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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上翻译短语1中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 2中医基础理论basic theory of TCM 3临床经验clinical experience 4辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5中药学Chinese pharmacy 6针灸acupuncture and moxibustion7病因学etiology 8方剂prescription; formula 9滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire 10六腑six fu-organ

2、s11整体观念holism 12社会属性social attribute13诊断学diagnostics14邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi15治疗学therapeutics 16风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold17同病异治treatment of the same disease with different remedies18异病同治treatment of different diseases with the same remedy19疾病本质nature of

3、 disease20相互转化 mutual transformation 21寒极生热 extreme cold turning into heat 22相互消长 mutual wane-wax 23相互制约 mutual restriction24相互依存 interdependence25五行学说the doctrine of five elements26相乘相侮subjugation and counter-restriction27土虚木乘deficient earth being subjugated by wood 28生克制化inhibition-development wit

4、h generation and restriction29母病及子 involvement of a child- organ by its mother-organ disorder 30藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations31奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs 32水谷精微essence of water and food33临床实践clinical practice34藏而不泻storage without discharge/excretion 35心气充沛sufficiency of heart qi36血液充盈suff

5、iciency of blood37汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin38脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation39后天之本origin of acquired constitution 40奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs 41上焦upper energizer42泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid 43初步消化 primary digestion 44月经来潮occurrence of mens

6、truation45先天禀赋innateness 46水液代谢water metabolism47气机调畅smoothness of qi movement 48气机qi movement 49气化qi transformation 50先天之气innate qi51后天之气acquired qi 52气生血qi generating blood 53气行血qi propelling blood54津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin55气为血帅,血为气母Qi serves as commander of blood and bloo

7、d does as mother of qi56益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse57经络学说meridian theory 58经络系统meridian system 59十二正经twelve regular meridians 60奇经八脉eight extraordinary meridians61十二经别twelve meridians divergences 62外感六淫six exogenous pathogenic factors 63风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking the exterior 64感受寒邪attack/

8、invade by pathogenic cold 65阴虚生内热production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency66七情内伤internal impairment due to seven emotions 67体质强弱 (body )constitutional state 68五心烦热feverish sensation in the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)69五志过极extreme changes of five emotions70阴阳互损mutual involvement

9、of yin and yang71精充气足 sufficient essence and abundant qi72肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin73预后良好favorable prognosis74脉象pulse conations75表里同病disease involving both exterior and interior76寒热错杂co-existence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat77真寒假热true cold with false heat 78寒证化热cold syndrome transformi

10、ng into heat one79热证转寒transformation of heat syndrome into cold one80潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating 81中草药Chinese medicinal herbs 82四气五味four properties and five flavors 83燥湿健脾drying dampness to invigorate the spleen84升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating85归经channel tropism of medicines8

11、6用药禁忌medication contraindication 87方剂学science of prescription88方剂的加减modification of a prescription89剂型与剂量drug form and dosage 90药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herb 91引经报使guiding action92药物饮片 herbal slice93针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion (therapy)94针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing 95针刺止痛analgesia by acupunctu

12、re96针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia97耳针疗法ear acupuncture (therapy)98提插捻转lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating (techniques)翻译句子1中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese peoples experience in their struggle against diseases.2中医学有完整独特的理论体系。

13、TCM has a unique and integrative theoretical system.3黄帝内经为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础。Huangdi Neijing has laid a foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.4阳常有余,阴常不足。 Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.5内伤脾胃,百病由生。 Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes vari

14、ous diseases.6金元时期出现了后世称为“金元四大家”的医学流派。In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called “four great physicians” in medical school.7张从正认为病由邪生,提倡汗、吐、下三法祛邪治病。Zhang Congzheng believed that all diseases were caused by pathogenic factors and advocated the three means of diaphoresis, emesis and p

15、urgation to eliminate the pathogens for cure of diseases8中医理论体系有两个基本特点:一是整体观念,二是辨证论治。The theoretical system of TCM is mainly characterized by holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation.9中医学认为人体是一个有机的整体。TCM believes that the human body is an organic whole.10整体观念贯穿于中医生理、病理、诊法、辨证和治疗的各个方面。Th

16、e holism permeates through various aspects of the physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment of diseases.11心开窍于舌并与小肠相表里。The heart opens into the tongue and is internally and externally related to the small intestine.12人体阳气白天多趋于表,夜晚多趋于里。Yang qi in the human body tends to

17、 flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night.13证是机体在疾病发展过程中的某一阶段的病理概括。Syndrome is a generalization of pathological changes at a certain stage during the course of a disease.14证包括了病变的部位、原因、性质,以及邪正关系。Syndrome includes the location, cause and nature of a disease as well as the stat

18、e of pathogenic factors and healthy qi. 15阴阳是自然界相互关联的某些事物和现象对立双方的概括。Yin and yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomena in nature.16在一定条件下,阴阳可以各自向其相反的方向发展。Under given conditions, either yin or yang may transform into its counterpart.17功能属于

19、阳,物质属于阴。Function pertains to yang while substance to yin.18无论疾病的病理变化如何复杂,都不外乎阴阳的偏胜偏衰。No matter how complicated pathological changes of a disease are, they are nothing more than relative predominance of yin or yang.19正气指整个机体的结构与功能,包括人体对疾病的抵抗力等。The so-called vital qi refers to the structure and functi

20、ons of the body, including body resistance against diseases. 20中医理论体系在形成过程中,受到古代五行学说的深刻影响。The formation of the theoretical system of TCM was deeply influenced by the doctrine of five elements.21水具有滋润和向下的特性。Water is characterized by moistening and downward flow.22肝主升而归属于木。The liver pertains to wood b

21、ecause its qi is characterized by ascending.23脾主运化而归属于土。The spleen pertains to earth because it governs transportation and transformation.24相乘即以强凌弱的意思。Subjugation means to launch an attack on the weak.25生我者为母,我生者为子。The one generating me is my mother and the one being generated by me is my child. 26五

22、脏的共同生理特点是化生和贮藏精气。The common physiological function of the five zang-organs is to produce and store essential qi.27六腑的共同生理特点是受盛和传化水谷。The common physiological function of the six fu-organs is to receive, transport and transform water and food. 28肾的精气有促进骨骼生长的作用。The essence-qi in the kidney is helpful f

23、or promoting the growth of skeleton.29心与小肠相表里。The heart and the small intestine are internal-externally related (to each other).30五脏的生理活动与精神情志密切相关。The physiological functions of the five zang-organs are closely associated with the minds and emotions. 31心脏的主要生理功能是主血脉和主神志。The main physiological functi

24、on of the heart is to control blood and vessels, and govern the spirit.32血液的正常运行必须以心气充沛,血液充盈和脉道通利为其基本的前提条件。Sufficient heart qi, abundant blood and smooth vessels are essential prerequisite to normal circulation of blood.33肺的呼吸功能健全与否,直接影响着宗气的生成。The respiratory function of the lung directly influences

25、 the production of pectoral qi.34脾为后天之本,气血生化之源。The spleen is the origin of acquired constitution and the source of qi and blood production.35肝的主要生理功能是主疏泄和主藏血。The main physiological functions of the liver are to control free flow of qi and store blood.36肾主生长、发育与生殖。 The kidney governs growth, developm

26、ent and reproduction.37肾所藏的精气包括“先天之精”和“后天之精”。The essence stored in the kidney includes innate essence and acquired essence.38肾的纳气功能正常则呼吸均匀和调。When the kidney functions normally to receive qi, breath will be smooth and even. 三、39胆的主要生理功能是贮存和排泄胆汁。The main physiological function of the gallbladder is to

27、 store and excrete bile.40胃的生理功能是受纳与腐熟水谷。The main physiological function of the stomach is to receive and decompose foodstuff.41小肠在吸收水谷精微的同时,也吸收了大量的水液。 The small intestine also absorbs a large quantity of water as it is absorbing essence from the chyme.42小肠的泌别清浊功能正常,则二便正常。If the small intestine func

28、tions well to separate the lucid from the turbid, the defecation and urination will be normal.43胃与脾相表里。 The stomach and the spleen are internally and externally related. 44气是构成人体的最基本物质。Qi is the most essential substance to constitute the body.45人体的气来源于禀受于父母的先天之精、饮食物中的营养物质和存在于自然界的清气Qi in the body is

29、derived from innate essence inheriting from the parents, and acquired essence coming from both food nutrients and fresh air.46气是活力很强的精微物质。 Qi is a sort of refined substance with powerful activity.47气化指通过气的运动而产生的各种变化。Qi transformation refers to various changes caused by qi movement.48元气是人体最基本、最重要的气,是

30、人体生命活动的原动力。The primordial qi, as the most essential and important qi, is the primary power of life.49宗气是积于胸中之气,具有推动心脏的搏动、调节心率和心律的功能。The pectoral qi is a kind of qi accumulating in the thorax, functioning to enhance heart beat and regulate heart rate and cardiac rhythm.50营主内守而属阴,卫主外卫而属阳。The nutritive

31、 qi pertains to yin with its nourishment to the interior of the body while the defensive qi pertains to yang with its protection of the body surface. 51气血津液都是维持人体生命活动的基本物质。Qi, blood and body fluid are the basic substances for maintaining human life activities.52血与津液均为液态物质,都有营养和滋润作用,与气相对而言,两者都属阴。Both

32、 the blood and body fluid are liquid substance, they function to nourish and moisten, pertain to yin as compared with qi.53人体排泄水液的途径主要是尿与汗。The human body discharges water mainly through urination and perspiration.54津液的生成、输布和排泄都离不开肺、脾、肾、三焦、膀胱等脏腑的气化功能。The production, distribution and discharge of body

33、 fluid depend on the qi transformation of the lung, spleen, kidney, tri-Jiao, bladder, etc.55气能生血、行血、摄血,故称“气为血之帅”。Qi can produce, propel, control blood, and thus it is said “qi is the commander of blood”. 56经络是运行全身气血的通道。Meridian system is the pathways for qi and blood to circulate in the whole body.

34、57孙络是人体最细小的络脉,这就是为什么中医将其称为“孙络”。 The minute collaterals are the smallest collaterals. That is why they are literally called in TCM.58经络学说是研究人体经络的生理功能、病理变化及其脏腑相互关系的学说。The meridian theory is to study the physiological functions and pathological changes of human meridians and their relationships with th

35、e viscera.59由于手三阳经与足三阳经在头部交接,所以说“头为诸阳之会”。The three yang meridians of hand and the three yang meridians of foot are connected with each other in it, so “the head is the place where all kinds of yang meet”.60经脉中的气血运行是循环贯注的,如环无端。Qi and blood in the meridians circulate in cycles, without an end. 61六淫是风、

36、寒、暑、湿、燥、火六种外感病邪的统称。The six pathogenic factors are a collective term for six exogenous pathogens of wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. 62疠气是一类具有强烈传染性的病邪,具有发病急骤、病情较重、传染性强、易于流行等特点。Pestilent pathogens are a kind of highly infectious pathogens, which are characterized by sudden onset,

37、severe condition, fulminating infectivity and strong epidemicity. 63七情内伤直接影响相应的内脏,使脏腑气机逆乱,气血失调,导致种种疾病的发生。The seven abnormal emotions often directly impair their related internal organs, leading to disorder of visceral qi, disharmony between qi and blood, and consequently bringing on diseases. 64饮食不节

38、主要是损伤脾胃,导致脾胃功能失常。Immoderate diet mainly impairs the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of them. 65痰和饮都是水液代谢障碍所形成的病理产物。Phlegm and stagnant fluid are both pathological substances caused by retention of water.66许多疾病的过程也就是邪正斗争及其盛衰变化的过程。The course of many diseases is a process of combat between p

39、athogenic factors and healthy qi as well as the ebb and flow of their strengths. 67邪气盛则实,精气夺则虚。Predominance of pathogenic factors leads to excess while depletion of essence results in deficiency.68 正胜邪退,疾病趋向好转和痊愈When healthy qi triumphs over pathogenic factors, it will lead to improvement of or reco

40、very from an illness. 69 血虚是指血液不足或血的濡养功能减退的病理变化。Blood deficiency refers to a morbid state of blood insufficiency or hypofunction of blood to nourish.70气滞血瘀是由于气的运行不畅而导致的血运障碍。Blood stasis with qi stagnation means that unsmooth flow of qi leads to disturbance of blood circulation. 71局部病变可以影响及全身、内脏的病变,可

41、以从各个方面放映出来。Local pathological changes may involve the whole body and the viscera, which can be manifested in various aspects. 72.四诊的方法是在长期的医疗实践中逐步形成和发展起来的。The four diagnostic methods were developed gradually in the long-term medical practice. 73.假神是垂危病人出现精神暂时好转的假象。“False vitality” is a false manifes

42、tation of temporary vitality during the critical stage of a disease.74常色指人在正常生理状态时的面部色泽。Normal complexion refers to the facial colors under physiological conditions. 75在临床应用中,只有四诊合参才能得到正确的诊断。Clinically, only combined use of the four diagnostic methods can enable one to perform the correct diagnosis.

43、 76疾病的表现尽管极其复杂,但基本上都可用八纲加以归纳。The manifestations of a disease, though complicated, can be generalized into a certain pattern in the light of the eight principles. 77热证是感受热邪、或阳盛阴虚,人体的机能活动亢进所表现的证候。Heat syndrome, characterized by hyperactivity of human functions, is caused by invasion of pathogenic heat

44、 or predominance of yang with decline of yin. 78虚症是对人体正气虚弱各种临床表现的病理概括。Deficiency syndrome is a pathological generalization of various manifestations due to deficiency of healthy qi. 79实证是对人体感受外邪,或体内病理产物蓄积而产生的各种临床表现的病理概括。Excess syndrome is a pathological generalization of various manifestations cause

45、d by exogenous pathogens or accumulation of pathological substances in the body. 80真阴不足与真阳不足就是肾阴不足与肾阳不足。Deficiency of genuine yin or yang refers to insufficiency of kidney yin or yang. 81植物药根据入药部分的不同,采集季节和方法也不同。The seasons and methods of collecting herbs vary with the parts used for medicinal purpos

46、e of the herbal plants. 82寒性药物具有清热、泻火、解毒的作用。Cold-natured herbs have the functions of clearing away heat, purging fire, and removing toxin. 83热性药物具有祛寒、温里、助阳的作用。Hot-natured herbs have the functions of expelling coldness, warming the interior and invigorating yang.84辛味药多有发散和行气血的作用。Herbs pungent in flav

47、or have the functions of dispersing and promoting flow of qi and blood. 85毒性剧烈的药物用量过多就会发生副作用或中毒。Overuse of herbs with acute toxicity will cause side-effects or intoxication. 86方剂学是研究药物的配伍关系、组成规律、临床应用和复方药理的一门科学。The science of prescription aims to study the combination of herbs, formulating rule of di

48、fferent herbs in a prescription, and clinical application and pharmacology of the compound prescription.87方剂组成发生变化后,其功用和主治也发生变化。The function and indication of a prescription vary with the modification of its component herbs. 88在主证不变的情况下,可随着症状的变化加入或减少某些药物以适应当前的病情。Some herbs can be added or deducted a

49、ccording to the changes of symptoms as the main syndrome is unchanged. 89凡是以辛散发表的药物为主组成,用以治疗表证的方剂称为解表剂。Those (prescriptions) that are mainly composed of pungent herbs with the function of dispersing exterior pathogens in treatment of exterior syndrome are called exterior syndrome-relieving prescript

50、ion,90祛风方中所用药物多性温、苦、燥、升阳。The herbs used in wind-expelling prescriptions are mostly bitter in flavor, warm and dry in property, and yang-lifting in function. 91针灸疗法在临床上的应用源远流长。The therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion has a long history in clinical practice. 93常用的进针手法主要分为单手进针法和双手进针法。The common needl

51、e-inserting methods are classified as single-handed insertion and double-handed insertion.94捻转法指针刺入一定深度后,将针向前向后来回旋转捻动的方法。The rotating technique refers to the manipulation of twisting the needle to and fro after inserting it into a certain depth. 95平补平泻指进针后均匀地提插捻转,得气后出针。Even reinforcing-reducing tech

52、nique refers to the manipulation of lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating of the needle with moderate force and even frequency after inserting it, and then withdrawing it after the arrival of qi. 96灸治疗法一般使用于虚证、寒证和阴证的疾病。The therapy of moxibustion is usually applicable to the treatment of deficien

53、cy, cold and yin syndromes. 简 答 题1. What is traditional Chinese medicine?Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with a history of thousands years, unique and integrated theoretical system, rich practical experience and good clinical effect, has been making great contribution to Chinese peoples health c

54、are and the development of Chinese nation, it is a summary of the Chinese peoples experience in their struggle against diseases.2. Do you know what the characteristics of TCM?The characteristics of TCM is concept of holism and treatment based on Syndrome differentiation.3 How do you understand the t

55、heory of yin and yang.Yin and yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomena in nature. Yin yang oppose each other. Yin and yang depend on each other. Yin and yang wane and wax between each other. Yin and yang transform between each other. Th

56、e theory of yin and yang permeates through all aspects of theoretical system of TCM, it serves to explain the organic structure, physiological function and pathological changes of the human body, and in addition guides clinical diagnosis and treatment.4 Please tell the order of restriction of the fi

57、ve elementsRestriction implies bringing under control or restraint. The restricting activity among the five elements follows a circular order: wood restricts earth, earth restricts water, water restrict fire, fire restricts mental, and mental in turn restricts wood. In this circular order, each of the five elements is marked by “being restricted” and “r


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