possible?  -Yes, but I _ busy with my work. A. was         B. had been         C. have been       D. am 11. _ on the small island, the tower has been seriously damaged by t

26、he sea water? A. Being lain      B. Lain      C. Being located       D. Located 12. In this workshop, the output of July was three times _ of January. A. that           B

27、. this       C. one          D. it 13. Well, where did you spend your night that day?  -At _. A. where it is called Grand Hotel       B. what is called Grand Hotel C. which is called Grand Hotel&

28、#160;        D. that is called Grand Hotel14. The thief was brought in, his hands _ behind his back. A. tying         B. tied          C. being tied      &

29、#160;  D. having tied 15. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days. A. of which      B. during which    C. from which     D. for which16. She stood on a brick to make herself _ a bit

30、 taller. A. looking       B. looked           C. to look          D. look17. Did your speech _ the audience? A. get through to B. get across to  C. get through  D. get across1

31、8. A Dus unique voice _ especially to young people. A. attracts       B. draws      C. catches       D. appeals19. The old woman stood still with her eyes _ the picture. A. fixing in      B. fixi

32、ng on      C. fixed in    D. fixed upon20. I feel it is you who _ for the accident. A. is to blame    B. is to be blamed    C. are to blame    D. are to be blamed 21. Have you seen the film?  -Yes. I _ it three

33、 times when I was in Tokyo. A. saw       B. had seen       C. have seen      D. was seeing 22. The thief was caught _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. to put      B. to be putting

34、    C. putting     D. put 23. So many students _ for the traffic jam, the exam had to be put off. A. were late      B. been late     C. has been late    D. being late 24. Seeing her father e back, _. A. te

35、ars ran down her cheeks  B. Her tears ran out C. she burst into tears  D. She burst into crying 25. Columbus is known for the great discovery _ a new landAmerica. A. making up     B. making into       C. make from     D.

36、 made of 26. This photo was taken _ stands the Eiffel Tower. A. in which       B. in the place which      C. where      D. which 27. With his money _, he couldnt go home. A. leaving      

37、60; B. missed        C. run out      D. running out 28. Its _ great fun to talk with you.  A. a     B. the       C. /        D. an 29. _ I admit that

38、she has shortings, I still like her. A. When       B. As      C. While     D. Once 30. The Internet has brought _ big changes in the way we work. A. about       B. out    

39、0; C. up       D. back31. New technology is being _ almost every industrial process. A. applied for      B. applied in     C. applied of     D. applied to 32. Whos the man talking to our teacher?  -A

40、professor _ a visit to our school. A. pays      B. is paying       C. has paid     D. paying 33. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _, our minds are developed by learning. A. Probably       B. Likely   &


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