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1、初中英语写作思维导图,掌握住,英语作文想不得满 分都难!一提到写英 语作文,很多同学都无从下笔,总是 信手写来”,没有规划。这样做的后果是,作文篇章 结构不清晰,内容 选择可能会脱离主 题,从而 影响作文的 总体得分。老 师为了帮助大家解决 这一难题,带来了英语写作 思维导图,让你以后作文提笔前胸有成竹,次次 稳拿满分!、写作时需考虑哪些方面的因素?(1 )本话题所需要的词块、语块。(2)本话题的写作模板结构等。(3)本话题所涉及到的经典名句、谚语等。、困惑与对策困惑 1 :写什么?以 How to learn well? 为题,写一篇作文,那么我们应该如何入手开始写作呢?来看看以下几张思维导

2、图,能够帮你整理好一篇作文的写作框架。How to learn well JG。endingbefore classIn classAfter classfree timeGg beginningbefore class 1speakingaWritingreading read the textbook after the tap«困惑2 :如何选材?即使知道了写作框架,但在补充框架时又会遇到另一个困惑:如何选材? 以下是一些关于写作选材的建议:1 .选定英语思维导图各区域所需的词块和语块。2 .将各区域的词块和语块按段落写成连贯的语篇。3 .对照思维导图自我批改,注意人称、时态语

3、态、句型结构的正确使用。困惑3 :如何表达?很多学生在写作时,使用的句式比较单一,因此文章大多雷同,缺乏个性。针对这些问题,我们可以从以下几个方面改进:1 .对相同意思,注意不同句式的表达法,选择更好的句式。2 .短文写作,表达力求精悍、生动、丰富,避免重复用一样的句式3 .特别注意使用承上启下的词语和句子。三、思维导图在英语作文写作中的应用实例写作流程:1. 审题、理清思路:考虑写什么(挑选关键词,搭建作文框架)。2. 选择词语:根据话题和作文框架选用所需要的语料(词块和语块)。3. 遣词造句:根据思维导图中的语料,用合适的句型写作。4. 语篇定稿:根据思维导图修改润色作文紧扣主题、表达准确

4、,关联 自然,语篇流畅。实例 1 :假如你有两位同学芳芳和明明,参加了上星期二学校组织的英语演讲 比赛,他们的不同表现使你深有感触。请你根据下列表各中的内容提示写 一篇英语短文。甘甘芳芳1 .认为自己英语好,不需要努力;花费时间挑选比赛用的漂亮衣服2 . 因准备不足,太紧张,而没有完成演讲。参考词汇:英语演讲比赛要求:1. 词数: 80100 个我应该 向明 明学 习明明1.努力学习,向别人请教;赛前 两天腿受伤,但不放弃2. 在比赛中表现良好English Speech Contest2. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥Last Tuesday Fangfa

5、ng and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply. Before the contest, Fangfang thought.范文 1Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.Before the contest, Fangfang thought

6、her English was the best. So shespent lots of time picking some beautiful clothes for herself instead of trying to work hard at English for the contest. As a result, she didn't do well in the contest because she hadn't got ready for the contest.But Mingming was different from Fangfang. He wo

7、rked hard at Englishand asked others for help. Especially, his leg was hurt two days before the contest, but he never gave up. In the end, he won the contest.No doubt, from Mingming we should learn : No pains, No gains.From now on, I mush learn fromMingming.范文 2Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming ent

8、ered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.Before the contest, Fangfang thought she was good at English, and thatshe didn't need to spend more time on thecontest at all. She alwaysconsidered picking some beautiful clothes for the contest. But Mingming was d

9、ifferent. He worked hard at English and asked others for help. Though he had hurt his leg two days before the contest, he never gave up.In the end, Fangfang didn't get ready well enough. At the contest,she failed. But Mingmingfrom Mingming: Work hard andshe was so nervous that she won because of

10、 his efforts.In my opinion, we should learn make progress every day.范文 3Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.Beforethe contest, Fangfangthought that she was good atEnglish. So it wasn't necessary to spend lots of

11、time preparing for the contest. Whatshe only thought was what clothesshouldwear, which makeherself more beautifulat the contest.At last,she was too nervous to finish the contestbecause she didn't get ready very well. Instead, Mingming had been working at English and asking others for help. What&

12、#39;s more, he had hurt his leg two days beforethe contest. But he had never given up. As the result, he won the contest.I think we should learn from Mingming: Work hard and never give up.实例2 :生活是丰富多彩的,没有爱好的人生是不完整的人生。亲爱的同学,在生 活中,你有什么兴趣爱好吗?这个兴趣爱好是怎样培养起来的?它给你的 生活增添了哪些色彩?请你以“ My Hobby ”为题,结合自己的亲身经历写一篇短

13、文。(词数 80个左右)要求:1 .语句通顺,合乎逻辑,书写规范。2 .文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称。 My bobtoy 缶. 心爱好My Hobby噌添色彩l.Whtn 1 nvas0 dI口Dt?版 VL, ;0.广i eam ots of kna edg soWErrEiry3 lol范文1Reading is my hobby. When I was seven years old, one day, I reada comic book about how a girl beat a wolf. I was moved deeply by the girl.From then

14、on I became interested in reading books.Reading can not only kill the time, but also, more importantly, help improve my skills. And books can teach me how to be a good person. Books can also solve many problems for me.In a word, reading books can make my life colorful. I will read more good books to improve myself in the future.范文2My favourite hobby is watching movies in the cinema. Three years ago, while I was watching the adventure 3D film Avatar in the cinema, I was attracted by the beautiful sights. It was so creative that it made me enjo


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