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1、Lesson 5Id Rather Re Black than Female(by Shirley Chisholm)Which one do you want to be, if Which one do you want to be, if you have to choose oneyou have to choose one? ?2021-12-21Background Womens liberation 妇女解放运动 the first wave, 18th through early 20th centuries -suffrage(政治性选举的)选举权, 投票权; The sec

2、ond wave (1950s-1980s)-gender inequality in laws and culture, as well as politics; The third wave of feminism (1990s-current) gender equality in a variety of areas. Feminism 女权主义 patriarchy 男/父权主义 Feminist 女权主义者 feminist movementWords and Expressions ambassadorial ambassador 大使 Embassy 大使馆 美国驻华大使: U

3、.S. Ambassador to China British Consul General 英国总领事 Council 理事会 British Consulate 英国领事馆 Assembly 1. a group of people who have been elected regularly and make decision or laws for a particular region or country. state assemblies 州众议院 federal/local assemblies 联邦、地方议会2. the meeting together of a grou

4、p of people for a particular purpose; a group of people who meet together for a particular purpose assemble 组装 disassemble 拆解 Convention 1.= conference 大会 2. eg. social convention 社会习俗,常规,惯例 conventional approach 传统方法,常规方法 traditional approach好处 优点 长处 Advantage Merit Benefit Strong points virtue Str

5、ength缺点 不利 短处 Disadvantage demerit Drawback Shortcomings Defect weakness2021-12-21 empathy : the ability to understand another persons feelings, experience, etc. 同感,共鸣,同情。 The mother feels empathy with her son. 母亲觉得她和儿子情感是相通的 empathize with sb/sth Sympathy 同情 慰问 for In sympathy with 同情;赞成 . homemake

6、rBread-winner2021-12-21 adj. inferior to vs superior to n. =subordinate super-ordinate social inferiority 社会地位地下 a sense of inferiority 自卑感 masculine 男子汉的,男子气概的 feminine 女性的, feminism 女性主义 9. predominate : to outnumber (数量上+ over /in)占优势; to have the most influence or importance (+ over sth/sb)占主导地位

7、,有最大影响. 我们班以女生为主 Female students predominate in our class. Predominant culture a predominance of female students in our class 4. sit-in: 静坐罢工/示威 to hold a sit-in to stage a sit-in举行,举办,stage a strike suppress suppression depress depression 1. put an end by force to a group or an activity that is bel

8、ieved to threaten authority 镇压,平定The rebellion was brutally suppressed. 2. to prevent sth from growing, developing or continuing 压制,阻止,抑制 These drugs can suppress your appetite. Tokenism (token n. ; adj. ) Token: n. a round piece of metal or plastic coin used instead of money to operate some machine

9、s or as a form of payment 代币 ;a symbol of sth 象征,标志 Rewarding : worth doing, that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important 值得做的,有益的 a experience Teaching is not very financially rewarding.Vocation Career Job Industry Work ProfessionVacation Holiday Break Leave maternity leave2021-

10、12-2118SESSION TWO: TEXTSESSION TWO: TEXT 1. elect to/ as She became the first black woman to be elected to Senate (机构组织) He was elected (as) MP for Oxford East. 他被选为牛津东区的议员。 be elected President 2.Phenomenon: a person that is successful and impressive. 非凡的人才,奇才,奇迹。 phenomenal economic growth. 不寻常的经

11、济增长 3. Handicap: 1) a physical or mental disability 残疾 Blindness is a great handicap. 眼瞎是一大残疾。 2) any disadvantage that makes success more difficult. 不利的因素 Bad health is a handicap. 身体不好是不利因素。 2021-12-21 prejudice :歧视 偏见 +againstWe are prejudiced Prejudiced adj. 有些用人单位对女性求职者有偏见。 Some employers are p

12、rejudiced against female jobseekers. prejudice sb against sb/sth My own school days ed me against all formal education. 我自己的学生时代使我对所有的正规教育产生了偏见。 4. sit-in: 静坐罢工 to hold a sit-in to stage a sit-in举行,举办,stage a strike 4. Boycott: to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting 杯葛,抵制 W

13、e are appealing to people to boycott Carrefour . Charles Boycott British estate broker/land agent 地产中介、掮客 Lord Erne (lord 领主,相当于地主) In 1880, The Irish Land League lower rents tenants (佃户,租户). a campaign of isolation Neighbors Shops Local laborers the postman Freedom ride 自由乘车大游行 Freedom Rides : In19

14、60s,civil rights activists rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States to challenge racial discrimination acts on buses and trains). 4. When Jessica said that my performance at the karaoke bar had been incredible, I was incredulous. incredible incredulous Incredulous : not willi

15、ng or not able to believe sth; means skeptical or unbelieving. It refers to a persons response. 不肯相信的,不能相信的,表示怀疑的。 Incredible :impossible or very difficult to believe; means hard to believe, literally not able to be believed. 不能相信的,难以置信的 incredulous look/face incredible story contemptuous contemptib

16、le contemptuous look a contemptible person. That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men and, I am afraid, most women as bizarre. 那种认为(美国)存在着对女性的偏见的想法,让几乎所有的男性我恐怕还包括大部分的女性觉得很不可思议 brainwash v.对人洗脑,以宣传说服 Brainwash sb (into doing sth) 别让电视广告引诱你购买自己实际不需要的东西。 Dont le

17、t television commercials brainwash you into buying anything you actually dont need. A brainstorm= a brainwave 妙计 brainstorming 集思广益的 6. content with. n. v. adj. 名前动形后 我对这个计划很满意 I am quite content with this plan. Right? 我愿意等候。 I content to wait. Right? 他是个心满意足的人。 He was a content man. Right? 使动用法。 1.

18、 oneself with sth 2. sb content 不能放在名词前;contented常常放在名词前。 7. reap to get sth good as a result of what you have done Reap the reward/profit/benefit of sth : 得到回报/获利/受益 You reap what you sow. As a man sows, so he shall reap. 8. invariably : always Invariable: always the same, never changing an invaria

19、ble practice 一贯的做法 This is not invariably the case. For all but the last six, I have done the work all the tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat on election day while men reaped the rewards, which is almost invariably the lot of women in politics. 除了最后的那六年,其余那些年我干了很多活所有

20、单调但对竞选那天的胜负至关重要的琐碎事可享受到回报的却是男人,这几乎就是政界妇女千篇一律的命运。 强调句 常考的强调句结构是it 引导的句子。 It+be+被强调部分+that (强调部分指人做主语时时用who,指人做宾语时用whom)+句子的其他部分。 可用该结构分别强调主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语。 I met Tom in the street yesterday. It was I who met Tom in the street yesterday. It was Tom that (whom) I met in the street yesterday. It was in t

21、he street that ( X where) I met Tom yesterday. It was yesterday that (X when) I met Tom in the street. 1) It was last night _ I see the comet.A.the timeB.when C.thatD.which2)It has been ten years _ Miss Green returned to Canada. A. thatB. when C. since D. as3) lt was the things and people that they

22、remembered _ they were talking aboutA. thatB. when C. since D. as Separate but equal was a legal doctrine(原则through the case of Plessy v. Ferguson ) in United States Constitutional law that justified systems of segregation. Under this doctrine, services, facilities and public accommodations were all

23、owed to be separated by race, on the condition that the quality of each groups public facilities were to remain equal. 隔离但平等(Separate but equal),是种族隔离政策的一种表现形式,它试图通过为不同种族提供表面平等的设施或待遇,从而使实施空间隔离的做法合理化。 The best any of them can hope for is the honor of being district or county vice-chairman, a kind of

24、separate-but-equal position with which a woman is rewarded for years of faithful envelope stuffing and card-party organizing. 她们中任何一个人所能期待的最好结果是有幸当选为区或县的副主席,这是一个(符合)“隔离却平等”(原则)的职位,是对一位妇女多年来一直忠实地从事装信封和组织牌局工作的奖赏。2021-12-21 project: 投射;表现 (yourself) : They sought advice on how to project a more positiv

25、e image of their company. To present sb/ sth/ yourself to other people in a particular way, especially one that give a good impression. Projector 投影仪 Invest (sth) (in sth) 投资赚钱 (sth) (in/on sth) 投资公益公共设施 (sth) (in sth/doing sth) 投入时间精力等 现在是对房地产投资的好时机(a good time) Now it is a good time to invest in t

26、he property market. Spend (sth) (on sth) (doing sth/on doing sth ) 花钱 (sth) (on sth) (dong sth/ in doing sth) 花时间,度过 spend money updating their computer systems spend a penny Para 13 Build sb/sth up =build up sb/sth build up: to praise someone or something so that other people think they are really

27、good, often exaggerating your claims. 宣传。赞扬;吹捧 你必须表扬孩子,让他们觉得自己重要。 You have to build kids up to make them feel important. 信心/体质/抵抗力 Office : important position (c. u. ) an important position or authority, especially in government; the work and duties connected with this 要职,重要官职,重要职位 She held office a

28、s a cabinet minister for ten years. 担任内阁部长 When we do not spend our wealth on hardware to murder people, when we no longer tolerate prejudice against minorities, and when the laws against unfair housing and unfair employment practices are enforced instead of evaded, then there may be nothing more fo

29、r me to do in politics. 当我们不再将钱财耗费在武器装备上来杀人时,当我们不再容忍对弱势(少数派)群体的歧视时,当那些旨在惩治住房和就业方面的不公行为的法律得以实施而不是被束之高阁时,那么我在政界也就再没什么可做的了。 It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence to government the qualities we naturally have or have had to develop because of our suppression by

30、 men. 恰恰是妇女能将同情(人情味)、宽容、远见、忍耐和毅力带到政府中这是我们与生俱有的品质或是在男人的压迫下不得不培养出来的品质。 .Mold (American spelling): = mould 1. work into a required shape or form浇铸;铸模 2. to shape or to influence the way someones character or attitudes develop 塑造或影响(某人性格或态度)的形成。 I enjoy working with children, helping to mold their young

31、 minds. 我喜欢和小孩子打交道,帮着塑造他们稚嫩的头脑。 an attempt to mould public opinion . 影响舆论的企图Exercise c 1我是第一个克服这两个不利因素的人。 2美国白人一一一包括那些自认为开明的自由主义者需要很多年的时间来发现,并消除他们所有的种族主义态度。 3在这样的职位中。她们可能会获得几次免费参加抑或全国会议,或民主党和共 和党各自召开的全国代表大会。她们所做的也只是按照男主席的方式投一样的票。 4当一位聪明的女学生毕业后开始找工作时,为什么第一个问题总是:“你会打字吗?” Exercise c 5每一次我试图再上一个新台阶时,许多人

32、会劝我回到妇女的职业,做一名教师,把政治留给男人。 6但直到这些发生我们知道这不是今年或朋年的事因此我们所要做的是要更多的妇女进人政界,因为我们对此有特殊贡献。 7妇女善解人意、宽容,具有很强的洞察力、耐心和毅力这些都是我们与生俱来或由于受男人的压制而形成的品质,女人能把这些品质带到政府中来。 8目前,我们的国家也许在政治上比其他任何领域更需要女人的理想主义和决心。 Exercise B 1. makes the difference 2. phenomena 3. menial 4. prejudice 5. separate 6 predominate 7. rather than 8.

33、thought of Exercise B 1. makes the difference 2. phenomena 3. menial 4. prejudice 5. separate 6 predominate 7. rather than 8. thought of Exercise c 1. makes the difference 2. phenomena 3. menial 4. prejudice 5. separate 6 predominate 7. rather than 8. thought of Exercise D 1. 33. His story of having

34、 discovered the treasure buried by some pirates seemed (incredible, incredulous) to everyone Incredible: too strange to be believed difficult to believe Incredulous: unable or unwilling to believe something bacteria bacterium media medium Exercise D 2. 34. “But the piano is out of (tone, tune)”, she

35、 said in a disappointed (tone, tune). Tone: the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean 声调 Tune: a series of musical notes that are played or sung and are nice to listen to 曲调 to tune a guitar Exercise D 3. . Her friends expressed great (sympathy, empathy) to her when

36、 her mother died. Sympathy: the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation(表具体) Empathy: the ability to understand other peoples feelings and problems(表抽象) Exercise D 4. They are now enjoying a short (vocation, vacation) at the seashore. Vocation: the feeling that the purpose of yo

37、ur life is to do a particular type of work, especially because it allows you to help other people(尤指一种能够帮助他人的职业,比如说教师等) Vacation: a holiday, or time spent not working Exercise D 5 . A (content, contented) person is one who is happy with what he has. Content: happy and satisfied(因为别人的原因而使你感到满意) Conte

38、nted: happy and satisfied because your life is good(因为自己的原因而使你感到满意) Exercise D 6. All the streets will be (eliminated, illuminated) tomorrow evening for the celebration. Eliminate: to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted(有除掉敌人或淘汰比赛对手意思) Illuminate: to make a light shine on

39、 something, or to fill a place with light(原意为照亮,另有阐明的意思) The police have_ three suspects from their inquiry. A. eliminated B. illuminatedExercise D 7. Her (perseverance, persistence) in wearing that old-fashioned hat surprised her husband. Perseverance: determination to keep trying to achieve someth

40、ing in spite of difficulties(坚毅) persevere in doing sth (approving) Persevering 坚忍不拔的 不屈不挠的 Persistence: determination to do something even though it is difficult or other people oppose it (坚持或固执) Exercise D 8. The effect of the officers speech was such that the army recovered its (moral, morale) at

41、 once. Moral: relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil(道德) Morale: the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team etc (士气) Exercise D 1. being a blac

42、k man is much less disadvantageous than being a woman 2. Woman in America are much more forced to accept some beliefs 3. destiny 4. People who offer to do something 2021-12-21Exercise D 5. When I tried to escape that role 6. 1 faced the hostility which wasnt covered up 7. 1 was talking . about, a yo

43、ung woman who is seeming likely to succeed as a candidate 8. the law . was put into effect instead of being, kept out of the way. 2021-12-21 American women have made great contributions to the development of American society. But they have been suffering from all kinds of prejudices because of their

44、 gender. Politically ,they have been doing all the tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat, but have little chance to reach higher positions, while the men reap the rewards. Economically , women predominate in those lower-paying and dead-end jobs. They are invariably paid

45、 less than a man for the same job. Women in the US have been making important contributions to their country. However, they suffer from all kinds of discriminations against their gender. politically, they do all the tedious work that makes the difference between success and failure in elections, yet they can rarely be promoted to higher positions , for its always men who reap the rewards of their labor. In econ


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