



1、人教PEP版五年级英语下册填空题专项攻坚习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1My brother wants _(go) fishing with his friends.2Sam always _(sit) in the basket.3How _(do) your uncle _(go) to work? By car.4My sister likes _(read) books every night.5My grandparents _(live) in Shanghai. I often visi

2、t _(they) at weekends.6Their homes _(be) far from the school.7Mike can _(drive) a car.2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We like _ (watch) the dragon boat races at the Dragon Boat Festival.2Halloween is on the _ (thirty-one) of October.3Yang Ling likes eating moon _ (cake).

3、4There are three _ (month) in a season.5My favourite festival _ (be) the Mid-Autumn Festival.6Mike is _ (talk) to Leo about Chinese festivals.7She _ (visit) her grandparents with her parents.3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1_ (not be) too full, it is bad for you.2You sho

4、uld _ (brush) your teeth every day.3Can you help _ (I) _ (put) on the clothes?4Mr Wu _ (live) on Moon street.5My father goes to many _ (city) for a business.4. 根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1Does Mike _ (have) a toy?2The girl _ (have) a rabbit.3L

5、et _ (I) go and have a look.4There is _ (a) art room on the first floor.5How many _ (bus) are there in the street?5. 按要求填空。1dish(复数) _ 2best(原型) _3what about(同义词组) _ 4have(单三形式) _5do(-ing形式) _ 6left(反义词) _7doesnt(完全形式)_ 8I would (缩写)_9they

6、are(缩写形式)_ 10well(同义词)_6. 选词填空。start trip shopping season back1Which _ do you like best?2We have a school _ in May.3When do you go _ to school after lunch?4The singing contest will _ at 7 p.m.5I often go _ with my mum.7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We should brush

7、our _ (tooth) every morning.2You shouldnt _ (drink) too much cola.3My brother likes eating too many _ (sweet).4Whats wrong with _ (he)?He has a toothache.5Yang Ling _ (feel) cold.6She can _ (play) table tennis.7Mike is ill. He _ (

8、go) to see the doctor.8. 从方框内选择合适的疑问词填空,每个词只能用一次。What  Who  Whose  Why  Where  How1_ shoe do the girls try on?2_ is the party?3_ is the girl so sad?4_ helps Cinderella?5_ a pity!6_ is your sister? She is ill at home.9. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. win

9、(过去式) 2. sad(反义词)3. lose(过去式) 4. day(对应词)5. tell(过去式) 6 feel(现在分词)10. 选词填空,将其序号填在横线上。(每词只能选一次)A. any   B. Is   C. are   D. some   E. much1There _ many people in the park.2I have _ food.3There is so _corn.4Are there _ lakes in the park?5_ th

10、ere a bird in the sky?11. 写出下列单词的现在分词(动名词)。1climb 2eat3do 4jump5drink 6sleep7like 8live12. 填空题。1Tree Planting Day is in _.2_ is the second month of a year.3New Years Day is in _.4Which month is after January? _5We eat turkey on _ (American Thanksgiving Day/Chinas Nation

11、al Day).13. 根据中文提示补全句子。1I usually play outdoors with my friends _ _ (在周日).2I _ _ (等不及看) to see this film.3Mother''s birthday is on _ _ (3月2日).4They are going to go _ _ (爬山) tomorrow.5My family will _ _ (乘飞机回来) after t

12、he holiday.14. 选词填空。A. far from B. take a bus   C. How old   D. runs to   E. on the way back1Beijing is not _ our city. Its near.2Danny _ the train and jump on.3_ is the Great Wall?About 2000 years old.4The school is not near your house. You can _.5_ to the hotel, I see many children.15. 按要求写单词。city(复数) get on(反义词组)they(宾格) before(反义词)bus(复数)16. 请写出下列词的完整形式。13rd  24th 38th  49th 520th 17. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Who _ (help) you with your Engl


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