Unit2What27s the weather like(课堂PPT)_第1页
Unit2What27s the weather like(课堂PPT)_第2页
Unit2What27s the weather like(课堂PPT)_第3页
Unit2What27s the weather like(课堂PPT)_第4页
Unit2What27s the weather like(课堂PPT)_第5页
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1、Unit2 Its raining!下雨了!下雨了! Hows the weather? Its windy . How is the weather? Its cloudy . Hows the weather? Its sunny . Its rainy / raining. Whats the weather like? Its snowy / snowing. Whats the weather like?Not bad.Great!Terrible!Pretty good.Hows it going with?1.rain rainy2.snow snowy3.cloud cloud

2、y4.wind windy5. sun sunny6. fog foggy17.scarf scarfs18.man men20. study studies22. lie lying25.surprised (吃惊的吃惊的) surprising(令人令人吃惊的吃惊的)scarves26.relaxed (放松的放松的) relaxing (令人令人放松的放松的) relax (放松放松)1.weather2.pretty3.winter4.warm5.studies1.raining , rains2.snows , snowy3.lying , lie4. surprised , sur

3、prising5. men6. scarfs/scarves Thank you for joining CCTVs Around The World show. Today, were in Australia. Its a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool

4、! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed! Hows the weather? Whats the weather like? -Hows the weather today? - Its sunny/fine.-Whats the weather like in Shanghai?- Its cloudy.-Hows it going? -Not bad.-Great!-Terrible!-Pretty go

5、od. 1. Thanks for your letter.Thanks forsth.( (名词或代词)名词或代词)doing sth. 2. Thanks for helping me.一些一些,另一些,另一些 Some Others Some are singing. Others are dancing.Other people/students看这群看这群正打沙滩排球的正打沙滩排球的人人 Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. Look at the boys swimming in the pool.playin

6、g beach volleyball 是是现在分词短现在分词短 语作定语语作定语,放在被修饰的名词后放在被修饰的名词后。 1. They are surprised (that) I can play the piano.be surprised +宾语从句宾语从句 2. We are surprised at the news 3. We are surprised to meet him in the streetat sth.to do sth.1.Whats the weather like? 2.Hows the weather in Chongqing in summer? 4.E

7、veryone is having a good time. 3. Thanks for helping me.2.Thanks for joining our club.4.At the bus stop, some (people) are reading newspapers. Others are listening to music. 3. Look at the group of children. They are having a good time.1.-Hows it going with your study?- Terrible!Other people1. sunny2. vacation3. beach4. talking5. Others6. find7. eresting Lets write a short passa


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