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1、高考英语常用动词词组攻略篇一、 add(1 If you add 5 to 5, you get 10.<把加到上面 >Five added to five is/makes 10.(2 This will add to our trouble.<增加 >The balloons added to the festival atmosphere.<增加 >(3 His whole school education added up to no more than one year.<加起来总共 >(4 Add up the numbers, an

2、d you will get 1155.<加 >(题组训练用与 add 相关的短语填空 :1、 The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather added _the helplessness of the crew at sea.2、 The numbers add _95.答案:1、 to 2、 up to二、 agree(1 agree on<就达成共识 >(2 agree to do sth.<同意做(某事 >agree to the plan/decision/arrangeme

3、nt<同意 >(3 I don't agree with you/what you said/your advice.<同意 >The climate here doesn't agree with me.<指食物、天气等适合某人 >Your story agrees with what I have already beard.<和一致 >(题组训练用与 agree 相关的短语填空 :3、 Mutton doesn't agree _ him.4、 The verb agrees _ its subject in num

4、ber and person.5、 We couldn't agree _ a date.答案:3、 with 4、 with 5、 on三、 break(1 I am sorry that I broke my promise<违背,违反 >break one's word/break the law/break the rule(2 His health broke .<(身体或精神垮了 >(3 He broke away from all his old friends.<断绝来往,脱离 >(4 I should break away

5、from such habits.<改掉(习惯 >(5 All our plans broke down. The peace talks have broken down.<(计划、谈判等失败 >Her health broke down under the pressure of work.(=become very bad <被搞垮,垮掉 >The telephone system has broken down.<(机器或车辆出故障;坏掉 >(6 The thieves planned to break into a bank.<闯

6、入,破门进入 >(7 The Second World War broke out in September 1939.<爆发 >(8 After midnight, the party broke up.<散(会 >(9 I broke up the candy and gave each child a small piece.<分开 >The police broke up the crowd.<分开,分散 >(10 broken English<鳖脚的英语 >(11 Our troops had little diffi

7、culty in breaking through the lines of the police.<突破 >(题组训练用与 break 相关的短语填空 :6、 News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken _ with no agreement reached.7、 Fire broke _ last night.8、 Sentences can be broken _ into clauses:9、 You've been working so hard for nearly a m

8、onth. Relax yourself,or you will break _sooner or later.10、 While we were watching TV, a voice broke _the programme to announce the election results.答案:6、 down 7、 out 8、 up9、 down 10、 into四、 bring(1 He brought about a quarrel between his parents.<引起,造成 >(2 She made every effort to bring about

9、a peaceful solution to the problem.<实现 >(3 Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches.<使倒下 >(4 bring down prices<降低价格 >(5 The sale brought in over$200.<赚得 >(6 Dirt often brings on disease.<引起 >The fine weather is bringing

10、 the crops on nicely.<使成长更快,使提高 >(7 Can you make a sentence to bring out the meaning of the phrase.<讲解清楚 >(8 Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma.<抚养 >(9 He was so ill that he brought up everything.<呕吐 >(10 This brought me into touch with various kinds of workers.

11、<(和各种名词连用 进入某 种状态 >(11 Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.<提出 >They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.<把提前,提早 >(题组训练用与 bring 相关的短语填空 :11、 The war in Iraq was _ by the American President Bush.12、 The work can _ $2000 a year.答案:11、 brought about 12、 bri

12、ng in五、 callThe trouble calls for quick action by the government.<要求 >(1 I will call for you at five o'clock.<来找某人 >(2 We called for the packages at the post office.<来取某物 >(3 I formed the habit of calling in on him in the evenings.<顺便拜访 >(4 Your father is ill, you should

13、call in a doctor at once.<找来,请来 >(5 People don't like being called names.<骂人 >(6 They've called off the game because of the thick fog.<取消 >(7 He called upon me to speak immediately after him<请/叫(某人做某事 >(8 I called on the people of this country to work hard for nationa

14、l unity.<号召 >(9 A notice displayed in the shop window called attention to the recent increase in prices.<引起的注意 >(10 The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths.<召集 >(11 call in at some place/call in on sb. /call back/call up/give sb. a c

15、all/make a call(a long distance call(题组训练用与 call 相关的短语填空 :13、 The situation calls _ immediate action.14、 The sound of happy laughter called _ memories of his childhood.15、 Could you call in _ Mum on your way home?答案:13、 for 14、 up 15、 on六、 carry(1 He had learned enough German to carry on a conversat

16、ion.<进行 >(2 One person should carry on where the other had left off.<进行下去 >(3 I was chosen to carry out our experiment.<执行,开展 >(4 He did not carry out his promise to us.<履行 >(5 After destroying the village, the enemy carried off all the cattle<抢走 >(6 The work is tough ,

17、 but it is the person to carry it through . (=to complete sth. successfully <顺利完成,顺利实现 >(题组训练用与 carry 相关的短语填空 :16、 They are trying to carry _ a new policy.17、 What a pity! They should have carried _ the.good business.18、 It's a good idea. But who's going to carry _ the plan? I think To

18、m and Greg will答案:16、 out 17、 on 18、 out七、 come(1 How come that you didn't get here in time?<(用于引申意义发生某情况 >(2 He came to realize that he was mistaken.<渐渐地(表示动作逐渐变化的过程 >(3 My dream has come true, <变成现实 >(4 He talked about his coming trip to the United States.<即将到来的 >(5 How

19、 did the accident come about?<发生,造成 >(6 I came across (came upon/ran across this book in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue.<无意中碰到,找到 >He came suddenly across an idea.<(无意中想到 >(7 He just asked me to come round for supper.<到这儿来 >(8 Come along! Arthur , we can't wait all

20、 day! <快点 >(9 Come along! Someone must know the answer to my question.<快说 >(10 This paper comes out every Friday.<出版 >(11 I think the roses will come out next week.<开花,发芽 >(12 I came out first in the examination.<考试结果;考第一名 >(13 The bill comes to $5.<总计 >(14 When i

21、t comes to mathematics, I know nothing about it.<谈到,涉及 >(15 The robbery did not come to light until the next day.<被发现,被大家知道 >(16 The question hasn't come up yet.<被提出 >(17 He came up with an idea.<提出 >(18 come to oneself<苏醒过来 >(19 come to an end<结束 >(20 come in

22、to effect(force <生效 >(21 come to a conclusion(decision <作出结论(决定 >(22 come into being(existence <开始存在、建立、产生 >(23 come into power<开始执政 >(题组训练根据句意完成句子 :19、 I'm as good a cook as she is except when it _(making pastry.我做饭做得和她一样好,就是不会做油酥馅饼。20、 The shock made her hesitate for a

23、moment but she quickly _ again.这一打击使她踌躇了片刻,但很快就又恢复正常了。21、 Can you tell me how the accident _ ?你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?答案:19、 comes to 20、 came to herself 21、 came about八、 care(1 I don't care what they say. I shall go on just the same.<在乎,在意 >(2 If you care to hear it, I will tell it to you.<愿意 &

24、gt;(3 Albert Einstein cared little for money. He was seen using a cheque for $1500 as a bookmark.<喜欢 >Would you care for a cup of coffee?(=Would you like.? <(礼貌用语你喜欢/要吗? >(4 He cared about money.<喜欢 >(5 The mother card for the sick child day and night<照顾,照料 >(6 The professor

25、said that he was interested only in research :he didn't care about his students.<关心 >(7 In this way we could give them timely medical care.<医疗护理 >九、 catch(1 catch fire(=to start burning <着火 >(2 catch one s breath<缓口气,歇口气 >(3 That car caught his eyes/attention.<引起注意 >

26、;(4 The police caught him stealing a car.(=to discover suddenly and by surprise especially when someone is doing something bad<撞见,突然发现 >(5 That style has never caught on in China.(=become popular <流行 >(6 He was caught in the rain.(=be stuck <被困扰 >Her skirt got caught in the door.(=

27、be hooked <被钩住 >(7 I suddenly caught sight of him in the crowd.<看见 >十、 clear(1 She made it clear that she would support Australia.<弄清楚,查明白,明确 >(2 After the storm the sky cleared .<晴朗起来 >(3 The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.<收走 >(4 How can we clear aw

28、ay, these doubts?<消除,清除 >(5 The weather has cleared up; we can go out.<晴朗起来,开朗起来 >(6 You'll have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.<整理,收拾 >十一、 compare(1 Car production rose by 25%, compared to/with the first 3 months of this year.<和相比 >(2 We know it w

29、as a small place, comparing to what it is now.<和相比 >Compare this with that, and you will see which is better.<把和相比 >(3 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.<把比作 >十二、 cover(1 They covered 12 miles yesterday.<走完(一段路程 >(2 How many pages have you covered ?<看完(多少页书 >(3

30、The city covered ten square miles.<占据(多大面积 >(4 The professor's talk covered the subject.<谈到,涉及 >(5 The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.<覆盖着 >(6 The best reporters were sent to cover the 27th Olympic Games.<报道,采访 >十三、 cut(1 cut off<切断;切下来 >(2 cut ou

31、t<戒掉,不吃,剪出 >(3 cut in<插嘴 >(4 cut up<切碎 >(5 a short cut<捷径 >(6 They want to cut down a large forest in this area.<砍倒 >(7 George is trying to cut his weight down .<消减,减少 >(8 The army was called in to cut through the fallen trees on the road.<锯断,剪断,凿穿 >十四、 deal

32、(1 I'd rather deal with a man than a woman. Women are sharp.<和打交道 >(2 I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort.<处理 >(3 This book deals with questions on politics.<论述,谈 >(4 What shop do you deal with?<和做买卖 >十五、 die(1 die of<死于(情感、饥寒、年老等原因 >,如:die of illness/

33、a fever/hunger/sadnessAs a result, many westerners die at an early age of heart disease.(2 die from<死于(间接原因 >,如:die from an accident/the polluted air/a bad habit(3 Ronny's steps had died away/down, and there was a moment of silence.<(指风、声、光消逝 >(4 The wind has died away/down again.<

34、;平息 >(5 It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 an average of one kind of living thing died out each year.<灭绝,不复存在 >(6 I'm dying for something to eat.(=have a strong desire for sth. <渴望 >(题组训练用与 die 有关的短语填空 :22、 The wild population of koalas is in danger of _ .23、 Do yo

35、u fancy a cup of tea? I'm _ thirst.24、 I am _ a cup of coffee.答案:22、 dying out 23、 dying of 24、 dying for十六、 do(1 I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English. No,you're doing fine.<(工作、学习、生活、生长等情况(好 >(2 I'm happy in my work in the garden. I'm doing well.W

36、ill it do if we let you have an answer by Friday?<行,够,合适,可以,凑合 >(3 Let's do up this room first.<整理,收拾 >(4 They tried to do away with slavery.<废除 >(5 Mary has done herself up for the party.<梳妆打扮 >(6 Please do up these books and post them for Mr. Smith.<包,扎,系,捆 >(7 do

37、 one s hair<做头发 >(8 do the room<打扫房间 >(9 do the bed<铺床 >(10 do wrong to sb.<使某人受委屈 >(11 do business<做生意 >, <做买卖 >(12 do right<做得好 >(13 do wrong<做错事,做坏事 >(14 have something/nothing/anything/a lot to do with<与有些/没有/有什么/有 很大关系 >(题组训练用与 do 有关的短语填空 :2

38、5、 _ your buttons!26、 He has nothing _ the case.27、 The school has _ the rules.28、 I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I'll have to _ without it.答案:25、 Do up 26、 to do with 27、 done away with 28、 do十七、 end(1 Even if none of this is true for us today, it is probable that one day we will e

39、nd up with a disability.<以告终 >(2 If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital.(3 <最后(有某种结局 ,最后(成了 >(4 The politician finally ended up his speech.<结束 >(5 We ended up the dinner with fruit and coffee.<以而结束 >(6 The match ended in a win for us.<以告终,结果 >(7

40、It rained for three days on end. (=continuously <连续地 >(8 We must put an end to this foolish behavior.<结束,制止 >(9 The meeting came to an end at last.<结束 >(题组训练用与 end 有关的短语填空 :29、 He _ his letter _ good wishes to the family.30、 The battle _ victory.31、 Their marriage _ divorce.答案:29、

41、ended (up , with 30、 ended in 31、 ended in十八、 fall(1 We can't afford to fall behind our competitors in using the new technology.<我们再也不能在使用新技术方面落后于我们的竞争对手了。 >(2 She has fallen in love with him/the dress.<她已经爱上他了/喜欢上了那条裙子。 >(3 Where does the plan fall down? (=fail or to be ineffective&

42、lt;失败,不起作用 >(4 This topic falls naturally into three sections.(=be divided into <被分成 >(5 I am quite happy to fail in with you/your suggestions.(=agree with or to <赞同 >十九、 fix(1 fix (on a time for sth.<约定时间干某事 >,如:Let's fix a time for discussion.They've fixed the time and

43、 date for the party.(2 fix one's eyes on<注视 >,如:He fixed his eyes on the clock.(3 fix one's attention on<注意 >(4 fix supper<做饭 >(5 fix tea<沏茶 >(6 fix the broken machine<修理,整理 >二十、 follow(1 You should follow the rules of the lab when you're doing experiments.&

44、lt;遵循,听从,依 照行事 >(2 The child follows her mother about all day long.<跟随 >(3 Follow this road until you get to the church.<沿着(走 >(4 May follows April.<接着发生,跟着到来 >(5 Do you follow what I'm saying?<听懂,理解 >二十一、 get(1 The operator finally got me through.<给接通电话 >(2 He h

45、as got through$1,000 in less than a year.<用完 >(3 John has got through the examination.<通过 >(4 I'll be with you as soon as I get through the work.<做完 >(5 The story has got round everybody knows about it.<消息 传开;走动,到处旅行 >(6 My work is getting along better now.<进展,进行 >(

46、7 She didn't get away until nine last night.<走开,离开 >(8 The bank robbers used a stolen car to get away.<逃走,跑 掉 >(9 Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my sadness.<摆脱 >(10 He got down and began to pray.<跪下,弯腰 >(11 Don't you think it's time we got down to

47、business?<开始认真做某事 >(12 At what time do you get off(from work?<下班 >(13 He used to be afraid of heights but he has got over that now.<克服,摆脱(某种情绪 >二十二、 give(1 He gave away most of his fortune to the poor.<送给,分发 >(2 They suspected(怀疑 that the secret had been given away by one of

48、their friends.<泄露 (机密 >(3 I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits.<恢复(健康,好情绪 >(4 He has given in to my views.<向让步,投降 >(5 The gas gave off an unpleasant smell.<散发出 >(6 He gave his life to the study of art.<把生命献给 >(7 Please give my regards/greeting./love/wi

49、shes/thanks to Miss Smith.<代向问好(表示喜欢、祝愿、谢意 >(8 The teacher gave out the examination papers.<散发,颁发 >(9 It was given out that the Prime Minister had died sudden1y.<宣布 >(10 After two days our food .gave out, and we had to return to the camp.<被用完 >(11 The swimmer gave out after t

50、en laps.<体力不支,耗尽 >(12 The cowboy gave out a yell.<发出(声音 >(13 I've given up smoking.<放弃,中止 >(14 Billy kept asking his mother if he could go to the movies and she finally gave way.<妥 协,屈从 >(题组训练用与 give 有关的短语填空 :32、 Smoking is bad for your health. Yes , I know. But I simply

51、can't give it _ .33、 Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may give _ the shocking ending. 34、 Cheap coal gives _ a lot of smoke.答案:32、 up 33、 away 34、 off二十三、 go(1 But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year, you will have to do more work and the r

52、esults will not be so good.<违背 >(2 How is everything going ?<进行,进展 > Things are going very well.(3 The black hair was going grey.<变得 >(4 That is to say, the doctor's been gone for two hours and thirteen minutes.<不在,走了 >(5 The engine went well.<运转 >(6 How does the ol

53、d saying go ?<怎么说的 >(7 If you think you can solve the problem, go ahead.<开始 (做某事 >(8 Go ahead, we're all listening.<开始(做某事 >(9 Work is going ahead.<进行,进展 >(10 May I start? Yes , go ahead.<表同意 >(11 News of the plane crash went around like wildlife.<传开 >(12 Time

54、 went by quickly.<过去,经过 >(13 Shares have gone down again by ten points.<(价格等下跌, (温度等下降 >(14 She had no time to go deeply into the matter just then.<调查,了解,研究 >(15 What is going on out there?<发生, (活动进行 >(16 Why not buy some English tapes and some books to go with them?<相配,和交

55、朋友 >(17 When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two, they begin to feel bad.<不吃,不用 >(18 Let me have a go at fixing it.<试一试 >(19 My family goes back 300 years, while his family goes back to the 15th century.<追溯;从过去某个时候延续至今 >(20 He always likes to go bac

56、k to his younger days.<回顾 >(21 Go over your work before you hand it in.<仔细检查,反复研究,仔细琢磨 >(22 He doesn't go in for team games.<对某事感兴趣,爱好 >(23 go out<出去,出国; (灯火熄灭; (衣着式样等不时兴 >(题组训练用与 go 有关的短语填空:35、 Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to g

57、o _ .36、 lf you had gone _ your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.37、 As time goes _ , my memory seems to get worse.答案:35、 out 36、 over 37、 by/on二十四、 hand(1 When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.<在手边,在跟前 >(2 The examinations are at han

58、d.<就要到来了,不远了 >(3 My shoes were made by hand.<手工做的 >(4 Could you give me a hand with this parcel?<帮一下忙 >(5 This custom has been handed down since the 18th century.<传下来,传给 >(6 The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.<发,散发 >(7 The thief was handed o

59、ver to the police.<移交 >(8 on (the one hand., on the other(hand <一方面,另一方面 >(9 hand in<上交 >(题组训练用适当的介词填空 :38、 I am resigning as chairman and handing _ to my deputy.39、 Don't worry, for help is _ hand!40、 He was handing _ leaflets(传单 to members of the audience.答案:38、 over 39、 at 4

60、0、 out二十五、 hold(1 She held back, not knowing what to do or say.<犹豫不决 >(2 Don't hold anything back , you must tell me everything.<隐瞒,不公布 >(3 If they hadn't held him back , he would have beaten you.<阻碍,阻止 >(4 I made my choice and I will hold on to the end.<坚持(下去 >(5 You should hold on to your oil share.<不送或不卖(某物 >(6 He asked me to hold on while he left the telephone to find a pencil.<别挂(电话 >(7 Could he hold out in spite of the difficulty?<坚持(抵抗 ,顶住(压力 >(8 The pupil held up


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