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1、Homework of Chapter One1. Chapter 1 Multiple ChoiceSelect the best answer for each question below. When you are finished, check your answers by clicking the 'Check Answers' button at the bottom of the page.1. People, procedures, software, hardware, and data are the five parts of a(n)competen

2、cy systemcomputer systeminformation systemsoftware system2. Procedures are typically documented in manuals written bycomputer specialistsend usersMicrosoftservice providers3. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?datahard diskInternetpower cord4. Windows 7 is an example of a(n)applica

3、tion softwarebrowseroperating systemshareware5. The most powerful type of computer.mainframe computersmicrocomputersminicomputerssupercomputers6. The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called thekeyboardmicroprocessormonitormouse7. These devices tr

4、anslate data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process.displayinputoutputpointer8. A DVD is an example of a(n)hard diskoptical discoutput devicesolid-state storage device9. This type of file is created by word processors.worksheetdocumentdatabasepresentation10

5、. Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology.graphicsinputmemorywireless2. Chapter 1 MatchingMatch the definitions with the terms in the box to the right by entering the letter for each term next to its corre

6、ct definition below. 1. eGuidelines people follow when using software.2. f Consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work.3. i Software that enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware.4. h The most powerful type of

7、 computer.5. a The least powerful and most widely used type of computer.6. c Translates the processed information from the computer into a form that humans can understand.7. g Holds data and programs even after electrical power to the system has been turned off.a. microcomputerb. opti

8、cal discsc. output deviced. PDAe. proceduresf. programg. secondary storageh. supercomputeri. system softwarej. the Internet8. b Uses laser technology.9. d A type of handheld computer.10. j The largest network in the world.3. Chapter 1 Open-Ended Questions. Explain the five parts of an

9、 information system. What part do people play in this system?An information system typically consists of: people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and connectivity. Information systems are used by people in order to increase productivity. Procedures are rules or guidelines for people to follow

10、when using software, hardware, and data. Software is a program that contains the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. Hardware consists of the physical equipment that processes the data to create information. Data consists of raw unprocessed facts, including text, num

11、bers, images, and sounds. Almost all of today's computer systems add an additional part to the information system. This part, called connectivity, typically uses the Internet and allows users to greatly expand the capability and usefulness of their information systems. What is system software? W

12、hat kinds of programs are included in system software?System software is “background” software that enables the application software to interact with the computer. System software consists of the operating system, utilities, device drivers, and language translators. It works with application softwar

13、e to handle the majority of technical details. Define and compare basic and specialized application software. - Describe some different types of basic applications. - Describe some types of specialized applications.Basic or general-purpose applications are widely used in a large number of careers. O

14、ne of these general-purpose applications is a browser to navigate, explore, and find information on the Internet. Other basic applications are word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation graphics. Specialized applications are programs that are narrowly focused on spe

15、cific disciplines and occupations. Some of the best known are multimedia, Web authoring, graphics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. Describe the different types of computers. - What is the most common type? - What are the types of microcomputers?There are four types of computers: superc

16、omputers, mainframe computers, midrange and microcomputers.Microcomputers are the least powerful, yet the most widely used type of computer. There are four types of microcomputers: desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, and handheld computers. What is connectivity? What are wireless devices and the

17、wireless revolution? What is a computer network? What are the Internet and the Web? What is cloud computing?Connectivity is the capability of the microcomputer to use information from the world beyond ones desk. Data and information can be sent over telephone or cable lines and through the air so th

18、at computers can talk to each other and share information. Wireless devices are wireless mouse, wireless network card and wireless modem etc. Wireless revolution is a revolution that is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. Computer network is a communic

19、ation system connecting two or more computers and their peripheral devices to exchange information and share resources.Internet is a huge computer network available to everyone with a microcomputer and a means to connect to it. It is the actual physical network made up of wires, cables, and satellit

20、es as opposed to the Web, which is the multimedia interface to resources available on the Internet.Cloud computing is that data are stored at a server on the Internet and available anywhere the Internet can be accessed. 4. Chapter 1 True / False Questions1.  The parts of an information system a

21、re: people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and connectivity. True    False2.  The purpose of software is to convert data into information. True    False3.  Software is another name for a program or programs. True  

22、0; False4.  To be a competent computer user, you must understand the essentials of information technology (IT). True    False5.  Application software is "background" software which helps the computer manage its own internal resources. True 

23、   False6.  System software is a collection of programs. True    False7.  Antivirus software is a Windows utility that is unnecessary as long as you are careful browsing the Internet. True    False8.  System software mig

24、ht be described as end user software. True    False9.  A browser is an example of system software. True    False10.  Another name for a midrange computer is server. True    False5. Chapter 1 Fill in the Blank Questi

25、ons 1.  Computer _ competency_ refers to acquiring computer-related skills.  2. In an information system, the rules or guidelines for people to follow are called _ procedures_. 3. _Hardware_ is the component of the information system that is described as the equipment that processes data to create information.  4. The component of the information system that is described as raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds, is called _ data_.  5. _ System software_ is a collection of programs that helps


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