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1、ObjectivesPart I Video Starter Part II Text APart III Text BPart IV Additional Theme-Related ActivitiesObjectivesFrom studying this unit, students are expected tolearn about Beethovens passion and love for music, know how his masterpiece “Moonlight Sonata” was created (Text A) and become familiar wi

2、th the story about Julio Iglesias and his father (Text B);master certain useful sentence structures (e.g. “as if” and adjective as adverbial of accompaniment) as well as the words and expressions that the exercises following Text A focus on;1)2)understand how to make compound adjectives both in the

3、form of adj-n-ed and in the form of n-v-ing;and talk about how music affects our life.3)4)Video Starter To begin, well watch a video clip and try to grasp its message. Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first maybe helpful.background musicBeethoven /beItUVn/Moonlight Sonataan

4、ecdote /QnIkdut/ n.go onlinemasterpiece /mAstpIs/ n.背景音乐贝多芬(17701827,德国作曲家)月光奏鸣曲轶事,故事上网杰作肯定地柏辽兹(18031869,法国作曲家、指挥家和音乐评论家)散发激情灵感(音乐)创作印象鼓舞,激励理解definitely /defInItlI/ ad.Berlioz /berlIUz/radiate /reIdIeIt/ vt.passion /pQSn/ n.inspiration /InspreISn/ position /kmpzISn/ n.impression /ImpreSn/ n.inspire

5、/InspaI/ vt.figure outHi Class, As you can hear, I have background music playing here. Listen carefully. Does it sound familiar to you? (Pause.) What is it called? (Pause.) Who wrote it? (Pause.) If youre thinking Beethoven, youre right! Yes, Beethovens “Moonlight Sonata” has led us into Unit Six, w

6、hich deals with an anecdote particularly popular at the end of 19th century. It is a story about how the famous sonata came to be. If you go online to look up information about the “Moonlight Sonata,” you wont be disappointed. It is definitely a musical masterpiece. Berlioz once wrote that it “is on

7、e of those poems that human language does not know how to qualify.”Video script: The story behind it radiates passion, inspiration and love. Beethovens love of beauty, passion for his work, and the resulting inspiration of his composition will leave a deep impression on you. I cant help but believe

8、youll be inspired by the story. Aside from appreciating the glorious music itself and the story of its creation, here the most important thing is for you to figure out the storys main message. What do you learn from the story? What does its message mean to you?background music: sounds that you can h

9、ear in the distance, apart from the main sounds that you are hearing or listening to 背景音乐e.g. It has been reported that people work more efficiently in the workplace with background music playing. 据报道,人们在有背景音乐的工作场所工作效率更高。Moonlight Sonata: 月光奏鸣曲e.g. He has told many amusing anecdotes about his life i

10、n Japan. 他讲了许多关于他在日本生活的轶事。anecdote: a short story based on ones personal experience 轶事,故事e.g. Ill just go online and look up her address. 我正要上网查她的地址。go online: 上网definitely: certainly 肯定地e.g. According to the data, we can definitely say that pollution is increasing. 根据数据我们能肯定地说污染在不断扩大。masterpiece: g

11、reatest piece of work 杰作e.g. Adam Smiths masterpiece The Wealth of Nations was written in the 18th century. 亚当斯密的杰作国富论创作于18世纪。radiates: to clearly show a quality or feeling in your appearance or behaviour 散发e.g. The sun radiates both warmth and light. 太阳散发出光和热。passion: an intense liking, attraction

12、or affinity for sb. or sth. 激情e.g. ones passion for football 对足球的激情All the passion in their marriage has died. 他们婚姻中的所有激情都荡然无存。inspiration: sb. or sth. that triggers a deep-felt experience in you and/or motivates you to do sth. of significance 灵感e.g. The golden autumn sunlight provided the inspirati

13、on for the painting. 金秋的阳光为绘画提供了灵感。composition: a piece of music, a poem, or a piece of writing (音乐)创作e.g. At music school I studied piano and composition. 我在音乐学校学习钢琴和作曲。e.g. My first impression of England was of a grey and rainy place. 我对英格兰的第一印象是:这是一个灰蒙蒙且多雨的地方。impression: the opinion or feeling yo

14、u have about sb. or sth. because of the way they seem 印象e.g. His confident leadership inspired his followers. 他充满信心的领导才能鼓舞了他的追随者。inspired: to encourage profoundly 鼓舞e.g. I find him really odd I cant figure him out at all. 我觉得他确实有点怪我完全无法理解他。figure out: to understand 理解Ask the students the following q

15、uestions after watching and listening, if theres enough time.1) Who wrote the music you heard just now?Beethoven.2) What is the name of the composition?“Moonlight Sonata”.3) What do you expect Text A (below) in this unit will be about?According to the video, it will be about how the “Moonlight Sonat

16、a” came to be.4) What did Berlioz think of the “Moonlight Sonata”?He thought it “is one of those poems that human language does not know how to qualify.”5) What does the story radiate?The story radiates passion, inspiration and love.Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter, you

17、can ask some of them to dub (配音配音) the video, if time permits. Correct their errors in pronunciation and intonation.Beethoven and His “Moonlight Sonata”Notes Text AReading AloudUnderstanding the TextNew Words and Phrases to LearnStructureWord Building1) What do you know about Beethoven?Ludwig van Be

18、ethoven (17701827) was a German composer, the predominant musician in the transitional period between the Classical and the Romantic eras. Hes widely regarded as the greatest composer who ever lived.Questions About the TitleQuestions About the Title2) Besides Beethoven, can you name some other well-

19、known musicians in the world?Mozart (17561791) was an Austrian composer, also one of the most famous and admired classical musicians who ever lived. His many works include 41 symphonies, 27 piano concertos, and some of the most famous operas ever written, including Don Giovanni and The Magic Flute.B

20、ach (1685-1750) was also a German musician, one of the most famous and admired European composers. He is especially famous for his organ music and his religious choral music, which is typical of the baroque style.Beethoven and His “Moonlight Sonata” Celik Kayalar The big mans fingers slid from the p

21、iano keys. He sat motionless for a moment with a look of dull sorrow on his face. His broad shoulders sloped forward. He suddenly seemed to look many years older than he was; he was a young man. Then the man, Ludwig van Beethoven, struck the white keys fiercely with the flat of his hand. The piano s

22、hook with the force of the blow. He grasped his ears as if in anger.Paras 1-2 of Text A Beethoven, the great musician, was slowly becoming deaf! With each passing month he heard less and less. Some days he could hear quite well, but his hearing improved for a day or two only to become worse than bef

23、ore. With his face wrinkled with anger, Beethoven threw on his coat. Rapidly he went down the stairs, slammed the door, and began to walk he knew not where. The sun was going down and in the cool of early evening some of the great musicians rage began to leave him. He was even a little ashamed of th

24、e way he had swept out of the house.Paras 3-4 of Text A1) Why didnt the author mention Beethovens name until the second paragraph?To attract the readers attention by creating suspense.Questions About These Paragraphs1) What was happening to him?He was slowly becoming deaf.Questions About These Parag

25、raphs2) What kind of emotion did Beethoven have?He was angry; at the same time, he was also a little bit ashamed.Chinese VersionParas 1-2 of Text A伟人的手指滑过琴键。他坐着一动不动,脸上带着一丝隐约的忧伤。宽阔的双肩向前耸着。他突然看上去比实际年龄老了许多;但他是个年轻人。此人正是路德维希凡贝多芬,他用手掌猛烈地敲打白色的琴键,这一击的力量使钢琴颤抖。他抓住双耳,好像非常愤怒。Chinese Version伟大的音乐家贝多芬正慢慢地变成聋子!每过一

26、个月,他听见的声音就少一点。有些日子,他能听得很清楚,但是他的听力好了一两天后,接着只会比以前更糟糕。因为发火,他脸上布满了皱纹。他甩手穿上外套,迅速走下楼梯,砰地把门关上,开始漫无目的地走着。太阳正在落山,在傍晚的丝丝凉意中,这位伟大的音乐家的怒气开始离他远去。他甚至对自己那样急速离家感到有点羞愧。Paras 3-4 of Text Aslide: vi. (slid, slid) to move along a smooth surface 滑行;滑动e.g. He slid across the ice. 他在冰上滑行。sorrow: n. 悲痛,悲伤e.g. We shared all

27、 of our familys joys and sorrows. 我们分享家里所有的快乐和悲伤。Six weeks later we heard, to our great sorrow, that he had died. 让我们感到非常悲痛的是,六周之后我们听说他已过世。slope: vi. 倾斜e.g. a sloping roof 斜的屋顶The garden sloped down gradually towards the sea. 花园朝大海方向渐渐地倾斜。grasp: vt. to take and hold (sth.) firmly 抓住,握紧e.g. I grasped

28、 his arm firmly and led him away. 我紧紧地抓住他的手臂,带他离开。Grasp the rope with both hands. 用双手拉住绳子。in anger: 愤怒地e.g. “Its a lie!” he shouted in anger. “这是个谎言!”他愤怒地高喊。only to: used to describe when someone has done sth. with a specific goal in mind yet the result has ended up far from the intent, sometimes le

29、ading to disappointment and/or surprisee.g. I arrived only to find that the others had already left. 我到达时,失望地发现其他人早已离开。musician: n. 音乐家e.g. She is one of our most talented young musicians.她是我们中间最有才华的年轻音乐家之一。wrinkle: v. 使起皱纹;起皱纹 n. 皱纹e.g. His brow wrinkled when he saw us. 当他看见我们时,他眉头皱了起来。My blue jack

30、et wrinkles too easily. 我的蓝色夹克衫非常容易起皱。Her face was old and covered in wrinkles. 她的脸显出老态,布满皱纹。anti-wrinkle cream 抗皱霜threw on: 匆匆穿上go down: (sun, moon) to descend until you cannot see it any more 下去;沿着下去e.g. The sun went down as we finished working in the field. 当我们干完地里的农活时,太阳落山了。slam: vt. to shut for

31、cefully and loudly 使劲关,砰地关上(门等)e.g. We heard a car door slam. 我们听到汽车的车门砰地关上了。Jane marched out of the room slamming the door behind her. 珍妮大步走出房间,砰地一声把门甩在身后。Soon Beethoven found himself at the edge of the city. The sun had fallen behind the rooftops and the summer sky had become a deep blue. Already,

32、 as he raised his eyes he saw the twinkle of an early star. His anger with himself withered away. He walked toward a small inn to buy his supper. The innkeeper led him to a table in the little garden at the rear of the old building.Para. 5 of Text AAs Beethoven ate his dinner a beautiful full moon r

33、ose. Its silver light spilled into the garden and began to color the room with its magic and mystery. Beethoven ate slowly. Soon he was the only one remaining in the silent, almost breathless, moon-washed garden.The innkeeper brought the great musician a second cup of coffee. He paid for his meal. T

34、hen he sat for a long time watching the moonlight weaving its slow way across the grass, the tabletops.It was almost music!Paras 6-8 of Text A2) What impressed Beethoven while he was having supper at the small inn?1) Where did Beethoven buy his supper?He bought it at a small inn.The beautiful moonli

35、ght that washed the garden.Questions About These ParagraphsQuestions About These Paragraphs1) What did Beethoven associate the beautiful scene with?He associated it with music.Chinese VersionPara.5 of Text A不一会儿,贝多芬发现自己走到了城郊。太阳已经落在屋顶的后面,夏日的天空变成深蓝色。他抬起头,看见一颗初升的星星在闪烁。他的怒气渐渐消退。他走到一家小旅店去买晚饭。店主把他引到老房子后面小

36、花园里的桌子边。Chinese Version贝多芬吃晚饭时,一轮美丽的满月升了起来。银色的月光泻入花园,开始用其魔力和神秘为房间着色。贝多芬慢慢地吃着饭。不久,月光如水的花园里只剩下他独自一人,四周一片静寂,静得没有一丝风。小店老板给伟大的音乐家送来第二杯咖啡。他付了饭钱,然后在那里坐了很长时间,注视着月光缓缓地穿过草地和桌面。这几乎就是音乐!Paras 6-8 of Text Awither away: to become weaker and stop existing 衰退;消失e.g. The grass has withered away in the fields. 田里的草已枯

37、萎。The flowers in the garden have withered away. 花园里的鲜花已经凋谢。e.g. The inn opens for lunch on the weekends starting in mid-May. 从五月中旬开始,酒店在周末供应午餐。One afternoon I went to a country inn for tea. 一天下午我去一家乡村小店喝茶。inn: n. 小旅馆;小酒店at the rear of: at the back part of (an object, vehicle, building, etc.) 在后部;在后面

38、e.g. a garden at the rear of the house 屋后的花园Passengers for Paris should sit at the rear of the train. 去巴黎的旅客应该坐在火车的后部。e.g. Ive spilled coffee all down my shirt! 我把咖啡洒到了衬衫上!The ship was sunk in a bomb attack, spilling 60,000 gallons of oil into the sea. 船在炸弹袭击中沉没,把六万加仑的石油泻入大海。spill: vi. (spilled/spil

39、t, spilled/spilt) to flow over the edge of a container and spread onto the surrouding area 溢出;洒落;散落Spill into:(光)洒入magic: n. 魔力,魅力 a. 有魔力的;使人着魔的e.g. Mary clapped her hands and the cats disappeared as if by magic.玛丽拍了拍手,猫神奇地消失了。His best magic trick is sawing a lady in half. 他最拿手的魔法是把女士锯成两段。mystery: n

40、. 神秘(性)e.g. Its a mystery to me how she got the job.她如何得到这份工作对我来说是个谜。Scientists continue to explore the mysteries of human genes. 科学家们继续探索人类基因的奥秘。magic and mystery: This is an example of alliteration, one particular rhetoric device. Alliteration refers to the use of words beginning with the same or

41、similar consonants (辅音), in two or more words that occur close together, to achieve a poetic or literary effect.e.g. The river weaved across the plain, towards the sea. 河流迂回穿过平原,流入大海。weave: vi. (wove/weaved, woven/weaved) to move along by turning and changing direction a lot 迂回行进,穿行Beethovens hand s

42、lid into coat pocket and came out with a piece of paper. With his other hand he began to search for a pencil. When he found it he began quickly to write some of his wonderful music in the dancing light of the candle.Minutes grew into hours as Beethoven muttered to himself. He wrote the notes for his

43、 music, bit the end of his pencil, and wrote again on and on.Suddenly he pulled himself to his feet. “A piano,” he exclaimed, “I must have a piano.” Quickly he walked from the garden and into the small inn. No one answered his call.Paras 9-11 of Text A2) What do we learn about Beethoven from the aut

44、hors description of the composition of his wonderful music?1) What did he need while he was writing his music?He wanted a piano.He had a great passion for music.Questions About These ParagraphsChinese Version贝多芬的手滑进外套口袋,拿出一张纸。另一只手开始找铅笔。摸到铅笔后,在闪烁的烛光中,他迅速开始谱写美妙的音乐。当贝多芬喃喃自语时,时间变得飞快。他谱写着曲子,咬着铅笔头,然后再写一遍又

45、一遍。突然他站了起来。“钢琴,”他大声说道,“我需要钢琴。”他从花园快步地走进小旅店。没有人应答。Paras 9-11 of Text Asearch for: to try to find (sb. or sth.) by looking very carefully 寻找,寻求e.g. The policemen are searching the yard for clues. 警察正在搜查院子,寻找线索。People are still searching for survivors from the ship. 人们仍在搜寻沉船的幸存者。grow into: to develop a

46、nd become (a particular kind of person or thing) 长成为,发展为e.g. Susan grew into a lovely young woman. 苏珊长成了一位可爱的年轻女子。Soon the excitement grew into something unpleasant. 不久兴奋变成了不快。muttered to himself: 喃喃自语Beethoven made his way into the small sitting room and lighted a lamp. Yes, there was a piano there

47、 and a young girl who had been sitting at the window as if drinking in the beautiful light of the full moon. She turned toward Beethoven, but did not seem startled by his loud steps. “May I play your piano?” he asked, and sat down at the keys without waiting for an answer.The old, out-of-tune piano

48、seemed to come to life at Beethovens magic touch. And as the master played, his liquid music began to melt into the silver and silence of the night. It was breathtaking!Paras 12-14 of Text A2) Whom did he meet in the small sitting room?1) Where did he find a piano?In a small sitting room at the inn.

49、A young girl.Questions About These Paragraphs3) What words were used to describe his newly-written music?Magic, liquid, melting into the silver and silence of the night, breathtaking.Chinese VersionParas 12-14 of Text A贝多芬走进一间小的起居室,点亮了油灯。太棒了,眼前立着一架钢琴一位年轻女子坐在窗边,好像是陶醉在满月的美丽月色里。她转向贝多芬,但吵闹的脚步声似乎并没有使她吃惊。

50、“我可以弹你的钢琴吗?”他问道。没等回答,他就坐到了琴边。贝多芬一碰琴键,破旧的、跑调的钢琴似乎魔术般地获得了生命。大师弹奏着,流水般的音乐开始融入银色的寂静的夜晚。太激动人心了!make ones way: to move towards sth. 前进,行进e.g. The students slowly made their way back to the bus after their field trip. 考察旅行结束后,学生们慢慢回到大巴上。drinking in:(如饥似渴地)吸取,陶醉于startle: vt. to make (sb.) suddenly surprised

51、 or slightly shocked 使吃惊;使吓一跳e.g. The noise startled him, and he dropped his glass on the floor. 喧闹声使他大吃一惊,手中的杯子掉到了地板上。You startled me! I didnt hear you come in. 你吓到我了!我没有听到你进来。come to life: to start to act or move as if alive 苏醒过来,开始有生气e.g. Everything came to life in the summer with the warm weathe

52、r and long days. 夏天天气转暖,白天时间增长,万物复苏。The game really came to life in the second half. 下半场比赛有了生气。liquid: n. 液体e.g. Cook the rice until all the liquid has been absorbed. 把饭煮到水收干为止。melt into: to gradually change into or merge with sth. else 化为e.g. Her anger melted into pity. 她的愤怒变成同情。The crowd left the

53、square and melted into the darkness. 人群离开了广场,消失在夜色中。silver and silence of the night: This is an example of alliteration: notice the repetition of the “s” sound.breath-taking: The formation of this word occurs like this: n.+v-ing adj. Note this structure in the “Word Building” section after the text;

54、 some exercises are given for practice.The great man played with power, then suddenly came to a stop. His face grew as hard and as cold as marble, and, with an ache in his heart, he got to his feet. He could not hear his own magic music! His hearing, growing worse, was very poor that night.Bitterly

55、he pressed his ears. For a moment his uncertain hearing returned. He heard someone in the room who sobbed, and turned to find the young girl at the window in tears.Paras 15-16 of Text A“Did I frighten you, my dear?” Beethoven asked.After a moment she turned tear-filled eyes to him. “Oh, no!” she sai

56、d softly. “It was just that your music was so lovely like liquid moonlight. It was so beautiful that it made me see and feel the silver moon once again.”Paras 17-18 of Text A1) Why did Beethoven suddenly stop playing his music?Because he couldnt hear his own music.Questions about These Paragraph1) W

57、hat did the young girl say about Beethovens music?His music was so lovely and beautiful that it made her see and feel the silver moon once again.Questions about These ParagraphChinese VersionParas 15-16 of Text A伟人奋力弹奏,突然音乐嘎然而止。他的脸变得像大理石一样僵硬、冷酷。他心痛地站了起来,他无法听见自己奇妙的音乐!他的听力一天比一天弱,而那天晚上尤其糟糕。他痛苦地压着耳朵。一会儿

58、,不稳定的听觉又恢复了。他听到有人在房间里啜泣。他转身,发现那位年轻女子坐在窗边,眼里含着泪水。Chinese VersionParas 17-18 of Text A“亲爱的,我吓着你了吗?”贝多芬问道。过了一会儿,她满含泪水的眼睛转向他。“噢,没有!”她温柔地说。“只是你的音乐太动人了像流动的月光。你的音乐太美了,让我再次看见和感受到银色的月亮。come to a stop: to stop happening or moving 停止e.g. The bus came to a stop outside the school. 汽车在学校外面突然停了下来。The construction

59、 of the building came to a stop because of the fire. 由于火灾,大楼停止建造了。get to ones feet: to stand up after having been seated 站起来e.g. John got to his feet and ran towards the door. 约翰站起身,朝门口奔去。uncertain: a. changeable; not sure 无常的,易变的; 不确定的e.g. He was uncertain how much further he could walk. 他不确定他还能走多远

60、。I was uncertain about what to do next. 我不确定下一步要做什么。sob: v. to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts 啜泣e.g. “Please dont leave me,” he sobbed.“请你不要离开我,”他哭着说。tear-filled: The formation of the word is like this: n.+ V-edadj.Silently Beethoven rose, glad for the moment that he could hear.


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