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1、修4Teach ing goals1. Target Ian guageWord and expressi ons of this un it.2. Ability goalsEn able stude nts to summarize what they lear ned and make a check by themselves.3. Lear ning ability goalsHelp Ss learn how to summarize what they have learned according to the in structi ons in the Summing up a

2、nd Check ing Yourself.A. Teaching important and difficult pointsHow to review and con clude what stude nts lear ned.B. Teaching methodsHelp stude nts lear n by themselves.C. Teach ing aidsA projector.D. Teaching procedures & waysStep I Exx on page 49For Exx 1 and 2, teacher can show them the an

3、swer sheet, so that they can check the answers quickly. For Exercise 3, teacher can ask someof them to go to the blackboard to write down their translation. And then check them with the whole class. If thereare someproblems, teacher can ask student to discuss and give them some suggestions to solve

4、them.Step II Summary1. Fill in the chart on Page 16 to sum up what we have learned in this unit.SUMMING UPWrite dow n what you have lear ned about work ing the land.Wehave learned about agriculture and deeds of Dr Yuan Longping. Wealso know what organic farming is and grasp howto express our ideas a

5、nd write a poster.From this unit you have also lear ned:Useful verbs: expa nd export circulate rid-of reduce struggleequipUseful nouns: hun ger bacteria fertilizer mi neral supply levelUseful adjectives and adverbs: super sun bur nt satisfied fertile orga nicOther expressi ons: would rather lead ali

6、fe refer to year afteryearNew grammer item: the ing form used as the subject and objectStep III ProjectAs for project on Page 54.teachers can ask the stude nts to choose three kinds of crops and refer to some books to find out where they are grow n. Stude nts may be asked to makea booklet after clas

7、s and display it on the classroom wall for the rest of the class to enjoy. The contents of the booklet in clude if they can be grow n in differe nt climate and coun tries and where they cannot be grow n.Here are some in formati on for them to refer to:Cucumbers are grow n for eat ing fresh or preser

8、v ing as pickles. They must be grow n in warm temperatures and full sun light, and will not sta nd frost. Cucumbers mature quickly and are best suited to large garde ns but can be grow n in small areas if caged or trellised.Cucumbers do best in loose, sandy loam soil but can be grown in any well dra

9、ined soil. Remove rocks, large sticks and trash before preparing the soil. Leave fine pieces of pla nt material such as dead grass and small weeds. They will help en rich the soil when turned under. Spade the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches. This is about the depth reached by most shovels or spadi

10、ng forks. Turn each shovel of soil pletely over so all pla nt materials are covered with soil.Tomatoes are warm seas on pla nts requiri ng at least six hours per Temperatures are very importa nt. Most varieties of tomatoes will not set fruituni ess the averagenighttime temperature stays above 55degr

11、ees. If nighttime temperatures are expected to drop below 55 degrees, protect the plants using a polyethylene film.One of the most mon problems with tomatoes is called blossom end rot which appears as a gray or dark leathery scar or rot on the blossom end of the fruit. It can also be caused by a lac

12、k of calcium in the soil. Another mon problem of tomatoes is blossom drop. This can occur if nighttime temperatures drop below 55 degrees and plants are not protected. Germin atio n and tube growth are so slow that the blossoms drop off before they can be fertilized.Peas are a frost-hardy, cool-seas

13、 on vegetable that can be grow n throughout mostof the Un ited States, wherever a cool seas on of sufficie nt durati on exists. For garde ning purposes, peas may be classified as garde n peas (En glish peas), snap peas and snow peas(sugar peas). Garde n pea varieties have smooth or wrin kled seeds.

14、The smooth-seeded varieties tend to have more starch than the wrinkled-seeded varieties. The wrin kled-seeded varieties are gen erally sweeter and usually preferred for home use. The smooth-seeded types are used more often to produce ripe seeds that are used like dry beans and to makesplit-pea soup.

15、 Snap peas have been developed from garden peas to have low-fiber pods that can be snapped and eaten along with the immature peas in side. Sno wpeas are meant to be harvested as flat, ten der pods before the peas in side develop at all. The Souther n pea (cowpea) is an en tirely differe nt warm-seas

16、 on vegetable that is pla nted and grow n in the same manner as bea ns.Step IV Checki ng yourselfThis is a chanee for students to collect knowledge they have learned in this unit. Teacher can give the students some time to discuss it and then finish the questions in the chart. Doing this task can im

17、prove stude nts ability of teach ing by on eself.Step V HomeworkI. Preview the n ext unit 2.Show the stude nts some En glish farmi ng proverbs and ask the stude nts lear n them by heart:He who does not rise early never does a good day' s work.起床不早,一天的工作干不好。Go to bed with the lamb and rise with t

18、he lark.随羔羊就寝,与云雀同起。A barley-cor n is better tha n a diam ond to a cock.对一只公鸡来说,一颗麦粒优于一颗钻石。The cuckoo es in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and the n goes away.布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱歌,然后就离开。Always take out the meal-tub, and n ever putt ing in, soon es to the bottom.取粮不储粮,桶底粮

19、光光。No mill, no meal不磨面就没饭吃案新课标人教版必修4Teach ing Ian guage1. Target Ian guageA 重点词语min eral , reduce , orga nic , level , whatever , bacteria , refer to , year after yearB 重点句型It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers.P13Putt ing this in their fields, they argue, mak

20、es the soilP13This is import ing because develop ing a healthy soil reduces diseasesP13However, using chemical fertilizers is a big problem.P13Firstly , leavi ng chemicals in the ground a long time is not good forP13In stead, orga nic farmers in sist on cha nging crop every two or three years. P14 T

21、hese put themin erals back into the soil, making it rich and healthy? P14make sure that what is left in the ground after harvest ing bees a P142. Ability goals 能力目标Enable Ss to master the main idea of the text and know the ways of organizing articles.3. Lear ning ability goals 学能目标Help students lear

22、n how to enlarge the words and know the ways of the same topic.A. Teach ing importa nt and difficult points1. How to grasp the main idea of the passage.2. How to grasp the words and phrases and be able to use them of the same topic.B. Teach ing methodsShowquestions, read fast, find the main idea car

23、efully and finish all the tasks.C. Teach ing aidsA recorder and a projector.D. Teach ing procedures & waysStep I Greeti ngStep II Read ingThere are three tasks in this. Teachers can ask students to read the articlesone paragraph by one paragraph. Ask them some questi ons about the passages. Ther

24、eare three paragraph in the article. In each passage, there are one or two questions.When students finish these questions, they will find that the structure of the text has turned up.Task 1 : Questi ons about the text.Show the questi ons on the scree n:1. what is the organic farming?2. what is the a

25、dvantage of using natural fertilizer?i ,1. What is.the orga nic fqrmin g? f3. . whatis the disvangtage'of using chemicalfertilizers?2. What is the adva ntage of using n atural fertilizer?AwwatiEth henmavandea 何E帚翩 amh3 £贬曲54. wwyad' farmers i deowf pegcipw? in such ways?5. why do farmer

26、s grow their crops in such ways?Read the text one paragraph by one paragraph and an swer the questi ons.Task 2: Structure of the textLook at the screen. This is the structure of the text. Read it and retell the text accord ingThis is the structure of the text. Read it and text accord ing to it.Orga

27、nic Farm ingI Crops growing with natural fertilizers II Farmers prefer n atulal waste from ani malsNatural fertilizerChemical fertilizer1 make richer and1 leaving is not good more fertili2 reduce and help , , strong 2 grow year after year3 the fertilizers kill , , from chemicalsIII FarmersGive stude

28、 nts s ome time to re his or her passage.e cr s every twe or thre y themselves.if time -to makesure what is-leftits, teacher can ask some of them to read outTask 3: Exercises on Page 14Because some of the exercises have been invoIved in Step II, teachers can leave thispart to stude nts.For Exercise

29、3, here is a simple:Orga nic farmi ng mea nscrops grow ing with n atural fertilizersin stead of chemical ones.Yhe natural fertilizer which is natural waste from animals does good to soil. It makes the soil richer in mi nerals while chemical fertilizers damage the soil, leavi ng chemicals fertilizers

30、 in the ground for a long time and killing both helpful and harmful bacteria and pests. Organic farmers keep the soil rich and healthy by changing plants every two or three years, planting different crops in different layers and pla nting grass betwee n crops to preve nt wi nd or water from carry in

31、g away the soil.Step III Liste ning and Lan guage points1. Listen to the text carefully and pay attention to meanings of the bold words and try to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.2. Check the meanings of the bold words. refer to means mean .mineralsmeans“substances that bodies needs in slighta

32、mount“ Reduce" means “ make smaller in number ”“Supply ” means asomething providedbacteria and poests mea nmicroscopic orga ni sms that exist in largenu mber in air, water and soil and in sects or an imals that destroy pla nts”level means layer .a whatever ”means “ no matter what ”3. Do some ex

33、pla nati ons about some importa nt words and phrases. Show the followi ng senten ces on the scree n:1. reduce V make sth smaller in size, number, degree, price, etc e.g.This pany tries to in crease profits by reduci ng costs.We have reduced expe nses this year.2. supply V give sb sth that is needed

34、or useful e.g.He kept me well supplied with cups of coffee while I wrote the report.The shop was un able to supply what she wan ted.In Britain milk is supplied to each house in bottles.3. whatever pron any or every(thing)e.g.we will be grateful for whatever amount you cab afford.Whatever I have is yours.4. refer to V mention or speak of sb/ste.g.When I said some people are stupid, I wasn' t referring to you.Don' t refer to this mater aga in.5. year after yeare.g.The villager


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