已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、UNIT 1 Honesty and responsibility短语/句式知识点中文意思be at the core of 是······的核心practise honesty and responsibility 践行诚实和责任play by the rules 遵守规则take advantage of 利用take unfair advantage of others 不公平地占别人的便宜make a promise you can keep 许下一个你能信守的诺言be prepared to admit mistakes 准

2、备好承认错误take . seriously 认真对待······correct mistakes rather than blaming others 纠正错误,而不是责怪他人do everything to the best of your ability 尽你所能做好每件事to the best of ones ability 竭尽全力;尽最大努力from time to time 不时,有时,时而find oneself in situations where . 发现自己处于····&

3、#183;·境地make a difficult choice 做出艰难的选择barely ten oclock at night 还不到晚上十点slow down 减速,放慢速度;使······慢下来a man with an unlit cigar in his mouth 一个嘴里叼着未点燃的雪茄烟的男人an appointment made twenty years ago 二十年前定下的一个约定make an appointment 预约;约定There used to be . 曾经有;过去常常有tear dow

4、n 拆除strike a match 划火柴;点火柴dine with sb. 与某人一起吃饭travel to the West to make ones fortune 去西部发大财figure that . 认为build a life 建立人生sound pretty interesting 听起来很不错lose contact 失去联系the truest and most reliable fellow 最真诚、最可靠的伙计come a thousand miles 千里迢迢而来Its worthwhile . ······

5、;是值得的。turn up 出现on ones way 在路上,要走了keep an appointment with 与······约会a tall man with collar turned up to his ears 一个衣领竖到耳朵旁的高个子男子Bless my heart! 上帝保佑!by two or three inches 两三英寸have a good long talk about 好好谈一谈······arm in arm 臂挽着臂outline t

6、he history of 简述······的历史as I suspected . 正如我所怀疑的impatiently with anger 生气地不耐烦地change a good man into a bad one 把好人变成坏人take charge of the situation 掌控局面(be) under arrest 被逮捕drop over our way 顺路过来have a chat with 和······谈谈at the appointed pl

7、ace on time 准时到达约定的地点the criminal wanted in Chicago 芝加哥被警方通缉的罪犯the wanted criminal 通缉犯adapted from . 改编自······the short story of the same title 同名短篇小说refer to 指的是;参考;涉及a series of 一系列的;一连串的be put in sequence 按顺序排列according to 根据,按照;取决于;据·····

8、83;所说the principle of cause and effect 因果关系shortly before 前不久;在······之前不久feel shocked 感到震惊turn into 变成How I wish he were innocent! 我多么希望他是无辜的!hesitate over what to do 不知道该怎么办become convinced that . 开始相信······in ways that are not legal 通过不合法

9、的方式(memories) flood back (回忆)涌上心头stick to principles 坚持原则be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事bear the heavy burden of responsibility 承担起责任的重担devote oneself to (doing) sth. 献身于/致力于(做)某事work for the good of 为······的利益而工作the geophysicist Huang Danian 地球物理学家黄大年practise core socialis

10、t values 践行社会主义核心价值观become a respected expert 成为一名受人尊敬的专家help advance science in China 帮助中国的科学进步a desire/responsibility to do sth. 做某事的愿望/责任resign ones post 辞职be made chief scientist 被选为首席科学家Chinas largest deep-Earth exploration programme 中国最大的地球深部探测项目go away on business 出差so that 以便;所以be unable to

11、do sth. 不能做某事in fact 事实上,实际上pay attention to 注意;重视fall ill with cancer 患癌症continue to work 继续工作in the hospital ward 在医院病房make substantial contributions to 对······做出大量贡献map the world under the Earths surface 绘制地球表面下的世界地图valuable mineral resources 宝贵的矿产资源bring . alongside

12、 the worlds finest . 使······和世界上最优秀的······并驾齐驱be introduced by (从句)由······引导used to be a fitness coach 曾经是一名健身教练the number of followers 粉丝的数量post photos of herself working out 上传她自己锻炼的照片for fun 为了好玩;开玩笑地;闹着玩地be

13、 no exception 不例外feel guilty 感到内疚be ashamed of oneself 为自己感到羞愧live a lie 为人虚伪;过骗人的生活forgive/cheat sb. 原谅/ 欺骗某人in order to promote products 为了推销产品look more attractive 看起来更有吸引力white lies 善意的谎言hand me a parcel with a big red bow 递给我一个有红色大蝴蝶结的包裹a brightly wrapped parcel 包装鲜艳的包裹tear . open 把··&

14、#183;···拆开the ugliest dress I had ever seen 我见过的最丑的连衣裙look pretty in pink 穿粉红色衣服很漂亮be perfect for sb. 对某人来说很完美frankly speaking 坦白地说smile as broadly as I could 尽量让自己笑容满面try to sound convincing 尽量听起来有说服力deep wrinkles around her eyes 她眼睛周围深深的皱纹tell sb. the truth 对某人说实话tear off 撕下;扯掉share

15、 the same tastes 品味相同 be worth it 是值得的in awkward silence 在尴尬的沉默中pretend not to have done sth. 假装没做过某事feel cheated 感觉被骗depress sb. 令某人沮丧tell white lies 说善意的谎言bring about good results 带来好的结果raise doubts about 提出关于······的质疑firstly secondly 首先·····&

16、#183;其次······give a speech 发表演讲;作演讲at the students coming-of-age ceremony 在学生成年礼上take responsibility 承担责任honoured guests, teachers and students 尊敬的各位来宾、老师们和同学们It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you . 我很高兴也很荣幸地欢迎你们······on this speci

17、al occasion 在这个特殊的时刻accept your passage into adulthood 接受自己进入成年的时候grow from . into . 从······成长为······confident young adults 自信的年轻人embrace the next phase of . 拥抱······的下一个阶段be excited and anxious about 对·&#

18、183;····感到兴奋和焦虑in store(for sb.) 即将发生(在某人身上);等待着(某人)well prepared and well equipped to do sth. 充分准备好并有能力做某事manage the challenges of the years ahead 应对未来几年的挑战understand the importance of 认识到······的重要性a well-developed sense of responsibility 高度的责任感be r

19、esponsible for successes and failures 对成功和失败负责任treat . as . 把······看作······treat responsibility as a foundation . 把责任当作······的基础a weight that burdens you 困扰你们的重担a ship without an anchor 没有锚的船at the mercy of 任&#

20、183;·····处置,对······无能为力have no sense of responsibility 没有责任感careless and thoughtless behaviour 粗心大意的行为take ones studies seriously 认真对待自己的学习accept responsibility for 承担······的责任meet deadlines for . 在···

21、;···的最后期限前完成follow ones guidance 遵循某人的指导aim for 瞄准;以······为目标go far beyond . 远远超过······ 远远超出······go through 经受;经历;仔细检查;通过encounter difficult situations where . 遇到·····&#

22、183;的因情况go wrong 出毛病;弄错;发生故障instead of 代替;而不是······be quick to do sth. 立刻做某事;急于做某事ones own fault 某人自己的错be ready to admit mistakes 准备好承认错误practise the virtue of courage/determination/integrity 练就勇敢/决心/正直的美德set out to do sth. 着手做某事in all aspects of 在···

23、3;··的各方面help build a strong character 帮助培养坚强的性格apart from 除······之外(还)assume responsibility for 承担对······的责任be important for the betterment of society 对社会进步很重要an organic whole一个有机的整体have a responsibility to make a contribution 有责任

24、尽一份力be not discouraged 不气馁make a difference to . 对······产生影响as a result 因此;结果是feel inspired 受到鼓舞join sb. in doing sth. 加入某人做某事;和某人一起供某事pick up garbage 捡垃圾contribute to a cleaner environment 为更清洁的环境做贡献report a speeding car举报一辆超速汽车be energy-efficient 节能lead to 导致;通向saving

25、s of precious natural resources 节约宝贵的自然资源do volunteer work 做志愿者工作bring love and warmth to the elderly 给老人带来爱和温暖inspire people to do the same 激励人们做同样的事情be an added bonus 是额外的收获have the power to do sth. 有能力做某事gradually but continuously 逐步地而且持续地take ones first step 迈出第一步an enjoyable and rewarding exper

26、ience 一段愉快而有益的经历weigh heavily on在很大程度上加重······的思想负担as the Chinese saying goes 正如中国谚语所说Jade is good-for-nothing if not carved. 玉不琢不成器。sow the seeds of success 播下成功的种子great harvest 巨大的收获wish you every success 祝你们成功Worry before all others worry; rejoice after all others ha

27、ve rejoiced. 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。for the benefit of 为了······的利益at large 整个的;详尽的set aside personal feelings and interests 抛开个人感情和兴趣in order to 为了pursue the interests of the majority 追求大多数人的利益There will be little room for . 几乎没有什么空间······UNIT 2 U

28、nderstanding each other短语/句式知识点中文意思a welcoming greeting 热情的问候a gentle smile 亲切的笑容a means of attracting your attention 一种吸引你注意的方式look a little deeper into . 更深入研究一下······between a sender and a receiver 在发送者和接收者之间encode a message 编码信息face to face 面对面地in response 作为回应refer

29、 to . as 把······称为······be decoded by the original sender 由原始发送者解码with practice and patience 通过练习和耐心a highly competent communicator 一个非常称职的沟通者their relationship with you 他们与你的关系cultural backgrounds 文化背景obtain this information 获得此信息how best

30、to communicate with them 如何最好地与他们沟通depend on 依靠;取决于communication channel 沟通渠道best suit the situation 最适合此类情况determine the appropriate style 确定适当的方式negotiate with a large enterprise about a deal 与一家大企业洽谈一笔交易in a straightforward manner 以直截了当的方式your thoughts and attitudes 你的想法和态度be attentive to the iss

31、ues 关注这些问题with your arms folded 双臂交叉create distrust or friction 制造不信任或导致摩擦ignore the other persons body language 忽略别人的肢体语言with a confused expression 带着困惑的表情completely understand your point 完全理解你的观点clarify your message 阐明你的信息be knowledgeable about body language 了解肢体语言the value of empathy 同情的价值put you

32、rself in sb.s shoes 处于某人的境地,设身处地give serious consideration to their points of view 认真考虑他们的观点account for sth. 是······的说明(或原因);(数量上、比例上)占approve of their ideas 赞成他们的观点make adjustments to 对······做出调整your own tone and choice of words 你自己的语气和措辞m

33、ake your communication more effective 让你的沟通更有效express your sympathy 表达你的同情settle differences and disagreements appropriately 恰当地解决差异和分歧improve your interactions with others 改善你与他人的互动交流gain respect 获得尊重cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际make efforts in two aspects 从两个方面努力facial expressions and gesture

34、s 面部表情和姿势play a huge role in communication 在交流中起着巨大的作用positive body language 积极的肢体语言a slight nod and eye contact 轻微的点头和眼神接触be separated by a common language 被一种共同的语言分开apart from 除了······(还)pronunciation and vocabulary 发音和词汇a significant gap 显著的差异in terms of communicatio

35、n styles 就交际风格而言the indirect manner of speaking 间接的说话方式leave an impression on me 给我留下印象have the opportunity to study 有学习的机会have a preference for the direct style 偏爱直接的风格learn a whole new way of communicating 学习一种全新的交流方式vary from society to society 随不同的社会而改变feel upset or embarrassed 感到难过或尴尬have no in

36、tention of hurting others 没有意图伤害别人be aware of the differences 意识到差异correspond to “umbrella” in Chinese 汉语中与”umbrella”对应know how to behave 知道如何表现得体spare yourself embarrassment 使自己不尴尬recite it without an accent 不带口音地吟诵a head start in her future career 在未来职业生涯中领先stretch herself by listening to and pron

37、ouncing new sounds 通过听新音和发新音来锻炼自己sign up for 报名(参加课程)be fluent in a second or third language 流利地说第二或第三种语言a global economic power 全球经济大国cooperate more closely 更亲密地合作provide access to 提供了解······的机会one of the most appealing aspects 最吸引人的地方之一see life from a new perspective

38、从一个全新的视角看待生活broaden ones mind 拓展视野,开阔眼界be borrowed from other languages 借鉴其他语言more than 300 different languages 300多种不同的语言come about 发生no suitable word for an object 没有合适的词来形容一个物体in the current age of globalization 在当今的全球化时代bring different cultures closer together 让不同的文化更紧密地联系在一起at a faster pace 以更快

39、的速度(be)related to technological developments 与技术发展相关be integrated into everyday speech 融入日常用语中be used by bilingual speakers 被双语者使用know the original language 了解源语言refer to Chinese martial arts 指的是中国武术be replaced with more familiar sounds 被更熟悉的音取代look like the native language 看起来像母语an outcome of langu

40、age development 语言发展的结果oppose adopting words from other cultures 反对采用其他文化的词汇make interventions 干涉keep their native language pure 保持其母语的纯正have an official organization 有一个官方组织have an extremely small number of speakers 只有极少数的使用者under this circumstance 在这种情况下be pessimistic about 对···

41、3;··感到悲观be based on 以······为基础 the English-speaking community 说英语的群体absorb foreign words into its daily vocabulary 吸收外来词用于日常词汇formal academic restrictions 正式的学术限制have a more efficient language 有一种更有效的语言be exchanged more conveniently and quickly 更方便快捷地交流go out

42、of style 过时ask her for advice 征求她的意见know how to apologize to sb知道如何向某人道歉speak slowly and sincerely 讲话缓慢而真诚fall off 从······上掉下来make a jump over a low fence 跳过矮篱笆UNIT 3 Careers and skills短语/句式知识点中文意思one of the most frequently asked questions 最常被问到的问题之一not least 特别,尤其enabl

43、e sb to do sth使某人能够做某事be financially independent 经济独立join the labour force 加入劳动大军it could be argued that .可以说······be geared towards .旨在;适合于······prepare sb for sth使某人为某事做好准备earn a living (=make a living) 谋生by no means 绝不,一点也不attain ones go

44、al 达成目标achieve ones dream 实现梦想in the direction of 朝······的方向endeavor to do sth努力做某事meet with 遭遇;获得in common hours 在平常的时刻ones passion for .某人对······的热爱be engaged in sth忙于······,从事于·····&

45、#183;be fond of 喜爱give sb a great sense of achievement/satisfaction 给某人一种巨大的成就感/满足感develop/practise/acquire a skill 发展/练习/获得技能provide room for personal growth 为个人成长提供空间excel in sth在······方面出类拔萃,擅长······keep up (with) 跟上,(与···

46、···)并驾齐驱afford to do sth承担得起做某事be satisfied with 对······满意be satisfied with the status quo 满足于现状adapt (oneself)to (使自己)适应······be willing to do sth愿意做某事add to our sense of achievement 增加我们的成就感contribute to 促成,造成at the most ba

47、sic level 在最基本的层面上function properly 正常运转be superior to 优于······have prejudice against 对······有偏见make contributions 做贡献choose to do sth选择做某事step out of ones comfort zone 走出某人的舒适区commit oneself to doing sth致力于做某事work for the benefit of others

48、 为他人的利益而工作be devoted to doing sth致力于做某事bring success to 为······带来成功lay out 铺开,展开be worth doing 值得做make a life for sb为某人创造生活take pride in 为······感到自豪be essential for/to 对于······必不可少as a whole 作为一个整体,总体上according

49、 to 根据,按照be likely to do sth可能做某事it seems that .似乎······be about to do sth即将做某事result in 造成,导致place emphasis on sth强调/重视某事take advantage of 利用meet a need 满足需要attach importance to 重视······,认为······很重要as a result

50、 因此,结果interact with 与······互动sharpen our ability to adapt 提高我们的适应能力on the whole 总的说来,大体上,基本上in general 总的说来,从总体上看the pros and cons of (doing) sth (做)某事的利弊start/run ones own business 创办/经营自己的公司make plans for 为······制订计划put .into action 将

51、3;·····付诸实施weigh up the advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊a source of personal growth 个人成长的源泉sharpen ones leadership skills 提高某人的领导能力keep track of 了解·····的动态;与······保持联系provide for 供养,抚养it is no surprise that .··

52、;····并不奇怪be ones own boss 自己当老板be appealing to sb对某人有吸引力for one thing .for another .一方面······另一方面······deal with 处理,应付work schedules 工作日程work long hours 长时间工作work around the clock 夜以继日地工作work out budgets 制订预算put sth on t

53、he line 让······处于危险之中make sure 确保;弄清,查明on time 按时when it comes to .当涉及······时think twice before you act 三思而后行function as 起······作用,作······用decide on 决定;选定remain to be done 尚待处理have

54、 a passion for 对······有激情;酷爱if so 如果是这样的话satisfy the needs of potential clients 满足潜在客户的需求do some detective work 做一些调查工作rely on your subjective judgement 依赖你的主观判断look through 快速查看,浏览find out 查明,弄清plug the knowledge or skill gaps 填补知识或技能的空白cannot wait to do sth迫不及待地想要做某事g

55、et started 开始be well prepared 有充分的准备have a greater chance of success 有更大的成功机会one day 有朝一日;(过去)某一天do a lot of research 做大量的调查工作at an early stage 在早期seek advice from sb向某人寻求建议take a course 攻读课程plan ones career 规划某人的职业生涯be amazed to see .惊讶地看到······have talent for 在·&

56、#183;····方面有天赋inspire sb to do sth激励某人做某事combine .with .把······和······结合起来look up 查找,查阅have a good sense of 有很好的······感be familiar with 熟悉·····after much thought 经过深

57、思熟虑try ones hand at sth着手尝试某事swing into action 立即行动起来;马上大干起来after graduation 毕业后designer labels 设计师品牌lead to 导致,造成be a good fit for sb很适合某人take steps to do sth采取措施做某事give an example 举例identify/face/overcome barriers 发现/面临/克服障碍to start with 首先last but not least 最后但同样重要的是go for a job interview 参加求职面试g

58、ain the upper hand 处于有利地位,有优势set off 出发,动身,启程be suitable for 适合······provide an opportunity for sb to do sth为某人提供做某事的机会be right for 适合······prior to 在······之前make good preparations 做好充分准备have sb/sth in mind 心中有

59、适当人选/想做的事intend to do sth打算做某事do ones homework 做准备工作practice makes perfect 熟能生巧keep at it 坚持干,继续苦干present your best self 展示最好的自己make a good first impression 留下良好的第一印象dress appropriately 穿着得体be sure to do sth一定要做某事,务必要做某事have a good shave 好好刮胡子get a good nights rest 好好休息一晚feel/look refreshed 感觉/看起来精神

60、焕发mode of transport 交通方式traffic delays 交通延误an early bird 早起者;早到者;捷足先登者for the duration 在整个······期间 it is ( not)rude to do sth做某事是(不)粗鲁的get a complete picture of 全面了解······infer .from .从······推断出··

61、3;···convey the impression that .传达······的印象make eye contact 进行眼神交流stare at 盯着看,凝视keep ones back straight 保持背部挺直look around 环视,环顾,四下察看give sb a better picture of 让某人更好地了解······bring up 提起(某个话题)expand into 扩展到···

62、;···follow up 紧接着······express ones interest in 表达某人对······的兴趣its vital to do sth做某事非常重要look back on 回忆,回顾put ones best foot forward 全力以赴be specific to 是······特有的do temporary work 做临时工作be drawn t

63、o 被······吸引 keep sb informed of .让某人了解······play an important role in 在······中起重要作用build up (使)逐渐增加be proud of 为······感到骄傲deal with pressure 应对压力put sb in charge of 让某人负责·

64、3;····work on 从事,致力于keep up with 跟上······put sb under pressure 置某人于压力之下UNIT 4 Never too old to learn短语/句式知识点中文意思in a verbal manner 以口头形式in a written format 以书面形式journey through 穿越······旅行be perceived as 被认为/视为··

65、;····point out 指出be impressed on/upon sb某人意识到the blank space 空白go blank (脑子)一片空白be vital to 对······很重要 be exposed to 接触,暴露于be bound to 一定会,很可能会all the time 始终,一直to the extent 达到······的程度keep pace with 与······步调一致,与······并驾齐驱resolve a problem 解决问题refresh ones knowledge 更新某人的知识lifelong learning 终身学习have an open mind 有开阔的心胸make oneself open to 让


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