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1、Lesson 71Hes awful !Everyday English1. Just leave me alone, please! 不要管我,别理我2.Dont be silly! 别傻了,别异想天开了3.Take your time. 不急!慢慢来!万圣节万圣节(HALLOWEEN) 万圣节(HALLOWEEN)为每年的10月31日。是11月1日诸圣节的前夕,通常叫做万圣节,这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。源自古代凯尔特民族(Celtic)的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰的同时,也以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬,是西方传统节日。 万圣节期间,许多

2、公共场所乃至居家院落,都会布置上很多装璜,诸如各式鬼怪、南瓜灯、还有黑猫以及巫婆的扫帚之类;孩子们会穿上每年不一样的万圣节服装,拎着南瓜灯的提篓去挨家挨户地讨糖,说是“trick or treat”。 关于这一日得起源,存在四种不同的说法,但都与鬼有关。流传至今,已经几乎没有了任何宗教或迷信色彩成分,人们的打扮已经不止是鬼怪,任何人都可以随意发挥,很多地区每年都会组织举行大型化妆游行活动,热闹非凡。 庆祝活动从10月31日晚开始,称为万圣节前夜(Halloween)。主要流行在说习惯英语的一些国家。在前夜,人们会按照风俗带上面具、穿上奇异的衣服打扮成鬼怪的模样,家家户户都会用南瓜雕空做成灯。孩

3、子们会打扮好后提着南瓜灯挨家挨户讨要糖果。人们在这天并不拜祭祖先或鬼神。据说打扮成鬼怪模样和做南瓜灯是为了吓跑出来作恶的鬼怪。 万圣节 - 食物 由于万圣夜临近苹果的丰收期,太妃糖苹果(toffee apples)成为应节食品。黑色和橙色是万圣节的传统颜色。现代万圣节的产品也大量使用紫色、绿色和红色。秋天的元素如南瓜和稻草人等,也成为万圣节的象征。 不请客就捣乱 万圣节(万圣夜)的主要活动是“不请客就捣乱”(Trick-or-treat)。小孩装扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门钟,大叫:Trick or Treat!(意即不请客就捣乱),主人家(可能同样穿着恐怖服装)便会派出一些糖果、朱

4、古力或是小礼物。部分家庭甚至使用声音特效和制烟机器营造恐怖气氛。大多数家庭十分乐于款待这些天真烂漫的小孩,于是,小孩一晚取得的糖果往往以袋计,整袋整袋的搬回家。 杰克灯 杰克灯是万圣节最广为人知的象征物。在英国和爱尔兰,当地人原本在挖空的芜菁中燃点蜡烛造成杰克灯,但移民到美国的人很快便采用南瓜代替,因为南瓜比较大和容易在上面雕刻图案。不少家庭在南瓜上刻上吓人的面容,并放在大门口的阶梯上,传统上此做法是想吓走恶魔或妖怪。 咬苹果 万圣节前夜最流行的游戏是“咬苹果游戏” (Bobbing for Apples)游戏时,人们让苹果漂浮在装满水的盆里,然后让参与者在不用手的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬到

5、,谁就是优胜者。 占卜游戏 在爱尔兰,有一种传统占卜游戏,参加者蒙着眼,从放着几个小碟的桌上选出其中一只,如摸到的碟盛有泥土,代表来年会有与参加者有关的人过身,如盛有水代表会远行,盛有钱币代表会发财,盛有豆代表会穷困等等。 万圣节 - 食物 其他特色食品还有:粟米糖、热苹果酒、烘南瓜子。 万圣节 - 食物 万圣节的传统食物是苹果汁、爆玉米花、南瓜馅饼和女巫状的香料生姜饼等。Review 介词at(1)用介词at的时间短语通常表示: 确切的时间(at 10 oclock) 用餐时间(at lunchtime) 其他时刻(at noon/night) 年龄(at the age of 28) 节日

6、(at Spring Festival/Christmas等没有day的节日)(2)介词at可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前。 at the butchers; at home; at the office; at the bus-station; 介词 on: (1)具体的时日和一个特定的时间, 如某日、某节日、星期几等。 on Christmas Day ; on Monday ; on May 4th ; on April ;(2)在某个特定的早晨、下午或晚上。 He arrivs at 10 oclock on the night of the 5th. (3)准时,按时。 If t

7、he train should be on time, I should reach home before dark. 介词 in: 一天中的某段时间(in the evening) 月份(in March) 年份(in 1997) 季节(in spring) 世纪(in the 20th century) 节日(in Easter week【时间长的】) 时期(in the holidays)总结 【in】是“大姐”,因为后面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。 【on】是 “二姐”,后面所接的时间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体时间、纪念日等)。 【at】是“小妹”,因为接在后面的时间最

8、短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。4.复习countries England France Germany Italy America Japan Australia Austria Canada Denmarkdenm:k Finland Poland Thailand India Turkey Korea Nigeria naidiri Russia Brazil brzil Holland Norway Spain Sweden Greece There were twenty cars in the race. There were English cars, French cares, G

9、erman cars. Italian cars. American cars and Japanese cars.EnglandFranceGermanyItalyAmericaJapan There were twenty cars in the race. There were Austrian cars, Australian cares, Canadiancars. Dane cars. Finlish cars and Polish cars.AustriaAustraliaDenmarkFinlandPolandCanada There were twenty cars in t

10、he race. There were Thai cars, Indian cares, Turkish cars. Korean cars. Nigerian cars and Russian cars.ThailandIndiaTurkeyKoreaNigeriaRussia There were twenty cars in the race. There were Brazilian cars, Dutch cares, Norwegian cars. Spainish cars. Swedenish and Greek cars.BrazilHollandNorwaySpainSwe

11、denGreeceNew wordsWords:awful :ful adj. 让人讨厌的,坏的让人讨厌的,坏的telephone telifun v. & n. 打电话;电话打电话;电话timetaim n. 次(数);时间次(数);时间answer :ns v. 接(电话);回答接(电话);回答Words:last l:st adj. 最后的,前一次的最后的,前一次的phone fun n. 电话(电话(=telephone)againein adv. 又一次地又一次地say (said)seised v. 说说 Key words: awful :ful adj. 让人讨厌的,坏的让人讨

12、厌的,坏的 awfully adv. 非常(在表示负面的情景中,非常(在表示负面的情景中, 可用可用awfully代替代替very I am awfully(very) sorry.Words: telephone telifun (1) n.电话;电话机;电话;电话机;He got up and answered the telephone.他起身去接了电话他起身去接了电话(2)v.给给打电话;打电话给打电话;打电话给They usually telephone first to see if she is at home.他们通常先打个电话,看看她在不在家他们通常先打个电话,看看她在不在家

13、Words: time taim n. 次(数)次(数) time在英语中作不可数名词时表示在英语中作不可数名词时表示“时间时间”; 作可数名词时表示作可数名词时表示“次数次数”,三次或三次以上,三次或三次以上通常用基数词通常用基数词+times表示:表示: once, twice, three timesWords:time常用短语:常用短语: on time 按时,准时按时,准时in time 及时及时all the time 一直一直 Please come to school on time tomorrow.明天请按时来学校。明天请按时来学校。You should hand in y

14、our homework in time.你应该及时交作业。你应该及时交作业。Ive been waiting here all the time.我一直在等待我一直在等待。 once upon a time 很久很久以前很久很久以前cheat the time 打发时间打发时间 We are cheating the time by playing cards.我们我们通过打牌打发时间通过打牌打发时间。watch ones time 等待时机等待时机 Im watching my time.拓展:拓展:Words: answer :ns v. 接(电话)接(电话) v. 对对作出反应;响应作

15、出反应;响应 answer the phone/telephone 接电话接电话 answer the door/doorbell 应声开门应声开门 Mary take a few minutes to answer the door. 玛丽拖了几分钟时间才去开门。玛丽拖了几分钟时间才去开门。 v. 回答;答复回答;答复 answer a letter 回信回信I didnt think you answered my question.我认为你没有回答我的问题我认为你没有回答我的问题 n. 答案;解决办法;答复答案;解决办法;答复I wrote him several letters but

16、 couldnt get an answer.我给他写了好几封信,可都没有回音。我给他写了好几封信,可都没有回音。Do you know the answer to Question 10?你知道第你知道第10题的答案吗?题的答案吗? Words: last l:st adj. 最后的,前一次的最后的,前一次的I thought her last book was one of her best. 我认为她我认为她最近最近出版出版的那本书的那本书是她的最佳著作之一。是她的最佳著作之一。Why didnt you catch the last bus as I told you to? 你怎么不

17、听我的话赶乘你怎么不听我的话赶乘末班公共汽车末班公共汽车呢呢? Words: phone= telephone n.电话电话 fun phone是希腊语,声音,嗓音,后来有喇叭是希腊语,声音,嗓音,后来有喇叭 的意思,是指用电话听筒代表电话。的意思,是指用电话听筒代表电话。 telephone有希腊语词头有希腊语词头tele,远程的意思。,远程的意思。 可以远程传话的话筒就是电话。可以远程传话的话筒就是电话。 由于在所有话筒中电话使用率远远高于由于在所有话筒中电话使用率远远高于 其他话筒,所以在没有歧义的情况下可以用其他话筒,所以在没有歧义的情况下可以用 phone代指代指telephone,

18、当然当然phone 还可以代指还可以代指mobilephone(手机手机)。Words: again adv. 又一次地;再又一次地;再 ein Try again. 再试试。再试试。 Say that again, please. 请再说一遍。请再说一遍。 said(say) sed sei say的过去式,用于一般过去时的过去式,用于一般过去时Listen to the tape then answer this question.Words:Listen to the tape then answer this question.How did Pauline answer the te

19、lephone at nine oclock?Text:JANE: Whats Ron Marston like, Pauline?PAULINE: Hes awful! He telephoned me four times yesterday, and three times the day before yesterday.Text:PAULINE: He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon. My boss answered the telephone.Text: JANE: What did

20、your boss say to him? PAULINE: He said, Pauline is typing letters. She cant speak to you now!Text:PAULINE: Then I arrived home at six oclock yesterday evening. He telephoned again. But I didnt answer the phone!Words:JANE:Did he telephone again last night?PAULINE: Yes, he did. He telephoned at nine o

21、clock.JANE: What did you say to him?PAULINE: I said, This is Paulines mother. Please dont telephone my daughter again!Text:Text :JANE: Did he telephone again?PAULINE: No, he didnt!Words:How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine oclock?She pretended herself as her mother.(pretend as 假装)假装)Notes on

22、 the texts课文注释课文注释Text:1.Whats Ron Marston like? What is sb. like? 询问某人的询问某人的外貌或品行外貌或品行。 Whats your father like? 你爸爸这个人怎么样?你爸爸这个人怎么样?Text:Whats like? 什么怎么样?什么怎么样? Whats the climate like in your country? 你们国家的天气怎么样?你们国家的天气怎么样?Whats the weather like in spring? 春天的天气是怎么样的?春天的天气是怎么样的?Text:2. four times

23、四次四次作可数名词时表示作可数名词时表示“次数次数”,三次或,三次或三次以上通常用基数词三次以上通常用基数词+times表示:表示: once, twice, three timesText:3. yesterday n.昨天昨天 一般过去时一般过去时的句子中常常有的句子中常常有表示过去某一时刻表示过去某一时刻的的时间时间状语状语 常见的过去时时间状语有常见的过去时时间状语有:yesterday 昨天昨天 yesterday morning 昨天早上昨天早上yesterday afternoon 昨天下午昨天下午yesterday evening 昨天晚上昨天晚上Text:last night

24、 昨夜昨夜the day before yesterday 前天前天the day before yesterday in the morning 前天早上前天早上the day before yesterday in the afternoon 前天下午前天下午the day before yesterday in the evening 前天夜晚前天夜晚the night before last 前夜前夜Key words:一般现在时todaythis morningthis afternoonthis eveningtonight 一般过去时一般过去时yesterdayyesterday

25、 morningyesterday afternoonyesterday eveninglast nightthe day before yesterdaythe day before yesterday in the morningthe day before yesterday in the afternoonthe day before yesterday in the eveningthe night before lastText:5.She cant speak to you now!她现在不能和你讲话!她现在不能和你讲话!speak to sb. 与某人说话与某人说话=talk

26、to sb.May I speak to Pauline, please?=Id like to speak to Pauline, please.我能和我能和Jack说话吗?说话吗?6.This is . 接打电话的标准用语:接打电话的标准用语: 我是我是.Text :陈述句陈述句:主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式+其他其他 主语主语+be动词过去式动词过去式+其他其他 He arrived home at six oclock yesterday evening. We were students three years ago.一般疑问句一般疑问句:助动词助动词+主语主语+动词原形动词原形

27、+其他其他 Did he telephone you four times?肯定回答肯定回答:Yes, he did.否定回答否定回答: No,he didnt=No, he did not.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+一般疑问句一般疑问句 What did he do yesterday morning? 5. 一般过去时的构成:一般过去时的构成:课堂小练习课堂小练习:1、Anna, dinner is ready. Wheres Peter? He ( )his homework in his room.A does B did C is doing D will do2、

28、( ) are the two girls doing in the calssroom.A Who B What C Where D when3、Lucy is talking( )Tom ( )the sports meeting.A to; about B about; to C with; to D to; with4、Who is Nancy( )? Her mother.A waiting B waiting for C waitting for D is waiting5、Wang Bin is ( )a book. Li Tao is ( ) the blackboard.A

29、rading; looking B reading; looking atC seeing; looking at D watching; looking for课堂小练习课堂小练习:6、He often ( )ping-pong with his friends. Now they( )ping-pong at school.A play;paly B palys; playing C plays; are playing D palys; is playing7、Look! Many people are waiting ( ) the bus shop.A for B at C with

30、 D /8、Here is a photo ( ) my family . There are five people ( ) my family.A of; in B of; on C for; in D for;on句型转换:句型转换:1、The man is working in the factory. (对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)2、 Here is a photo of my family. (改为复数句子)改为复数句子)3、She likes to buy something on sundays. ( 改为同义句)改为同义句)4、 The boys are playing

31、 volleyball. (用(用playing basketball 改为选择疑问句)改为选择疑问句)Lesson 72When did you.? 你什么时候?你什么时候?【过去式的变化规则过去式的变化规则】 一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加ed。 如:wanted,played。 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加d。 如:hoped,lived。【过去式的变化规则过去式的变化规则】 重读闭音节单词需双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed。 如:stopped, shipped。 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词变y为i,再加ed。 如:studied,worried。【过去式的变化规则过去式的变化规则】

32、 有些动词不符合上面的规则,需要特殊记忆.如am(is)-was, are-were, go-went, eat-ate, swim-swam, buy-bought, see-saw, teach-taught, bring-brought, think-thought, fall-fell, hurt-hurt, break-broke, win-won, lose-lost Review of Past Tense 一般过去时态复习 一般过去时1. 一般现在时:表示经常发生的事情或者动作。2. 现在进行时:表示正在发生的事情或者进行的动作。3. 一般过去时:过去发生的事情或者动作。Eg:

33、 She cleans her room everyday,but yesterday she forgot to do it. 一般过去时的应用动词的过去式:在表示过去发生的事情时,句子中的动词需要用过去式。动词过去式的变化规则: 1.ved clean-cleaned 2.以e结尾d move-moved 3.不规则动词: be 动词 is,amwas arewere 助动词 do-did 实义动词 eat-ate go-went have-had come-came forget-forgot buy-bought think-thought 练习用 yesterday 改写下列句子。1

34、. I am at the church now.2. My son is at the school today.3. We are at the office now.4. There is a bus on the road.5. Are there any cars here?6. Here are some butterflies.There be there be句型是“有”,表示某处存在某(物)人。 我常见的结构有两种: 1 There is +单数名词(不可数名词)+in/at/on. 2 There are +复数名词+in/at/on. (2)Be动词,有三个,am is还

35、有are, “there be真特别,不留am只留俩,is还有are。要用is还是are ,须看后面的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is ,否则就用are。 There is a girl in the classroom. There is some water in the bottle. There are some bananas in the box.记忆口诀 there be句型有特点, 主语跟在be后面; 地时放句末, 强调置前头。 There is a pen on the desk. 有时为了强调地点,也可把介词短语放在句后。 On the desk there is a pen. (3)注意:如果“be”后的主语是由and连接的两个或两个以上的名词,那么be的形式要遵循“远亲不如近邻”的原则。也就是说,“be”的形式是由与它最近的那个名次来决定的。若那个名词是单数或不可数名词要用is,是复数就用are。1,There is a teacher and forty stu


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