Unit 10 Can you play the guitar重难点解析(1)_第1页
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1、Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?重难点解析(1)单词1clubklQbn俱乐部,社团引申club也指扑克中的梅花纸牌,clubhouse更衣室。2dancedB:nsn& v跳舞引申dancer舞蹈演员;ballet芭蕾舞。3chesstFesn国际象棋4JapanesedVApE'ni:zadj日本的n日语,日本人记忆法Japan + ese,联系Chinese,Portuguese等词记忆。5joindVRinv连接:join the pieces together 将片段接合起来;参加,加入考点join in 参加,加入:He joined

2、 in the army他参军了。join up连接起来,联合起来。join hands with 与握手:I joined hands with her我同她握手。6music'mju:zikn音乐:He is a lover of pop music他是个流行音乐迷。乐谱,乐曲:Can you read music?你识乐谱吗?记忆法与musical(adj音乐的,爱好音乐的),musician(n音乐家)一起记忆。考点enjoy music欣赏音乐;compose music作曲;play a piece of music 演奏一支曲子。music是不可数名词,一般前面不用冠词;

3、若跟定冠词则表特指:I don't like the music of the film我不喜欢这部电影的音乐。引申classical music 古典音乐;rock摇滚乐;jazz爵士乐;Waltz华尔兹;tango探戈。7paintpeintn油漆,涂料:Fresh(wet)paint!油漆未干!v粉刷,油漆:He was painting the wall他正在油漆墙壁。(用颜料等)绘,画:paint a portrait画一幅像;(逼真地,生动地)描写,描绘:paint a scene 描写一个场面记忆法pain(痛苦)+t。考点to paint sth+adj把某物漆成某种颜

4、色:He painted the wall pink他把墙漆成了粉红色。to paint in sth用绘画:She likes to paint in both oils and watercolours她既喜欢画油画,又喜欢画水彩画。引申painter n绘画者,(油)画家;painting n油画,水彩画。8pianopi'AnEun钢琴:play the piano弹钢琴考点Piano的复数为pianos与其类似的还有photo(plphotos)。引申pianist钢琴家。9singsiNv唱,歌唱考点sing sbsth:Will you sing us a song?你给

5、我们唱首歌好吗?sing high praise of高度赞扬:We sang high praise of his ability我们高度赞扬他的能力。引申singersiNE n歌手,歌唱家。10speakspi:kv说话,讲话;讲,说(某种语言)考点speak about 谈论;speak to 跟说话;speaking of 说起,谈到:Speaking of school,how was your examination?说起学习,你考得怎样?speak in:He speaks in English他用英语说话。speak out大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说。speak for one

6、self 为自己辩护,说自己的意见。引申speaker 演讲者,扩音器;English speaking countries 说英语的国家。11swimswimn游泳考点have a swim 游泳;go swimming 去游泳。引申swimming pool 游泳池;swimming costume 泳装;swimming trunks(男用)游泳裤。12drumdrQmn鼓:play the drums in a band 在乐队中打鼓13trumpet'trQmpitn小号;喇叭14festival'festEvln节日,喜庆日;表演会期,音乐节,戏剧节 基本

7、句型1Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar?你会弹钢琴、吹号、击鼓、或者弹吉他吗?(1)当询问对方能否干什么或对方会不会干什么时,用这一句型。这是一个一般疑问句,它的回答用Yes或No的简略答语。如:A:Can you spell the word?你能拼读一下这个单词吗?B:Yes,NAME name可以,NAME名字。A:Can you stand up?你能站起来吗?B:No,I can't,不,我不能。(亦可用更为客气的说法:Sorry,I can't)can的否定形式有两种:can not

8、can't(2)play译为“玩”,与不同的名词搭配,具有不同的含义。注意在表示乐器的名词前需加定冠词the,而在娱乐(游戏)或运动前不加the,如play cardsbasketballfootballvolleyballchesstable-tennis等。另外,play with表示“玩”。如:My baby is playing with his new toys我的孩子正在玩他的新玩具。但是“打篮球”和“踢足球”不能译为play with a basketballa football,应当译成play basketballfootball”。2Then you can be

9、in our school music festival你可以参加我们校音乐节。(1)be in = join,in在该句表示“成为的成员”,“参加”。(2)句中的can表示推测,表示“可能、也许、或许”。如:The news can be true这个消息可能是真的。(3)our“我们的”,形容词性物主代词,后接名词的单数或复数,表所属。如:our classroom 我们的教室 our rooms 我们的房间3Do you have an e-mail address?你有电子邮箱吗?e-mail是electronic和mail合成的缩词。electronic译为“电子的”,mail译为“

10、邮件”,合在一起译为“电子邮件”。 相似词辨析1a littlea little表示“一些,一点点”,修饰不可数名词,表示肯定意义。如:Don't worryWe have a little time不要着急,我们还有点时间。a little还可以修饰动词,如:I like it a little我有点喜欢它。a little与a lot相对。little表示“不多的,没有什么的”,也修饰不可数名词,表示不完全否定意义。如:Hurry up!We have little time left快点!我们没有什么时间了。另外,little还可以表示“小的”,如:a little b

11、oy,a little dog。含有亲切、可爱的感情色彩。2join与join in(1)join译为“加入某一种组织,成为其中一员”,join后面还可接表示人的名词或代词,表示加入到某人或某些人的行列中去。例如:My uncle joined the Party in 1978我叔叔是1978年入党的。We are going for a swimWill you come and join us?我们要去游泳,你和我们一起去好吗?(2)join in表示“加入”,“参与”某种活动,in之后可接名词或动词-ing形式,表示“参加某人的活动”,可以说join sbin(doing) sth。例

12、如:He joined them in the work他同他们一起工作。Will you join us in playing basketball?你跟我们一起打篮球好吗?Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?重难点解析(2)Sentences and Phrases (句型与词组)Grammar FocusCan you dance? No, I cant.Can you sing ? Yes, I can.Can he paint? No, he cant.Can she speak English? No, she cant.Can you speak En

13、glish? Yes, we can. 从以上句子可以观察出:情态动词can 没有人称的变化,并且其后跟动词原形。 本单元中can的意思: 能,会(表示一种能力)e.g. Tony cant dance but he can sing. 托尼不会跳舞,但是他会唱歌。I can swim but I cant swim very well. 我会游泳,但是游的不是很好。They can speak English and French. 他们能讲英语和法语。-What instruments(乐器) can you play? -你能弹什么乐器?-I can play the piano. -我

14、会弹钢琴。Sentences from the passage(重点句讲解) e.g. 例子 Can you play chess? - 你会下国际象棋吗? No, I cant. - 不,我不会。-Can you play the violin? - 你会弹小提琴吗?- Yes, I can. 是的,我会。-Can you play basketball? - 你会打篮球吗?- Yes, I can. 是的,我会。讲解:从以上例句中可以看出:弹奏乐器,该名词前要用“the”;而球类运动,前面则没有 “the”.e.g. 打排球 play volleyball踢足球 play soccer弹钢

15、琴 play the piano 弹吉他 play the guitar- What club do you want to join? -你们想加入什么俱乐部?- We want to join the chess club. -我们想加入国际象棋俱乐部。what +n. 什么e.g. -What animals do you like? -你喜欢什么动物?-I like elephants because they are clever. 我喜欢大象因为他们聪明。-What sports do you like? - 你喜欢什么体育运动?- I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。T

16、om can play the guitar but he cant play it very well. Tom会弹吉他,但是他弹得不是很好。 (本句中it 指的是:the guitar)Are you good with children? 你善于和孩子们相处吗?well adv. 用来修饰动词或形容词。good adj. 用来修饰名词或者和be动词连用e.g. Li Ming can dance very well. 李明跳舞跳得很好。He is a good student. 他是个好学生。Beidaihe kids summer camp needs help with: sport

17、s, music, computers-Can you help kids with swimming ? -Yes, I can.-你能帮助孩子们学习游泳吗? - 是的,我能。 need n. 需要. 需要当动词用时,如果后面跟动词,一般中间用to连接。aux. (情态动词)当情态动词用时,后面接动词原形,一般用在否定句中。e.g. There is no need for you to go. 你没有必要去。 (n.)The family needs money. 这个家庭需要钱。 (v.)Does he need to go so soon? 他这么快就要走吗? (v.)They nee

18、d not come. 他们不必来。 (aux.) help n. 帮助;助手v. 帮助help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某help (oneself) to 自用;用招待自己e.g.Thank you for your kind help.谢谢你好意相助。You're a good help to me.你是我的得力帮手。 (n.)David often helps me with my English. 大卫常常帮我学习英语。Maria often helps her mother do the housewor

19、k. (v.)玛丽亚经常帮助母亲做家务。Help yourself to the cookies. 请随便吃点点心吧。Come and join us. 来加入我们吧。(文中指的是加入夏令营) come v. 来come from : 来自于come on : 催促;快速运动。常用于祈使语气:e.g. Will you come to the party tomorrow? 你明天来参加派对吗?Kevin comes from Australia. 凯文来自于澳大利亚。 Would you please come on! We'll be late!请快一点吧!我们要晚了! join

20、v. 参加, 结合, 加入to join the Party 入党He joined the army at the age of fifteen. 他十五岁就参军了。Everyone joins in the game. 每个人都参加了游戏。Musicians wanted for school concert学校音乐会需要音乐家。Then maybe you can be in our school concert.那么也许你可以参加我们的学校音乐会。can为情态动词,后面跟动词原形,因此用be动词原形。Please talk to Zhang Heng for more informat

21、ion.想了解更多的信息,请联系张恒。information 为不可数名词a piece of information 一则信息information technology 信息技术talk with 和 谈话talk about: 谈论e.g. He is talking with his friends. 他在和朋友交谈。What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么呢?talk, tell, speak ,say这是一组近义词。1. speak和talk通常用作不及物动词,都有“说话”的意思。在会议上正式发言用speak,其名词为speech。注:speak在用作

22、及物动词时,其宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词2. 随便漫谈用talk,其名词亦为talk。3. say表示“说”,这是两个及物动词,可以跟直接引语或间接引语作为宾语,它们没有相应的名词。e.g.He speaks English very well. 他的英语说得很好。He didn't speak a word. 他一句话也没说。Human beings can talk, but animals can't. 人会说话,而动物却不会。He is telling an interesting story. 他在讲一个有趣的故事。 He said nothing. 他什么话也没说。Please call Liz at 790-4230. 请打电话790-4230联系莉斯。call sb. at (后面一般跟电话号码)We want two good musicians for our rock band.want sth. : 想要 ; 需要want to be : 想成为want to do : 想做e.g. They want good jobs. 他们想要好的工作。I want a bicycle for my birthday. 我生日的时候想要一辆自行车。I want to go to a mo


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