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1、冀教版五年级下册冀教版五年级下册The Great WallTianan men SquareThe Palace MuseumThe Great WallHow do they go to the Great Wall?They take a bus.Listen and answer. How long is it ?How old is the Great Wall ? Its about 2000 years old.About 6000 kilometres.Read and underline the answers.( 1 min )The Great WallTianan me

2、n SquareThe Palace MuseumHow does Danny feel on the way back?A. He feels tired and hungry.B.He feels tired and happy. Listen and answer.Tip:Before listening, you can skim the question. 听音之前,你应先浏览听音之前,你应先浏览题目。题目。 Read silently and answer.What does Danny do? He sees a restaurant. He runs to the restau

3、rant.( ) Danny feels tired and hungry.( ) Jenny says,” Stop! Dont go! Please wait !”( ) He runs to a restaurant.( ) A man helps Danny.( ) Danny is afraid of the cars and buses. Read loudly and order. ( 1 min)12345TipStep1 大声课朗读文Step2 借助图片和上下 句理解课文。Step3 排序。What does ”afraid” mean?A. 激动的B. 害怕的Act in

4、groups.(2mins) 小组内表演。 1. Watch the traffic lights. The light is red. Please s_. The light is yellow. Please w_. The light is green. You can go.2. Watch the cars and buses. Dont be a_. But dont run to the cars. topaitfraidThe Great WallTianan men SquareThe Palace MuseumSummer PalaceBeihai ParkBirds N

5、estWater CubeI want to go toIts It hasWe canWe can go there by Lets talk.Always be careful. Safety first! 安全第一安全第一Love and help each other.互助互爱互助互爱Draw more places on your map.Introduce three places to you family.This isIts It hasWe can go there by Lets chant. Come on, come on. Lets go on a trip.Okay, okay. To Beijing by train.Tianan men Square, big and great.Flying kites there, easy and fun. The Palace Museu


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