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2、LettersUnit 11. AgenciesIntroductionUnit 11. AgenciesAgencies and agents are indispensable to international business.It is convenient for companies to engage in international business through agents.Agencies 代理机构PrincipalAgencyForeign partyPrincipalForeign partyOpen up a marketAgencyEmploy an agent

3、to help sell its productsPrincipalAgencyForeign partyAgencyagreement 2. Vocabulary & Notes Unit 11. Agenciesagency n. 代理 代理处agent n. 代理人 经纪人Party n. 当事人principal n. 委托人subsidiary n. 子公司agency agreement. 代理协议VocabularyP 231commission n. 佣金entrust v. 信赖 交托sole adj. 唯一的exclusive adj. 唯一的独占的indispensabl

4、e adj. 不可缺少的open up 打开 开发on behalf of 代表engage in 使从事,参加VocabularyThe general agent 总代理The sole/exclusive agent 独家代理The buying agent 采购代理Credit terms 赊销条件Del credere commission 货价保付佣金NOTES 3. Agent & Agency agreement Unit 11. Agencies1.General agents 总代理A general agent buys or sells certain commodit

5、ies on a commission basis on behalf of their foreign principals.总代理 代表国外委托人们 以获得佣金为前提 买卖某种货物。Types of agents2.Sole agents 独家代理A sole agent deals in commodities exclusively for one foreign principal in a certain district.独家代理 只为唯一的某个国外委托人 经营某一领域商品。Types of agents 1.General agent plenipotentiary 总代理是委

6、托人在指定地区的全权代表,有权代表委托人从事一般商务活动和某些非商务性事务。 权利范围大Difference between G&S 2.Sole agentEngaged in business stipulated in the agent agreement. Principal can not employ another agent.在指定地区和期限内单独代表委托人行事,从事代理协议中规定的有关业务。委托人在该地区内不得委托其他代理人。唯一 限制 Difference between G&S 1.Function 功能The agency agreement serves as 充当

7、the cardinal basis for the division of the rights and responsibilities between the principal and the agent.代理协议 是划分委托人与代理处之间权利与义务的 基本依据。Agency agreement 2.Contents 内容Agency agreement The names 名称Scopes 范围Contents 内容Price ranges 价格幅度Terms of payment 付款方式kinds of foreign currency of the entrustedimpor

8、t or export 交托进出口商品的币种commodity 货物,商品other terms that shall be specified.其他需要规定的条款Agency agreement The extent of the right of the agent authorized by the principal. 经委托人授权的 代理人的权利范围The rights and obligations of both parties as well as the expenses that they shall bear.规定双方权利义务及应担费用 Agency agreement

9、The agency commission and other stipulations on the sharing of other economic interests. 规定代理处的佣金 以及其他规定的 共享的 经济利益The settlement of disputes. 纠纷的解决方式The period of validity of the agency agreement. 代理协议的有效期 4. Rights & ObligationsUnit 11. AgenciesPrincipal1.Timely present the agent with the relevant

10、information about the entrusted import or export of commodity. 及时向代理人提供 所交托进出口货物的相关信息。2.Fulfill his obligations according to the stipulations of the agency agreement and the import or export contract, including timely providing the agent with funds needed for importing commodity or with the commodit

11、y entrusted for export.履行代理协议 和进出口合同中规定的 相关义务,包括及时向代理人提供进口货物和交付出口货物时所需要的资金。Obligations:PrincipalRights:1.The principal may with the agents agreement take part in the negotiations with the foreign party . 经代理人同意,委托人同国外当事人磋商谈判。PrincipalNot allowed:1.Inquire for foreign commodity or conduct business ne

12、gotiations with the foreign party by himself.单独查询国外货物或与国外当事人进行商业谈判2.Make any forms of commitment by himself to the foreign party as regards the terms and conditions of the contract.无视合同上的条款和条件,单独同国外当事人建立任何形式的合作。 Agent 1.Sign the import or export contract with the foreign party in his own name and ti

13、mely hand over the copy of the contract to the principal. 代理人以本人名字与国外当事人签署进出口合同并及时移交副本至委托人。Obligations: Agent 2.Guarantee that the terms and conditions of the import of export contract shall tally with the relevant existing laws, rules and other regulations on foreign trade administration system, co

14、nform to the international practice, and protect the interests of the principal. 确保进出口合同涉及的条款和条件符合相关的现行法律法规 以及国外贸易管理系统的条例,遵守国际惯例,保护委托人的利益。Obligations: Agent 3.Provide the principal with the quotations for the entrusted commodity on the international market and make timely report of the business deve

15、lopment and of how the agents obligations are performed.代理人向委托人提供交托货物在国际市场上的价目,并及时报告生意的进程 以及代理人是如何履行其义务的。Obligations: Agent 1.Make changes or amendments with the foreign party of the import or export contract.与国外当事人共同更改或修正进出口合同。Rights:5. Sentence Patterns Unit 11. Agencies一. Agent 代理方1.询问 I/We wonde

16、r whether your companyis represented in our country.我不知道贵公司在我国是否有代理。一. Agent 代理方2.推荐自己做代理 (请求担任代理)Offer our services as your agent Be interested in becoming/acting as your agentApply as your agent 一. Agent 代理方2.推荐自己做代理 (请求担任代理) Since you are not represented here in this country, we would like to off

17、er our service as your (sole) agent, handling you export trade with this country.We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting. 一. Agent 代理方2.推荐自己做代理 (请求担任代理) We should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agents for the sales of your products in our country. We are ve

18、ry interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion your products in our country.一. Agent 代理方请求作为独家代理: On an exclusive basis Act as agent on a sole commission basis Handle .(commodity) on an exclusive basis二.委托方对于代理方的请求有两种反应:同意不同意 同意某人做代理Approve your proposal for acting as

19、our agentAccept your proposal to act as our agent1.同意Thank you for offering us the agency for your products and appreciate the confidence you have placed in us.Thank you for giving us the agency, we should spare no efforts to further your interests.As your agents, well make greater efforts to push t

20、he sale of your products.同意后代理方表达感谢1.同意2.拒绝 Well leave aside the problem of agency until next week. Were not prepared to take the agency into consideration for the time bing. We wont consider agency in your market at present. 2.拒绝 We have to decline your proposal of acting as our sole agency. I thin

21、k it premature for us to discuss the question of agency. Im afraid we cant agree to appoint you as our sole agent because the annual turnover you promised is too low. 三.Principal 委托方1.委托某人做代理 Appoint sb. (as) agent in (place)for (commodity) Appoint sb. (as) for the sale of (commodity) in .(place) Av

22、ail yourself of our services as selling agents (avail oneself of.利用) 三. Principal 委托方1.委托某人做代理 In consideration of your extensive experience in the field , we are glad to appoint you as our agent. Weve decided to entrust you with the sole agency for cars. Entrust sb. With sole agent 做独家代理 三. Princip

23、al 委托方1.委托某人做代理Thank you for your proposal of acting as our agent. Well consider appointing you as our sole agent for our T shirts for the next two years in your local market. 三. Principal 委托方1.委托某人做代理(代理期限:I propose a sole agency agreement for T shirts for a period of 2 years)We decide to grant you

24、 the exclusive selling right for our products. 三. Principal 委托方2.表达愿意与代理人联系 If you are interested in our proposal ,please let us know which of our products are most likely to appeal to your customers, and also the terms for commission and other charges on which you would be willing to represent us.

25、Your endeavors have made it possible for our commodity to win a good reputation in your district.四. Agent 代理方1.展示实力,提供何种便利与好处 Having had much experience in marketing electrical home appliances , we are familiar with customers need and we are confident we can develop a good market for your in southwe

26、st Asia. 四. Agent 代理方1.展示实力,提供何种便利与好处We have been in the line for more than 20 years and have good connections with the wholesalers and retailers.We can provide first-class reference, and have adequate storage facilities and well-situated showrooms. 四. Agent 代理方1.展示实力,提供何种便利与好处佣金问题:代理商的要求 We usually

27、 get a 10% commission of the amount on every deal. 五.Principal 委托方1.提出对代理方的要求和条件寻找代理时请注意reliability and financial soundnesstechnical ability to deal with the goods to be marketed market connections and sales effectiveness 五. Principal 委托方1.提出对代理方的要求和条件Unless you increase the turnover, we can hardly

28、appoint you as our sole agent.As our sole distributor, you are not expected to handle the sale of similar products of other origins. 五. Principal 委托方1.提出对代理方的要求和条件 It would be necessary for you to test the market for our product you end. You would also have to build up a much. larger turnover to jus

29、tify a sole agency. You need to expand the impact of our product through the advertising and promotional activities.6. Specimen LettersUnit 11. AgenciesPleas turn to page 223敬启者: 我们最近参加了一个了在开罗举行的国际摄影展览,我们对你方相机的高质量、迷人的设计和合理的价格留下了深刻的印象。后来看完你方的全套目录后,我们相信你们的产品在大马士革会有前途无量的市场。如果你方还没有在这里指定代理,我们将很有兴趣成为你们的独家

30、代理。 作为20多年来摄影贸易的主要进口商和经销商,我们对大马士革的市场有很好的了解。通过我们的销售组织,我们和主要的零售商有很好的联系。 Letter1 我们也是一些其他商品的独家代理,如果你对我们的建议有兴趣的话,我们可以提供英国制造商的头等参考给你。我们坚信,你方产品在大马士革委托一个市场代理将会给我们都带来相当大的好处,我们非常期待你方对我方的提议感兴趣。 我们的物资供应处长萨利姆阿卜杜拉先生5月份将会待在伯明翰,他将很高兴联系你如果我们收到你方正面的回应。 Letter1结构:Agents self recommendationHow and where he gets the in

31、formation of the principalSelf-introduction:show the superiorityExpress the willingness to be the sole agentLetter1 敬启者, 感谢你5月4号的来信和对我们照相机的评论。我们只是一个新公司,但是扩展得很快。现在我公司海外代理还只限制在西欧国家,在这些国家,我们的相机卖的很好。然而,我们对于在更远的地方的发展我们的贸易的机会很有兴趣。 我们非常乐意与萨利姆阿卜杜拉先生在伯明翰会面来进一步讨论你的建议。如果萨利姆阿卜杜拉先生将会与我们联系并安排会面,我们同样也可以安排他参观我们的工厂以

32、便于他可以亲自看到我们相机种材料的质量和制作的工艺。 Letter2短语:develop trade further afield 到更远处发展贸易With a view to 为了,为的是Letter2结构:Principals replyExpress thanks Express the interest of agents proposalExpress the willingness of meeting and further discussingLetter2 敬启者: 我们从我们的邻居佛马卡尔勃兰特那里得知你之前一直通过(德国)不来梅港市的佛马和施密特进行在德国市场的五金器具的

33、购买,然而考虑到他们企业的倒闭,您现在需要一个可靠的代理来代替他们。 我们公司在德国的五金制品制造商中很有名气,而且我们相信我们有必要的经验和关系网络来满足你的要求。因此我们希望提供给你我们在德国采购代理的服务。 在将我们的业务转移到德国之前我们在英国有很多年的经验,并且知道英国市场的特殊需求,我们保证为你提供无与伦比的服务关于价格、折扣和货物方面。Letter3 由于Firma Brandt 承诺向你推荐我们做你们公司的代理商,我们在此总结了我们如果成为你方代理商的条件。 1.我们将有完全的订货自由。 2.所有的购买都是代表你的并以你的名义。 3.所有的结算账目都由供应方直接递给你。 4.佣

34、金是CIF装运价格的百分之五,每季度支付 一次。 5.我们与装运公司安排的很有利的条款以及我们 将从保险中获得的特殊利率都会使你们受益匪浅。 我们希望你们会接受我们以上的条件,期待尽快收到你方决定的来信。 Letter3短语:promise you unrivaled service 保证提供给你方无与伦比的服务In matter of 关于,与有关On ones behalf 代表某人Letter3结构:How and where he gets the information of the principalSelf-introduction:show the superioritySpe

35、cific Terms of agentLetter3 敬启者: 我们很高兴从你方10月22号的来信中得知你方愿意接受作为我方的代理在埃及销售我们的货物。以下列出的是在本月上旬你公司杰森先生拜访我公司时讨论并同意的条款,但是在签订正式合同前我方希望得到你方的确认。1.代理从2005年1月开始为期三年,届满可续约延长。2.你方代理机构作为我方在埃及经销商品的独家代理。3.在埃及市场上竞争性商品是不能销售的,不论是你们公司或者其他公司。4.所有客户的订单应立即快速的传递我方便于我方直接供应。Letter45.在没有我方表明同意的情况下,不能给予或承诺任何客户信用证条款。6.所有供应商品由我们直接开

36、发票给客户,并给你方一份复印件。7.不论是否通过你方下订单,所有运往埃及的货物都按FOB价并有5%的佣金,并且在每季度完结是付款。8.一个特殊的2.5%的保付佣金已被添加。9.客户直接与我们结账,我们收到的所有付款都会在每个月底给你方寄去清单。10.在协议下不同意见产生的所有问题交由仲裁解决。 如果你方能确认这些条款我方将非常高兴。我们将起草一份正式的协议并复印一份交由你方签字。Letter4 Set out below 以下列出的是Subject to renewal 届满可续约延长Del credere commission 保付佣金Letter4词组结构:Confirm letter written by principalExpress thank


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